Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I know I said a couple days ago I wasn't interested in making tracks anymore but sometimes I come across a track that's almost great but has a few flaws. This one is one of those tracks. It's Maspalomas. It was originally made by Cranck, you can get it here: . It's a bit overexposed, but I think that's just due to how AC has changed over the years with CSP and Sol being so popular now. Also the pit lane didn't work.

Then ACTK took a stab at it (get it here: )and improved the look greatly by adding grass and toning down the brightness, but in my opinion it was a bit too gloomy looking, and the trees looked weird (the normals weren't pointed up so they just look flat):

View attachment 1000601

I decided to have a go at it and added starting lights, made the pit lane lights work at night, brightened things up a bit so it actually looks nice and sunny, and I added rainfx. Oh and the pit lane works now.

View attachment 1000602

View attachment 1000603

Due to the normals for the trees needing to be fixed I had to mess with the KN5 so I am releasing this as a standalone instead of an update. It has it's own folder name so it won't overwrite anything.

If anyone's interested here you go:

I was interested, but sharemods' response was a curt "No file."
I know I said a couple days ago I wasn't interested in making tracks anymore but sometimes I come across a track that's almost great but has a few flaws. This one is one of those tracks. It's Maspalomas. It was originally made by Cranck, you can get it here: . It's a bit overexposed, but I think that's just due to how AC has changed over the years with CSP and Sol being so popular now. Also the pit lane didn't work.

Then ACTK took a stab at it (get it here: )and improved the look greatly by adding grass and toning down the brightness, but in my opinion it was a bit too gloomy looking, and the trees looked weird (the normals weren't pointed up so they just look flat):

View attachment 1000601

I decided to have a go at it and added starting lights, made the pit lane lights work at night, brightened things up a bit so it actually looks nice and sunny, and I added rainfx. Oh and the pit lane works now.

View attachment 1000602

View attachment 1000603

Due to the normals for the trees needing to be fixed I had to mess with the KN5 so I am releasing this as a standalone instead of an update. It has it's own folder name so it won't overwrite anything.

If anyone's interested here you go:

Nicely improved. Trees look better, water too. I needed Sol app to change exposure (it was a bit too bright on my system) but that's what that app feature is for. Still have to try at night.
Btw: there's also the Cranck, updated by @Teddie version with darkened mountains etc...

EDIT: lighting is looking fine too 👍
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Monaco Steering for RSS FH 2021 (Safe hairpin and chicanes 100% AI Strength)
EDIT: 29/03/2021- Following a request from Race Sim Studio I have removed the data.acd files from the download

The new updated version is instructions only and does not include the original or amended data.acd files

I have amended the data.acd to assist RSS FH 2021 AI and Driver to negotiate the hairpin and chicanes without cars bunching up.
Screenshot (447).jpg

In RSSFH2021 and or RSSFH2020 mod folder. Copy original data.acd and rename orig_data.acd. Unpack data in Content Manager. Go to car.ini and amend steer.ratio from 13.5 to 12. (12.5 for 2020)

Repack and Save as monaco_data.acd. Rename orig_data.acd to data.acd.

When racing at monaco rename data.acd to orig_data.acd and monaco_data.acd to data.acd.

Reverse when finished.

NOTE: it may be best to keep a copy of the original data.acd somewhere safe or reload from original download in case of errors.
  1. When racing in Monaco rename data.acd to orig_data.acd
  2. Rename monaco.acd to data.acd
  3. Reverse when returning to other race tracks or leave if you want

AI RAIN TYRES WITH CSP 1.74.33 Preview
This may have already been asked but how do we get the AI to have rain tyres as well - On my car its fine but the AI go skating off into a great big dog-pile - I know im missing something (simple?) but not sure what? Any help gratefully recieved


    1.3 MB · Views: 32
    1.3 MB · Views: 24
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Hi, I'm searching those mods:
-Tianmen Winding Mountain Road
-Singapore 2008
-F1 From 1996 to 2008 (excepting 2000/2004/2007)
-Porsche 908/03
-peugeot 908 LMP1 (2011)
(for free if it's possible)
If you could help me it send me a message
Hi, Anguco! Don't mean this in a rude way, but do give GTPlanet's search function a try, in case you haven't. Not only it works wonder, it will help you find up-to-date versions of whatever you're searching.
Here's Volume 9 of the Assetto Corsa Multiple Track Mod Review Project or MAN, IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME SINCE THE LAST ONE OF THESE.

