Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
No offence intended, and not to agree/disagree with any of your opinions expressed, but just so that no one is misled, some facts. The FSX to MSFS export tool exists, and works. The results are overwhelmingly incomplete and widely regarded as rubbish in that community. ALL of the aircraft that I have personally converted are SO broken to be of novelty value only, no instruments, low quality textures and 3D (which were par for the course on FSX).

I don't think we should, in this community, where we're drowning in superbly talented crafters, be pointing at THAT conversion tool as any kind of aspirational goal?
Completely agree, but the point still stands, converting stuff from very old sims into new ones creates largely poor results of novelty value only.
Only difference on MSFS is someone made a tool to do it in 10 mins.

"no instruments, low quality textures and 3D" sounds exactly like GTsupreme stuff which he flogs on patroen.
So far i have come across no one monetising FSX rips.
its advance one can ... but impossible to find a photo of the interior of the Alpine A610 LM !?

Not available to us ? It's right there for rFactor and GTR2.
Also time and efforts ? Certainly less than the creator he didn't even credited. It's a 15 mins conversion. Making that track from scratch wasn't.
And last one... Porting tracks made for older sims and slapping GrassFX and RainFX onto them ain't making AC a better sim, oh no.
Tank you for perpetuating this toxic culture that makes the AC community looks even worse than it already is; disregarding the entire work of dedicated people because some nitwit ported it to your favourite sim.

Everyone's entitled to their opinions, even if they're bloody well dumb and downright offensive to the creators that work and release stuff for free only to see their work, not even remastered, ported to another game without one mention of them.
I need your help to convert a GTR2 track quickly in 15mn because I am unable to do it, I send you the link in private and you return me the track in 20mn, thank you in advance
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its advance one can ... but impossible to find a photo of the interior of the Alpine A610 LM !?

View attachment 1085185
I cant find any for the race car,for the street version there is this greek article that has some pics.

Ningbo International Speedpark, from cyberspace via PCX and reworked by Clam Chowder. Not my link. Needs lights and better rain.

View attachment 1085003

I'm working on it, but (differently from the yongcheng by GTP shared while ago) it lacks of layouts. Would be amazing if any skilled modder have time to work on it (i'm open for a collab) in order to close it and make it a final version of this track ;)

!!!!RELEASED!!! AC Legends GTC60’s Pack







This mod is a tribute to the 60’s era of GT racing. A decade that brought us some of the most beautiful cars ever produced and the best racing ever! Many of the models in this mod where floating around the web for years. We brought them up to current AC standards using the latest features of CM/ CSP. Our goal was to use a realistic physics set, with as much real data as possible. This means that most cars have unique 'build from scratch' suspension physics, engines and gearbox. We tried to reproduce the vehicle dynamics of the era, so you do need to balance the cars, be gentle with your inputs and drive the car with your feet!

Up to 2021 standards with CSP:
  • all cars have (refracting) headlights, wipers, improved shaders, high(er) res cockpits
  • most skins are 4k scratch made by Ben Nash (or ‘reworks / rebuilds’ of existing skins).
  • all cars have proper LoD's & 3d colliders for better VR/ multiplayer/ big grid AI racing

V1.0 Credits
  • Models: Conversions / updates/ add-ons
    • DrDoomslab (models, textures/ AO and all the little details)
    • Norms (Wiper animations, rebuilt LoD’s, 3d Colliders, all the little details)
    • Ben Nash (Meisterskinner), Pasta (historic (Japanese) skins)
    Physics & AI: Bazza
    Sounds: Kunos, AMA Fmod (Porsche 904/911), Legion (Shelby 289’s), various unknown sources.
    Skins: new 4k skins by Ben Nash + many skins from the RaceDepartment community:
    Aad Gagesteijn, Andy-R, BDA, carmar, chili pepper, Gigi54, GPLGEM, GT3RSAss, Guerilla Mods, hal4000, Juergen Lung, LeSunTzu, Ned, Nico, NWRAP, Pasta2000, playwithwind, schUPpor, Smallblock Hero, Tim Lotus, The SourceOf TheNile, susanthedeath, Xedrox (sorry if I forgot someone)

Testers: Timo One, ValentinK, Dirk Steffen, capt nasties, 50ftElvis, the THR community.
Over 30.000 km testing km’s where made by the team, special thanks to Valentin and Timo for their hard work!

Special Thanks:
Youtube Channels: Mike from Simracing604, Scotty from 2Old4Forza, Jake from GPLaps, Michael from SingleRacer and Billy Strange Racing for their contagious passion for historic simracing. You might also check the SirSpatsgaming channel for the latest modding news!

