Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hey all, where do you change the default value for ABS and Traction Control on the setups page? setup.ini doesn't have that and I can't seem to change it from the default value.
Those tow items (and also EDL) are written in electronics.ini.
Furthermore if you need some steps for those items you can use abs_settings.lut and traction_control.lut with that.

To easer to understand, refer kunos's car data.
No Mod requires DLC.
Only the collider.kn5 is used to check for DLC, so if a Mod uses one then replace, edit, or create your own.
so youre saying that just editing the collider would make it work? I mean, pass the collider check. Should i put the collider with kn5 converter into a folder to get the fbx and edit maybe just an edge?
DiRT - Japan Special Stage (Race of Champions) v1.0

View attachment 1013598
View attachment 1013602
View attachment 1013601

- 4x pit/grid
- AI w/working timers
- CSP, GrassFX, Lighting

@Codemasters - Original Track
@RMi_wood - Conversion
@shi - Track FX extras, cam, AI
@racealot - Extra trackside cameras

Known bug: Skidmark misaligned on one hill crest

How to race "R.O.C style":
Set one opponent. Complete at least 2 "laps" finishing at original start position (works best when set for 4 laps)
Cars to use: Medium to small trackday/hillclimb/rallycross cars like BAC Mono, KTM X-BOW, Toyota Celica st185, karts, etc.


Very fun track with all this bumps and slopes.

Thank you.

My contribution:

Can I just ask a question please. What are peoples view on encrypting mods? I believe its a no no as that leads to everything becoming pay mods. Basically I've just had a PM that states I'm stupid for not encrypting my stuff and therefore should expect it to be stolen and uploaded by others as their own. What happened to giving for free and having trust in other peoples integrity to respect free content.
Can I just ask a question please. What are peoples view on encrypting mods? I believe its a no no as that leads to everything becoming pay mods. Basically I've just had a PM that states I'm stupid for not encrypting my stuff and therefore should expect it to be stolen and uploaded by others as their own. What happened to giving for free and having trust in other peoples integrity to respect free content.

I use some encrypted mods but only if it allows to change UI stuff. Because I want to see them in same style so I want to change previews and stuff. And all mods that I use, I add them the missing information by searching. But I'm not a car modder so my opinion is mostly based on a consumer/user level.
Can I just ask a question please. What are peoples view on encrypting mods? I believe its a no no as that leads to everything becoming pay mods. Basically I've just had a PM that states I'm stupid for not encrypting my stuff and therefore should expect it to be stolen and uploaded by others as their own. What happened to giving for free and having trust in other peoples integrity to respect free content.

Is it that time of the week when we all talk about encrypted mods already?

I don't encrypt my work. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm happy for someone else to improve my work. I'm sure that many people can do a better job of it than me and I'd get to benefit from using their improved version.

For me, a more important thing is giving credit where it is due. If someone improves my work, then I'd at least like to be acknowledged rather than have them make out that they are responsible for everything.
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Personally I feel it's a bit hypocritical to be a part of a nodding community and encrypt your work, especially if it's a conversion of someone else's previous free work. I respect the amount of time modders sacrifice for the love of the game but it's suppose to be an open modding platform. I also understand the frustration many feel when their work is plagiarized. I usually stay away from encrypted mods but I don't hold it against them. They are free to release as they wish as I am free to download or not. The best mods here at gtp are the ones many work together on, small contributions or big.
Can I just ask a question please. What are peoples view on encrypting mods? I believe its a no no as that leads to everything becoming pay mods. Basically I've just had a PM that states I'm stupid for not encrypting my stuff and therefore should expect it to be stolen and uploaded by others as their own. What happened to giving for free and having trust in other peoples integrity to respect free content.
Imo you are not stupid but they are for telling you.
For me it's simple: encrypted ---> bin, immediately.
I'll admit, whenever I discover a mod is encrypted, I feel sorry for the modder who released it. As stated above, the entire point of modding was people sharing their work, others expanding on it, and the breed simply getting better and better all the time. I don't understand the "you stole it" comments. In the end, Kunos gave us a game that we can endlessly modify, and that's one of the huge reasons it's remained so timeless and irreplaceable. Once you start encrypting everything, you're bringing the day the sim dies closer.
Is it that time of the week when we all talk about encrypted mods already?

I don't encrypt my work. But as far as I'm concerned, I'm happy for someone else to improve my work. I'm sure that many people can do a better job of it than me and I'd get to benefit from using their improved version.

