Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Good morning from Portugal, guys!
I wonder if it´s possible to do the following:
This is the ACF Circuito da Boavista 2007 track in Oporto. I used to live here. And it really breaks my heart to see that this track has a major, major flaw. There´s no sense or perspective of ocean. Is it possible just to erase a part of the mountain scenery and prolongue the sea? It makes a HUGE difference while driving. Perhaps these pics can show exactly what I mean in comparison to the real pic I also post here...:)View attachment 995436 View attachment 995437 View attachment 995438 View attachment 995439
You have a link for this track?
You have a link for this track?

Hey go into the track folder, then into the extension folder, then ext_config.ini and paste this at the bottom, this'll hide the mountains.

MESHES = bath

View attachment 995443

View attachment 995442
Won´t this erase ALL the mountain background scenery? I´m just asking for half of it to be erased. The sea part, I mean :)

EDIT: But I have just tested it. And it´s much much better because the part of the inland scenery that is also "erased" doesn´t make much difference. Thanks :)
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Thanks for the update @gunnar333... Don't mind if I do! However, to get it done properly, I feel the pit-grid would be best relocated to another position...

For the time being though, a few gem-features have been added, like:
- revised/improved pit AI-lane (now working in Track-day mode)
- track & ambient lighting
- rain FX
- assorted close-up and distant cameras
- semaphore (green) lighting

View attachment 994726
As can be seen from the 1st image above, the AI has a hard time locating the pit-exit. Instead, the AI ends up piling-up - not anymore!

View attachment 994728

Will endeavour to complete in the next few days... currently under heavy test/review... In the meantime, enjoy the video, cheers.


Mission Raceway Park - Redone

Revised update is now complete. Tests performed resulted rather well on FPS and CPU cycles, with a 12car grid on Track Day & Race modes, with track-lights on.

Attached are the necessary update files-only.
Please download track from GTP link below.
Feedback welcome, enjoy.

NOTE: Due to material changes applied by @gunnar333 in order to improve its appearance and performance (which is far greater imo), the ext_config is incompatible with the RD track version.

NOTE2: Updates to this track does not include any 3D modelling, or alterations to the KN5 file/s.

* update by @racealot on GTP 04MAR2021
  • version v0.2
  • new AI pit_lane
  • track-lighting
  • new replay cameras
  • rain FX
  • UI update
  • MAP update
  • VAO update
  • version_changelog update

* update by @gunnar333 on GTP 21FEB2021
  • version v0.1
  • some material updates
  • basic config with GrassFX

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Won´t this erase ALL the mountain background scenery? I´m just asking for half of it to be erased. The sea part, I mean :)

EDIT: But I have just tested it. And it´s much much better because the part of the inland scenery that is also "erased" doesn´t make much difference. Thanks :)

Throw this kn5-file into the track folder to replace the original and let me know if it's any better (very quick fix, rotated the background a bit).
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I've just downloaded a GT6 model from, but all the LODs are merged into a single object, does anyone know of an easy way to separate them ?
View attachment 995445

Mission Raceway Park - Redone

Revised update is now complete. Tests performed resulted rather well on FPS and CPU cycles, with a 12car grid on Track Day and Race modes, and with track-lights on.

Attached are the necessary update files-only.
Please download track from GTP link below.
Feedback welcome, enjoy.

NOTE: Due to material changes applied by @gunnar333 in order to improve its appearance and performance (which is far greater imo), the ext_config is incompatible with the RD track version.

* update by @racealot on GTP 04MAR2021
- version v0.2
- new AI pit_lane
- track-lighting
- new replay cameras
- rain FX
- UI update
- MAP update
- VAO update
- version_changelog update

* update by @gunnar333 on GTP 21FEB2021
- version v0.1
- some material updates
- basic config with GrassFX

I love this, used to drive this on rF1.