Note for proper installation:
For proper installation of the original Kunos cars follow detailed instruction in the manual, on the regarding pages (page 5  Alfa ; page 8  Ferrari)

You need ‘Kunos Ferrari 70 Anniversary DLC pack’ to install the Ferrari 250 GTO
thanks for the cars. ac_legends_gtc_elan_26r has a hole in the front bumper. will this be fixed in the future?
Desktop Screenshot 2021.10.09 -
I need your help to convert a GTR2 track quickly in 15mn because I am unable to do it, I send you the link in private and you return me the track in 20mn, thank you in advance
How about you stop converting stuff that ain't yours, and if you do properly credit people ? Oh but those sweet, sweet sharemods clicks.
No talent to make your own mods so you steal others' and pass it as your own. Same as you 'fixing' cars.
2000 Porsche GT3R - JGTC skinpack for RSS GTN Darche 96

Enjoy, hope you like it.

Alonso will get on podium this weekend-min.jpg

Im sure-min.jpg
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hi all ,quick question if anybody can help ,when i use a custom preset in a race weekend some of the cars are running on wet tyres when its sunny ?is there a way to change the tyres on opponents?thanks
I need your help to convert a GTR2 track quickly in 15mn because I am unable to do it, I send you the link in private and you return me the track in 20mn, thank you in advance
Well, from GMT/MAS to get a track driveable in game takes about an hour, even less sometimes. A few of my released conversions were no more than 2 hours work not counting full grid placements and cameras, including relevant lighting, trees and grass adjustments. Others can take 10s of hours to get to a state just to be able to achieve a workable quality.

1. open in 3dsimed
2. remove rain/reflective mesh
3. sort by material, rename meshes, set transparencies, export to fbx and edit fbx.ini
4. load in ksEditor to normalize the mesh, export to kn5
5. add AC_PIT_0
6. test drive.

Its not magic nor rocket surgery
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Paulo Ribeiro

classic double standards of the GTplanet site. I didn’t make any claims to the mod's author, I just wondered if this would be fixed in the future. and then there were two defenders at once, who explained to me that I was not sitting correctly, and I was looking in the wrong direction. I would not have written this post if all mod authors were also zealously defended in this thread, but no ...
Well, from GMT/MAS to get a track driveable in game takes about an hour, even less sometimes. A few of my released conversions were no more than 2 hours work not counting full grid placements and cameras, including relevant lighting, trees and grass adjustments. Others can take 10s of hours to get to a state just to be able to achieve a workable quality.

1. open in 3dsimed
2. remove rain/reflective mesh
3. sort by material, rename meshes, set transparencies, export to fbx and edit fbx.ini
4. load in ksEditor to normalize the mesh, export to kn5
5. add AC_PIT_0
6. test drive.

Its not magic nor rocket surgery
The question for me is not doing the thing QUICKLY thing, no one said him to do 3-4 track per week. If only he took more time to make good stuff by improving the overall quality, i'm pretty sure he will receive more positive feedback and maybe more donations.

I started working on new Adria and Patras but both have problems and they are empty (no ambulances, no marshalls, no rescue vehicle and so on). To be honest, invest my free time do things which he should have to do, makes me not so happy, but i don't care, i do it for passion until i can.

The point for me is: If only you @__EASY__ start improve your work by implementing them with things that you can found online (by asking them permission) i'm pretty sure, all will be more happy for your work, if not well... you can't expect positive feedback for standard conversion of stuff which many times are not even authorized ;)
Great car. Was that the one with the kreepy krally livery. I had that car in my slot car collection.
It was, kind of. The Kreepy Krauly car was Porsche powered. South African based team, Sarel van der Merwe, Graham Duxbury and Tony Martin. They won the Daytona 24h in 1984 and had a cracking year.
I sill don't understand why some keeps thinking that racing is start and finish like a train.

Not in any series around the world, not even in BTCC. I watch dozens of international championships (5 continents) each week.

Classic racing were the most unbalanced cars - the better cars to corner didn't compensate the better top speed and acceleration cars.
They only were matched or better in some slow layouts - and the wider spread field of cars existed for sure.
Anyway, there is no rule without exception.

Unless some race need an yellow glag a couple of laps to the finish, they finished far from each other, unless for some pontual battles and they had exist aswell.
The answer is simple.

Some people put their "Feelings" or perceptions of how a car handles over how it actually will handle when modeled accurately in real life.

I have no opinion either way weather or not this is a positive or negative thing, and I'm guessing some of the cars in the pack are really difficult to get data for. But there's a fundamental difference in how a convert "by-feel" mod team like Bazza's operates and a guy who focuses on doing exact 1:1 physics like Arch operates.

