From FB.
This is not my mod. Support the creator and FB group if you can.
The Skyline JGTC edit is done. As far as I can find the original is by Malagoli Garage and quite old (2014-2015).
As usual (for me) it isn't stock or original anymore. It is in fact still a race car but with a few changes that will, in some countries at least, make it street legal(ish).
Default the TC is set on non-intrusive which makes it challenging when pushed hard.
Note - Some visual things I did are not really high quality but acceptable to me.
For those asking to share free links to paid mods, whether serious, or joking, read the forum rules. GTPlanet, RaceDepartment, and other legitimate sites do not want to deal with copyright claims, and sharing paid mods on a forum puts them at risk, and it could result in a forum being shut down.
The Wraith car -- the movie was horrible, but the car could be a fun mod.