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  • Thread starter daan
Definitely, I've already become a snob and look down on anyone who dares use a controller in sims 😜 Joking btw, i would never slate anyone for doing that.
But I am absolutely loving how it feels to actually drive a sim car and feel what is going on with the tyres and have a proper bit of control over what the car is doing. That hasn't stopped me spinning and ending up in the gravel more than before though.
that OnlyFans $$ payin' off ;)
I dont know what everyone praising AMS2 lately is smoking but whenever I boot it up after an update it still feels absolutely horrible and I go back to AC.
Tyres mostly. Reiza have a loose-is-fast attitude, whether it's wet or dry.

FFB is really tricky to set up nicely in most titles though. Each sim has different things to adjust, and requires different settings in the wheel's control panel (eg. Reiza recommend 0 for spring and damper in AMS and AMS2).
There are also various .ini files to try from other users (especially in AMS2; here's what I use with some in-game adjustments to taste), and then in-game settings to play with further.
Meanwhile AC feels completely different with 'enhanced understeer' on and off, and different again with gyro on and off, and then there's FFB post-processing (off vs gamma vs LUT)...
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Manual installation recommended as it contains the camtool file

Santiago ePrix (Parque O'Higgins Circuit) v1.1
Converted from rFactor.
RD link
MEGA link

v1.1 changelog;
Reworked trees and updated textures
I adjusted the shader
Adjusted ext_config
VAO has been renewed
Updated preview
Adjusted ai_hint.ini, overlays.ini, surface.ini, semaphore.ini
Updated road surface and grass texture
Adjusted the UI
The road surface mesh was subdivided into different kn5
Added skybox
Closed the gap in the curb
AI has been renewed
Fixed Cam FOV value
Updated camtool file

Swiss ePrix (Bern Street Circuit) v1.1
Converted from rFactor.
RD link
MEGA link

v1.1 changelog;
Reworked trees and updated textures
I adjusted the shader
Adjusted ext_config
VAO has been renewed
Updated preview
Adjusted ai_hint.ini, overlays.ini, surface.ini, semaphore.ini
Updated road surface and grass texture
Increased the number of Pit / Start to 24
Adjusted the UI
Adjusted the position of Pit
The road surface mesh was subdivided into different kn5
AI has been renewed
Fixed sticky walls
Fixed Cam FOV value
Updated camtool file

・CSP required
・24 pit/start

Credits & Thanks;
LFT Rfactor Tracks ,the author of the rfactor original version.
@shi (shin956), Track convert
@ckkjw398 , Camtool Replay
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My main problem with AMS2 is the 'bounciness' of the physics. I think this is a Madness Engine issue as PCars2 had exactly the same problem.
Hopefully Reiza manage to sort this out in future updates as AMS2 shows a lot of promise. It's just not quite there yet.
It was what I always hated about Pcars but this new update has the cars much more planted. Feels very familiar to me now, much more like AC or ACC. I'm not getting the bouncy/yacht sensation at all now.
It was what I always hated about Pcars but this new update has the cars much more planted. Feels very familiar to me now, much more like AC or ACC. I'm not getting the bouncy/yacht sensation at all now.
Agreed that it's not as noticable now, but the problem is still there.
As someone that used to race stock cars IRL, I find that of all the sims, AC is still the closest to reality. It's not perfect by a long shot (and unless you have a motion rig that can somehow produce G-forces, nothing ever will be) but it definitely provides the closest sensation - as long as you're using a decent car of course, and not just some quickly thrown-together mod.
My new favourite cruising track, this thing is enormous, has narrow country lanes, wider "highway" sections, even 4WD section at the lake. Loving it.

View attachment 1062365

Thanks for the Video.
I also wanted to buy.

But as i realized it is from the authors of this other big map which i felt it is boring. I did not buy.
I skipped a little through your complete video and see that the terrain , except some special places looks the same all over the place.
Tree placements not even change a little in your complete video. For me this also looks very boring.
Perhaps you can give some News when you have driven another 300km on it. Thanks 👍
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I dont know what everyone praising AMS2 lately is smoking but whenever I boot it up after an update it still feels absolutely horrible and I go back to AC.
probably pays to remember none of these feel anything like a real car anyway, anyone who thinks they do IS smoking something ;)

they are just games, we are just kids with slightly more expensive toys.

