Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
As usual, this is fantastic looking...

but the tires go completely cold within a lap or two, and no matter how hard I grind and slide, nothing, no heat.

Seriously, did they set up and test this car without monitoring tire temps?
"Richard Hammond drives F1 car" 😂 jkjk
Seriously though, just been Mid-Ohio-ing, and it certainly feels like the tyres grip up, even at my tragically pedestrian pace? (1:29.x)
Maybe just a telementry thing?
"Richard Hammond drives F1 car" 😂 jkjk
Seriously though, just been Mid-Ohio-ing, and it certainly feels like the tyres grip up, even at my tragically pedestrian pace? (1:29.x)
Maybe just a telementry thing?
Turn on the Tyre App to monitor the temps.

I drove it at Goria, starting with tyre blankets. The beginning of the lap, the handling was great. Near the end of the lap, the front tires were solid blue, the back tires were only slightly lighter. The frontend would just skate on turns, and if you try to recover, it'd often snap oversteer.

I then drove a few laps with an older 911 GT2. It was set up so tyre blankets wouldn't work--started out cold. A little more than half way through the first lap on this technical course, and the back tires were solid green, and the front tires fluctuated while in the green, as you would expect. Once warmed up, the handling was great.
Turn on the Tyre App to monitor the temps.

I drove it at Goria, starting with tyre blankets. The beginning of the lap, the handling was great. Near the end of the lap, the front tires were solid blue, the back tires were only slightly lighter. The frontend would just skate on turns, and if you try to recover, it'd often snap oversteer.

I then drove a few laps with an older 911 GT2. It was set up so tyre blankets wouldn't work--started out cold. A little more than half way through the first lap on this technical course, and the back tires were solid green, and the front tires fluctuated while in the green, as you would expect. Once warmed up, the handling was great.
The tyre app is what I meant by telemetry. Mine Starts blue and only ever lightens the blue.
But first lap is a little skate-y, understeer-y, oversteer-y, subsequent are much more gripped up.
Not using tyre blankets though. I'll try that and report.

Update: Using tyre blankies, exactly as you said. Guess I just expected less grip and had my expectations met.
Hella fun to drive, still, tho :)
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I got a weird issue using my joypad with manual shifting (can't use my old wheel). The revs are slow and the car feels as slow as a truck, upshifting. I tried checking drivetrain.ini, but no luck changing some values. Any idea?
The Esprit AI and other cars he made, drive just fine.
I think there is something in the ini file. The car still requires manual upshift when the game is set to auto shifting. That may be causing some conflict with your setting. I don't know.
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Re The Singer DLS. The base tire on it is whatever Cup 2 Michelin it came with. At stock pressure it will cool down really fast, but if I lower the pressure to basically as low as it'll go on the front and a bit higher in the back it seems to stay warm just fine.

It also came with generic "Hypercar Road" and I am not sure if its from the Kunos cars, but with that it has no problem keeping temp at stock pressure, actually the rear will overheat if you are too lively with the rear. I actually had to bump the rear pressure up to keep it cooler. Laptime wise between the 2 are actually not that different, but the car is a bit more forgiving on the stock tire than the other HR.
The new URD EGT Michigan is excellent! Now I need a Porsche to complete the GTLM/GTE class I've got going. Does anyone know of a 2020 or 2021 Porsche 911 RSR GTLM/GTE that is BOP'd or close to the other URD EGT/GTE cars. I tested all cars, the Ford GT, BMW M8, Aston Martin, and the Corvette, they all stack up very closely. Just need the Porsche to round out the class...

I tried the old URD 2018 RSR but it just doesn't have the speed to keep up with the other cars.
you better get at least a 1080ti or similar gpu.
a 2060 is too light to complain about the vhe tracks and especially playing it in vr.
Utter guff as usual around this topic.
Don't use modded AC to benchmark your rig.

You don't know what CSP / SOL settings this guy runs, maybe something there?

Benchmark in ACC or for me its MSFS.
If my system runs them well enough then its all good.

Far too many variables in modded AC.
Just the usual "get a new GPU" is so stupid, not only because a new GPU for some modders badly optimized track is laughable.
Also it fails to ask what of the CPU?

Don't benchmark your system over a heavily modded multi variable 8 odd year old game.....just don't.

Certainly don't trade in a 2060 for 1080 ti because of a modded track. Jesus....
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The new URD EGT Michigan is excellent! Now I need a Porsche to complete the GTLM/GTE class I've got going. Does anyone know of a 2020 or 2021 Porsche 911 RSR GTLM/GTE that is BOP'd or close to the other URD EGT/GTE cars. I tested all cars, the Ford GT, BMW M8, Aston Martin, and the Corvette, they all stack up very closely. Just need the Porsche to round out the class...

