Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Not everything is really required in ExtraFX. Personally I use
  • Temporal anti-aliasing
  • SSLR
  • Extra space-screen lighting
  • Simple light bounce emu ...
  • SSGI
  • Fog Blur
  • Occasional volumetric headlights
Everything else is disabled on my side too. Maybe I would use more but my settings are maxed out for racing at the Nords with 40 cars. And I spend hour of hour getting to the compromise I currently use.
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Soon... final details in the works.
Wowowow!! Thanks for the update. Can't wait. This looks to be huge!

I remember people often saying just how hard it is to convert from rF2, so enormous kudos if you guys can get this done!

EDIT: Is it a "Xmas-present-ish" soon, or more like "early-2022" soon?
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Hello everyone,

I recently got new hardware and I've been tinkering with some settings with CSP/AC video options. I finally got to activate "Extra FX" stuff, but I quite didn't like that for normal gameplay...

Is it supposed to be just gimmicks for photo stuff? Or am I doing something wrong?
(I'm running a 1080p monitor)
Extra FX settings are very dependent of your graphic card, as there are a lot of options there, that require specific graphic card generation (like RTX for example). I use it exclusively for "temporal anti aliasing" because it reduces white jaged lines on textures, "sample spread" set at 10% (and have extra sharpness turned of as per advice from Ilya under the setting). Everything else I turned of, cause it looked worse on my graphic card (RX-570) as you said or it had near zero influence on how things looked and it was only eating my FPS. Oh, sorry just checked, i turned motion blur on in there aswell and turned of the one in AC default settings, cause it looks better. Reduced it 30% though.

And just a note. Some mod cars, that are based on old mods or old cars will have a strange windscreen problem if you have temporal anti aliasing enabled. It will look like the screen is dirty, grainy and will lag a bit. This is because Kunos in later updates changed how glass shaders should be named: outher glass shuld be PerPixelReflection, inner should be ksWindscreen. Before it was different for internal glass. You must change this for every car that has this problem by creating an extention file inside the folder: ...\Document\Assettocorsa\cfg\extension\cars. You can find this by searching this thread. it's been explained many times how to do. Even I was writing about it a couple of times. These cars are becoming rare this day, but still there are quite a few out there.


Found one such post of mine. The name of the ini file has to be exactly the same as the car folder name in AC content/cars folder. Here's the file for Porsche 961 LM for example:
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Extra FX settings are very dependent of your graphic card, as there are a lot of options there, that require specific graphic card generation (like RTX for example). I use it exclusively for "temporal anti aliasing" because it reduces white jaged lines on textures, "sample spread" set at 10% (and have extra sharpness turned of as per advice from Ilya under the setting). Everything else I turned of, cause it looked worse on my graphic card (RX-570) as you said or it had near zero influence on how things looked and it was only eating my FPS. Oh, sorry just checked, i turned motion blur on in there aswell and turned of the one in AC default settings, cause it looks better. Reduced it 30% though.

And just a note. Some mod cars, that are based on old mods or old cars will have a strange windscreen problem if you have temporal anti aliasing enabled. It will look like the screen is dirty, grainy and will lag a bit. This is because Kunos in later updates changed how glass shaders should be named: outher glass shuld be PerPixelReflection, inner should be ksWindscreen. Before it was different for internal glass. You must change this for every car that has this problem by creating an extention file inside the folder: ...\Document\Assettocorsa\cfg\extension\cars. You can find this by searching this thread. it's been explained many times how to do. Even I was writing about it a couple of times. These cars are becoming rare this day, but still there are quite a few out there.


Found one such post of mine. The name of the ini file has to be exactly the same as the car folder name in AC content/cars folder. Here's the file for Porsche 961 LM for example:
TAA is a must, yes, but the downside is that annoying smearing effect you have when watching cars in replays, from a static camera position. If there is a fix I would be eager to know about.
I updated this Track, which was previously updated by Teddie.

