Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Does someone have the Toyota TS020 GT-One by Virtua Simulazioni updated to v1.2-Version by apexxer ?
Can't find the link anymore :(

If I have a mod car who's tail lights glow entirely too much, would I try and fix that by looking at the car's ext_config file or do I need to unpack the data.acd file and look in there? Thanks...

I think if you lower the emissive shader or tweak some other shaders in cm showroom you can lower the glow, but not sure about that.
Zrzut ekranu (19).png

You have to figure out the name for Your headlights and open the lights.ini, so You would have this:


the "COLOR=" numbers are RGB values and balancing them will give You different light colour. 200,200,200 will give You perfect white, 2000,2000,2000 will give same colour but 10x brighter, 20,20,20 10x dimmer.

You can actually fix the cars with headlights/taillights not working by finding out the mesh object name and add new [LIGHT_], but it has to be the next number in Your file (LIGHT_1, LIGHT_2...) and adding [BRAKE_*number*] will make the mesh object glow when You brake.

I hope this helps(^^

Hello everyone,
I had already shared here a Youtube video of the track.
Here is a version still in beta but which allows you to race without any problems on the 2 main layouts (full track and full track with chicane).
These 2 layouts are used for the WTCC, WTCR, Blancpain GT Series Asia and Porsche Carrera Cup Asia.
The other 4 layouts (West, mini East, East and High Speed) are not operational because they need work on the pits, starting grid, ai lines.
Members of GTPlanet have already actively worked on this project, but there is still work to be done, I have very little time with my job so if any modders here are interested in helping us they are welcome and can contact me privately if needed.
This track will not be shared outside of this GTPlanet forum for now as it is a project mainly for members here so please do not share it on Racedepartment !!!!
I'm looking for modders to make the skins and animations of the track : WTCR skins, Blancpain GT Series, sponsors, flags .... to have more realism and immersion.
Thank you all in advance for your help because I am not a modder ;)
I remind you that it is a huge job and that for free !!!!!

Yongcheng International 2020 project team : a big thank you for their work !!!
(textures, VAO patch, rainfx, ai_lines, grassfx, folder structure, extension, ai files, normal map, cams, pits, starting grid ... for full and full with chicane layouts)
Without these GTPlanet members nothing is possible so thank you all already for the work done for free on your time !!!!

Beta testers

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BETA version here :

If you are interested in this project you can contact me here : @ClaudioWRC74
Just wondering if there has been any progress with this over the past couple of months - there's a lot of potential for it to be a really nice circuit.
I have tried RSS F2 2020 and it's just perfectly flowered.
Found it's two mods for F1 2021 - by RSS and by ACFL. Who have tried both, which you consider to be better?
PS im not big open wheel specialist

RSS produces very high quality mods, their physics are very good for simulated cars, and I thoroughly enjoy all their mods, especially all their open-wheel formula cars. Their work is definitely qualified as "pay" content, and their prices are very reasonable. They also listen to feedback, incorporate the latest improvements, and release updates if needed. They maintain a customer database, and send out update emails with download links.

I tested the ACFL F1. I can appreciate their work, and that they offer it for free, but from what I can remember, the modeling was not as good, and the physics weren't realistic (unless I'm confusing theirs with another mod). The cars were too fast and too easy to drive. It wasn't long before I returned to the RSS mods.
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very strange no idea why, I will keep testing, but can't see what you guys are getting weird.

No worries, I'm just interested in why we are getting such different results.

Maybe try deleting those .bin files in the ai folder- I have no idea what they actually do, and they are not necessary. I asked damone to remove those before uploading, but it didn't happen.

Beyond that, my apologies, I've run out of answers- may be someone smarter than me can figure what's going on, sorry man.

Just to follow up on this, i delleted the track from my Assetto Corsa folder and then manually installed it again but not through content manager. And then removed all the bin files and all looks good now. Also i noticed it says 43 pits but only loads 28 cars.

Oh, I deleted those bin files too and I can confirm the problems at the race start are gone now, thank you!
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very strange no idea why, I will keep testing, but can't see what you guys are getting weird.

No worries, I'm just interested in why we are getting such different results.

Maybe try deleting those .bin files in the ai folder- I have no idea what they actually do, and they are not necessary. I asked damone to remove those before uploading, but it didn't happen.

Beyond that, my apologies, I've run out of answers- may be someone smarter than me can figure what's going on, sorry man.
Oh, no, please don't apologise. You keep bringing excellent AI files to AC. I really appreciate it (as I race offline all the time against AI and like it to be at its best).
It is weird. A few other GTPlaneters have posted , in the thread, about their AI experiences on the F1 track... and it seems about half of us have problems and half of us don't.
So I'll try removing the bin files when I'm back at my PC to see what that does.
Thank you for looking at this
For the RTM/Ex-Lax-Mods or whoever they are version, I edited the drivetrain.ini file (data.acd attached) to support manual shifting. It's shifting animation grabs the knob well, but it's the basic forward shift movement of most mods.

I wish the skins would be transferrable as well, but they're not. I like this body and wheel color combination for Alfa's. This needs to be added to Jasper Opperman's version.

View attachment 1000304

My skins are based on the real cars ;) But you can make your own skins with the CM paint shop so you can re-create this skin if you want! :)

Sorry guys I forgot to release here again but here it is!