I tried the old URD 2018 RSR but it just doesn't have the speed to keep up with the other cars.
i was looking for an answer to this as well ,the porsche cant keep up
Is there a way to make cars 'louder' ? Some are awfully quiet, even with the PC volume at 100% (like the Napier Railton from Legion, the buses from BruceKelt...) and I wonder if there was some ext_config trickery or something.

Start of updating F1 2021 Custom Championship Tracks in the GDrive​

The Following Tracks have been updated in the 2021 Tracks GDrive Folder -
Screenshot_rss_formula_hybrid_2021_mercedes_02_bahrain_gp21_16-9-121-18-10-55 (Large).jpg

Credit goes to Blackcelica, Marc_13000 Pyyer, juanabolche, zuno toto, Gunnar333 and Daniel Paez for pointing me in the right direction to update the circuits - Thank You.

Those tracks that I've added crowd SFX to, are best viewed with the f3 camera in replays - Any feedback welcome on whether it spoils or adds.

As ever, please feel free to amend, improve, delete or use my inputs but please ask permission from the other contributors - Ta 👍

This is a WIP and will be updated as I get around to the other tracks

All tracks listed below have an added Track Logo from zuno toto
  • 01_australia_gp21 -Live displays/Crowd sfx (cozy61) , Skins and Crowd by juanabolche
  • 02_bahrain_gp21 - Animated jumbotron/Rolex Clock Text, Crowds, Crowd SFX, track Skins (Fictional with 2021 sponsors) and F1 Podium with Winners (cozy61)
  • Screenshot_rss_formula_hybrid_2021_honda_02_bahrain_gp21_16-9-121-18-9-26 (Large).jpg Screenshot_rss_formula_hybrid_2021_ferrari_02_bahrain_gp21_16-9-121-18-15-37 (Large).jpg Screenshot_rss_formula_hybrid_2021_ferrari_02_bahrain_gp21_16-9-121-18-18-25 (Large).jpg Screenshot_rss_formula_hybrid_2021_ferrari_02_bahrain_gp21_16-9-121-18-13-53 (Large).jpg Screenshot (788) (Large).jpg
  • 04_portugal_gp21 - Marc_13000 and Blackcelica track extensions and skins
  • 15_italy_gp21 - Pyyer and Daniel Paez extensions and Skins
  • 16_russia_gp21 - Pyyer and Daniel Paez extensions and Skins
  • 20_mexico_gp21 - Crowds by juanabolche
  • 19_unitedstates_gp21 - Daniel Paez Skins
  • 07_azerbaijan_gp21 - Crowds, 2021 Signage, Jumbotron relevant pictures (cozy61)
  • 08_turkey_gp21 - Pyyer and Daniel Paez extensions and Skins
  • 08_canada_gp21 - Crowds by juanabolche
  • 14_netherlands_gp21 - extensions by Pyyer and CrisT86, Crowds by Cozy61
  • 05_spain_gp21 - 2021 track layout by Pyyer (DLC required)
  • 13_belgium_gp21 - Pyyer and Daniel Paez extensions and Skins
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The new URD EGT Michigan is excellent! Now I need a Porsche to complete the GTLM/GTE class I've got going. Does anyone know of a 2020 or 2021 Porsche 911 RSR GTLM/GTE that is BOP'd or close to the other URD EGT/GTE cars. I tested all cars, the Ford GT, BMW M8, Aston Martin, and the Corvette, they all stack up very closely. Just need the Porsche to round out the class...

I tried the old URD 2018 RSR but it just doesn't have the speed to keep up with the other cars.
That s the problem. There”re more or less good mods out there in AC but all takes the un-BOPed issue inside.

You can spend hours, days and weeks to bring the cars in line or you choose the well balanced GTE package …
Is there a way to make cars 'louder' ? Some are awfully quiet, even with the PC volume at 100% (like the Napier Railton from Legion, the buses from BruceKelt...) and I wonder if there was some ext_config trickery or something.
You can adjust quite a few sound levels using this in the ext_config.ini in the extensions folder of the mod.
If there isn't an extension folder and ext_config.ini, just create them. Use notepad to create the ini file.

I've also attached a stand-alone ext-config.ini file


GEAR_EXT = 1.0
GEAR_INT = 1.0
WIND = 1.0
DIRT = 1.0
UP_SHIFT = 1.0
HORN = 1.0
TURBO = 1.0



  • extension with audio
    484 bytes · Views: 24
URD Michigan aka Corvette Released

I already have a C8R from ACF here. And now I'm thinking about whether I should keep it or get the one from URD. Is it worth it?
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