Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Can you better explain, about missing textures?
Actually i've in mind fixes like shaders adjustment (some walls and bridges too bright), some other object with incorrect shadows (a building near the pitlane)... Also the crowd in main stands, but i don't know if i'm able to do it and in it worth.

Thanks :)

Please SIC58 grandstand
Can someone explain me what Ambient Occlusion (AO) VAO do exactly what they mean for Assetto Corsa and how they affect the game? And if I don't ask too much why there are different LOD for cars, such as the lod_a, lod_b and so on...? Thanks in advance
My guess being that you have never been to Spain, nothing strange about that 'Osborne' bull overlooking the environment/surroundings.
You can see these in several places irl... :)

Ole oleee el toro de Osborneeee
Myogi Circuit - Initial D. Street Stage

ripped by Guki, converted to AC by RMi

changelog / features:
- 2 pit/start + hotlap (pits are untested w/AI)
- lap timers working
- AI (its very fast)
- smoother mountain mesh
- skin with higher res textures from alternate IDSS source (still very small res) + better edge grass texture
- grassFX, lightsFX (flashing markers)
- removed cars TSO from pits

- more pit/starts (how many will depend on pit area)
- cameras (need)
- rainFX (need)
- better trees / treewall
- surface tweaks
- higher res textures

- car can "stick" in some walls on collision
- speedbump roadmesh in pits, untested w/AI

note: please delete previous version completely due to name change.
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The new CSP flames look ok, I had high hopes after seeing how good the rain looks. I hope the flames can be customised, for me, they are a little underwhelming at present.
The new CSP flames look ok, I had high hopes after seeing how good the rain looks. I hope the flames can be customised, for me, they are a little underwhelming at present.
Does new rain works with sol weather presets or its part of CSP and nees to be turned on or of with CSP?And rain configs are still manual download and install or?Thanks
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I dont see any rain, nor does the track get any slower as a result. I am on a much older version of SOL if that has anything to do with it (with the pre-baked clouds). I chose heavy rain and it just looks foggy to me.
With so many updates, you may have missed it...

The search function on this thread reveals the following info on the Ferrari P4/5...
...go to page #1921, Report #57627 from K E N N E T H (Nov 16, 2020) and join his discord channel to download...
the link in his discord doesn't work anymore

It's very likely you have two conflicting config files.

Check to see if there is an ext_config.ini or *trackname*.ini (trackname=folder or kn.5 file name of track) file in these locations...

1. In an extension folder within the track folder and if it contains an ext_config.ini file
2. In the assettocorsa/config/tracks folder and if it contains a *trackname*.ini file
3. In the assettocorsa/config/tracks/loaded folder and if it contains a *trackname*.ini file

You should have only one config file, so if you find multiples, keep the latest version and move the others to a backup folder and test.

Most track config files should be stored in the loaded folder (#3 above), or they can be in the track's extension folder.
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Speaking of

Sidelines and new pit for Misano:

4. The only graphical issue I notice is with the crowds. Some grandstands are filled, others are completely empty.

Otherwise, this track is f@ckin' great.

Thanks a lot ;)
About grandstands, crowd is missing on the original ones (i put some new stands that comes already with crowd)... Actually i'm serching some easy way to add it, even with the native "camera facing" feature, but i'm stil not able to make it works correctly

I`ve spent some time with the track as its one of my favourites. All I can say is that your graphical upgrades ar on point. I compared it with real thing on normal track day analyzing on-board videos and there is really only couple of things different (like more billboards in certain areas, san marino graphics on the last corner and currently additional building is in construction on the main straight). Everything alse is close enough for me. Even the trees placement and shape is similar.

I like it to the point that I lost my interest in ACC conversion. Frankly speaking ACC track is slightly over the top. There are additional trees, flags and some structures that are not present in real life. Surely mesh is more accurate and this is probably the only thing for me.
Many, many thans for this fantastic update !

Nice to hear it.... I've used the ACC version as reference, i try to reproduce the side tracks objects as near as possible.
I've tryed also to add the other two artworks, san Marino and Sic58, but is a bit difficult for my skills, i wasn't satisfied with the result and i give up.
Waiting for @CrisT86 config file, now we have cameras and sidelines, so we are near to a good new release, thanks to the GTP community :cheers:
Hey : )

Someone have some issues with new CSP and sol 2.4 or it's just like me ? I mean shadows on wet road are moving for no reason. I mean I can see tree shadow on road and this shadow is moving like tree is moving with high speed - if you know what I mean : DD Also I noticed that on replays rain is droping only in the middle of the screen and I have dirt splash under tyres.
I dont see any rain, nor does the track get any slower as a result. I am on a much older version of SOL if that has anything to do with it (with the pre-baked clouds). I chose heavy rain and it just looks foggy to me.
You have to have the latest SOL 2.0 RC4 for it to control Rain FX.
The new CSP flames look ok, I had high hopes after seeing how good the rain looks. I hope the flames can be customised, for me, they are a little underwhelming at present.
Based just on the photos or have you actually seen them in motion?
Thanks for this, I like this track @shi. It's pretty challenging to learn- undulating surfaces, a few blind turns, an oval style sweeper, and long straights. The ai was borked so I went ahead and fixed it, and also added 3 drs zones. The readme says there is a problem with a pit spot but I didn't notice anything. Of the two layouts, I think I like the "sprint" version best.

Something I noticed- there's a strange spectator over looking the track, It's a little intimidating:View attachment 977288

AI for La Dehesa:

what Formula car was this in this post? View attachment 977288
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Can someone explain me what Ambient Occlusion (AO) VAO do exactly what they mean for Assetto Corsa and how they affect the game? And if I don't ask too much why there are different LOD for cars, such as the lod_a, lod_b and so on...? Thanks in advance

Taken from Wikipedia: "In 3D computer graphics, modeling, and animation, ambient occlusion is a shading and rendering technique used to calculate how exposed each point in a scene is to ambient lighting."

For AC, this means that cars and tracks looks more realistic as features become more defined in each lighting condition. The necessity of it depends on your standards and the content you have installed. Cars without mapping can still look alright with good textures and shader properties, but I generally won't hesitate to sacrifice certain things to get an AO map done. For example the recent Mustang Mach 1 by MrDK wasn't mapped and I couldn't work out a quick way to map it while keeping the vinyl stickers, so I sacrificed the unique skins in order to have the car AO mapped.

LODs are simply lower detailed models that are used at longer distances to make life easier on your computer. Just check these in the CM showroom for some of the Kunos cars and you'll see the difference in objects and triangles between each one. As a car gets a certain distance away it will switch to LOD B, then LOD C. The configuration for when a car switches LODs is in the lods.ini in the car data folder.
New "livery", for the Jaguar XJR9-LM (serves for 1988 and 1989), and XJR12-LM (1990 and 1991).


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