Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

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Screenshot_lotus_49_wood_30-3-119-4-57-39.jpgScreenshot_lotus_49_wood_30-3-119-4-55-56.jpg Screenshot_lotus_49_wood_30-3-119-4-56-59.jpg

Woodside 1.0
Converted from rFactor and vastly improved.

30 pit boxes
Great AI
TV cams
Can someone please remind me how to fix windscreens that reflect the road in cockpit view? Cheers!

Yap I would like to know that too. I have an ugly failure in chrome material inside the Ferrari 365 GTB from AC Legends pack which I would like to fix (it reflects the tarmac):



  • Unbenannt.png
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Lexus LC500 GT500 RC-F Visual Update V1.1 by delpinsky :D


— Working wiper
— KsWindscreen glass
— Rain effect on glass
— Damage glass
— Cockpit internal light for night racing
— LCD light for night racing
— LODs added
— Default gears in setup menu fixed. No more 185km/h max speed
— Totalmass fixed. Added missing driver weight

Extract "lexus_lc500_gt500_rcf" into assettocorsa\content\cars\
Extract "extension" into assettocorsa\

If you find any issue related to the visual aspect of the car, let me know and I'll try to fix it.

Visual Update V1.1, Enjoy! :gtpflag:
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I posted on the other forum as an answer to Krassi, but in short: when I touch the BLM lights app for adjusting the headlights, they are gone. Disable the app and they are back. That was probably what happened yesterday with the Toyota too (not sure though, can't really remember).

Maybe that sheds some light (pun intended)... :dopey:
i would love to try those new shader patches but my drivers hand and even driver models are all over the place. and this is even with patch 69, so this isnt even adressed by anyone?
That Clio V6 isn't great. What a shame, I love that little beast.
If you want a good laugh do a spec race with a bunch of them (Spa is good) and watch the fireworks. They are almost constantly firing showers of sparks, despite not looking particularly low to the ground.
Agree. It looked really nice in the pic, but in game it is rather dull and edgy. It does not drive that well either. Removed from my collection...
Agree. It looked really nice in the pic, but in game it is rather dull and edgy. It does not drive that well either. Removed from my collection...

Funny, though they shown a race version of it. It's not even their mod and they say it's a private mod. :lol:
Since we are making the perfect Frankenstein racing game, I raise you...

- Physics of rF2
- Moddability of AC
- Car list/customization of Forza
- Track list of all rF1 mods
- Graphics of GTS
- Weather/ToD of Driveclub
- Damage of Wreckfest/BeamNG
- Online of iRacing
- Sounds of RRRE
- Career mode of PCARS
- Open world of ETS+ATS
- Off road physics of Dirt Rally/RBR/Spintires

Anything I missed? :D
Forza doesn't have kei cars or the Jordan 191. :P
i think i own to many cars now, normal AC launcher is stuck at 100% car metadata.
is there a way to adjust weight and power outside of the normal ac launcher`? cause when i do it in CM, it doesnt seem to have any effect.
I have done a "parallel" content/cars folder where I put the LQ physics mods that despite a bad handling have nice 3D models.

In CM i open the folder of the offending car/mod, and than i remove it by hand from the main Cars folder into the one I created outside the AC main directory,

I haven't find a faster and more practical way to do it.

For the power and weight, extract the Data.acd file and find the data you are interested in the various .ini files ... comparing them with the car that has the values you want will help (luc files if present can be edited too)

Just Yesterday I spent all day testing and trashing s*itty mods , and there were a lot of them :(
- the winner would be HMS mods, but of course, they are not alone...

@Delta7Fox and @Longmont (thanks for quoting :) )
Thanks for the French link... I am eager to see what they have done to that 911 Singer .... will try it in a few minutes after the "Coffee ceremony" is over :D

what does "act80-s" stands for ?
... Since we are making the perfect Frankenstein racing game, I raise you...

- Physics of rF2
- Moddability of AC
- Car list/customization of Forza
- Track list of all rF1 mods
- Graphics of GTS
- Weather/ToD of Driveclub
- Damage of Wreckfest/BeamNG
- Online of iRacing
- Sounds of RRRE
- Career mode of PCARS
- Open world of ETS+ATS
- Off road physics of Dirt Rally/RBR/Spintires

Anything I missed? :D

OK,,, at this point I pay to see what you have in your hand :D

anyway, all those algorithms have been calculated tested and published, so, just a matter of time till a sim like that comes out
...waiting for a developer with enough money to buy all the rights to use all the pieces in a new sim :D

This is the part that I miss most:

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