Arctic Circle Raceway v0.4
-Fixed the normals of the trees.
-Updated shaders.
-Created physical surfaces.
-Updated surfaces.ini.
-Updated ext_config.
-Added semaphore.ini.
-New VAO-Patch.
-Removed jet.kn5 and plane.kn5.
-Changed the position of Hotlap.
-Fixed a gap.
-Updated the UI.
-The contents of the texture file are now included in kn5.
-Created a replay cam.
-Changed the texture of the grass and curb.View attachment 1099393

I saw this post and updated this Track.
You`ve done fantastic work on this one. Many, many thanks man. The only thing I changed is geotags as driving during the night all the time was depressing :)
Added a few minor detail like glowing exhaust and IMSA plates. I added Lod A and B in the event you want to have more than one in the race vs driving it as one.


  • Screenshot_brw_2020_volvo_polestar_gt3_jr_road_atlanta_14-11-121-9-13-12.jpg
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I might say scary things...

CSP, IMHO, is still at the level of a good global "gamechanger" mod, but nothing more. Yes, yes, of course, CSP gave us a loooooot of different and interesting things, features. But... It will become something more when bugs are resolved and performance becomes more stable. And this is the difference between studio development and amateur development.

But for now what we have? Features, features, new features... Features are good, but it's time to finish what was introduced in the patch a long time ago.

Just two examples.

Extra FX - for example, I turned it off completely, because noticeable visual improvements are often difficult to achieve and performance degrades dramatically. Many of the effects suggested here are not optimized or their relationship to performance is questionable.

Rain FX - is also a good example. It is still in development, there is very little progress in improvement for year and, most importantly, optimization. Rain effects - consume resources immeasurably, the video card flies into space. Why is it so? Indeed, in "neighboring" auto-sims, everything works much better, albeit at the cost of a decrease in quality in some moments. Do we really need such ultra-quality? And this is only the graphical part - the physics of water surfaces has not yet been fully implemented, who knows how it will work with it.

So maybe we need to strive for playability, and not for the visual component? It's just that in the case of the "features + graphics" path, the original meaning of the CSP is lost: improving the original, but without excesses.
I have always believed that the main principle of developing such software is versatility, so that the maximum number of users can use what you do. Timely "patch" holes, make changes and improve something. With the CSP, in the last year and a half, there has been an inflection in the direction of introducing features, and not improving or fixing what we already have.

And this is my thoughts.

I only ask you: do not swear at me, I just expressed my opinion, I do not want to argue with anyone or persuade me. I understand that everyone can criticize, because "You don't like it? - Do it better"... :)
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I might say scary things...

CSP, IMHO, is still at the level of a good global "gamechanger" mod, but nothing more. Yes, yes, of course, CSP gave us a loooooot of different and interesting things, features. But... It will become something more when bugs are resolved and performance becomes more stable. And this is the difference between studio development and amateur development.

But for now what we have? Features, features, new features... Features are good, but it's time to finish what was introduced in the patch a long time ago.

Just two examples.

Extra FX - for example, I turned it off completely, because noticeable visual improvements are often difficult to achieve and performance degrades dramatically. Many of the effects suggested here are not optimized or their relationship to performance is questionable.

Rain FX - is also a good example. It is still in development, there is very little progress in improvement for year and, most importantly, optimization. Rain effects - consume resources immeasurably, the video card flies into space. Why is it so? Indeed, in "neighboring" auto-sims, everything works much better, albeit at the cost of a decrease in quality in some moments. Do we really need such ultra-quality? And this is only the graphical part - the physics of water surfaces has not yet been fully implemented, who knows how it will work with it.

So maybe we need to strive for playability, and not for the visual component? It's just that in the case of the "features + graphics" path, the original meaning of the CSP is lost: improving the original, but without excesses.
I have always believed that the main principle of developing such software is versatility, so that the maximum number of users can use what you do. Timely "patch" holes, make changes and improve something. With the CSP, in the last year and a half, there has been an inflection in the direction of introducing features, and not improving or fixing what we already have.

