Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Thank You(^^ I'll solve remaining issues with pescarolos and I'll make my research for next ones starting tomorrow. I was thinking about finishing Pescarolo lineage by adding the Morgan chasis and 01 from 2007, then i can start with Orecas. Once I have the methodology set it should go faster.
I really enjoy doing this(^^

Even supposendly laser scaned FM7 version? I had the same impression, But I have selected one car I never driven on that track before and measured its lenght. If the numbers at CM are accurate, its 13,6 km long... both versions are... Maybe the problem here isnt the track itself, but default setup of given car?

I have been runing some stress tests for the AI at 2017 and FM7 versions of Le Mans. LMP1's AI at 100/100% with default setup was doing something around 3:35, and LMP2's Mazda and Nissan ~3:45. Judd V8 is a bit off with its low torque at 3:46/7. I will add kunos LMPHy cars and see how they compare. It might be my cars are still too fast for them, but has anyone thought about reworking them, at least for offline purposes?

Areodynamics were at my strongest attention here. I have been experimenting with simulating air flow under the floor and diffusor, but It ended being overcomplicated. In general Im scaling wing dummies to the actual sizes of given part of the car and experiment with lift/drag multipliers. Once I will learn more about each variable I will improve it. Thats why I called It Ver0.2.

I will check. I might want to rework the Kunos cars once I will gain more experience, As I see them underperforming.

1. Forgot to readjust it, sorry.
2. Will try to fix it tomorrow. Thank You for notifying me.

If You would spot some more issues let me know. Try them at some other tracks and let me know the times You get.

Honestly, this will be great for a learning curve the Pescarolo's for your first time overhauling mods is really well done gotta give full credit on that and like I said again there is room for improvement like you said yourself it was your first time (i think) but over than that we can have a good wait

LMP1 pack released, link in the video description

Amazing job you guys on bringing these guys to AC. And on top of that one of the 2 C1/01s (VRC being the other) that is coming to AC.
If anyone is bothered by the immersion breaking floating PIT marker in AC then today's your lucky day!
I made a replacement mod that changes it to more realistic sign like the one used in real life. I tried to keep it neutral so it fits every car and age from 1920 to 2020, nuggets to F1.


Thanks a lot for this, the vanilla marker has always bothered me, one of those pet hates and ruined immersion for me. This is a good approach at solving this and appreciate the effort of trying to keep it suitable for many eras.
Again much appreciated, many thanks! :cheers:
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I strangely cannot seem to enter their Discord server for some reason, same goes to Donnie when I asked him.
Hope someone could post the direct link of the pack with its password here soon.

Just a heads up....they are encrypted but they are good encrypted mods
Subaru test tracks - Bifuka proving ground for Assetto Corsa

G'day, mates.

Latly i was working on one track, located in the north of Japan. Track, that far from being famous. This tracks is also far from motor-racing.'s kind of unique. Big test park of Subaru company, made for different types of road car testings.

And being Subaru Legacy owner, i would like to bring more Subaru stuff to virtual world.

What i did is took the track is remade this Proving ground to race track! (some imagination)

Some brief overview of location:

This is a Subaru test course スバル美深試験場 (Subaru Research and Experiment Center Bifuka Proving Ground) in Niupu, Bifuka-cho, Nakagawa-gun, Hokkaido. The Bifuka Proving Ground was opened in 1995. Until the test site was opened in 1995, we had repeated driving tests on ordinary roads in this area. Established in 1995 as a research and development base for winter snow tests, we have been conducting research and development mainly to build cars that can be driven safely even in cold regions.

In addition to various test roads and handling roads in the total site area of

361 hectares, a high-speed circuit was added in 2003, and various tests are conducted throughout the year as a test course that looks like an actual public road.

Location on google maps

Track made from scratch, using RTB, google maps, and some Kunos objects.

Track contains 4 layouts:
#1 High-speed circuit - total length 4.2km. Can be extended in future updates with extra loop already presented on 3D map.

Really interesting high speed road with old chool racing turns. The track is fun for road cars and classic retro race cars. Modern GT3 is not best choise for here, my oppinion.

Release version Support race (not weekend) with 27 Ai and good replay cam.

Onboard video on Youtube + Porsche 804 onboard video from the track. It's fun!

Replay cam video on Youtube

#2 Mountaing toge course is 2.0 km. Short, but very very tricky road.

Probably this test course is usnig for suspension tests or even for mud running. But i saw it has potential to be high-level toge circuit with up and down hill combined. No rail guards, so should be carefull here =)

Release version Support race (not weekend) with 1 Ai and good replay cam.

Onboard video and replay cam from 1:16 min on Youtube

#3 Sprint track is 1.17 km short route connecting Office area and Montain route with High-speed ring.


Just for fun. Nothing more. Release version Support race (not weekend) with 1 Ai (dumb one). No replay cam.

#4 Drag strip - presened but not playable now. Dear subscribers, do you really need it?


#5 + FREE ride circuit. Drive wherever you want!


I hope you will enjoy the ride!

