Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hi everyone!

Silverstone 1999 and AbuDhabi as a little pre-Christmas present ;) ;)

View attachment 979721
- Based on a quite bad version from RD
- Visually overhauled
- New Racesurface
- GrassFX, RainFX, Seasons, etc.

View attachment 979722

-Based on ACU version 1.05
- GrassFX, RainFX
- Lights done with CustomEmissives, so maybe not fully compatible with other skins.
- New AI

Also I've done a Bentley 2018 conversion from ACC. Visually nice, Interior not fully finished.
Don't know if it should be released here, let me know. Also help with Physics and Interior (Dash) recommend.

Stay Safe and Merry Christmas!
You're very welcome! It is certainly a track deserving of a rain file! Occasionally, I have found a config in a different location.. the Contents\Tracks folder, if I recall. But in a recent case, Hockenheim by T78, for example, I haven't found a config at all. I'll have to as him about it.

Let me know if you think of anything else you'd appreciate a config for; I'm pretty quick with them now.

Thanks for taking the time to create these cfg's they have really improved the atmosphere of AC. SOL, CSP and RainFX have really brought Assetto Corsa to life. The rainFX has especilly added a new challenge in terms of visibility alone.

There's one other fantastic track that was just recently updated by, it's the 1967 version of Albi. Folder name "albi1967". With it's very fast straights and fast sweeping turns I think it deserves a little RainFX attention if you can find the time this Christmas. :)

Thanks again Murphy.
Thank You(^^ I'll solve remaining issues with pescarolos and I'll make my research for next ones starting tomorrow. I was thinking about finishing Pescarolo lineage by adding the Morgan chasis and 01 from 2007, then i can start with Orecas. Once I have the methodology set it should go faster.
I really enjoy doing this(^^

Even supposendly laser scaned FM7 version? I had the same impression, But I have selected one car I never driven on that track before and measured its lenght. If the numbers at CM are accurate, its 13,6 km long... both versions are... Maybe the problem here isnt the track itself, but default setup of given car?

I have been runing some stress tests for the AI at 2017 and FM7 versions of Le Mans. LMP1's AI at 100/100% with default setup was doing something around 3:35, and LMP2's Mazda and Nissan ~3:45. Judd V8 is a bit off with its low torque at 3:46/7. I will add kunos LMPHy cars and see how they compare. It might be my cars are still too fast for them, but has anyone thought about reworking them, at least for offline purposes?

Areodynamics were at my strongest attention here. I have been experimenting with simulating air flow under the floor and diffusor, but It ended being overcomplicated. In general Im scaling wing dummies to the actual sizes of given part of the car and experiment with lift/drag multipliers. Once I will learn more about each variable I will improve it. Thats why I called It Ver0.2.

I will check. I might want to rework the Kunos cars once I will gain more experience, As I see them underperforming.

1. Forgot to readjust it, sorry.
2. Will try to fix it tomorrow. Thank You for notifying me.

If You would spot some more issues let me know. Try them at some other tracks and let me know the times You get.

In the 2007 field I am working on the Peugeots and Audis are doing 3.31s and the Pescarolos 3.34-35. LMP2 best at 3.40. This is at AI levels of 99 and 65-75 Aggression. I aiming to release a 32 car grid this week for 2007.
The Kunos cars I try to not touch unless they are blatantly wrong such as the Toyota TS040. It is too heavy by 76kg. Take that out and it's a different car. I have made a 2014 data version of the 919 to run with it. The Audi R18 2014 is too slow for 2014 but is about right for 2012 level which is why I suggested running this with an optimal setup for the track to test against.

Update pushed through CM...
-Fixed Windows and flickering Steeringwheel on Sprint version

Also some should lower expectations when declared as WIP twice.......

Keep up the good work!

Btw, I have a proper sound for this car in the works. I will resume work on it now that you are working on the car.
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This is new... Every time I end a practice session, I get an unexpected error window, can't click on OK or anything else, so I have to Ctrl-Alt-Delete, and "End Task" acs.exe. Then it returns to CM with this. Windows 10, SOL 2.0, tested with CSP 1.65, 1.67 and 1.68.