And this is my thoughts.

I only ask you: do not swear at me, I just expressed my opinion, I do not want to argue with anyone or persuade me. I understand that everyone can criticize, because "You don't like it? - Do it better"... :)
I actually dont see you getting much flak for this, this is what constructive criticism looks like. And I actually think many would agree, I know that I do, every new update of CSP comes with many many bugs, and things that were introduced we need to find fixes, work arounds, or simply roll back to another version. I think the game already looks fantastic, and no need to really push the boundary further on that, but the strive for playability and stable performance is definitely something I'd like to see focused on a bit more.

Edit: However, I will say, this GTP community has always consistently helped me anytime I've had errors/losses in performance, and i'm grateful for that. My game is running incredible right now and i'm very happy with it.
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re: CSP stuff

I run a GTX980ti @4k res. This is the best settings I found without sacraficing performance with the most needed features
(Graphics adjustments is on, but usually adds performance penalty, testing only)
I updated this Track, which was previously updated by Teddie.

Arctic Circle Raceway v0.4
-Fixed the normals of the trees.
-Updated shaders.
-Created physical surfaces.
-Updated surfaces.ini.
-Updated ext_config.
-Added semaphore.ini.
-New VAO-Patch.
-Removed jet.kn5 and plane.kn5.
-Changed the position of Hotlap.
-Fixed a gap.
-Updated the UI.
-The contents of the texture file are now included in kn5.
-Created a replay cam.
-Changed the texture of the grass and curb.View attachment 1099393

I saw this post and updated this Track.
Holy moly! thanks alot! one of our local tracks (even tho its a 18 hour drive to get there :P )
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re: CSP stuff

I run a GTX980ti @4k res. This is the best settings I found without sacraficing performance with the most needed features
(Graphics adjustments is on, but usually adds performance penalty, testing only)
View attachment 1099413
I just did a quick test for the heck of it - turned off CSP completely, and SOL - 350 FPS in Blackcelica's 2021 Monaco. Turned them both back on, 100 fps. Crazy! Obviously didnt look as beautiful but it was a pretty shocking little test hehe
Extra FX settings are very dependent of your graphic card, as there are a lot of options there, that require specific graphic card generation (like RTX for example). I use it exclusively for "temporal anti aliasing" because it reduces white jaged lines on textures, "sample spread" set at 10% (and have extra sharpness turned of as per advice from Ilya under the setting). Everything else I turned of, cause it looked worse on my graphic card (RX-570) as you said or it had near zero influence on how things looked and it was only eating my FPS. Oh, sorry just checked, i turned motion blur on in there aswell and turned of the one in AC default settings, cause it looks better. Reduced it 30% though.

And just a note. Some mod cars, that are based on old mods or old cars will have a strange windscreen problem if you have temporal anti aliasing enabled. It will look like the screen is dirty, grainy and will lag a bit. This is because Kunos in later updates changed how glass shaders should be named: outher glass shuld be PerPixelReflection, inner should be ksWindscreen. Before it was different for internal glass. You must change this for every car that has this problem by creating an extention file inside the folder: ...\Document\Assettocorsa\cfg\extension\cars. You can find this by searching this thread. it's been explained many times how to do. Even I was writing about it a couple of times. These cars are becoming rare this day, but still there are quite a few out there.


