Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Have a look in your PM mate.

Yeh right. Every excuse is an excuse. I was wondering untill when would be hold.
Happy Nba Finals GIF by NBA
Old version will do fine 😂🤣
I remember that i saw a fantia post of the GT Sport HUD app for AC. But...

...i have no idea how to download this...

Heck not even other modders in RD managed to make this yet.
FYI this is for paid tier for this fantia
All the mods from this guy will be released for free when done, so guess you'll have to wait. Pretty sure I've said this before in this forum.
EDIT: This mod is version 0.6, obviously W.I.P. and will be free when 100% completed
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FYI this is for paid tier for this fantia
All the mods from this guy will be released for free when done, so guess you'll have to wait. Pretty sure I've said this before in this forum.
EDIT: This mod is version 0.6, obviously W.I.P. and will be free when 100% completed
Huh, so, just we need to wait a while...
Any idea if there has been a fix for the awful shadows on cars, the parallel lines, that plagues upwards of 1.71?
if you have a good configuration in the video setting of CM you can now put the shadows in resolution 8192x8192 it's something I had asked him, you can also try to improve the shadows in Smart Shadows of CSP in the frames distances for interior and distances for exterior

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Also, the same guy who made the GTS HUD also made this

Note: It is free to download, all you need to do is to have a fantia account and join the free membership plan if you don't want to pay.
I'm beginning to understand why right now the highest quality material is paid.

Everyone who does what they want, but I think it's very bad that works like Bremgartem are modified, in which fat alfie has surely released it as he wants it to look.

It would annoy me that when I finish the Alcañiz that I am doing from scratch, put it to download and that half an hour later someone arrives modifying something.

This is not going to happen because the circuit is going to be paid, so if someone is going to want to modify something, they will first have to buy the circuit.
I don't really follow any of your logic here.
Firstly, the highest quality mods are NOT necessarily paymods - in fact the exact opposite is often the case, as you neatly proved by your mention of the excellent free mod Bremgarten. There are many, many excellent free mods created by the community for the community, not done as cash-grabs to ostensibly 'reward' someone (in advance) for passionately enjoying their hobby. Isn't sharing that work reward enough by itself? Why must money be demanded first when all of these paymodders undoubtedly have hard drives full of content provided freely by others?
Shoddy mods sometimes gain some mythical status by being hidden behind paywalls, but the modders are soon exposed as money-grabbing shysters when the 'product' turns out to be deeply flawed.
And just because a modder wants money for their car or track does not suddenly give that mod protection against further modification. Paywalls might actually encourage modification and free reuploads as a reaction against greed and against the monetisation of a hobby that still, thankfully, remains largely active thanks to the spirit of sharing rather than cheap cash-grabs.
If you were always intending Alcañiz to be a paymod then fine, admit it. But please don't make out that you're now being forced down that route to protect it against modification.
Do you download and use any free mods provided by others?
Don't you see that your track might be a nice way to give something back?
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if you have a good configuration in the video setting of CM you can now put the shadows in resolution 8192x8192 it's something I had asked him, you can also try to improve the shadows in Smart Shadows of CSP in the frames distances for interior and distances for exterior

No, it has nothing to do with that.

It is this. The fact pointlessly making shadows 8192x8192 for the sake of it whilst this issue still exists is why i don't have much hope for the next update, whenever that occurs...

Picture taken from facebook.
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I have a big problem with exporting the grid or pits from the .fbx to the kseditor. If I put them together one by one with 3dsimed there is no problem, but when I pass them to blender in this case, they stop working. some help?
I have a big problem with exporting the grid or pits from the .fbx to the kseditor. If I put them together one by one with 3dsimed there is no problem, but when I pass them to blender in this case, they stop working. some help?
Can you elaborate a little more on what you're trying to do? Are you converting a track, editing a existing one or making one from zero?

Usually you don't need to use KsEditor. You can edit them in blender, export in fbx format, than import in 3dsimed3d and export in .kn5 format.

Or you can do everything in 3dsimed3d. Import, edit, and export.

They only need to be named correctly.
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I have a big problem with exporting the grid or pits from the .fbx to the kseditor. If I put them together one by one with 3dsimed there is no problem, but when I pass them to blender in this case, they stop working. some help?
Maybe a material prob, missing texture?
You could send me just the grid fbx to take a look.
Can you elaborate a little more on what you're trying to do? Are you converting a track, editing a existing one or making one from zero?

Usually you don't need to use KsEditor. You can edit them in blender, export in fbx format, than import in 3dsimed3d and export in .kn5 format.

Or you can do everything in 3dsimed3d. Import, edit, and export.

They only need to be named correctly.
I don't do everything with 3dsimed because it's easier for me to use blender, especially if I have to troubleshoot! I am converting a track!
@__EASY__ seems you have better luck in contacting Ilya recently (and receiving an answer, if I understand your comments here). Could you please ask him what could be done to avoid these smearing ghost traces behind a car when watching a replay and using a static (!) track camera? I can´t post a screenshot here since it is only recognizable when watching the car moving, but it seems it is caused when using TAA in ExtraFX. Maybe there is a fix available, I don´t want to disable TAA though. It´s very annoying, looks like the car´s shadow is following the car all the time.
Thank you.
Quick billboard skin for Doublezero's Acopone Raceway



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I don't do everything with 3dsimed because it's easier for me to use blender, especially if I have to troubleshoot! I am converting a track!
Then it begs the question; why are you using 3dsimed in the first place? 😂 Anyways, make sure the normals are pointing z forward y up and also check the origins are in the center of your objects
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