Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I did try this earlier but I didn't know about the x.tuned file. Thanks for clearing that up.
EDIT: Pulling my hair out now. Whatever I do it is still sluggish. What i'm trying to achieve is batmobile with quick acceleration like the x2010 redbull, same grip as x2010 but it's just not happening for me. If I alter the weight then the model jumps up higher like a monster truck. Maybe it's something else within the batmobiles files. Can more gears be added? You seem to have a bit more experience with this stuff. Maybe you could try yourself to see if you have any success, you might spot something I haven't yet. Any help muchly appreciated.

Here's a data file that'll make the car much faster, just rename the extension to .acd and drop it in the car folder, it'll automatically overwrite the data folder.


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Hey guys hope you can help. Is there such a thing/place that lists all the track mods availible for AC that keeps upto date on new releases? I'm in the proccess of going through the forum here but as i have been away for the last 6mths its going to take a while lol....

Cheers Pete :)
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This is the state of Calder, as its been since early February. Its in .kn5 but without any mesh assignments.
Needless to say, it is not high on my list as it will need extensive work, rework, additional meshes for missing terrain.

If you want to help, that's great. If not...
I will eventually find the time, resources mentioned and get around to seeing if they fit etc.

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Why do you want it to work without content manager ? And i don't know any mod that needs CM, do you mean CSP ?

I want to play with the original assetto corsa launcher not with content manager because this Porsche does not work I have already tried
I got pretty burnt out on doing track mods after Brno 1965 and haven't really felt the motivation or interest in doing it anymore. I've got a few in-progress tracks that I just can't get into finishing, Brainerd/Donnybrooke being the most recent one. I have project files and RTB files for my previous tracks just sitting on my hard drive and I figured if I'm not going to work on them anymore I might as well see if anyone's interested in carrying on

Hey there, just a note to say thanks for the ones you've done so far and for offering those up for others to work on; both would be great choices. Unfortunately I'm not your man for that but fingers crossed there's a saint who is.
Here is what I do:

- after 3D export to FBX from blender:
- import fbx to kseditor (this is absolutely mandatory and unavoidable, so better get used to use kseditor with all its limitations)
- set for all objects the necessary shader and transparency (these two are essential as kseditor is THE ONLY way to set these reliably)
- set all texture files for each necessary layer (kseditor is the most reliable way to do it - with limitations this is somewhat possible in CM as well but I actually find it to be MUCH slower, more complicated and most of all very buggy - crashes often, often textures don't stick, etc)
- create instrument files
- export from kseditor to kn5
- open car in CM custom showroom (make sure you have a neutral showroom lighting setup that helps to get colours and materials to look as much as they do in game as possible)
- tweak all shader values to taste in CM custom showroom
- test drive (I like to drive the car a lot during development and combine physics tests with looking for material + shader issues that I like to tweak further and while drivining and watching replays make mental notes of changes I'd like to make)
- make adjustments to shader settings in CM custom showroom

Once I have achieved a small milestone of accomplished changes I would like to "lock in":

- repeat the cycle (export to fbx, import to kseditor, export to kn5, test in CM custom showroom, test in game, repeat)

Some people like to use the hacked kseditor from Ilja as it looks MUCH more modern with a higher resolution 3D render and especially with a library of new and wonderful shaders to use.
Apart from the access to new shaders I do not like to use it though as it does not allow to quickly build instruments and I found it to crash more often then the kseditor (pro tip: SAVE incrementally all the time when working in kseditor).

Now I remember, it was a modified version of the kseditor that I used. The default Kunos editor is pretty bad. Thank you for the tips.

I use it only to make small corrections or for personal taste, like this:





Or when the appropriate shader for carbon fiber is not used, which lacks the normals texture. That's it, nothing professional. And how do I edit the shaders by CM? I never knew that.
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Now I remember, it was a modified version of the kseditor that I used. The default Kunos editor is pretty bad. Thank you for the tips.

I use it only to make small corrections or for personal taste, like this:





Or when the appropriate shader for carbon fiber is not used, which lacks the normals texture. That's it, nothing professional. And how do I edit the shaders by CM? I never knew that.