The next one of these is going to be a catch-up of sorts that gathers all of the new duplicates for letters A-P that have appeared since I started the project. There's a lot!

Volume 1 - A is here.

Volume 2 - B is here.

Volume 3 - C and D is here.

Volume 4 - E, F, and G is here.

Volume 5 - H and I is here.

Volume 6 - J and K is here.

Volume 7 - L and M is here.

Volume 8 - N is here.


Testing Car:
Renault Clio III RS

Folder Name: okayama94
Author: thestrobe8
This one overall is nicely put together but it's way too bright, trackside objects are floating around (like cranes), there are some trees that are floating, no map, the pit lane doesn't function as a pit lane, and the start finish line doesn't extend into that pitlane. A great starting point.

Folder Name: okayama94
Author: thestrobe8/Updated by
This improves upon the thestrobe8 version by toning down the brightness, adding grass, and fixing both problems with the pit lane. Unfortunately there are still many problems left unfixed like floating cranes and trees. It's better, but still not up to standard.

Folder Name: okayama
Author: Mitja Bonca
This one is better in every way. It looks great, has way more road feel, and is incredibly detailed. This is definitely the one to get.

Oran Park
Testing Car:
Porsche 992 Carrera S

Folder Name: oranpark
Author: aspec7878
I say this a lot but it's a bit bright. The road mesh is also really low poly so it's not great to drive on. The trackside objects leave much to be desired. It's just not very good. Another problem is that turning on grassfx makes all grass surfaces on this track transparent so you can just see down into the void.

Folder Name: oran_park
Author: @GzeroD
This one fixes all of the problems from the earlier version. The road mesh has been fixed as well as improving the trackside details and adding a couple of new layouts. Definitely the one to get.

Testing Car:
Ford Fiesta Zetec '05

Folder Name: oschersleben
Author: Mitja Bonca
This version of the track has a lot of polish but there are a few areas I'm surprised about that seem a bit rough. The trees is one of those areas. Specifically the way the shadows are cast upon the trees make them look like obvious flat cutouts. Other than nitpicks like that this place looks decent and is fun to drive.

Folder Name: oschersleben
Author: Mortal
This is pretty much the Mitja Bonca version with the trees fixed and a few new textures. It's fine, but with the TMM version available you don't really need this one.

B]Folder Name:[/B] tmm_oschersleben
Author: TM-Modding
This is an rFactor 2 conversion and it's the best of the bunch. You get two more layouts, plus tons more detail. This place looks fantastic. This is the one to get.

Oulton Park
Testing Car:
Alfa Romeo Montreal 1971

Folder Name: 67olton
Author: Gilles75
For a Gilles75 track this one is surprisingly nice looking, but unfortunately it's horrible to drive. The road mesh is undrivably low poly and bumpy. I'd love to see this late 60's early 70's look applied to the reboot version.

Folder Name: oulton_park
Author: AC Track Reboot
This one is a huge improvement. It's a modern setting of course but the no chicane layout matches the 1970 layout from the gilles version. Unfortunately the road mesh is still pretty bumpy and low poly, but it seemed smoother than the other one. This is the one to get.


Pace Park
Testing Car:
Amuse S2000 R1

Folder Name: pacepark
Author: Dumeklemmer
This track is a pretty fun fictional layout. The asphalt texture is a bit blurry compared to many of the other textures. The trees are just a wall of trees in spots, which does look a bit old, but it is a conversion of an old track, so it's to be expected. The road has almost no feel to it unfortunately. Not a bad effort, just not great either. There is no AI on this track.

Folder Name: pacepark
This rework by adds some much needed grass tree tweaks, and better shadows. Overall, a great update to this track. This is the one to get.

Palm Beach Speedway
Testing Car:
Porsche 718 Cayman S

Folder Name: palmbeach_speedway
Author: Gatorboy
This track feels very unfinished. There's almost no surrounding objects on the track and the track goes in reverse of the real track. It's hard to recommend this version.

Folder Name: palmbeach_speedway
Author: @dathyr and @CrisT86
Dathyr and CrisT86 of GTplanet teamed up to improve this and gave it a few layouts, some enhancements, and some AI. This is the version to get.

