Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
these comments leave me totally indifferent, people download if they want or not, but there is a lot of rage for nothing here šŸ˜„
I donā€™t think there is ā€œrageā€ here, at least not from me. Just pointing out that your update may not be necessary.
Already explained but one last time:

My update WAS DONE TO IMPROVE with stuff he leaved unfinished (no water, no rainFX, no grassFX), as soon i noticed that he put everything under the same name as grass i've updated my update in order to revert the presece of the bushes. The VAO was useless and you can avoid using it.

Fat-Alfie did the 99,9% of the amazing work, if he had done also the remaining 0.1 for me the was no need to waste my time for improving it, but he's free to do whatever he want and i can only say thanks for that masterpiece above all because it's totally free.

Anyway, it seems that i killed someones mother for it, if it's a problem i can stop doing my updates and keep them for myself if you all prefer it.
CrisT ā€” it was not my intention to ignite any bad vibes toward you. Just resharing your post for reference for EASY.
At the end of the day, it is up to you to decide what you want to do or not, but please keep in mind that this is a discussion forum, so people will express opinions, it is also up to you to decide what to do about those opinions.

Not every one will always appreciate what you are doing, hopefully you are first and foremost doing it for yourself, that you are sharing what you are doing, is very generous of you. I am appreciative of all your efforts, and all the other here making efforts and sharing. It is up to me to decide if I want to use it or not. What other think, is good to know, but not defining my course of actions.
I do for myself and for the community of course, if not i would have opened a Patreon and try to make some money which are always welcome due to the fact stay on "track" for 1 hour when lucky or, 4-5 per track most of the other cases, it's highly demanding for the hardware and time consuming.

I'm open to everything, anyone can say whatever he want, but as per what @MrB00 said it seemed a personal attack, in fact it wasn't (never ever thinked it was anyway) but he also explained he's point of view, so for me no problem at all with him or @OooAhh Cantona or anyone else.

As said, everyone is free to download or not my update, enjoy it or discuss it ;)
As said, everyone is free to download or not my update, enjoy it or discuss it šŸ˜‰
Noted. šŸ™‚
So I'll start.
I noticed Alfies water wasn't the best around (not that you get to really see it, but anyway):


So I installed your config and then I get to see this:


Did something went wrong ? It's not better imo...
Noted. šŸ™‚
So I'll start.
I noticed Alfies water wasn't the best around (not that you get to really see it, but anyway):

View attachment 1066287

So I installed your config and then I get to see this:

View attachment 1066288

Did something went wrong ? It's not better imo...
hmmmmmmmm... hmmmmm... i have to check, on my side it worked, but, maybe while i fixed the grass i fkd up something, strange but not impossibile. I have to double check as soon as i can. Noted ;)
Do you have a link for "killin"?

v8corsa team created it, but it was never released which is a shame.

Nothing like what the OP was talking about
Damn. A real shame. If anyone that worked on it. I will be willing to pay for on patron or if it's a paid mod on their website. If it's also possible that E63 was made too. It also had an impact on the sport as well.
My update WAS DONE TO IMPROVE with stuff he leaved unfinished (no water, no rainFX, no grassFX)

Anyway, it seems that i killed someones mother for it, if it's a problem i can stop doing my updates and keep them for myself if you all prefer it.
It pays to know that alfie doesnt really care much for csp stuff, but grassFX he really dislikes. So saying that you "improved" on his work does sound like killing his mother (to use your analogy šŸ˜‚) by replacing all the care he put into that vegetation with generic csp stuff.
Nothing wrong with adding csp stuff for the people that want it but just say itĀ“s that, an addition, not an improvement, and you wont see any pitchforks šŸ˜‰


and I agree with easy; we all know he doesnĀ“t care so why bother? šŸ˜…
I do for myself and for the community of course, if not i would have opened a Patreon and try to make some money which are always welcome due to the fact stay on "track" for 1 hour when lucky or, 4-5 per track most of the other cases, it's highly demanding for the hardware and time consuming.