Definitely, I've already become a snob and look down on anyone who dares use a controller in sims 😜 Joking btw, i would never slate anyone for doing that.
But I am absolutely loving how it feels to actually drive a sim car and feel what is going on with the tyres and have a proper bit of control over what the car is doing. That hasn't stopped me spinning and ending up in the gravel more than before though.
Stage 1: complete
Stage 2: VR
probably pays to remember none of these feel anything like a real car anyway, anyone who thinks they do IS smoking something ;)

they are just games, we are just kids with slightly more expensive toys.
Yeah, it always cracks me up when people claim that a sim car (or, even better - their own physics mod for that car) feels just like the real car.
No it doesn't.
And it never will.
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Yeah, it always cracks me up when people claim that a sim car (or, even better - their own physics mod for that car) feels just like the real car.
No it doesn't.
And it never will.
All my friends who have tried the simulator (anyone) have not been able to give a lap to a circuit or to keep the car on the track, the answer is always the same, it IS NOT like in real life.
All my friends who have tried the simulator (anyone) have not been able to give a lap to a circuit or to keep the car on the track, the answer is always the same, it IS NOT like in real life.
Oddly enough, I've known people that have only driven simulators (never had a real-life driving lesson) and are then able to keep a real car on track. So go figure...
A car won´t "feel" like the real thing through a ffb wheel, but it can definately behave close to it or not. I think that was shown pretty clear last year with some of the real drivers hopping onto the sims; after a learning period they were up to speed and could point out some similarities and aberrations
Oddly enough, I've known people that have only driven simulators (never had a real-life driving lesson) and are then able to keep a real car on track. So go figure...
In that direction sim ---> RL if I see it possible, or at least easier.

In the other direction RL ---> sim, things are very different, people tend to drive the simulator car like a real life car, and it shows when engaging gears for example, those changes to 3,000 rpm hehehe.

By the way, I have a friend who plays a lot of GT from the ps1, it's the only thing he plays, but withgamepad, I helped him get his driver's license by leaving my car in a safe area, haha the first hit was the clutch, no I didn't even know what it was for ...
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All my friends who have tried the simulator (anyone) have not been able to give a lap to a circuit or to keep the car on the track, the answer is always the same, it IS NOT like in real life.
I wonder if the 'refreshments' you've been enjoying during your friends visits have had any influence on their ability (or lack of) to control things? 😲

Oddly enough, I've known people that have only driven simulators (never had a real-life driving lesson) and are then able to keep a real car on track. So go figure...

I figure that if 'domestic grade' racing simulators are good enough for people like Max Verstappen and Lando Norris to use as learning tools and ways to unwind after real races, then they must have some relationship to real driving! Just like the real thing? No. Something like driving a real thing? Well, good enough to keep me in front of my PC for many hours a week.
I wonder if the 'refreshments' you've been enjoying during your friends visits have had any influence on their ability (or lack of) to control things? 😲

I figure that if 'domestic grade' racing simulators are good enough for people like Max Verstappen and Lando Norris to use as learning tools and ways to unwind after real races, then they must have some relationship to real driving! Just like the real thing? No. Something like driving a real thing? Well, good enough to keep me in front of my PC for many hours a week.
It could be that too, or a lot of smoke in the air maybe hahaha.

But the truth is that the first contact of a driver with a simulator is funny, because yes, it is very different, a simulator also requires an adaptation period, (I think): D
I figure that if 'domestic grade' racing simulators are good enough for people like Max Verstappen and Lando Norris to use as learning tools and ways to unwind after real races, then they must have some relationship to real driving! Just like the real thing? No. Something like driving a real thing? Well, good enough to keep me in front of my PC for many hours a week.
I figure it's more to do with the 'technical' aspects of a car.
If you learn the basics with a sim, such as how and when to change gears, it removes a lot of the issues that new real-world learner drivers face.
I wouldn't take someone out on a public highway if their only experience is in a sim, but I've been pleasantly surprised on-track.
they are just games, we are just kids with slightly more expensive toys.
In all honesty, I don't think of sim racing as gaming at all. For me it's a substitute for real driving, which allows me to thrash the living daylights out of a range of vehicles I'd never get near in real life, on tracks I'll never ever get to visit... and all with the added bonus of not costing me fuel, brake pads, tyres and big speeding fines with the accompanying loss of points off my licence!

I do have a real sports car in the garage too, but it gets a lot less use these days for all the reasons I've listed above.
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then they must have some relationship to real driving!
Sorry officer. I'm sure it was just tyre smoke! 🤪

no doubt, the bit that gets me though is they practice in 3M USD sims and walk away saying its "useful for learning the track brake points".. we wont even go into all those deleted iRacing videos last year featuring race drivers laughing at the physics..(although, that IS iRobbing we are talking about, hardly a fair comparison to even old games like sega rally) for us plebs on our 1-10k rigs driving $50 games.. I think the distance is a bit further.. but.. if you smoke enough of the funny stuff and drive them it gets MUCH better ;)
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Regards sims not feeling like driving a real car, well driving an entry level racing car is nothing like driving a GT3 car either.

Out of any sim its the closest you can get, you have a wheel, pedals. Unlike motorcycles (or karts) you don't use your body to turn or change the behaviour in cars.

It stands up about as well as it can and is total fun and once in the zone its amazing how immersive it can be.

The biggest issue will always be that real-life is a lot easier than sims convey.
The idea of putting down people in a sim racing thread and suggesting there is no relevance to the real thing seems a bit daft to me.
Its hard enough convincing some of my friends as to why i do this so much.

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Regards sims not feeling like driving a real car, well driving an entry level racing car is nothing like driving a GT3 car either.

