Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Holy crap, never realized until now that Perrinn LMP1 car was actually entirely modeled and implemented in AC back in 2017, yet Peter Schroeter never had the will of actually releasing it for anyone for whatever reason, since this one also is open source like with the F1, although haven't found any 3D model of it so far:

I actually could've only had the moderator of that Facebook group reply me on Messenger after a very long time since the admin neither wanted to reply me as well since I also contacted him. He told me they got 3 modelers who supposedly create all of the cars just in order to take screens of them and share to their private group, that's it. He also told me the reason why all of their vehicles are private is that long ago they actually shared some of their cars publically for free, until some a-holes decided to put them on sale for their own greedyness surely, so they decided to make everything private, including their access as well, since he told me that someone will eventually let you know whether you can be part of it in order to enjoy their private stuff, I'm almost sure that's one hyperbolic hoax that will never materialize at all...

Hope vanished it's a shame that this things happen in modding world... Thanks Tony much appreciated. And about th second point can you tell me something about?
pacific-coast 1.0

Released on RD!!!!

When i try to download it leads me to a "502 Bad Gateway" page
Now it is the turn of the 935 ´s sister ;)

Before I get told like The Audi GT2 , that I was teasing without telling the people that those cars gonna be on gt2 patreon support cars on Guerilla page ! This is a way to say thank you to the people supporting us since months ;) and of course will get access to all the cars just fron entry level !





Am I the only one who hates that RD doesn't let you download with a download manager? I'm trying to download Pacific Coast 1.0 and it's a pain. In RD, you can only download through browser and if the download is huge it takes forever. And if for some reason you lose connection, you lose all the download progress and gotta start over. Allowing to use something like JDownloader would address this, but seems like anything that even slightly smells like "piracy" is disgusting to them. It's why I sometimes ask for alternative links. Not all of us enjoy a first-world grade internet speed.
Am I the only one who hates that RD doesn't let you download with a download manager? I'm trying to download Pacific Coast 1.0 and it's a pain. In RD, you can only download through browser and if the download is huge it takes forever. And if for some reason you lose connection, you lose all the download progress and gotta start over. Allowing to use something like JDownloader would address this, but seems like anything that even slightly smells like "piracy" is disgusting to them. It's why I sometimes ask for alternative links. Not all of us enjoy a first-world grade internet speed.
I use Internet Download Manager (IDM) all the time to download RD files. It has a plugin for my browser. Maybe that's why you can't download files with your manager?
Am I the only one who hates that RD doesn't let you download with a download manager? I'm trying to download Pacific Coast 1.0 and it's a pain. In RD, you can only download through browser and if the download is huge it takes forever. And if for some reason you lose connection, you lose all the download progress and gotta start over. Allowing to use something like JDownloader would address this, but seems like anything that even slightly smells like "piracy" is disgusting to them. It's why I sometimes ask for alternative links. Not all of us enjoy a first-world grade internet speed.
I can download it with EagleGet just fine, seems yours isn't tollerated by that site apparently...
What is wrong with Race Department? I keep getting the 502 error. Then the website comes back but it's really slow at loading pages. Is anyone else having this issue?
Pacific Coast 1.0 download... even with fiber optic.

If anyone is having trouble even getting connected to RD, it's really getting hammered with excessive downloads at the moment.

I know he doesn't want it uploaded elsewhere, but I wonder if someone else should upload it somewhere TEMPORARILY for members of this forum to download it, and lighten the load that RD is experiencing.
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Pacific Coast 1.0 download... even with fiber optic.

If anyone is having trouble even getting connected to RD, it's really getting hammered with excessive downloads at the moment.
View attachment 1088491

I know he doesn't wanted it uploaded elsewhere, but I wonder if someone else should upload it somewhere TEMPORARILY for members of this forum to download it, and lighten the load that RD is experiencing.
RaceDepartment right now...

The It Crowd Television GIF
19_unitedstates_gp21 track updated with Crowd, live displays etc for F1 2021 Custom Championship
RD link:‘custom-championship.41138/
View attachment 1088196
Update SFX, Crowds, Live displays etc
The Following Track has been updated in the 2021 Tracks GDrive Folder -

Base track: acu_cota/United States
Modifications of Circuit by leBluem, Mitch9, KevinK2,Reboot team and EuroRacers, 2021

Skins by Daniel Paez
Crowd SFX, Flashing marshal flags, rolex clock text and Live Displays by Cozy61 - CrowdSFX works best in F3 camera replay mode

To turn off any of the crowd SFX and/or Live displays open the ext_config.ini file (in extension folder of track) using notepad or similar and change the ACTIVE = 1 to ACTIVE = 0

TRACK_FILE = 19_unitedstates_gp21.kn5

[INCLUDE: ext_config-cozy61-unitedstates-2021.ini]

[INCLUDE: ext_config-cozy61-unitedstates-2021-sfx.ini]
ACTIVE = 1 ;(change to 0 to turn off crowd sfx)

[INCLUDE: ext_config-cozy61-unitedstateso-2021-rainfx.ini]

[INCLUDE: ext_config-cozy61-unitedstates-displays.ini]
ACTIVE = 1 ;(change to 0 to turn off Live Displays)

[INCLUDE: ext_config-cozy61-unitedstates-2021-animations.ini]
ACTIVE = 1 ;(change to 0 to turn off Live Displays)

No... I'm Spartacus!! but then again i might be late to this party :cheers:
Following feedback from @Masscot I have added the GrassFX and made a few other tweaks to the circuit including adding the latest skins (to date) from Daniel Paez v1.8

However, how do I amend the Helicopter 'position' coordinates to match the 'acu_cota_2021' track? - Do I need to do this in 3D software?