I will be very happy if you share your work

UP= this has to be lower rpm value than in engine.ini





RPM_THRESHOLD= has to be higher than ai.ini UP=

These are the times where people earn by streaming live how they sleep or lick trash bins, sometimes they earn more than anesthesiologists...:rolleyes:

Thank you!!
Now I remember, it was a modified version of the kseditor that I used. The default Kunos editor is pretty bad. Thank you for the tips.

I use it only to make small corrections or for personal taste, like this:





Or when the appropriate shader for carbon fiber is not used, which lacks the normals texture. That's it, nothing professional. And how do I edit the shaders by CM? I never knew that.
make it to alpha test and not blend, with blend the badges look weird through the windows and transparent to false
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Well, I downloaded, installed the version 2 (I think I already had it but just to be sure I (re)installed it). For the F1 track, the problem persists (only used GT3 cars as whatever car I use it seems to make no difference) and the cars make some significant cuts on corners (all four wheels on grass at least on two corners, or more).
I checked the Indy GP: everything concerning AI lines is perfect. All perfect for the MotoGP course too, and all perfect for the Indy 500 oval as well :)

So it seems to only be an issue with the F1 track, ironically reflecting the Indy F1 track's controversial history ;)

Yeah that really doesn't sound right. I just re-downloaded the track, uninstalled mine, reinstalled, and did two races with RSS 2020 and 2021 Hybrids. I see none of the issues you are having.

Are you sure you did a clean install of 2.0? A few turns were altered in the final stages, so if previous ai and new track borders are mismatched, that could happen. However, I have no idea what's going on in your case.

Here's a direct new link to the track, hope @damone13x doesn't mind:

Indianapolis aa_ims_v2.0:

Uninstall the track, download this and see if there is any difference.
Now I remember, it was a modified version of the kseditor that I used. The default Kunos editor is pretty bad. Thank you for the tips.

I use it only to make small corrections or for personal taste, like this:





Or when the appropriate shader for carbon fiber is not used, which lacks the normals texture. That's it, nothing professional. And how do I edit the shaders by CM? I never knew that.
- open car in CM custom showroom
- click on object you want to change shader values of
- click on menu button next to Material (3 dots)
- click on "change values"
- change values to taste and click "save"

I highly recommend to always save presets of shader settings you like to use regularly or you like the look of.
I also do have for standard objects a collection of Kunos standard shader settings (it is always best practice to stay close to Kunos standards in shader settings for best compatibility with vanilla AC and CSP, wonky shader settings because a modder thought he is cute or simply lazy shader settings are the number one cause for visual bugs with CSP as Ilja builds CSP feautures for best compatibility with Kunos standards).

Some settings used in these shader menus don't stick well when cycling through export fbx - modify in kseditor, etc.
For that reason I recommend to do all basics ALWAYS in kseditor (most reliable), then tweak shader values in CM amd then "lock in" your files in your workflow by doing a quick CM->fbx->kseditor->retest in game cycle to make sure you have clean files (this is particularly true when dealing with transparency shader settings.
Here are some W.I.P. screenshots of our upcoming GT4 cars update and our upcoming Audi R8 LMS GT2 :cheers:

Toyota Supra GT4










Audi R8 LMS GT2









and some ingame screenshots:



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Here are some W.I.P. screenshots of our upcoming GT4 cars update and our upcoming Audi R8 LMS GT2 :cheers:

Toyota Supra GT4



Did you update all GT4 interior or only Supra and X-Bow ? I think for example Panoz, Mustang or Camaro interior needs an update ...

Yes I have that too. A skin for that version is almost finished and should be up before the race. That version unfortunately has a lot more repeat textures but I'll do my best.

I have updated to a pack now that contains 4 Track skins including a Bahrain Internation Circuit Version.
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kind of a sideways question, but still AC related. I have a few of these laying about the place and an xboz wireless usb dongle thingomajoozit.
I got it hooked up and it works fine in AC , as in it does what it is meant to do except its crazy over sensitive. As i see it the accelerometer is just emulating left stick on a regular controller, so which setting in ac control sensitivity, (i need it to turn the wheel 90' when i hold the controller 90'. I have been wildly swinging the sliders around and dont seem to be effectively changing anything

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