View attachment 979929

00007FFB052F5F86 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlWaitOnAddress
00007FFB052D15B4 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlEnterCriticalSection
00007FFB052D13E2 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlEnterCriticalSection
00007FFAE834033B (DINPUT8): (filename not available): GetdfDIJoystick
00007FFAE8340804 (DINPUT8): (filename not available): GetdfDIJoystick
AC\inputdevice.cpp (127): InputDevice::setG27Leds
00007FFA8177F86B (DWrite): (filename not available): lj_sampleSH__impl
AC\inputdevice.cpp (88): InputDevice::~InputDevice
AC\directinput.cpp (38): DirectInput::~DirectInput
00007FF7004EEA84 (acs): (filename not available): DirectInput::`scalar deleting destructor'
AC\directinput.cpp (84): DirectInput::cleanup
AC\game.cpp (233): Game::shutdownObject
AC\game.cpp (221): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
00007FFB04DD7034 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFB052FD0D1 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart

Hmmm, upon further testing, I can use my TS300RS with the H-Pattern setup with no issues. I switch to the Paddle setup, and I get an error.

Not sure but the only thing that I see is something with a G27leds. Maybe a CM setting under the G27 setting in CSP? Somehow enabled when it should not be?
Thought I might as well upload the car I have been tinkering/fixing for the past 2 days. Before you read any further however, be aware the mod is originally from 2015 and had (and still has!) a ton of issues and a lot of modifications that I have applied are very hack-y as my experience with 3D modelling is nil ,I haven't done any texturing in a long, long time and all physics modifications are based on comparisons to similar cars and personal use!

Any input, feedback or assistance would be amazing as I would love for this car to be improved further but it looks to be one hell of a job! Unfortunately I have no idea who the original author is or where the model is originally from, any help there would be awesome as well!

But here it is!

Nissan R35 GT-R V-Spec '09

GT Academy Special.jpg

Download here!

Full album with every included skin here!

Nothing major, just a generally overlooked (and expensive!) variant of the R35 which I became attached to for some reason! You can probably think of this as a v0.5 for the time being until I am happy with it.

List of stuff that has changed:

Wheel models less borked
Materials changed and some fixed (hopefully for the better!)
Generated v10 tyres
Suspension modified
Sound changed to Kunos R35 Nismo for the time being.
Engine/transmission tuned to hopefully be correct/realistic
All skins re-made/replaced
A few textures re-made
Small aero changes (I currently have no idea what I'm doing here. This bit doesn't seem to make logical sense to me, it is mostly the same as the Kunos GT-R for the moment.)
Small CSP integration bits
A few crew skin bits
Lights mostly sorted (somehow it didn't have any brake lights?!)
Every paint colour has a unique CSP config, hopefully these all look ok for everyone as obviously we aren't all using the same graphical setups. Give the album a look to see how they appear for me/how they should appear.
and a few other small bits and bobs that were just painful to fix for no reason.

List of issues still to fix!

Bits of the 3D Model aren't amazing, the glass in particular. The sharpest glass I've ever seen!

Currently using a very hack-y vao instead of a baked AO as every single AO map I have generated for this has ended up with terrible banding on the shading that made the skin look like a 512x512 one! I tried for hours to fix this to no avail, both blender and CM couldn't assist. It didn't matter if I used L8A8 or not, 16-bit or not.
Nothing. Worked.
For instance, this is a 4096x4096 AO...:


The mapping on the plastic/lower trim is atrocious. I think at 4k the side skirt has in total 24x24 pixels of space allocated to it. You can't exactly apply any AO to a size that small, let alone texturing it.

The spoiler is un-mappable at the moment.

Some materials are missing useful textures, so a lot of objects only have a diffuse defined. I haven't had the chance to even start going through this yet!

Windscreen banner is applied directly to the windscreen texture, and therefore has the material properties of the the window and is only visible from the outside. Also I believe the glass is one-way, therefore no rain on the window and no internal reflections.

No wipers, I wouldn't even know where to start with that at the moment!

