- 616
- Doncaster
Thank You(^^ I'll solve remaining issues with pescarolos and I'll make my research for next ones starting tomorrow. I was thinking about finishing Pescarolo lineage by adding the Morgan chasis and 01 from 2007, then i can start with Orecas. Once I have the methodology set it should go faster.
I really enjoy doing this(^^
Even supposendly laser scaned FM7 version? I had the same impression, But I have selected one car I never driven on that track before and measured its lenght. If the numbers at CM are accurate, its 13,6 km long... both versions are... Maybe the problem here isnt the track itself, but default setup of given car?
I have been runing some stress tests for the AI at 2017 and FM7 versions of Le Mans. LMP1's AI at 100/100% with default setup was doing something around 3:35, and LMP2's Mazda and Nissan ~3:45. Judd V8 is a bit off with its low torque at 3:46/7. I will add kunos LMPHy cars and see how they compare. It might be my cars are still too fast for them, but has anyone thought about reworking them, at least for offline purposes?
Areodynamics were at my strongest attention here. I have been experimenting with simulating air flow under the floor and diffusor, but It ended being overcomplicated. In general Im scaling wing dummies to the actual sizes of given part of the car and experiment with lift/drag multipliers. Once I will learn more about each variable I will improve it. Thats why I called It Ver0.2.
I will check. I might want to rework the Kunos cars once I will gain more experience, As I see them underperforming.
1. Forgot to readjust it, sorry.
2. Will try to fix it tomorrow. Thank You for notifying me.
If You would spot some more issues let me know. Try them at some other tracks and let me know the times You get.
Honestly, this will be great for a learning curve the Pescarolo's for your first time overhauling mods is really well done gotta give full credit on that and like I said again there is room for improvement like you said yourself it was your first time (i think) but over than that we can have a good wait
LMP1 pack released, link in the video description
Amazing job you guys on bringing these guys to AC. And on top of that one of the 2 C1/01s (VRC being the other) that is coming to AC.