3 skins: default (autumn), summer and winter


If you are not a Patreon fan but would like to support me: welcome here

Thank you for attention

Download the track from Google drive


This looks so cool! There isn't many company's test track available here, WISH to see that Honda Japan test track to make an appearance (I think I have seen it in those old Best Motoring videos)

ALSO, is that a modified Subaru Legacy mod?
Thanks for the update leBluem. Much appreciated. :)
Just one thing I'd like to ask about. Is there anything that can be done to reduce the flickering shadows among the trees on the huge distant mountainside you see on the left about halfway around the circuit? (Or a setting that I can adjust to minimize it)

i said in my v1.2 post - in "ext_config.ini" search for
and uncomment section!
First, thank you for this. But, please, can we have a download link, not a discord link that send me in the shader patch tab, I do not see the "freaking" link.
Enough of that discord 🤬 and going trough loops, please! just the download link, thank you.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
"AC forum SK mods" is the channel. Not so hard to find isn't it
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First, thank you for this. But, please, can we have a download link, not a discord link that send me in the shader patch tab, I do not see the "freaking" link.
Enough of that discord 🤬 and going trough loops, please! just the download link, thank you.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Cote! Here's the pack:
password: 1111
I feel the same... seems like copying a direct link (available to everyone) would kill people or something.
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Your mesh fixes are fantastic!

Right now it's something i am popping back in for to see if you have done anymore.

Thank you so much for the ones so far.

Not sure if on your list, but Cascavel by VHE is terrible for bumps right now, almost undrivable and its apart from tat a great track.

Yes, i am working on Cascavel right now. The fun is that i added resolution before trying the track and when i tried it the bumpness makes my t500 goes crazy.
OK this I do need help finding - I got it from Assettoland and now it's not available. Image says it's a 'VW GTI Roadster', so I'll try searching that. If anyone has this, let me know, I loved driving this when I had it (laptop broke, then had to reinstall AC (and with it all my mods)


  • Screenshot_vw_gti_roadster_vgt_guangdong_18-11-119-19-19-51.jpg
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Mario - Toad Circuit v1.0
View attachment 980024
- 10 pit / grid
- CSP features
- AI + Cams
:: happy holidays ::

Mario - Sherbet Land v0.75
View attachment 980025
- 2 pit/grid demo
- CSP features
- AI - no cams
- rough mesh / strong forces
:: very merry download ::

Mario - Volcano Island v0.bonus
View attachment 980026
- 1 pit
- CSP features
- just for fun
- beware!
:: get it while its hot ::

@RMi_wood keeps bringing a host of fantastic arcade content over to AC! This is a fantastic release and is a severely underrepresented area of AC.
Therefore the fantastic track mod "Toad Circuit" has been added to the mod server for everyone to use over the holiday period.

Here is a snippet of it in action for those who haven't had a chance to try it, it's categorically one of the best Mario Kart track mods out there!

We also have a few surprises coming soon, as many of our current projects are coming to completion.

Happy Holidays Everyone ;)
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OK this I do need help finding - I got it from Assettoland and now it's not available. Image says it's a 'VW GTI Roadster', so I'll try searching that. If anyone has this, let me know, I loved driving this when I had it (laptop broke, then had to reinstall AC (and with it all my mods)
That's a paymod by RTM, you will not find it here...
Lago Maggiore v1.2 or on Legions blog
-added fences, rain config, more ads, more spectators, object count still way under 1000
-more cameras, thx at you know who you are, more skins (hint: you can enable more than one skin at a time in CM)
-if you dont want dynamic objects you can safely remove these 6 files from track folder, they may also prevent vanilla AC from running:
airliner.kn5 - blimp.kn5 - bal_lakemaggiore.kn5 - bal_lakemaggiore2.kn5 - heli_hughesfly_00.kn5 - heli_redfly.kn5
-if too heavy you can remove "gt_autodromo_lago_maggiore_fences.kn5" too
-in "extension\ext_config.ini" there is a section with this, commented out:
HIDE=treewalls_28 ;;; hide that one sort of far distant trees if it bugs you
Have Fun!

edit: to whoever may have overlooked this one:

This track is just gorgeous. A perfect example how good a (fantasy / converted or whatsoever) track in AC can be. Superb graphics are bundled with a nice looking environment. I highly recommend that one. Thank you for your hard work all who are involved here. And again, another masterpiece for free without a paywall behind. Merry Christmas. :)
Thanks for taking the time to create these cfg's they have really improved the atmosphere of AC. SOL, CSP and RainFX have really brought Assetto Corsa to life. The rainFX has especilly added a new challenge in terms of visibility alone.

There's one other fantastic track that was just recently updated by, it's the 1967 version of Albi. Folder name "albi1967". With it's very fast straights and fast sweeping turns I think it deserves a little RainFX attention if you can find the time this Christmas. :)

Thanks again Murphy.

Merry Christmas: Albi 1967 RainFX.

I ended up spending more time on this config than I expected, partly because many of the assets are mapped separately. But also, for aesthetic reasons, I ended up getting what I feel are more saturated textures to things like tile roofs and grandstands by including them in the SOAKING properties. This IS, I think, a rather aged mod, albeit by some of the most experienced and celebrated track modders/converters from the rFactor 1 days.

The config is matched with the version of the track found here:



  • Albi1967_RainFX.txt
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seems the NKp tracks have never been converted to AC!?!


To that end... tracks - Aosta, Aviano, Crema (netbike demo track), Newbury, Prato are now in stage1 conversion.
Wait, but we do have an Aosta, Aviano and Prato...
seems the NKp tracks have never been converted to AC!?!


To that end... tracks - Aosta, Aviano, Crema (netbike demo track), Newbury, Prato are now in stage1 conversion.
I don't know the exact origin of all tracks, but Aosta (NKP), Aviano, Newbury and Prato (NKP) already exist for AC.
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