The rim blur is awful. I did my best to fix it as much as possible but just ended up disabling it in blured_objects.ini for the moment until I can figure out a proper solution!

I think some of the Metallic CSP shaders I have made aren't perfect, especially in direct light I think. Obviously I only have my set up to go by so this might just be me!

The GT Academy SPECIAL livery is only 2K at the moment. As I was making it I though it looked pretty dang good in CM but in game the smaller fonts/decals aren't amazing. Will re-do this soon!

Sometimes CSP will decide that the front brakes should start smoking when starting up/starting a replay. No idea if the car is at fault or CSP being odd.

Flames are disabled for the time being (not too much of a loss!) as I try and figure out the new flame system to stop spitting fire quite so much!

Need to do a couple of illumination bits such as the dash being incomplete at the moment.

Only LOD 0 at the moment.

There is probably more bits I'm missing/forgetting...
Hopefully some of you end up enjoying it at least a bit, and can maybe pop some feedback over. I haven't really fiddled with something quite this much so far as I normally limit it to the simple/quick stuff. But yeah, enjoy!
Is there any way to get the DRM Revival cars to start / pull away quicker?

It must have something to do with the clutch as I don’t have one and they may need it. It affects AI racing too at the start.
Which ini file should I edit and what should I change?
Lago Maggiore v1.2 or on Legions blog
-added fences, rain config, more ads, more spectators, object count still way under 1000
-more cameras, thx at you know who you are, more skins (hint: you can enable more than one skin at a time in CM)
-if you dont want dynamic objects you can safely remove these 6 files from track folder, they may also prevent vanilla AC from running:
airliner.kn5 - blimp.kn5 - bal_lakemaggiore.kn5 - bal_lakemaggiore2.kn5 - heli_hughesfly_00.kn5 - heli_redfly.kn5
-if too heavy you can remove "gt_autodromo_lago_maggiore_fences.kn5" too
-in "extension\ext_config.ini" there is a section with this, commented out:
HIDE=treewalls_28 ;;; hide that one sort of far distant trees if it bugs you
Have Fun!

edit: to whoever may have overlooked this one:
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Thanks for taking the time to create these cfg's they have really improved the atmosphere of AC. SOL, CSP and RainFX have really brought Assetto Corsa to life. The rainFX has especilly added a new challenge in terms of visibility alone.

There's one other fantastic track that was just recently updated by, it's the 1967 version of Albi. Folder name "albi1967". With it's very fast straights and fast sweeping turns I think it deserves a little RainFX attention if you can find the time this Christmas. :)

Thanks again Murphy.

You're most welcome, Jocko! It's a very rewarding activity, and I'm glad I can share something that people enjoy.
I'll start working on this Albi1967 some time on Wednesday.
WIP release, far from being finished!!
ACC Bentley Continental GT3:
View attachment 979882
As stated on top, mod has some things which need to be sorted out.

Known issues:
- Whole interior needs to be fixed.
- Physics rework. (Help needed)
- Better skin conversions, or better scratch made.(Template included)

Again, Merry Christmas to all of you. :cheers:
Thanks :)
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Sorry i am fixing the tracks im racing on and im a GT3 guy. Have zero interest on drift. Lost a bit of motivation also with patchs releases being lost in the 3000 messages. Ideal would be original autor re-releasing the tracks with the updates, but i've got no answer from they, so i think they have no interest too.

Thanks for the answer. I 'm also a GT3 type with no interest in drifting. It is true a pity that your awesome job is lost among all these pages. However if you can provide a link to your signature to a MEGA drive or Google drive it would be perfect in order for all your work to be in one place.

For what is worth Serres Racing circuit is not a drift circuit. It is actually the one and only organised Greek track that hosts all serious racing events in Greece.

In any case keep posting, your work is a game changer in my opinion.
Sorry i am fixing the tracks im racing on and im a GT3 guy. Have zero interest on drift. Lost a bit of motivation also with patchs releases being lost in the 3000 messages. Ideal would be original autor re-releasing the tracks with the updates, but i've got no answer from they, so i think they have no interest too.

Your mesh fixes are fantastic!