Sometimes this may also result in real life massive BOP/speed differences between cars not being present because they wanted to make them closely matched for league use, too, or something similar.
Well, from GMT/MAS to get a track driveable in game takes about an hour, even less sometimes. A few of my released conversions were no more than 2 hours work not counting full grid placements and cameras, including relevant lighting, trees and grass adjustments. Others can take 10s of hours to get to a state just to be able to achieve a workable quality.

1. open in 3dsimed
2. remove rain/reflective mesh
3. sort by material, rename meshes, set transparencies, export to fbx and edit fbx.ini
4. load in ksEditor to normalize the mesh, export to kn5
5. add AC_PIT_0
6. test drive.

Its not magic nor rocket surgery
we don't work the same way at all, the first thing I do under blender is to reduce the number of objects to optimize the FPS something you don't do and that is very long, just look at your last track rmi_thermalito. kn5 3189 objects which is too heavy for small config if you put 32 cars on it, the last track I converted "notorika" had more than 10000 objects, once optimized in blender 604 objects, this work can take already several hours, I don't do either the double face under 3dsimed which is a horror and makes the fbx under blender unusable, I go through the whole track by hand under kseditor to look for all the single face objects, it's much longer than what you do under 3dsimed

PS: I looked at your rmi_thermalito.kn5, it could be optimized between 300 and 350 objects which would be much less heavy, 3dsimed is just to do things quickly but be bad work for me
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From FB. THIS IS NOT MY MOD. Support all that developed it and the FB group.

You don't have to join the Patreon to download the car, but join if you can. Great group.


Adriaan Suy MNBA Assetto Modding Group

[RELEASE: Mclaren Senna]


Main Features:
Extra button A: change cluster
Extra button B-C: open doors

Original mod by IXA

Changelog by Adriaan Suy:

-AO inside/out
-Pbr shaders and texture overhaul
-Paintable rims/leather etc
-Created window reflection texture
-Animations (doors and cluster: ingame use extra buttons)
-Physics overhaul by me and VRDRIVING
-Midnight paint by Buja Gili
-Mclaren rims from Qiu Liang
-Paint config by Qiu Liang
-Based on Cluster from Mclaren 720s by ELEMENT1999
-Release pics by Josip Null

As always thanks to my mates at MNBA Assetto Modding Group for the help and support!
Also big thanks to test drivers: Reiner Heinrich, Andre Hauff, Josip Null, Vrdriving,



Another release from FB

Yiğit Altunsoy MNBA Assetto Modding Group

RELEASED! #release

Nissan 350Z With Dual EXHAUST Version and Single EXHAUST Version.

EXTRA A: Daylight Leds + Interior Lights
EXTRA B: American Park Lights
EXTRA C: Neons
EXTRA D: Hood (Animation)
Car Specs;
  • Hood Animation
  • Nissan V6 3.5 Engine (Animation)
  • Single & Dual Varex Exhaust System (Animation)
  • Pioneer Sound System (Animation)
  • Automatic Folding Mirrors (While gear at N, mirrors folding self.)
  • Rear View Camera (While gear at R, rear view camera will open up.)
  • Brembo Brake Discs
  • Working Oil Gauge
  • Working Gasoline Gauge (While Gasoline is under 10 Liter, Gasoline light will glowing.)
  • Working Water Temp Gauge
  • Digital Turbo Timer Gauge
  • Working Battery Gauge
  • Daylight Leds
  • American Park
  • TE37 Bronze Rims
  • Brembo Calipers
  • K&N Intakes
  • Working Signals
  • Spotify Screen (While listening music from Spotify Desktop app, song info will be in car spotify screen.)
  • Bride LowMax Seats
  • Nismo Spoiler
  • Carbon Rear Bumper details.
  • Carbon Front Bumper details.
  • Piano Black Front Bumper Grille
  • Blue Exhaust Fire Kit.
UPDATE: Apparently the files have been removed--the download links don't work. I'll update this again if I find new links.

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we don't work the same way at all, the first thing I do under blender is to reduce the number of objects to optimize the FPS something you don't do and that is very long, just look at your last track rmi_thermalito. kn5 3189 objects which is too heavy for small config if you put 32 cars on it, the last track I converted "notorika" had more than 10000 objects, once optimized in blender 604 objects, this work can take already several hours, I don't do either the double face under 3dsimed which is a horror and makes the fbx under blender unusable, I go through the whole track by hand under kseditor to look for all the single face objects, it's much longer than what you do under 3dsimed
its all good bro, you do you.

you have no idea what I do, I described a quick-kill method to drop a track. Today I extracted and converted 4 IDAS0 tracks to v0.80 state already before dinnertime. You also know I have only 1 hand and cant really do much in editors requiring mouse+kbd moves.

its all good bro, I do me.
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