Hi @Ales100! thanks for getting back to me.
I've actually not changed that much in the data, however what has been changed completely alters the driving characteristics of the vehicle for wheel users. It would appear that the current #LINEAR_STEER_ROD_RATIO and #STEER_RATIO values are incorrect for wheel users, as the vehicle is currently reaching full steering angle on the tire after traveling less than 45 degrees rotation in any given direction.
If my calculations are correct, and they aren't, when using my new configuration the vehicle will no longer reach full steering angle on the tire until its traveled around 135 degrees in any given direction. While this is still technically incorrect it's much closer to the actual real world steering ratio these vehicles used and is delivered in a much more linear fashion.
If you load up AC and enable the suspensions app you can turn the wheel in any direction to see this in action, you'll need to reset toe etc first as they will all impact the results.
This wasn't and isn't the first car to display these characteristics for me, however as many of the other vehicles were encrypted this is one of the few I've been able to correct.
What I did notice during testing was how the steer ratio and its linearity responded to controller use. For example when using the creators default ratios the vehicles drive wonderfully well when using an XBOXONE controller.
This leads me to believe that many of these vehicles are built and tested by non wheel users, and while this in itself is not a problem an issue does arise when you try to fix or correct an encrypted vehicle. There are many mods including BK etc that appear to be encrypting the data.acd of the vehicles. This makes it completely impossible to correct or for a user to simply adjust the steering ratio of any given vehicle to suit their driving style or their setup.
I believe that a lot of reported handling issues are in fact directly related to the implementation of the vehicles #LINEAR_STEER_ROD_RATIO, #STEER_LOCK and #STEER_RATIO values.
As for the speed of the vehicle I have to admit that I'm a bit "casual" when it comes to that department, I have no idea how fast many of the vehicles I drive should go only that they should be fun and enjoyable to drive.