How hard is it to get these things right before release :banghead:
OK, I tried both (with only the mesh adjustment from @pk3r72owns and then with your new kn5 - without the adjustment).
In both cases I have the same 'issue' that I can't remember having before. Maybe it's related to the newer CSP versions though:

After turn 1, entering Via do Castello Do Queijo, I get to see this background sequence (I took only two pics, there were at least three changes):


Can this be remedied ? Cause it's rather disturbing.
I love this, used to drive this on rF1.


How hard is it to get these things right before release :banghead:

will quickly check it and advise...

* checked files and the new is correct...
* would you post some screenshots of where AI cars (and what mod used) are meddling up...
* anyone else having issues with the ingame?
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OK, I tried both (with only the mesh adjustment from @pk3r72owns and then with your new kn5 - without the adjustment).
In both cases I have the same 'issue' that I can't remember having before. Maybe it's related to the newer CSP versions though:

After turn 1, entering Via do Castello Do Queijo, I get to see this background sequence (I took only two pics, there were at least three changes):

View attachment 995457 View attachment 995458

Can this be remedied ? Cause it's rather disturbing.

I checked, there are some bits of ground popping up there, but not that bad on my end, I think I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't focusing on it. Issue related to some settings maybe?
problem is, your starting points are in the paddock, so when you enter the pitlane the pitbox doesnt exist, even in the paddock area

Is that what you originally meant... OK.

As quoted initially, I've not altered the track (not a 3D modder yet) in anyway, just made it playable, mainly for Track Day mode which is what I use lots, and to also complement it with cameras, lights, etc...

As @gunnar333 also mentioned in his initial post, anyone willing to help to improve is most welcomed - the GTP thread could always use more assistance from anyone with a variety of skills - at all levels...

Let's hope other members that appreciate this track as much, and with those particular 3D modelling skills can pitch in to fix the pit area all together...

BTW - haven't tried the RD version and just maybe, the pit area issues are inherited from source... RD last update to this track was 2014... Didn't AC hit the stage around the same time?

Care to explain the meaning of "How hard is it to get these things right before release :banghead:" ???
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I checked, there are some bits of ground popping up there, but not that bad on my end, I think I wouldn't have noticed it if I wasn't focusing on it. Issue related to some settings maybe?
I moved the Multiplier for track LODs to 149% and then the issue is gone (I normally have it at 100%). It seems to cost some FPS though, this while the track is already on the heavy side.
I haven't had time to look at it.

Did you use the sample he provided with the Wicklow Mountains track?
Yeah, no birds in sight here too.
Not at Wicklow and I also checked Thomson Road made by Fat Alfie (where these bird flocks already were used some years ago - even before CSP). I can't remember having seen birds there either, so I checked again and birds. The kn5 files are present, the according models.ini too...
Further to the post above, I have this difference between Custom Showroom and in-game VR. I am stumped at the moment but feel confident soemone will solve this in a flash. TIA. The in-game shot shows the dashboard is nice tan leather but the seats are not, and the stitching around the seats which is bit darker brown in the showroom, has reverted to the lighter tan on the track.

Ferrari interior VR grey seats.jpg
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Further to the post above, I have this difference between Custom Showroom and in-game VR. I am stumped at the moment but feel confident soemone will solve this in a flash. TIA. The in-game shot shows the dashboard is nice tan leather but the seats are not, and the stitching around the seats which is bit darker brown in the showroom, has reverted to the lighter tan on the track.

View attachment 995466 View attachment 995464
I'm not at PC so can't check, but move/rename the extension folder inside the cars folder and see what happens to your skin in game. Could be shader settings in there maybe.
I'm not at PC so can't check, but move/rename the extension folder inside the cars folder and see what happens to your skin in game. Could be shader settings in there maybe.

Bingo! That did it. Thanks! Now what do I edit in ext_config.ini I wonder?

EDIT: so I have edited out the line [INCLUDE: common/materials_interior.ini] and all is good. What am I losing by doing this exactly? It all looks fine inside the car now.


  • ext_config.txt
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