Passion Meca Raceway
Testing Car:
B. Engineering Edonis

Folder Name: passion-meca
This is an interesting track that takes corners from existing tracks and mashes them together into a fun fictional track. It's details look pretty nice. All it needs to look outstanding is probably a grass and lighting config. This is the one to get because the rework below has too many flaws to make it worth using over this one. A good lighting/grass config added to the csp github (so it can be automatically applied with content manager) would make it perfect.

Folder Name: passion-meca
This is a rework of the original track and pretty much the only differences I notice are that the trees are color corrected better and there is grassfx now. This could all have been done as a config file, but instead was released as a whole new track. I find a lot of these releases to be like that. The grass in this version is also flourescent green. I prefer the original.

Pau Arnos
Testing Car:
Porsche 911 AWD by Singer

Folder Name: pau_arnos_2020
Author: Waterworld-BE
This is a good start, but it still needs a lot of work. It has a very unfinished feel and needs a lot more polish. I'd skip this one.

Folder Name: arnos
Author: TiTOUNEN
This appears to be a continuation of the work that was done by Waterworld-BE. Unfortunately it's pretty much the same, but this time with more ugly trees and a few trackside objects. The road was smoothened a little bit but there are still holes off the side of the road. It's just not really ready for prime time.

Folder Name: actk_arnos
This is the best of the bunch here. It's a conversion from GTR2 and it has the hallmarks of an old track, but it does have the advantage of looking like a real natural place for the most part. Where this one really stands out though is how fun it is to drive. The road surface is more realistically bumpy in the right places where the other two are bumpy in all the wrong and unfun places. Definitely get this one.

Paul Ricard 1988
Testing Car:
Lotus 107 F1 Car

Folder Name: paul_ricard1988
Author: carrera4 and Rainmaker
It's alright but the signs and buildings are all impossible to see because the lighting is weird. it's all so bright, like everything is covered with a thin film of reflective vinyl or something.

Folder Name: paul_ricard1988
This version is a rework of the rainmaker version and the lighting is a bit toned down but the trackside objects like signs and buildings still have the specularity a bit off. Also for some reason the crowd is gone. Overall this one is a bit better so it's the one to get, but a tiny bit more care would turn it from good to great. Again though, I'm pretty sure everything done here could have been accomplished with a config file for CSP instead of releasing a whole new track.

Phillip Island
Testing Car:
V8SCorsa 2020 Ford Falcon

Folder Name: phillip_island
Author: Terra21
This track, like most other Terra21 tracks is a conversion from an older game and like many Terra21 tracks this one really holds up. There are a lot of details here like the grass at the edge of the road that even many modern tracks don't do as well. Unfortunately the road mesh is pretty low-poly and bumpy. Another flaw here is that some of the track bridges have textures that are stretched too wide so their aspect ratio goes all weird.

Folder Name: phillip_island_circuit
Author: Cranck
This version is another conversion but seems to share some of the same assets, like the tirewall texture is the same. I'm not sure if this is converted from an earlier version, but it just doesn't look as detailed and the color correction is all off. It does however have a fixed road mesh. Take the road mesh from this version and put it into the terra21 version and you've got a fantastic version of Phillip Island.

Note: Combining these two tracks into a nice looking and nice driving phillip island is probably going to be my next project when I'm done with Brno 1965 unless anyone else is working on one.

Phoenix International Raceway
Testing Car:
2020 Chevrolet Carmaro Xfinity Series NASCAR

Folder Name: vhr_phoenix
Author: VHR and Rainmaker
The road surface is good, both in look and feel, but the track-side details are a bit low quality, especially the hills outside the track. The AI is surprisingly competent which is rare with oval tracks.

Folder Name: aa_phoenix_raceway
Author: @damone13x
This version is fantastic! I think it must be converted from a more recent NASCAR game. So many details, and great performance. Everything looks and feels perfect. The AI is not so great unfortunately and the night lighting is very very bright, but aside from that it's great. I'd love to see the lighting fixed and the road course added but despite that this is the best version available.

Folder Name: phoenix2
Author: @GzeroD (Legion)
This one seems to be very similar to the Rainmaker version with most of the ugly trackside objects removed and the road course added. This is the only one to have the road course, and if the @damone13x version didn't exist this would be my pick.