I'm open to everything, anyone can say whatever he want, but as per what @MrB00 said it seemed a personal attack, in fact it wasn't (never ever thinked it was anyway) but he also explained he's point of view, so for me no problem at all with him or @OooAhh Cantona or anyone else.

As said, everyone is free to download or not my update, enjoy it or discuss it šŸ˜‰
Just FYI... I really enjoy your improvements, if I don't like something or I don't want to use, I just avoid it.
It is a matter of taste.

A suggestion, though - Wouldn't it be better to always create a skin instead of changing the original track folder? I mean, is it always possible? I'm not a modder in any way, it is just a final user suggestion/doubt.
Thank you very much for all the work that you've been doing and for sharing for free with us, I really appreciate it. šŸ™‚

[EDIT]: After reading some posts, I realized that the main "problem" is the change of the ext_config.ini file.
Well, anyway, I like your changes as I do like some original mods as they are... it just gives me choice, which is great!
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Hi everyone.

I was trying to recollect as many 2021 open wheelers as possible when I came across with this car, the dallara 320View attachment 1066256

We don't have this car in AC but we have a very well done mod of its predecesor, the dallara f317

View attachment 1066257

Can someone please make some little touches to this car to look like the dallara 320? (Adding the halo and more stuff...)

I'm asking you guys because I'm useless in modding...
A strange request, because the cars are completely different and the halo will not save you. To have something far like the desired one, only to the detriment of oneself.
Noted. šŸ™‚
So I'll start.
I noticed Alfies water wasn't the best around (not that you get to really see it, but anyway):

View attachment 1066287

So I installed your config and then I get to see this:

View attachment 1066288

Did something went wrong ? It's not better imo...
Just downloaded Cris latest config for test, and it looks this way:

Did you maybe just copied the water part?
Make sure you have this in the [INCLUDE] part: common\materials_track.ini

I changed it a bit, for the case you replace the old part:

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OCEAN, LAKE, RIVER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

[INCLUDE: common\materials_track.ini]

SHADER= ksPerPixel

Meshes= lake?,
Type= POND

Meshes= river?,

This way you get slow moving water for the lakes, besides the fast moving river water. :)

@CrisT86 :
No one is forced to download and install everything, so go ahead and keep sharing your configs. šŸ˜Ž
I just saw that you took my last suggestion and just added your stuff to the end of the existing config instead of writing a completely new config. Good and thanks. :cheers:
That way, no one is forced to deal with 2 completely different configs when someone does a proper update. šŸ‘

Maybe an idea for future versions: you could call the config releases differently? Maybe not written UPDATE or IMPROVENT in bold, maybe just my "additions" or my "alternative" ... ?
No idea, just thinking out loud... šŸ˜Ž

The "update" in the headline, immediately triggers the brain muscle "oh update = better = must have" although it is not from the actual author, but your interpretation, addition or correction, improvement.... :)

I hope you don't get this wrong. It's not meant to be mean. But maybe that way there will be fewer misunderstandings? Or there are fewer people stepping on the tie. If you really mean it as an update, it would be best imo to contact the author and he will make the "correct" updates. But I think this discussion has existed here before. If I remember correctly, it is ultimately a question of time for you. But as I said, these are only ideas or my opinion and nothing that is necessarily right. šŸ˜
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Just downloaded Cris latest config for test, and it looks this way:
View attachment 1066303

Did you maybe just copied the water part?
Make sure you have this in the [INCLUDE] part: common\materials_track.ini

I changed it a bit, for the case you replace the old part:

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OCEAN, LAKE, RIVER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

[INCLUDE: common\materials_track.ini]

SHADER= ksPerPixel

Meshes= lake?,
Type= POND

Meshes= river?,

This way you get slow moving water for the lakes, besides the fast moving river water. šŸ™‚

@CrisT86 :
No one is forced to download and install everything, so go ahead and keep sharing your configs. šŸ˜Ž
I just saw that you took my last suggestion and just added your stuff to the end of the existing config instead of writing a completely new config. Good and thanks. :cheers:
That way, no one is forced to deal with 2 completely different configs when someone does a proper update. šŸ‘