Found one such post of mine. The name of the ini file has to be exactly the same as the car folder name in AC content/cars folder. Here's the file for Porsche 961 LM for example:
Thank you all for the replies! I'm currently running a 3060ti, a bit of a beast to my surprise, so performance hasn't really been an issue. I just had hopes it would look glorious with all that stuff turned on 😅

The biggest let down really was ACC, I find AC to be better looking :| But I also know monitors can make a huge difference, so maybe in the future I'll get a better one.
Many people have been trying for more than a year now to ask Ilja to fix old features instead of adding new ones all the time and breaking something else in the process. Looks like he works on whatever he wants to anyway so we can only hope one day he runs out of ideas for new features and tries to make everything more cohesive and optimised.
He's now working on functional street lights and making the ai react to that, a feature that probably one or two maps in total actually could use and something not related to racing but to sort of simulate real traffic so uhm... No one probably asked for that but I guess that's what he wanted to do
Wait is the traffic light thing real? I always thought it was some sort of a joke.
Reworked AI, Rain and Grass FX, VAO's and Spectator Removal Pack:

Well if you are like me, and hate people, especially 2D ones, or people who are low on polygons, you find them distracting and want them gone. So I began trying to remove them from some tracks. I believe it was @RMi_wood who posted instructions on how to get rid of them via Content Manager a while back, and would like to thank him for that hint. I was originally just doing it for myself, but thought I'd share.

Jumping down the rabbit hole, I decided to also add detailed rain fx, grass fx, and VAO's (some missing or broken on github), and also work on the ai for the tracks that I felt could use some help.

For the 1988 series of tracks (thanks to @Rainmaker87 for the conversions), I tried to get period correct cars working on them, which included the 1988 F1 mod, and the VRC MP4/4's. I don't have a link to the 1988 F1 mod, unfortunately. I have no idea where I got them, and subsequent searches have yielded nothing. If anyone has a link to share that would be great.

The ai isn't perfect, but should be okay to get races going somewhat proficiently. Silverstone 88 turned out to be difficult with the VRC mod, surprisingly, as the bumps seemed to be upsetting the car's suspension at the exits of a few corners. Not much I can do with that, sorry to say. AI was tested mainly at 100% strength and 80% aggression. If you are using other mods or Kunos cars, you may be able to remove the ai hints, YMMV. Also thanks to Esotics for his ai lines on Hockenheim (and the all important AI Helper app).

Grass FX is also missing on several, so I used my copy and paste ninja skills and stole a few from existing tracks and implemented them if necessary. Thanks to guys like Zwiss , leBluem , slider666 , Blamer, PeterBoese, Gutbomb, Mascot, Kavoriken, and possibly others for these configs. My apologies to anybody I've left out unintentionally. I am not a grass fx guru, so please feel free to improve them for the community.

Track list:
-Adelaide 1988
-Detroit 1988
-Detroit 2021 (Belle Island, Gutbomb version, but should work for others)
-Estoril 1988
-Hermanos Rodriguez 1988
-Hockenheim 1988
-Hockenheim 1988 (Zwiss version)
-Hungaroring 1988
-Imola 1988
-Jacarepagua 1988 (Gutbomb version)
-Jerez 1988
-Jerez 1988_edited (Teddie version)
-Mid America Motoplex (easy update)
-Monaco 1988
-Montreal 1988
-Monza 1988
-Paul Ricard 1988
-Resevoir GP
-Silverstone 1988
-Spa 1988
-Surfer's Paradise
-Suzuka 1988

Back up your tracks before adding any on this. If you have any weird stuff going on with your ai after updating, check your track's ai folder and remove any .bin or caching files and let CM rewrite new ones, or turn off "new ai behavior". Spectator removal works through CM/Settings/Custom Shaders Patch/Track Adjustments/Hide Spectators button. Rain and Grass fx are placed in a new extension folder per track. If there was already one existing, I've added it to that config file. New VAO's are also placed in each track's folder, and seem to work over the old broken ones, so it doesn't look like there is a need to find and delete the older files.

edit 12-14-21:
Many of the tracks have download links in their respective folder. Others may be found by simple searches.

Updated to version 3 - small fixes on Silverstone 1988, Imola 1988, Monza 1988 for mirror like texture introduced by grass fx, plus Goldcoast config upated by @slider66.

Small updates to config pack, original post updated.