For me, a more important thing is giving credit where it is due. If someone improves my work, then I'd at least like to be acknowledged rather than have them make out that they are responsible for everything.
Yes, credit where credit is due. Sharing, improving, discovering things is what it should be all about. Personally I don't think people put the same amount of pride and detail in to F1 skins as I do, however every now and again I find something in someone else's work that I think... damn, that's good, why didn't I think to do that? I agree that sometimes the best work comes from people that can work together. Look at Portimao for example between myself and @marc_13000 we ended up with an amazing best version ever. Both bringing different things and ideas to work together. Same will be hopefully for a final accurate Paul Ricard in a few weeks.

Another thing, that blooming batmobile..... it was a dream of mine to see it in AC. I've wished it for many years and maybe I did bang on about it a month or so back but the combined downloads from racedepartment and the mediafile link are close to 5000 now. That makes it my most successful upload ever. So the few nasty messages I got about it are insignificant to the amount of joy people may have gotten from it. Could I have charged .50p for it as a paid mod? I think so, I'd be 2.5k richer if I did but that is not keeping this title alive, pay mods and encryption kills. If AC 2 ever comes out I fear the pay for mod attitude will take over and it will not survive. I don't support pay mods from Joe blogs, RSS etc is different as a they are a dedicated team of ethousiasts. RainFX for example will never be free now. Somebody receiving €4000 plus a month for it is not going to give it away now for free and recieve €0 all of a sudden. Deep down we all know that. That's why I gladly give my €1 each month for any updates. Can't afford to start missing out in its development.
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I made a basic GrassFX/RainFX config for the Vålerbanen track found on Legion's blog. Can somebody advise on how to fix the hotlap spawning position /car dropping from the sky? Is there any better version out there for AC yet? RaceRoom will get the track soon so it would be nice to have a worthy version for AC.

Update: track DL can be found at the bottom of this page: (URL shortened because the forum censored parts of the original URL: -*****-or-not-tracks.html)


  • ext_config.ini.txt
    1.1 KB · Views: 38
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You already answered it yourself but anyway:

View attachment 1013552
And I'm not stating that there are no other sims that may even simulate racing better, but as a total package, it's hard to beat AC.
I do have several other sims installed, but I always tend to return to AC.

no doubt, but, was not my question, if you follow that rabbit hole back through the quotes, a question was posed by a different user about why traffic in trackday mode is so rubbish, the answer given was that its better than in other sims, which is blatantly incorrect, which then started the whole "what is a real sim" rabbit hole.. etc etc.. ;)

short version, NONE of them are even close to the real thing, we are grown up kids playing video games ;)

Can I just ask a question please. What are peoples view on encrypting mods? I believe its a no no as that leads to everything becoming pay mods. Basically I've just had a PM that states I'm stupid for not encrypting my stuff and therefore should expect it to be stolen and uploaded by others as their own. What happened to giving for free and having trust in other peoples integrity to respect free content.

Encrypting a mod means it takes about 8 minutes more to decrypt it nowadays before you can poke a stick at it in Blender. No point anymore. Until AC goes to DX12 (not going to happen) buffer grabbing the mod is always an option.
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so youre saying that just editing the collider would make it work? I mean, pass the collider check. Should i put the collider with kn5 converter into a folder to get the fbx and edit maybe just an edge?


I made a basic GrassFX/RainFX config for the Vålerbanen track found on Legion's blog. Can somebody advise on how to fix the hotlap spawning position /car dropping from the sky?....