Maybe an idea for future versions: you could call the config releases differently? Maybe not written UPDATE or IMPROVENT in bold, maybe just my "additions" or my "alternative" ... ?
No idea, just thinking out loud... šŸ˜Ž

The "update" in the headline, immediately triggers the brain muscle "oh update = better = must have" although it is not from the actual author, but your interpretation, addition or correction, improvement.... šŸ™‚

I hope you don't get this wrong. It's not meant to be mean. But maybe that way there will be fewer misunderstandings? Or there are fewer people stepping on the tie. If you really mean it as an update, it would be best imo to contact the author and he will make the "correct" updates. But I think this discussion has existed here before. If I remember correctly, it is ultimately a question of time for you. But as I said, these are only ideas or my opinion and nothing that is necessarily right. šŸ˜
IF he copied the part (probably it happened, yes, the problem is the missing of the [INCLUDE] stuff) but if he copied all the stuff i added, it should be there, so please let me know once you checked @Fanapryde thanks ;)

@slider666 thanks for the suggestion, everything depends on the time i have, for free i can take care of this stuff on saturday and sunday, so remember to do stuff, add this or that it only slow down the process, it's a good point, but it depends if i remember to do it or no ahhahaha

About adding at the end instead of rewrite yes, in this case everything was done, it only misses few stuff, so i only added. Most of the time, is way faster to rewrite it (i had a own file to fill in order to work fast), that's why i start from scratch (also because not everyone works like me, and find what do something and what not is time consuming, so it's faster to work from scratch for me).
Just downloaded Cris latest config for test, and it looks this way:
View attachment 1066303

Did you maybe just copied the water part?
Make sure you have this in the [INCLUDE] part: common\materials_track.ini

I changed it a bit, for the case you replace the old part:

;;;;;;;;;;;;;; OCEAN, LAKE, RIVER ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

[INCLUDE: common\materials_track.ini]

SHADER= ksPerPixel

Meshes= lake?,
Type= POND

Meshes= river?,

This way you get slow moving water for the lakes, besides the fast moving river water. šŸ™‚

@CrisT86 :
No one is forced to download and install everything, so go ahead and keep sharing your configs. šŸ˜Ž
I just saw that you took my last suggestion and just added your stuff to the end of the existing config instead of writing a completely new config. Good and thanks. :cheers:
That way, no one is forced to deal with 2 completely different configs when someone does a proper update. šŸ‘

Maybe an idea for future versions: you could call the config releases differently? Maybe not written UPDATE or IMPROVENT in bold, maybe just my "additions" or my "alternative" ... ?
No idea, just thinking out loud... šŸ˜Ž

The "update" in the headline, immediately triggers the brain muscle "oh update = better = must have" although it is not from the actual author, but your interpretation, addition or correction, improvement.... šŸ™‚

I hope you don't get this wrong. It's not meant to be mean. But maybe that way there will be fewer misunderstandings? Or there are fewer people stepping on the tie. If you really mean it as an update, it would be best imo to contact the author and he will make the "correct" updates. But I think this discussion has existed here before. If I remember correctly, it is ultimately a question of time for you. But as I said, these are only ideas or my opinion and nothing that is necessarily right. šŸ˜

IF he copied the part (probably it happened, yes, the problem is the missing of the [INCLUDE] stuff) but if he copied all the stuff i added, it should be there, so please let me know once you checked @Fanapryde thanks šŸ˜‰

@slider666 thanks for the suggestion, everything depends on the time i have, for free i can take care of this stuff on saturday and sunday, so remember to do stuff, add this or that it only slow down the process, it's a good point, but it depends if i remember to do it or no ahhahaha

About adding at the end instead of rewrite yes, in this case everything was done, it only misses few stuff, so i only added. Most of the time, is way faster to rewrite it (i had a own file to fill in order to work fast), that's why i start from scratch (also because not everyone works like me, and find what do something and what not is time consuming, so it's faster to work from scratch for me).
I didn't copy/paste anything. Just renamed Fat_Alfies ext_config.ini and installed CrisT86 ext_config.ini.
Now I copied the slow moving lake water from slider and I get no change... šŸ¤”
I'll re-download and install again to see...
Already thinking direction CSP (0.1.75), but I'm not aware of any issues with water on other tracks so far...

