Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Can someone do me a favor please? Its the V8Supercar: can someone put the black wheels on the multi-colored car with silver wheels?
Just copy/paste the vasc_wheel and vasc_wheel_blur_spokes from a black wheel car to the car you want to have black wheels.
In the skin file obviously

Edit: I know it's not the car you targeted, but it works the same way.

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Just copy/paste the vasc_wheel and vasc_wheel_blur_spokes from a black wheel car to the car you want to have black wheels.
In the skin file obviously

OK that took a whole 3 seconds :D I was asking because when I looked at at the car (with silver) it didn't have any wheel data. Thanks :D

I have an issue with 3DS Max and driver animation merging...


Basically the "scale factor" when I import/merge the driver, is empty, instead of showing the number 1, which is 1:1 scale factor.
As you can see, this way is impossible to create the correct animation. What I don't undestand is why in a YouTube video, this operation shows the correct number "1" of scale factor. I tried 3DS Max 2019 and now I installed 2016 version (which imports correctly the .obj files.
I tried changing the Unit Scale in the program, but it seems like nothing changes.
Toyota TS020 GT-One by Virtua Simulazioni updated to v1.3




Corrected additional (missing) values in suspension (Progressive Spring Rate)

Corrected Suspension Track to reflect real life values

Corrected Wheel Offset data

Corrected Steering Arm Values

Slight adjustment to ARB tension (Front and Rear)

Slight Adjustment to Yaw Lift Data in Aero

Corrected Issue with rear wheels displaying very dark (ran ambient shadows update after suspension adjustments)

Adjusted brightness as well as color of rear lights

Adjust Headlight cover texture and shader values (Light and Shader adjustments made to use with Sol and shader lights patch)

Updated Link In Original Post.

Hey, unfortunately the 1.3 takes us a step back. The steering ratio is once again absurdly low (too quick). On 1.2 it was still very quick but was at least controllable. On 1.3 it's so touchy that the car is impossible to control. They both have 360 degrees, but the actual amount of steering input generated by the wheel on 1.3 in much, much higher.
Wtf are you talking about, Traction Control was banned in all LMP and GT classes in ALMS, LMES, LeMans, and FIA GT. And yes the Bmw GTR from 2001 is ALMS class.
It has TC but, as i said, deactivated. Those are street based cars. The street car of course have TC. And by the way I never said it does not have ABS.

But the point is not that about the mod. The point is that if you do activate TC in this mod in in Asseetto Corsa is not a realistic TC, the car does incredible things. Once you turn off TC it is a good mod, and I never said the opposite.

I have enough of you and this disccussion. Really man, let it be.
OK, it sort of amazes me that you can't just admit that maybe you got it wrong - even with no evidence to back up your certainty!

Read the article I provided ( The car they're driving is not the "street" M3 GTR (which has never been driven, and sits in a BMW museum iirc). They're driving the car that raced in ALMS in 2001. And that car has both TC and ABS for some reason.

Please note: They had TC and ABS in FIA GT in 1998. Not all cars had it. Just like the situation in ALMS in 2001. Even today, most GT3 drivers will forego using TC in qualifying. They use TC in the race mainly for consistency.
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@Apexxer Would you be able to repost the link to the previous version of the MP4/13 (V1.1 I believe). I just tried the V1.2 and for some reason it handles much much worse now. I also prefer the older sound. Rookie mistake, I deleted the old version without backing it up and can't find the link in the original post anymore.

Some updates from ACF:

I hope they also release a non-Sol enabled version for those of us who don't use it. Their version of the Shanghai track just crashes my game so I have to use the original version. Thanks to Fanapryde I can drive the Miami track but for future releases who knows if the base version will be made available?

I hope they convert Alpental and Glendale next. I always liked the flow of those 2 tracks despite Shift's utterly rubbish physics.
I hope they also release a non-Sol enabled version for those of us who don't use it. Their version of the Shanghai track just crashes my game so I have to use the original version. Thanks to Fanapryde I can drive the Miami track but for future releases who knows if the base version will be made available?