Sure, let me know I've left that broken and I can fix it myself. (or if you already did that please forgive me for overlooking it)
I'll admit, whenever I discover a mod is encrypted, I feel sorry for the modder who released it. As stated above, the entire point of modding was people sharing their work, others expanding on it, and the breed simply getting better and better all the time. I don't understand the "you stole it" comments. In the end, Kunos gave us a game that we can endlessly modify, and that's one of the huge reasons it's remained so timeless and irreplaceable. Once you start encrypting everything, you're bringing the day the sim dies closer.
The entire point of modding was to improve on the base game not to steal assetts not to take work from others without asking. Assetto corsa devs kunos gave us great tools to work with on our own. If you see a mod you really like and you think you can make better, open blender start modelling get gimp start texturing (lots of free tutorials for both of these plus open source). Take inspiration from the original modder by making a new mod from scract and not stealing their encrypted one its very rude, think of it like a test if i take a test and someone copys but makes minor changes without my permission thats plagiarism not improving this is basic highschool stuff.
The entire point of modding was to improve on the base game not to steal assetts not to take work from others without asking. Assetto corsa devs kunos gave us great tools to work with on our own. If you see a mod you really like and you think you can make better, open blender start modelling get gimp start texturing (lots of free tutorials for both of these plus open source). Take inspiration from the original modder by making a new mod from scract and not stealing their encrypted one its very rude, think of it like a test if i take a test and someone copys but makes minor changes without my permission thats plagiarism not improving this is basic highschool stuff.
Probably also depends where original modder got assets from. If it has Kunos, GT sport, Forza etc. parts/3d model, isn't this also some sort of plagiarism? And so we come to the modders like a3dr etc., who afaik make non-encrypted scratch-made mods, and ofcourse a bunch of other "original" modders that encrypt their creations. ;)
Probably also depends where original modder got assets from. If it has Kunos, GT sport, Forza etc. parts/3d model, isn't this also some sort of plagiarism? And so we come to the modders like a3dr etc., who afaik make non-encrypted scratch-made mods, and ofcourse a bunch of other "original" modders that encrypt their creations. ;)
that is completely fair to say but at the end of the day its down to the mod creator to decide if they dont want to encrypt cool thats their choice they feel comfy letting you guys use their mods. Coming at people who make encryped mods because they want to protect the work they spent time making is not okay, if your given a free encrypted mod thats good deal and done whine. I hate to say it but the repost i see of non encrypted mods are almost always sub par.
RainFX for example will never be free now. Somebody receiving €4000 plus a month for it is not going to give it away now for free and recieve €0 all of a sudden. Deep down we all know that. That's why I gladly give my €1 each month for any updates. Can't afford to start missing out in its development.

this, I said it months ago.

Oooh. And just wait until the CSP 'mod worskshop' thing is added. Then everything will start becoming 'pay for play'. Mark my words. :indiff:
Can I just ask a question please. What are peoples view on encrypting mods? I believe its a no no as that leads to everything becoming pay mods. Basically I've just had a PM that states I'm stupid for not encrypting my stuff and therefore should expect it to be stolen and uploaded by others as their own. What happened to giving for free and having trust in other peoples integrity to respect free content.
Have you ever learn modding from other modders non-encrypted mods? Did you use stolen (converted) 3D models from other games instead of scratch making them? Have you ever found a mod that you like but lacking a few things that you can add / modify yourself so it is not going straight to the bin? Answering this three simple questions should enable you to decide whether you are going to follow the non or encrypting mod way. The Jedi or the Dark Side way :D

Encrypting a mod means it takes about 8 minutes more to decrypt it nowadays before you can poke a stick at it in Blender. No point anymore. Until AC goes to DX12 (not going to happen) buffer grabbing the mod is always an option.
Is there any tutorial on how to decrypt a mod?
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Can I just ask a question please. What are peoples view on encrypting mods? I believe its a no no as that leads to everything becoming pay mods. Basically I've just had a PM that states I'm stupid for not encrypting my stuff and therefore should expect it to be stolen and uploaded by others as their own. What happened to giving for free and having trust in other peoples integrity to respect free content.

Encrypting scratch made mods / mods with scratch made parts : why not, it's your creation, do as you please
Encrypting a Forza / GTS / PC2 model : lol.

Also this bit : "What happened to giving for free and having trust in other peoples integrity to respect free content"... Well it disappeared when AC became so popular with CM / CSP / SOL whatevs. Prime example is TonyB nicking scratchmade stuff for GTR2 and passing it off as his own ; Simdream before the sim community united against them ; RTM / AssettoDrivee selling Forza rips at a premium.

AC is a fantastic sim, the community is mostly alright but the few rotten apples are the worst sack of human goo I've encountered in the sim community. Between the entitled people who think they're better than the Kunos devs themselves (hello Rusty), the others who steal stuff, disregarding the OG modders whishes (TonyB, SD), the others encrypting other games' IP... Yeah.
After looking at the pics (not talking about the skin you made Blacky ;)) I don't feel a sudden urge to buy that either... :rolleyes:
Much better quality tracks available without the authors demanding money for it.

anyway a lot of people can not buy this mod with their credit card, this bug !!! so if no payment with paybal for this mod it will be shared by private message as usual ...... I do not give my credit card number on an unknown website !!!! I have already been hacked too bad for the creator of this mod but I am not paying this mod sorry .... especially for a track which is not finished
Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.

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