!!!! RELEASED !!!!
!!! Alfa Romeo TZ3 Stradale Zagato !!!
Sorry for the delay but I saw Exmods released a version and I'm sure my version is better so here it is. Since it's a FM4 model the interior isn't great but I tried to make it look alright with VAO and a CSP effect for the gauges. 6 of the 9 colors are real existing specs I tried to re-create as close as possible the others I filled in with Alfa colors I think looked good on the car.

BHP: 600
NM: 760
No ecryption
CSP is required for the car to work best but it should work without

3D Shell: Car: FM4. Wheels: GT6
3D Work: Opperslang
Sounds: JakubP
Physics: JakubP
CSP Config: Opperslang + Fazani

Bugs: no door or wiper animations, turn signals light the ground green, no rear lip for the wheels.
Any issues found please report directly to me
Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!

Download Link:



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Thanks for looking at this, Kevin. Sorry for all the hassle.

Now I'm starting to doubt the reality before my eyes though. :(

I downloaded via your link, deleted the aa_ims file I had in my Tracks folder, then tried a race with Kunos Lotus 3-11, and it's the same problem. So, I then did it all again, deleted the aa_ims file, and re-installed the version from the link you gave and it's still the same :(

Could someone else, reading this thread, please try the Indianapolis Motor Speedway F1 Course to check the AI?

Yes, I have the same problem with de AI in Indianapolis F1 layout. Tested with Formula hybrid 2021 and Ferrari 355 Challenge.
In F1 REVERSED is ok. The problem is in F1 course no reversed.

Edited: I have deleted the .bin files in the ai folder and now works ok. Problem solved.
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There is no "REAL" F1 layout for Assetto Corsa? Because in this version there are a lot of good(!) layouts, but these based on the latest version of track.

From 2000 to 2007 (when the F1 arrive here) there was two harpins before they turn to the oval section.
Check here:

I'm looking for this version! (2000-2007 Road Course)
Damone knew about it as during development we provided him the info. This is however bigger 3d job in Blender. If you feel you can manage have it a go. I would also welcome additional F1 layout to this great track.
Just had a quick mess about and did this - Is it the sort of thing you wanted?

they look a bit flat due to the pic being taken in the showroom but you'll have to try them in game to see how they come out

View attachment 1000506

I can send em over if you think they look ok

You could change the map (how it shines) for a specific skin by placing a different rim map file in the skin folder. Think it's called or something like that. You can check in the showroom
This may sound like a lot of work upfront but actually once you have set it up it is super low maintenance and you will have a very structured and easy to navigate place to show your work and if you want even let people give feedback:

- create your own discord (super easy and free - it takes maybe 10 minutes to set your own discord up, instructions are easy and are straight on their website
- host all the mods you want on one of the big hosting sites (use whatever suits you best - Mega, Google Drive, Share...something...something, ...)
- post your mods within the appropriate channel with a preview image and the download link
- share a discord invite (which you should make perpetual) in your signature here on the forum

LOL I’m a grown adult, I’m not going to set up a discord. People hate having to go into a chat room application for teenagers and use an obtuse search filtering function to download things. Discord is the worst “content distribution” platform imaginable.
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LOL I’m a grown adult, I’m not going to set up a discord. People hate having to go into a chat room application for teenagers and use an obtuse search filtering function to download things. Discord is the worst “content distribution” platform imaginable.
I am sorry for trying to help.

I am sorry for trying to help.

Don’t take it personally. My beef is not with you, it’s with the use of discord to distribute content.

The content being discussed in this case is short text reviews, not actual track downloads anyway though, which seems even worse to be distributed through a chat client.
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I have tried RSS F2 2020 and it's just perfectly flowered.
Found it's two mods for F1 2021 - by RSS and by ACFL. Who have tried both, which you consider to be better?
PS im not big open wheel specialist

I find the ACFL car easier to drive and faster, generally prefer ACFL for the individual car model. But this season they are running one model and looks more like the 2021 car. RSS is higher quality in all aspect except that it looks like a generic Formula car.
That is so weird, I was really grasping at straws with that suggestion. I pretty much keep all the ai behavior stuff off, but this is interesting.
Yes, me too :) :)
I deleted the bin files and all is well now.
Thank you for working out what the problem was.

(and now we know that those bin files can have an effect. Wow! What a wonderfully complex world we live in!)

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I know I said a couple days ago I wasn't interested in making tracks anymore but sometimes I come across a track that's almost great but has a few flaws. This one is one of those tracks. It's Maspalomas. It was originally made by Cranck, you can get it here: . It's a bit overexposed, but I think that's just due to how AC has changed over the years with CSP and Sol being so popular now. Also the pit lane didn't work.

Then ACTK took a stab at it (get it here: )and improved the look greatly by adding grass and toning down the brightness, but in my opinion it was a bit too gloomy looking, and the trees looked weird (the normals weren't pointed up so they just look flat):


I decided to have a go at it and added starting lights, made the pit lane lights work at night, brightened things up a bit so it actually looks nice and sunny, and I added rainfx. Oh and the pit lane works now.



Due to the normals for the trees needing to be fixed I had to mess with the KN5 so I am releasing this as a standalone instead of an update. It has it's own folder name so it won't overwrite anything.

If anyone's interested here you go:
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