Pikes Peak Hill Climb
Testing Car:
Volkswagen I.D. R Pikes Peak

Folder Name: simtraxx_pikes_peak_0.81
Author: Simtraxx
This track is very impressive for what it is. The textures are a bit low res but most of the textures are the ground, and that low-res could be hidden by a good grassfx config. The trees could use some lighting/shadowing work, and the road is low poly in places, but due to the scale of this track I'm very impressed by what they were able to pull off here. This is the best version available.

Folder Name: pikes_peak_0.2
Author: Sovers
This one unfortunately has an even lower poly road mesh, bland textures, and ugly trees. The lighting was also so intense that turning sol exposure all the way down wasn't enough to compensate. I unfortunately can't recommend it when the other one is available.

Potrero De Los Funes
Testing Car:
Porsche 356 A/1600 Speedster

Folder Name: funes
Author: Gilles75
Download: Pay Mod -
The hills surrounding the track look pretty nice. That's just about the only good thing I can say about this track. The road mesh is low poly, the buildings and objects around the track look like PS1 graphics, and this guy expects money for this no-permission no-effort conversion.

Folder Name: potrero
Author: ERL
This is another conversion from the same source but this time lots of care was taken and new custom stuff was added. It mostly looks great and is really fun to drive. Definitely get this version.

Testing Car:
Mazda RX-7 SGT300

Folder Name: pudsey (2)
Author: Terra21
This is an interesting British street circuit originally created for rFactor and Simraceway. It's very tight and has unforgiving curbs. It's not bad, and this version is cool. Nothing really stands out negative or positive. This is the better version of the two available.

Folder Name: pudsey
Author: sim-racer RSix
This version is a less refined conversion of the same track. The trees are uglier and the lighting is pretty harsh.

Putnam Park
Testing Car:
Alfa Romeo Giulietta QV Launch Edition 2014

Folder Name: putnam-park
Author: thestrobe8
Well, this one doesn't have working AI, unfortunately. In fact it comes with broken AI and the track won't even load in practice mode unless you delete the AI folder. Also unfortunate is the missing map, and non-working pit-lane. Other than that it doesn't look bad.

Folder Name: putnam_park
Author: Terra21
This version of the track works great and looks great. It has the old-style 3d grass instead of grassfx, but when I'm driving I don't notice. The colors look good and it's really fun to drive. Highly recommended, and if you're looking for the best version, this one is it.

Thanks for this compilation

Is this the latest volume you've done?

Can't wait for the remaining ones!!
Yes, me too :) :)
I deleted the bin files and all is well now.
Thank you for working out what the problem was.

(and now we know that those bin files can have an effect. Wow! What a wonderfully complex world we live in!)


That is so weird, I was really grasping at straws with that suggestion. I pretty much keep all the ai behavior stuff off, but this is interesting.

Yes, I have the same problem with de AI in Indianapolis F1 layout. Tested with Formula hybrid 2021 and Ferrari 355 Challenge.
In F1 REVERSED is ok. The problem is in F1 course no reversed.

Edited: I have deleted the .bin files in the ai folder and now works ok. Problem solved.

Im really sorry to you and Kevin, he pointed me to delete those bin files but i forgot to do it as I was on a hurry the day i uploaded the track. I've been away from home for a week now so I haven't been able to mod since then but Im glad you all sorted it out.

View attachment 1000182

This is the state of Calder, as its been since early February. Its in .kn5 but without any mesh assignments.
Needless to say, it is not high on my list as it will need extensive work, rework, additional meshes for missing terrain.

If you want to help, that's great. If not...
I will eventually find the time, resources mentioned and get around to seeing if they fit etc.


There is no version of Calder road course out there? I was focused on the Thunderdome but I got some troubles making it so I halted.

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Oh yeah just in case anyone cares, the RTM/EX Mods/Whoever it is now 2019 Porsche 935 has finally been released for free on Assettoland. The only difference I can find with the RTM version is the shaders are slightly different.

Might be worth looking into seeing as it's now publicly available, maybe someone can fix it up and skin it so the Guerilla R8 GT2 isn't so alone when it launches in the coming month or two.
No problem.

Just so happens another version was given to me to share from @pitsch83. He made a few visual tweaks to the signage, grass run off areas, and removed some of the weird spectators. Most noteworthy is the huge grandstand is gone, which I believe was fictitious anyway. However, it's now missing the grandstand as a whole, so there's that. However the layout is the same, bumps and all, so I added my ai files and also a vao patch.

Motorland Aragon updated by pitsch83:

Hi people, is there some update for this track?
Hi people, is there some update for this track?