Updated to version 3 - small fixes on Silverstone 1988, Imola 1988, Monza 1988 for mirror like texture introduced by grass fx, plus Goldcoast config upated by @slider66.

If its the same results regardless of graphic quality settings, it's something else. Probably external. Is your pc downloading windows version 11 in the background ready to upgrade? Have you switched to windows 11? I wouldn't say your pc is a beast either. It's probably down to texture file sizes and you running low on video ram and textures being written in and out of ram.
I'm using latest version of W10. It pops up an notification about W11 but my CPU isn't compatible I think. If there's an update I would know because I checked them everyday (I use some 3D Design Softwares, so it's a habbit for me to get the latest fixes).

Only difference is I recently bought the 3060ti. And didn't do a clean install (it was 1070 and I downloaded the latest update when I used that). Should I or would I?
Got no clue, honestly. On a video card like yours keeping drivers updated makes more sense, but I can't say I blindly trust automatic updates. If you remember any recent update, maybe a roll-back or a previous build might help.
That's my last resort. I've to keep the work I've been done. They're too valuable. I can back it up but the original location is a must for a little while.

re: CSP stuff

I run a GTX980ti @4k res. This is the best settings I found without sacraficing performance with the most needed features
(Graphics adjustments is on, but usually adds performance penalty, testing only)
View attachment 1099413
could you share your settings with a link?
could you share your settings with a link?

Topanga Canyon - CSP config update
  • misc fixes
  • grass, rain
  • roadside cars lights + transparent windows


  • ext_config.ini
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Hi try to start the game normal ones with out CM if this works go again with CM if this dosent work tell me and ill send you (Assetto Corsa\system\cfg FRESH) or if you have a clean installation of AC back up first your (Assetto Corsa\system\cfg) and the try use the fresh ones i hope this helps you my english in not great but i tHINk this can Helps you.

Remove the last mod you installed

Couple of possible solutions:
1. Try lauching base game from Steam. It will not go past updating database 99%, because you probably have to many mods for base game to run. But it could be enough, to correct some basic files that got corrupted. When it gets to 99% and gets stuck, you have to force close default AC game
2. Try deleting the apps folder inside AC install. You will lose all the apps on the screen inside the game, but one of the apps could of gotten corrupted. You can go the long way, first disable all apps inside CM and start race without any of them. If the race starts, exit race and start enabling apps one by one and restaring a race after you enabled the first one, second one,.... exit race after each app is enabled and the race starts, and go to the next one. When the race won't start, you will know that last app you enabled is to blame.
3. Do a reset of the config folder as described above in one post
3. If the game still don't start even after doing all those things, you may have to run integrity check in Steam (right click, find it the menu). This will reset all the default AC files. You will have to change some settings back to your liking, but it's not so much work, as people may think. All the CM stuff stays basically the same. Still hope, you don't need to get to this step.

Hey @Paulo Ribeiro
A non-invasive test that may work (worked for me a while ago) is renaming The Assetto Corsa folder in My Documents, letting the game create one from scratch. Don't remember if this method it was related to CM issues, but it shouldn't hurt to try and revert if it doesn't solve it.

You can from Windows sort the files in each folder to know the latest folders that have been inserted into cars, tracks, apps, fonts, etc. So you can try to remove the latest mods that you have put.
You can also uninstall and reinstall CSP and Sol. And if all the above fails from Steam you can verify integrity of the game files.

Finally got some time to grab AC and/or CM issue.

Before anything, I removed CSP and SOL installations.
Reinstalled both and fortunately all is working well and fine right now. Maybe some corrupted file/s?
Don't know.

Logically, I want to thank all that tried to help me, here and by PM. Appreciated and recorded.
You are the best. Thank you.

P.S. I will save all your sugestions tho. 👍
Does anyone know where i can find the late Shaun Clark's BTCC mod? The RS3, Alfa, Focus, etc.
The latest version is

BTCC Mod V2.1​

Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.