Can I ask why you don't use the shader patch and/or Sol? I get better performance with both than using vanilla Kunos settings, plus all that lovely eye candy. And 24hr cycles. And 3D mirrors. And loads of other benefits.
Can I ask why you don't use the shader patch and/or Sol? I get better performance with both than using vanilla Kunos settings, plus all that lovely eye candy. And 24hr cycles. And 3D mirrors. And loads of other benefits.

There's no objective reason. Just for practicality and old skoolness I suppose. I like collecting cars and tracks but dynamic TOD/weather aren't really high on my priority list of things to have in AC. They are nice and I love the ingenuity of modders who can make it happen, but personally the file modifications needed to put it in the game is a bit too involving for me. It feels like there's not a clear one stop shop to download every file you need, and not a clear step by step instruction to do it so I'm wary of breaking the game. Also not all mods (especially old ones) support the full functionality so it's always hit and miss.

My laptop is mid tier from 2014 so I run conservative graphics settings anyway. As long as I can hit 60 FPS on 1080p I'm happy. Not too bothered about 3D mirrors as well since I mostly time trial.

As I've said many times in this forum, I still manually unzip and copy paste every single mod I have (600 cars and 100+ tracks so far). I also have a notepad file with every mod name, source and version/date. I only use CM because the standard AC launcher couldn't handle the number of mods I have anymore :lol: So I'm very paranoid about anything that changes the basic file structure of the game, and because of that I probably won't ever use the custom shader/Sol mod unless it becomes a sort of standalone launcher like the Power&Glory mod for GTR2.
No changes have been made at all to the steering, it all remains the same... If you note the change log there has been some adjustments made to the ARB settings and progressive spring rate values.

Let me ask you, if it aint broke, why fix it? You changed ARB and spring rate settings for what?
1.2.3 was flawless, there was zero reason to go and change values. And you did, what did you base your change on in comparison to?
To your liking, or to real world performance that an engineer or driver gave you?

"Corrected Suspension Track to reflect real life values

Corrected Wheel Offset data

Corrected Steering Arm Values"

Real life? What are you basing this on?
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There's no objective reason. Just for practicality and old skoolness I suppose. I like collecting cars and tracks but dynamic TOD/weather aren't really high on my priority list of things to have in AC. They are nice and I love the ingenuity of modders who can make it happen, but personally the file modifications needed to put it in the game is a bit too involving for me. It feels like there's not a clear one stop shop to download every file you need, and not a clear step by step instruction to do it so I'm wary of breaking the game. Also not all mods (especially old ones) support the full functionality so it's always hit and miss.

My laptop is mid tier from 2014 so I run conservative graphics settings anyway. As long as I can hit 60 FPS on 1080p I'm happy. Not too bothered about 3D mirrors as well since I mostly time trial.

As I've said many times in this forum, I still manually unzip and copy paste every single mod I have (600 cars and 100+ tracks so far). I also have a notepad file with every mod name, source and version/date. I only use CM because the standard AC launcher couldn't handle the number of mods I have anymore :lol: So I'm very paranoid about anything that changes the basic file structure of the game, and because of that I probably won't ever use the custom shader/Sol mod unless it becomes a sort of standalone launcher like the Power&Glory mod for GTR2.
Thanks for the detailed answer!
The shader patch and Sol can seem overwhelming but are really quite simple once you dive in, but if your hardware is a little dated then I can understand the reluctance. However, my FPS is actually HIGHER with the shader patch, and everything active, than it was in vanilla state. Like, 20fps better. Seriously. There are several CPU/GPU optional optimisations as part of the patch.

The shader patch can also easily be deactivated (it's literally one click) so there really is no risk at all of breaking the game. And updated Sol betas are now a drag 'n' drop installation in CM so couldn't be easier. I've got around 730 tracks and over 2,000 cars and it's rare that they aren't compatible with either.