Right now it's something i am popping back in for to see if you have done anymore.

Thank you so much for the ones so far.

Not sure if on your list, but Cascavel by VHE is terrible for bumps right now, almost undrivable and its apart from tat a great track.
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Lago Maggiore v1.2 or on Legions blog
-added fences, rain config, more ads, more spectators, object count still way under 1000
-more cameras, thx at you know who you are, more skins (hint: you can enable more than one skin at a time in CM)
-if you dont want dynamic objects you can safely remove these 6 files from track folder, they may also prevent vanilla AC from running:
airliner.kn5 - blimp.kn5 - bal_lakemaggiore.kn5 - bal_lakemaggiore2.kn5 - heli_hughesfly_00.kn5 - heli_redfly.kn5
-if too heavy you can remove "gt_autodromo_lago_maggiore_fences.kn5" too
-in "extension\ext_config.ini" there is a section with this, commented out:
HIDE=treewalls_28 ;;; hide that one sort of far distant trees if it bugs you
Have Fun!

Thanks for the update leBluem. Much appreciated. :)

Just one thing I'd like to ask about. Is there anything that can be done to reduce the flickering shadows among the trees on the huge distant mountainside you see on the left about halfway around the circuit? (Or a setting that I can adjust to minimize it)

EDIT: The mountainside I'm talking about is the one you see when you drive under the concrete overpass thing with the LiquiMoly logos.
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Subaru test tracks - Bifuka proving ground for Assetto Corsa

G'day, mates.

Latly i was working on one track, located in the north of Japan. Track, that far from being famous. This tracks is also far from motor-racing.'s kind of unique. Big test park of Subaru company, made for different types of road car testings.

And being Subaru Legacy owner, i would like to bring more Subaru stuff to virtual world.

What i did is took the track is remade this Proving ground to race track! (some imagination)

Some brief overview of location:

This is a Subaru test course スバル美深試験場 (Subaru Research and Experiment Center Bifuka Proving Ground) in Niupu, Bifuka-cho, Nakagawa-gun, Hokkaido. The Bifuka Proving Ground was opened in 1995. Until the test site was opened in 1995, we had repeated driving tests on ordinary roads in this area. Established in 1995 as a research and development base for winter snow tests, we have been conducting research and development mainly to build cars that can be driven safely even in cold regions.

In addition to various test roads and handling roads in the total site area of

361 hectares, a high-speed circuit was added in 2003, and various tests are conducted throughout the year as a test course that looks like an actual public road.

Location on google maps

Track made from scratch, using RTB, google maps, and some Kunos objects.

Track contains 4 layouts:
#1 High-speed circuit - total length 4.2km. Can be extended in future updates with extra loop already presented on 3D map.

Really interesting high speed road with old chool racing turns. The track is fun for road cars and classic retro race cars. Modern GT3 is not best choise for here, my oppinion.

Release version Support race (not weekend) with 27 Ai and good replay cam.

Onboard video on Youtube + Porsche 804 onboard video from the track. It's fun!

Replay cam video on Youtube

#2 Mountaing toge course is 2.0 km. Short, but very very tricky road.

Probably this test course is usnig for suspension tests or even for mud running. But i saw it has potential to be high-level toge circuit with up and down hill combined. No rail guards, so should be carefull here =)

Release version Support race (not weekend) with 1 Ai and good replay cam.

Onboard video and replay cam from 1:16 min on Youtube

#3 Sprint track is 1.17 km short route connecting Office area and Montain route with High-speed ring.


Just for fun. Nothing more. Release version Support race (not weekend) with 1 Ai (dumb one). No replay cam.

#4 Drag strip - presened but not playable now. Dear subscribers, do you really need it?


#5 + FREE ride circuit. Drive wherever you want!


I hope you will enjoy the ride!

3 skins: default (autumn), summer and winter


If you are not a Patreon fan but would like to support me: welcome here

Thank you for attention

Download the track from Google drive


Update pushed through CM...
-Fixed Windows and flickering Steeringwheel on Sprint version

Also some should lower expectations when declared as WIP twice.......
broken link, could you upload it again?
Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.