Any help gratefully received - Thanks in advance
Alpine A610 LM (Skins By Racealot thanks again) and Porsche 964 Carrera RSR ( finally here !) , V0.9.

View attachment 1088393

Link Alpine :

Link Porsche :

there are still quite a few problems but otherwise it will never come out ... some of which I can’t fix including :

the Alpine always flies in the showroom ?! , I can no longer generate a correct AO for the body of the Porsche ?!

Enjoy !
Both are lovely already! Thank you!
Now it is the turn of the 935 ´s sister ;)

Before I get told like The Audi GT2 , that I was teasing without telling the people that those cars gonna be on gt2 patreon support cars on Guerilla page ! This is a way to say thank you to the people supporting us since months ;) and of course will get access to all the cars just fron entry level !

View attachment 1088475
View attachment 1088476

View attachment 1088478
View attachment 1088479
View attachment 1088480
@benbaron if we subscribe to the Patreon Audi R8 GT2 LMS, we can download the KTM x-Bow GT2 and the Porsche GT2RS Clubsport ? thanks
Following feedback from @Masscot I have added the GrassFX and made a few other tweaks to the circuit including adding the latest skins (to date) from Daniel Paez v1.8

However, how do I amend the Helicopter 'position' coordinates to match the 'acu_cota_2021' track? - Do I need to do this in 3D software?




Any help gratefully received - Thanks in advance
You need to experiment with the POSITION=X,Y,Z numbers. They'll be relative to the choppers current start positions on whatever track you add them to, as datums can vary, so the numbers can be arbitrary and not seem to make sense (eg Y=50 might put the chopper below the ground, not 50m above it). This is because of how they were originally used.
X and Z are plan coordinates, Y is height.
Lots of trial and error is needed to place them in suitable positions.
Drive around and use the debug tool to get a sense of how the track coordinates are orientated so you know (for example) X needs reducing by 100 to move a chopper 100m in a certain direction.
It's not an exact science. Maybe you could do it in a 3D prog but estimating/placing/testing/refining/testing works for me, you need to see them from the track and watch their patrol paths.
Don't touch the ROTATION coordinates, leave as 0,0,0. These won't rotate the choppers without effing up their flight path... unless you want to redo their patrol patterns from scratch, which I'm guessing you don't.
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You need to experiment with the POSITION=X,Y,Z numbers. They'll be relative to the choppers current start positions on whatever track you add them to, as datums can vary, so the numbers can be arbitrary and not seem to make sense (eg Y=50 might put the chopper below the ground, not 50m above it). This is because of how they were originally used.
X and Z are plan coordinates, Y is height.
Lots of trial and error is needed to place them in suitable positions.
Drive around and use the debug tool to get a sense of how the track coordinates are orientated so you know (for example) X needs reducing by 100 to move a chopper 100m in a certain direction.
It's not an exact science. maybe you could do it in a 3D prog but estimating/placing/testingrefining/testing works for me, you need to see them from the track and watch their patrol paths.
Don't touch the ROTATION coordinates, leave as 0,0,0. These won't rotate the choppers without effing up their flight path... unless you want to redo their patrol patterns from scratch, which I'm guessing you don't.
If an object has an animated path, will the xyz coordinates adjust the path? I'm trying to move a helicopter around, but it doesn't listen to me, I think. :dunce:
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If an object has an animated path, will the xyz coordinates adjust the path? I'm trying to move a helicopter around, but it doesn't listen to me, I think. :dunce:
No, the XYZ position coordinates just dictate its starting location. It'll follow the animation path from that point.
What is wrong with Race Department? I keep getting the 502 error. Then the website comes back but it's really slow at loading pages. Is anyone else having this issue?
Perhaps reading a few posts just above yours might have helped. :dopey:

When i try to download it leads me to a "502 Bad Gateway" page

RD potatoe servers getting baked. I had bad gateway for a while, now DL'ing at a couple of hundred kilobytes/s.

I think the whole world is on RD right now and trying to download this - it's kinda broken and i'm only getting around 250kb/s download speed lol

RD is deffo struggling

I mean... car wasnt even raced once in real life..
How can they pretend to have realistic physics and.. ah nevermind , its just sim dream beeing sim dream. Why should we care.
I tested this car with a triple screens and the left and right windows did not work! I mean that the landscape with scrolling of the circuit in the side windows does not scroll ! it is as if the car is duplicated with two layers on top of each other and when we move the seat forward there is a gap with what we see in real life ! LOL Sim Bidul are still big dicks :dunce: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
these guys are really puppets 🤣 🤣😜🤪 just to make money 🤑 🤑 🤑 🤑

PLEASE URD or VRC TEAMS !!!!!! make a good Glickenhaus, Peugeot and Alpine Hypercars pack


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Honestly what really gets me about the 9X8 is just how hecking slooooowwwww it is - it struggles to keep up with LMP2s let alone the URD GR010

I've spent all afternoon trying to speed the thing up to little avail and I genuinely cannot for the life of me wrap my head around this dang car
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