Do you use VR?
There's no objective reason. Just for practicality and old skoolness I suppose. I like collecting cars and tracks but dynamic TOD/weather aren't really high on my priority list of things to have in AC. They are nice and I love the ingenuity of modders who can make it happen, but personally the file modifications needed to put it in the game is a bit too involving for me. It feels like there's not a clear one stop shop to download every file you need, and not a clear step by step instruction to do it so I'm wary of breaking the game. Also not all mods (especially old ones) support the full functionality so it's always hit and miss.

My laptop is mid tier from 2014 so I run conservative graphics settings anyway. As long as I can hit 60 FPS on 1080p I'm happy. Not too bothered about 3D mirrors as well since I mostly time trial.

As I've said many times in this forum, I still manually unzip and copy paste every single mod I have (600 cars and 100+ tracks so far). I also have a notepad file with every mod name, source and version/date. I only use CM because the standard AC launcher couldn't handle the number of mods I have anymore :lol: So I'm very paranoid about anything that changes the basic file structure of the game, and because of that I probably won't ever use the custom shader/Sol mod unless it becomes a sort of standalone launcher like the Power&Glory mod for GTR2.
I found my twin in thoughts... except the labtop but It's not a thought ! ^^

I agree all you said, thanks a lot for translate in a perfect english what I'm not able to write and comment correctly. :cheers:

Cheers !

Pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase, I think you are boring most of the gentle people here with the realism police. ;-)
Realism in virtual !?
So much to say !
Is it forbidden for some casual gamers (I'm not a part of by the way) to have some fun, even if You are thinking It's unrealistic in "true life" ?

I got some strong capacities for telling you !
I won numerous championships on 2 or 4 wheels (and other weird machines), I'm so much better in awards than Michel Vaillant.

The better I did was in "Grand-Prix Legends", I won the 1967 drivers championship at the age of...3 !

Yeah but... in "real/true life", I will not able to be fast as John Surtees on Monza with the Honda RA300, I will not able to drive a Porsche 917K, I will not able to simply start correctly, in 1st gear, a Lotus 98T in a pit to after, piss on me, by fear of the tremendous acceleration ! ^^

So, what is really "real" in a simulation !?
I can't make a count of the times I died in a racing car... virtually !
I can't imagine push hard the throtlle in a "rolling grave" full of fuel on the "Old" Nurburgring in reality..!

We are just living some "real" dreams in virtual and that's simply fantastic ! ;-)
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I've tweaked the Hummer H3 T1 Dakar a little. It'll install as a new car in case you have the original.
Got rid of the co-pilot's corpse.
Got the steering animation in synch with the wheel rotation.
Changed the timing of the shift animations.
Added a non-Rallyworld badge.


@Apexxer Would you be able to repost the link to the previous version of the MP4/13 (V1.1 I believe). I just tried the V1.2 and for some reason it handles much much worse now. I also prefer the older sound. Rookie mistake, I deleted the old version without backing it up and can't find the link in the original post anymore.

I also preferred to earlier version, here you go. It also has the remastered version of the original sounds.

[edit: added missing driver and fonts]
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Crashes because 'driver model is missing'..?


Folders "Fonts" and "Driver" are missing !
If you downloaded this car previously in an "old" version, It will not happen because these folders already exist. ;-)

Oops sorry, like Elio said I had them form prev version so didn't notice they were msising.

Here is updated with driver (and fonts):

Let me know if it's not OK..
@Apexxer maybe you should add ap_ in front of you modify mod folder name that way if you have introduced an issue trying to fix an other, it would not replace the original mod.

@LeGeNd-1 although I was not going to comment, reading @Masscot post to you, made me change my mind.
At this time, not using the shader patch, is as bad as not using CM, as there is no downside anymore, you get better FPS, better graphics, more features, it is free and will take less time and effort to install than installing a mod car or track.
This morning with introduction of version 43, there is even a one click fonction to enable or disable it, in case some old and ****up mod is misbehaving.
Do it know and thank us later.:D
FYI, I call it ACU.:sly:
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