Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Bingo! That did it. Thanks! Now what do I edit in ext_config.ini I wonder?

EDIT: so I have edited out the line [INCLUDE: common/materials_interior.ini] and all is good. What am I losing by doing this exactly? It all looks fine inside the car now.

You have removed any csp feature from the car, like pbr or extra lights. I wouldn't do that but that's your choice as the car is intended to look the right way in game with those features on.
The showroom can't load csp features as it doesn't use the in game engine but its own engine. Look at the cars in game, not in showroom

My advice was just to identify the culprit for Tim's issue, not remove CSP features. I still can't get to the PC for a while, but now you know what the cause is, you can easily override any of those settings by now adding an ext_config.ini into your new skin folder. If I remember correctly, in this file you only need to add a couple of lines that tells CSP not to change the offending materials. Restore the original extension\ext_config.ini and create a new one in your skins folder. Experiment with which materials you have changed against what the original config changes. It's definitely possible this way to override specific material settings or amend them to you own liking per skin, but sorry I can't be of any more help at the moment. Give me a shout later if you can't manage to figure it out.
You have removed any csp feature from the car, like pbr or extra lights. I wouldn't do that but that's your choice as the car is intended to look the right way in game with those features on.
The showroom can't load csp features as it doesn't use the in game engine but its own engine. Look at the cars in game, not in showroom

No I've left all the rest of the stuff in. The point is I am trying to create a skin which includes a different leather colour, without disturbing anything else like basic textures which would affect all skins. I quite agree it's the in-game effect that is the important thing. I just included the Showroom shot to show I was changing the correct textures. Anyhow I am almost there. The section I edited out only affects leather, plastic and some interior metal surfaces - I left everything else, and to be honest I can't tell any difference in the look of those surfaces so far.

EDIT: Thanks norms! I think I would like your help later if you don't mind. I only edited that line by putting a semi-colon in front of it so it's a simple matter to go back to the original. I will have a play but I think I may need you to advise.
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My first intention was always to make the skins that were missing. It is time consuming because even looking at the rfactor procar mod you see a lot of mistakes and errors, so i keep spotting real photos, models and videos just ot try and sort the real logos and positions.
I am currently doing your country drivers, Hezemans and Lammers #99. :)

I strongly recommend you the use of this soundmod:

Here is a short video of mine, where you can hear this orgasmic sound:

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These are very basic RainFX configs to get you going - Please feel free to expand as required - I couldnt find examples on Github, here or Racedepartment at the time, so apologies if these are already availabe.


Thanks for your rainFX contributions todate...


BTW, also like your choice of skin... Seeing it as your backdrop pic in motion and all - looks the part!
There's a pretty substantial further update to Okutama in the works, building on the recent update from a couple of weeks ago. Lots of significant improvements to look forward to.
This issue with the road marking will certainly be looked at before release.
great news, since I really like the track, it's nice to drive cars, especially vintage ones, it's nice to look around, there are such beauties around ... I found a temporary solution to the problem with road markings, but this option is far from ideal.
I have this problem on Okutama too. How did you replace the shader - with a config or edited the kn5? Mind sharing your fix? Greatly appreciated. Thanks.
pending an update from the authors of the track, you can try my fix for now. but as it turned out, it does not solve absolutely all problems, although the main problem with shadows (and their absence on the road markings is solved).
great news, since I really like the track, it's nice to drive cars, especially vintage ones, it's nice to look around, there are such beauties around ... I found a temporary solution to the problem with road markings, but this option is far from ideal.

pending an update from the authors of the track, you can try my fix for now. but as it turned out, it does not solve absolutely all problems, although the main problem with shadows (and their absence on the road markings is solved).
I think this might be CSP-related. I remember someone reporting this when ACU first released the original track but it was fine for other people. I think he updated his CSP build and the issue went away.
For the record, shadows project normally for me on 0.1.74 p3 so it might be tricky to nail down.
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It might be a little while longer before the Okutama update hits but here's just a few of the things the team have improved: new road edges and other transitions (MASSIVE improvements here), new grass with worn patches, new rock normals, fixed tree normals (trees on the mountains now cast shadows), new terrain map with 3D foliage (no more low-res flat brown scrub), new mountain textures, bounding boxes to fix tunnel glare leaking onto external terrain, improved chopper lights, tweaked balloons, vinyl normals added to trackside billboards, Japanese TV cameramen/marshals/spectators added (still WIP), general texture tweaks, shrubs/trees tidied up, reworked groove... probably loads of other stuff I can't remember right now. A couple of WIP pics:

Screenshot_bacmono_acu_okutama-circuit_4-3-121-16-32-35.jpg Screenshot_bacmono_acu_okutama-circuit_4-3-121-16-33-44.jpg Screenshot_bacmono_acu_okutama-circuit_4-3-121-16-36-29.jpg
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Which M1 mod is this for exactly ? Ive tried at least 2, and none has the same dashboard I see in your video.

It´s the Bazza one which has the improvements from @Masscot he posted a while ago.

So I have transferred everything (I think) to a version of the M1 Procar that I always use. The bmw_m1_procar_plus_lods (includes a sound mod). It works perfectly as far as I can tell, but the only thing is that the lods don't work due to the changed wheels.
Maybe someone who is experienced in making lods can do this? Here is the folder of the car:

@Fall Guy is correct. Which is also the one that I used in this post. So the one that I shared is the Bazza one with improvements from Masscot. But it also includes the incredible sound mod as well as the aero disc wheels that someone shared 2 or 3 pages back. As I said, the only thing missing from making it (in my opinion) the perfect combination of M1 Procar mods, is the lods which don't really work anymore due to the changed rims. So if someone is experienced in making lods and wants to do it, that would be awesome and we would have a near perfect M1 Procar :D
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I've just downloaded a GT6 model from, but all the LODs are merged into a single object, does anyone know of an easy way to separate them ?

I tried the separate tool in Blender, but it separated mesh into 1000 objects...
It´s the Bazza one which has the improvements from @Masscot he posted a while ago.

Thanks man, just perfect as the base version he used is my favorite.

@Fall Guy is correct. Which is also the one that I used in this post. So the one that I shared is the Bazza one with improvements from Masscot. But it also includes the incredible sound mod as well as the aero disc wheels that someone shared 2 or 3 pages back.

Even more perfect, love this community.

Noob question : what does LODs mean ?
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What are your importing settings? Do you have split by object and split by group ticked?

Uuuuh i use blender and it didn't asked for anything when i imported the model, maybe i need 3dsmax ?

Edit: when i tick split by object and split by group, there is now a thousand different objects
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Thanks man, just perfect as the base version he used is my favorite.

Even more perfect, love this community.

Noob question : what does LODs mean ?

Blatantly stolen from wiki but "In computer graphics, level of detail refers to the complexity of a 3D model representation. LOD can be decreased as the model moves away from the viewer or according to other metrics such as object importance, viewpoint-relative speed or position."

So basically it's how the cars look as the distance from you or the camera gets bigger. If you try using 20 AI with cars that are missing lods it can impact performance as your pc tries to render all the polys instead of lower poly versions.
Does anyone know why there is a discrepancy between what this track (Homestead 1996) looks like when imported to 3dsimed and what it looks like in game (NR2003)? I'd love to have this in Assetto Corsa but it looks horrible in 3dsimed. I converted it to rFactor and it looks like it does in 3dsimed, of course. So to recap, does anyone know why it looks smooth in NR2003 in-game but utter ***** in 3dsimed?


In-game NR2003
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