Believe me mate, there are plenty of people like me who can't make tracks who will happily take anything you can make. I grew up with the PS1 so as long as it looks better than that it's fine by me

The layout, road width and elevation accuracy is the most important thing. Once the track is out, I'm sure there are lots of talented people here who will start sprucing it up to make it look good
It's a fictional track, so I think the misspelling is intentional. It's just somewhere inspired by Wales, not Wales itself
From the readme (yes, I'm probably the only one here who reads readme files for every mod

"Whales Cost is a fictional, 2.965 miles (4.772 km) long coastal road somewhere on this planet."
Now for some housekeeping stuff...
@blackwood91 Hi mate, tried your Amuse S2000 V1.4 update. The R1 is fine but the Street version cannot even get out of the pitbox? It just wheelspins in place. Any chance you could have a look? The R1 drives much better now than the V1.1 so it would be a shame if I have to delete the Street version.
@RMi_wood With the Akina Snow, we already have a conversion from Arcade Stage 8 in the Touge Union discord with much better tree density and graphics (which makes sense because it's from a later game). So I wouldn't stress too much about improving this one