Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Thank you for the work on this car, I find the physic on that car particularly well done, the car feels fantastic to drive.
Well done.

I hope in the future we get more of that kind of work, We have so many models, but so many have average physic at best.

Not complaining as I still enjoy them, but AC can do so much more that I hope we get more of this Ferrari type of efforts in 2022.
Thank you very much, I'm really proud to read those lines.

This is my first release in which the tyre model is finalized to a state that I consider stable and I'm really glad that someone can feel the difference. Now I think I'm going to implement it to the rest of our rework.
Dont know if this is any good but Geroda released his Supra :


2019 Toyota Supra GR (3.0 Turbo) V1.21 HQ mod

Today I was able to finish what is the gift for the whole community, the passionate and enthusiastic community.

She is beautiful, powerful and has an important name for most of us car enthusiasts, and I wanted to pay homage to the Supra in the best possible way.

Merry Christmas and be happy and have fun at Christmas and during the holidays with her too.


PSW = WiskiDrinkGR19
Thank you for sharing this release announcement! Car is a keeper for me. Replaced the Supra Launch Edition that I had in my “garage.” Geroda’s version is so much better. (Need to re-evaluate my standards. Why did I even have that Launch Edition??)
Thank you for sharing this release announcement! Car is a keeper for me. Replaced the Supra Launch Edition that I had in my “garage.” Geroda’s version is so much better. (Need to re-evaluate my standards. Why did I even have that Launch Edition??)
Geroda's Physics is complete garbage. The GT Sports GR Supra that was released a while back is far better. It really takes a genius to ruin the physics of the Supra when there is a Kunos car to copy directly from.
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Geroda's Physics is complete garbage. The GT Sports GR Supra that was released a while back is far better. It really takes a genius to ruin the physics of the Supra when there is a Kunos car to copy directly from.
Kunos' Supra is the MKIV gen. Geroda's is the latest one, BMW powered. Not sure if he could have taken a lot of clues from there.
Here is a quick fix to the Geroda GR Supra's Physics. Running carry-over data from the Z4 is better than a suspension setup that was from a Camry.

TBH The GT Sport one is only better visually in terms of CSP features. There are still many flaws in that mod. I have over a dozen GR Supras and there is no perfect GR Supra yet. Maybe Whistleblower's version is better than all of them.


  • data.acd.txt
    137.1 KB · Views: 35
Now the only Renault we miss is the Megane Trophy 1, i test the R26R, it's so prefect !!

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What's new?