Not aware of one, sorry. Maybe someone can someday do a quality conversion, or ground up build... there's a lot of potential with different layout possibilities. I'm not sure if this was an RFactor conversion, or where it came from.
Hi people, is there some update for this track?
This is one of few tracks that I'm really missing in AC. Would love quality version with multiple layouts. Rf2 version is really great. I got permission for convertion from Paulmarc. Thought Neil would make it but havent heard from him for a while. Hope we will get this or proper version somewhere in time.
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I really had to ponder if this thing is worth sharing, but then again what's the harm? So here goes: minor improvements to Watkins Glen 1967 by the infamous Gilles75 (not mocking Gilles, he has offered many decent base tracks at least for the rest of the community to improve).

View attachment 966902

Includes basic grass config and a default skin that replaces Gilles' trees with Kunos' ones. Also a new background (I know it's not accurate with the mountains but at least it looks a bit better to me).

Link to original track:

Would you mind sharing your version of the track or at least the grass fx config please?

Intentionally messy grass config for Nemuno Ziedas. Only tested with the skin that comes along.

View attachment 967183

Original track:

This must be one of the most underrated tracks in the AC universe. It's a masterpiece. Can't think of a track that's more fun to drive with a bit slower cars. And it looks great. Hopefully this post brings a little attention to it.

EDIT: Original track link replaced with a latest version (0.96). The skin and config also updated to work with an (unfinished) extended layout included in v0.96.

May I get this one also, if not too demanding?
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Here's an updated v3.5 Aosta, full track download including other recent updates by @__EASY__ (grassFX and VAO). Back up your existing copy first if you're in any doubt.

View attachment 938201 View attachment 938202 View attachment 938203 View attachment 938204 View attachment 938205 View attachment 938207 View attachment 938208 View attachment 938209 View attachment 938210 View attachment 938211 View attachment 938212 View attachment 938213

For this update:
-Added two billboard skins inc new track logo on the s/f straight. Both skins have vegetation texture tweaks (darker grass & trees with higher contrast)
-Added branded Aosta blimp
-Added ballooons (inc Aosta branded version)
-Added airliners at altitude
-Added helicopters (needs stFlow for rotor blade motion)

can you please upload a new link ... this one is not working anymore. Thanks!
Hi Guys

Has anyone got a download of Bazzas AC GPL Legends mod?Every link I have tried appears broken.
All his other mods appear to download with no problem.
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From Fecebook. This is not my mod. It's an update so check your cars folder and compare this to what you might have installed.

Johannes Schellhammer
Assetto Corsa Tuned Mods & 4k Photos

· 25m ·

BMW M4 CS 2019 v5.0

Crash released version 5.0 if you havent seen it

View attachment 1000745
i wish people would copy the full release notes before posting something, either way
Monaco Steering for RSS FH 2021 (Safe hairpin and chicanes 100% AI Strength)
EDIT: 29/03/2021- Following a request from Race Sim Studio I have removed the data.acd files from the download

The new updated version is instructions only and does not include the original or amended data.acd files

I have amended the data.acd to assist RSS FH 2021 AI and Driver to negotiate the hairpin and chicanes without cars bunching up.
View attachment 1000675

In RSSFH2021 and or RSSFH2020 mod folder. Copy original data.acd and rename orig_data.acd. Unpack data in Content Manager. Go to car.ini and amend steer.ratio from 13.5 to 12. (12.5 for 2020)

Repack and Save as monaco_data.acd. Rename orig_data.acd to data.acd.

When racing at monaco rename data.acd to orig_data.acd and monaco_data.acd to data.acd.

Reverse when finished.

NOTE: it may be best to keep a copy of the original data.acd somewhere safe or reload from original download in case of errors.
  1. When racing in Monaco rename data.acd to orig_data.acd
  2. Rename monaco.acd to data.acd
  3. Reverse when returning to other race tracks or leave if you want

AI RAIN TYRES WITH CSP 1.74.33 Preview
This may have already been asked but how do we get the AI to have rain tyres as well - On my car its fine but the AI go skating off into a great big dog-pile - I know im missing something (simple?) but not sure what? Any help gratefully recieved
Have you tried something with RSS Formula Americas on street circuits like St. Petersburg? There is the same problem as with Hybrid 20/21 in Monaco, but your twig doesn't help.
Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.

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