EDIT: after repeating, no change. I still get to see the water as in the pic I posted earlier @CrisT86
using @slider666 lines did not change anything either...
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It pays to know that alfie doesnt really care much for csp stuff, but grassFX he really dislikes. So saying that you "improved" on his work does sound like killing his mother (to use your analogy šŸ˜‚) by replacing all the care he put into that vegetation with generic csp stuff.
Nothing wrong with adding csp stuff for the people that want it but just say itĀ“s that, an addition, not an improvement, and you wont see any pitchforks šŸ˜‰


and I agree with easy; we all know he doesnĀ“t care so why bother? šŸ˜…
I speak and understand english, but it's not my primary language, so i can use terms in a not appropriate way, it happens.

My improvements are done in order to improve/finish or complete something, not for create damages on someone's else work and as said everyone is free to try/keep or delete my stuff.

if you should take into account or just think about every thought, positive or negative taste that everyone has, for sure i should have to do it as paid work and not as free one.

Fat-Alfie dislikes CSP, how i could know this thing? If he said it somewhere i probably i missed it.

BTW by grouping grass, bushes and other cool stuff of the sorround under a one name which is common used for the CSP thing called GrassFX he made a mistake which caused the problem with my update (but as said he's free to do whatever he want with his own stuff). Should i have checked twice instead of releasing it immediately? Probably yes, but as said, it's a free thing, i fixed it once noticed so we can move on.
Just FYI... I really enjoy your improvements, if I don't like something or I don't want to use, I just avoid it.
It is a matter of taste.

A suggestion, though - Wouldn't it be better to always create a skin instead of changing the original track folder? I mean, is it always possible? I'm not a modder in any way, it is just a final user suggestion/doubt.
Thank you very much for all the work that you've been doing and for sharing for free with us, I really appreciate it. šŸ™‚

[EDIT]: After reading some posts, I realized that the main "problem" is the change of the ext_config.ini file.
Well, anyway, I like your changes as I do like some original mods as they are... it just gives me choice, which is great!
Never changed a folder name (maybe on 1 or 2 tracks which were completely overhauled), but all the time i rewrite or updated the ext_config and leave a copy of the original renamed as ext_config_original in order to revert if someone do not like or have problem with my update ;)
I didn't copy/paste anything. Just renamed Fat_Alfies ext_config.ini and installed CrisT86 ext_config.ini.
Now I copied the slow moving lake water from slider and I get no change... šŸ¤”
I'll re-download and install again to see...
Already thinking direction CSP (0.1.75), but I'm not aware of any issues with water on other tracks so far...

EDIT: after repeating, no change. I still get to see the water as in the pic I posted earlier, using @slider666 lines did not change anything either...
Inside of my update there's the original ext_config by Fat-Alfie, don't rename the one you have, just drop my update and overwrite and try (on a clean track installation) if it works fine or not ;)
I didn't copy/paste anything. Just renamed Fat_Alfies ext_config.ini and installed CrisT86 ext_config.ini.
Now I copied the slow moving lake water from slider and I get no change... šŸ¤”
I'll re-download and install again to see...
Already thinking direction CSP (0.1.75), but I'm not aware of any issues with water on other tracks so far...

EDIT: after repeating, no change. I still get to see the water as in the pic I posted earlier @CrisT86
using @slider666 lines did not change anything either...
remove the old ini or rename its extension or add IGNORE_OTHER_CONFIGS=1
Inside of my update there's the original ext_config by Fat-Alfie, don't rename the one you have, just drop my update and overwrite and try (on a clean track installation) if it works fine or not šŸ˜‰
I was ahead and tried that before, no change either.
No clue what is wrong /happening.
I went as far as deleting and reinstalling the track, then adding/overwriting with your extension, without result.
Tried all PP filters just in case, different weather etc...

