3dsimed gurus... I have issues bring objects back to game via Blender as it throws away some fbx.ini settings, -BUT- , 3dsimed cannot "split geometry by loose parts", so for tracks where geometry is grouped as grass inside the track and bits and pieces of the same grass outside the track, and then perhaps even parts of far terrain its impossible to split the meshes (as far as i can tell).
Anybody found a way to do this in 3dsimed? (its not split by texture, they all use the same texture)
example i only want to delete the far right piece of geometry, but its grouped with two other pieces, if i use "explode all" i get a trillion triangle faces, impossible to work with..
View attachment 1018235
As far as I know in 3dsimed you can't ungroup objects if they are grouped (I think) that to do that you have to export as an object with all the grouped elements and then delete the textures you don't want.
Then you should mount those textures again as an object and there you can use the elements individually.