Out of any sim its the closest you can get, you have a wheel, pedals. Unlike motorcycles (or karts) you don't use your body to turn or change the behaviour in cars.

It stands up about as well as it can and is total fun and once in the zone its amazing how immersive it can be.

The biggest issue will always be that real-life is a lot easier than sims convey.
The idea of putting down people in a sim racing thread and suggesting there is no relevance to the real thing seems a bit daft to me.
Its hard enough convincing some of my friends as to why i do this so much.

I definitely get the feeling that the majority of people that spread the 'Sim-racing is nothing like real racing' narrative are only driving cars that they have never touched in real life. Realistically, no one here can comment on whether a GT3 or F1 car feels accurate or not. They can look at the data and say that it is wrong, but without the experience they can't really comment on the feeling. You could also argue that the only people who can comment on this are people that have full motion sims, again - not many of us here. I'm still driving on a G27, obviously without motion, so I'm not going to go and say that my sim feels real - but I will state that I get a very similar feeling driving my Evo X in real life as I do in a sim, and I drive my car quite hard (no track experience, but definitely some less-than-legal touge style runs). I can also say that I've managed to catch slides in real life, and my only prior experience with that was in a sim. I definitely don't think I could simply drive in a sim and then translate that to real life without practice, but I strongly feel that my sim background gave me one hell of a headstart compared to someone that didn't have it.
Regards sims not feeling like driving a real car, well driving an entry level racing car is nothing like driving a GT3 car either.

Out of any sim its the closest you can get, you have a wheel, pedals. Unlike motorcycles (or karts) you don't use your body to turn or change the behaviour in cars.

It stands up about as well as it can and is total fun and once in the zone its amazing how immersive it can be.

The biggest issue will always be that real-life is a lot easier than sims convey.
The idea of putting down people in a sim racing thread and suggesting there is no relevance to the real thing seems a bit daft to me.
Its hard enough convincing some of my friends as to why i do this so much.

no one said there is no relevance at all, just that they are ALL far from the real thing, (imminent fear of death and actual g-force being the obvious things that can never be simulated) so arguing semantics about which one was "better" is is pointless. Its really which one you like the best from the avialable games. and they are just games. Once you get to those 2-3 million dollar sims then I start seeing real world relevance (even the two aforementioned obvious points aside) I have done two track days at eastern creek now for example, and NONE of the V8's in AC, RF2 or AMS feel even remotely anything like driving the actual car.. although in the sim the tracks and car graphics do have some passing familiarity, and i kind of knew the track before I arrived. so in that sense it did help.
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I figure that if 'domestic grade' racing simulators are good enough for people like Max Verstappen and Lando Norris to use as learning tools and ways to unwind after real races, then they must have some relationship to real driving! Just like the real thing? No. Something like driving a real thing? Well, good enough to keep me in front of my PC for many hours a week.
Don't get me wrong, I love sim racing and I've no doubt that non-drivers can learn the basics of operating a car and reacting to the environment, and existing drivers can use it as a tool to help learn tracks, threshold braking etc.
What I meant was that even though sitting in my motion rig with all the fancy FFB kit, loadcell pedals, VR, surround sound, wind fans, tactile transducers etc etc is a fantastic experience and the closest a layman will get to simulating driving a real car... it's still a long way off actually feeling like driving a real car. Even £50k motion rigs won't simulate progressive g-forces, grip sensation or suspension compression (or fear and a sense of mortality) like we experience them in a real car, because we are still sitting still in a stationary seat and bypassing a few of Newton's critical laws of motion. VR does a good job of fooling the fluid-filled canals in our inner ear but there are still big gaps in essential sensations.
I've heard joypad users (nothing against them - I was one for years) praise the realism of car mod physics too, but driving with a controller is no more realistic than firing a gun in Call of Duty and being amazed at the realistic kick from the joypad rumble.

TLRD: I love sim racing for what it is (a game, basically), and want it to be as realistic as possible... but at the end of the day it's a very limited facsimile of driving a real car.
But it's the best one we've got, and I'm perfectly OK with that.
And it IS bloody good fun.
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That is the main factor why I think that a regular driver does not do well in a first contact with a simulator, the fear of an accident.

Usually my friends who have tried the simulator for the first time mainly turn the wheel a lot, go too fast for that reason they go off the track or crash, and they say that it is not realistic.

But I think that basically it is because the subconscious is telling you that this is not real and that there is nothing wrong with accelerating too much or crashing you.

The feeling of speed is not the same as in a real car, several factors influence here, but that feeling is very different RL -> SIM.

By the way, the first time I went to Germany to Nordscheifle, I already had a lot of laps done in the simulator, BUT the feeling of fear was present at all times, you actually feel like running, and you think you can do it right, but it's not so easy, apart at the entrance they give you a paper that tells you the costs of having an accident on the track, and it is much better if nothing happens because you leave there with a debt of 5,000 euros in nothing, this was the Main reason why I didn't race in there, and I did a couple of laps at granny speed.
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