Edit: will try @RMi_wood suggestion, didn't think of that yet...

Edit2: nope, no effect either.
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IF he copied the part (probably it happened, yes, the problem is the missing of the [INCLUDE] stuff) but if he copied all the stuff i added, it should be there, so please let me know once you checked @Fanapryde thanks šŸ˜‰

@slider666 thanks for the suggestion, everything depends on the time i have, for free i can take care of this stuff on saturday and sunday, so remember to do stuff, add this or that it only slow down the process, it's a good point, but it depends if i remember to do it or no ahhahaha

About adding at the end instead of rewrite yes, in this case everything was done, it only misses few stuff, so i only added. Most of the time, is way faster to rewrite it (i had a own file to fill in order to work fast), that's why i start from scratch (also because not everyone works like me, and find what do something and what not is time consuming, so it's faster to work from scratch for me).

Writing an existing configuration from scratch is mostly, in my opinion, not good practice. It's just not good teamwork.

The original author may not even know the existence of your work and if they update their configuration or track, yours will be overwritten. He may need to try to understand the complaints people make about it afterwards.
In addition, most authors will certainly not try to understand your completely different configuration if they have already created a self-written and functioning one for themselves.

If they want to take over your code, they'll have to "work through" all of your code instead of just looking at the end of what's been added or changed. šŸ˜³
Why do you think, the code for many configs are on GitHub? People can cooperate together writing and improving code.

Just imagine you are writing a configuration and someone does not simply "improve" it, but writes it from scratch, so that you do not understand most of it or even understand it at first. Would you take this new work, or your own that you can easily understand, and try to integrate the corrections or changes into yours somehow?
Or would you rewrite a track completely from the scratch, because you want to improve something? šŸ˜

Working in a team, at least for me, means making work as easy and comprehensible as possible for everyone and not just for one individual.

But yeah, we have different opinions about this. Just saying mine. :)
DonĀ“t mean it the bad way.
remove the old ini or rename its extension or add IGNORE_OTHER_CONFIGS=1
once renamed the ext_config is not working anymore, so its not a problem linked to his presence (all my updates leaves the _original and i never had any problem)
Writing an existing configuration from scratch is mostly, in my opinion, not good practice. It's just not good teamwork.

The original author may not even know the existence of your work and if they update their configuration or track, yours will be overwritten. He may need to try to understand the complaints people make about it afterwards.
In addition, most authors will certainly not try to understand your completely different configuration if they have already created a self-written and functioning one for themselves.

If they want to take over your code, they'll have to "work through" all of your code instead of just looking at the end of what's been added or changed. šŸ˜³
Why do you think, the code for many configs are on GitHub? People can cooperate together writing and improving code.

Just imagine you are writing a configuration and someone does not simply "improve" it, but writes it from scratch, so that you do not understand most of it or even understand it at first. Would you take this new work, or your own that you can easily understand, and try to integrate the corrections or changes into yours somehow?
Or would you rewrite a track completely from the scratch, because you want to improve something? šŸ˜

Working in a team, at least for me, means making work as easy and comprehensible as possible for everyone and not just for one individual.

But yeah, we have different opinions about this. Just saying mine. šŸ™‚
DonĀ“t mean it the bad way.
That's why i ALWAYS leave the _original ext_config so anyone can do whatever he want.

While i'm working with someone else i'm available to do stuff in a different way, but i really don't have time to check a full ext_config, most of the time (not yours) compiled wrong for every parameter and find what maybe create me problem or what can be improved to fit my personal tastes.

It's a shortcut? Yes it is, but my free time as said many times is not so much, so i don't want to convert a passion to a non paid-time consuming work which throw me in a i-hate-doing-it situation-so-i-stop-it ;)
Never changed a folder name (maybe on 1 or 2 tracks which were completely overhauled), but all the time i rewrite or updated the ext_config and leave a copy of the original renamed as ext_config_original in order to revert if someone do not like or have problem with my update šŸ˜‰
I got it. Sorry, I didn't mean "folder name" but "folder content"... my bad.
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