  • Version ID: 1819
  • Tags: untested
  • Size: 57.23 MB


It’s been awhile, but this update introduces a lot of things related to Lua scripting (Lua apps, track scripts, scripts delivered from online servers for additional effects or even new modes), so I wanted first to make sure API is functional enough. Also, rain still isn’t here, sorry about it, but it’s almost finished by now.
  • FSR:
    • Whole thing reworked with officially released SDK: new quality presets, adjusted sharpening, adjusted MIP bias based on documentation tips (old implementation is still present just in case);
    • Option to set lower quality setting for the left and right thirds of the screen in triple screen mode;
    • Optional debug mode: hold Space to quickly switch to simple linear upscaling to compare;
  • Smoke reworked (apart from tyres heating and spawning logic):
    • New improved shading;
    • Improved collisions between cars and smoke;
    • Better support for open wheelers;
    • Tyre smoke spawns below car when drifting angles are big;
    • Dust and splashes spawns from whole car, not just from wheels;
    • Dust flies off dusty wheels;
    • A bit of dust appears for some F1 cars with wooden skid pads when those touch the ground (can be configured on per-collider basis, similar to sparks);
    • Clouds of dust spawn on collisions;
    • Smaller particles for bits of dirt and smaller splashes spawn in contact points;
    • Long-lasting smoke and dust (smoke lasts for several minutes);
    • When on grass, instead of dust clouds, more subtle soil particles are used (color is set in track config);
    • New look for smoke from exhaust, heated brakes and damaged engine;
    • Smoke won’t show up inside a cockpit;
    • Colored smoke and dust lose color as they expand, with new config parameters to adjust the rate;
    • Smoke culling improved for further optimization and smoother transitions;
    • New options to adjust density and on-screen size, to balance between visual quality and performance;
    • With ExtraFX, there is a new option to get smoke to hide behind glass;
    • Extra effect with smoke covering whole screen (creates an extra smoky look while being pretty cheap);
  • Pieces particles update:
    • Adjusted chances for different types, as well as size and shading;
    • Collision detection now uses car heightmaps instead of depth buffer for more accurate results;
  • TyresFX:
    • Grass and dirt on tyres reworked, both textures and rendering;
    • Soil color is taken into account;
  • GrassFX:
    • Active ExtraFX pass option now properly supports fake car shadows reprojection;
    • Grass deformation updated, now takes into account grass height;
    • If you’re using original AC motion blur, it would affect grass as well now;
  • Smart Shadows:
    • Smooth transition between cascades reworked and is configurable now;
    • Disk shadows filtering removed; PCF is back until I figure out how to do it properly;
    • Semi-transparent shadows from smoke, flames, semi-transparent objects and such improved with Bayer dithering;
  • Nice Screenshots:
    • Old HDR fix thing is now replaced with brightness-based weighted average; it’s much easier to deal with and produces better results;
    • Accumulation DOF: options to customize shape and samples distribution for bokeh;
    • Option to save intermediate result every few steps (so there’d be something saved in case of long accumulation would fail to get to the end);
  • Photo mode app:
    • Color adjustments with automatic white balance option (might not work well with some scenes);
    • Scene adjustments now available in offline races (without replays) and stay active with app hidden;
  • Online servers extended configs:
    • Alter speed limiter parameters;
    • Disable forced limiter (with configurable penalties);
    • Re-enable collisions in pits;
    • Set teleporting to pits via AC commands (used extra CM hotkeys, for example) to follow the same restrictions as pause menu option (penalty for teleporting during the race, no teleporting before the race started, no teleporting if car is moving);
    • Disable teleporting to pits option completely (both with AC commands and pause menu);
    • Filter chat messages and messages coming from server (in case there is a plugin that uses some of them to communicate with client-side apps);
    • Create portals to other servers (might be an interesting option for freeroam servers);
  • Small tweaks:
    • Option to alter change AC audio volume during the race with buttons;
    • Tweaks for TrackIR position and rotation in case some fine tuning is required;
  • Dynamic weather conditions online with either a server plugin (documentation is coming soon) or a custom acServer implementation;
  • New WeatherFX controller uses OpenWeatherAPI to sync conditions with real weather dynamically;
  • Aero wings acting like geometry switches are syncing online now;
  • Size of sparks particles fixed, sparks no longer spawn with head-on collisions;
  • New rendering modes: 360°, fisheye, split screen (new Content Manager supports custom modes in AC video settings);
  • Option to hide driver name tags and driver points on track map for certain cars online via server config or extended server API;
  • Warnings during loading if something went wrong: VR or ExtraFX failed to initialize, or unsupported screen resolution was selected;
  • Specify joypad index for joypads input mode;
  • Support for VAO patches v5 with spatial AO samples for dynamic objects;
  • New sky mesh with more evenly distributed triangles for better reflections and mirrors;
  • Option to hide AC console (and reuse Insert button for something else);
  • Option to unbind digit buttons from changing turbo level;
  • Chat shortcuts module reworked: now uses new UI style, doesn’t trigger turbo level change, alternative set of messages works differently;
  • Custom FOVs for bumper and bonnet cameras;
  • Support for car camera trajectories from CM Custom Showroom to be used for starting camera;
  • New driver tags: option to control rendering distance, option to use original TTF font, can show up to 32 tags at once;
  • Button for manual control of speed limiter;
  • Walking out module: settings, improved transition, few fixes, selected car is the controlled one, tool in Objects Inspector tools for positioning cars a bit more easily;
  • Custom glare for distant headlights (experimental, disabled by default for now);
  • VR mirroring: option to fill the screen, new modes for anaglyph mode, additional settings;
  • Option to fix audio alignment (seems like sometimes some AC cameras could break it);
  • Option to hide CPU occupancy warning;
  • Option to add border to AC window just in case;
  • PP-filters now can access additional auto-exposure options, for example, changing how fast AE changes (filters editor got new options in a subsection of the AE section);
  • Support for secondary clutch axis (CM support is coming soon);
  • Option to remove 1 GB size cap for replays;
  • Double precision physics engine now enabled by default;
  • Real Mirrors change FOV based on distance to mirror for more accurate reflections;
  • Starting config “race.ini” now can define a custom setup to load, optionally loading it as a fixed setup;
  • Triple screen tweaks: option to always show driver name tags (with original driver tags);
  • Freer camera: use pedals to smoothly control camera speed (optional and disabled by default, might crash with some controllers at the moment).
  • FSR:
    • Oculus Rift integration fixed;
    • Virtual mirror incorrectly positioned in triple screen fixed;
  • Origin shift compatibility:
    • AI recording tool fixed (didn’t render spline correctly);
    • Driver eyes positioning tool fixed (similar issue);
    • ExtraFX bounced light clip plane fixed;
    • WeatherFX clouds and flickering cloud shadows fixed;
    • Case of VR with post-processing disabled fixed;
    • Custom triple splits: misplaced driver names fixed;
    • Shadows from dynamic lights fixed;
  • WeatherFX:
    • PP-filter adjustments are reset when current filter is changed;
    • Default WeatherFX implementation updated and fixed (improved clouds, less saturated sunsets, definitions for cold and hot weather types were missing);
  • GrassFX:
    • Now works without LightingFX (brightness issue fixed);
    • Air deformation fixed;
    • Grass clipped too early in right eye in VR fixed;
  • Custom fonts rendering: issue with some symbols showing as white squares fixed, some performance improvements;
  • Issue with mirrors material and texture leaking to other objects fixed;
  • Issue with objects in shadow maps shifting away fixed;
  • NeckFX: looking back with triple screen fixed;
  • Car shadows and radar app showing wheels in wrong place for certain cars on certain tracks fixed;
  • Memory leak with SMAA fixed;
  • Possible performance issues with some post-processing antialiasing modes fixed;
  • FidelityFX CAS now works with FXAA and FXAA 3.11 (fixed) as well as with SMAA;
  • Shader ksPerPixelMultiMap_AT_NMDetail is finally fixed (has been broken from pretty much first builds of CSP);
  • Pieces particles occasionally breaking motion blur fixed;
  • New photo mode app: setting DOF or changing camera FOV doesn’t reset to free camera anymore;
  • Additional caching during loading no more messes up setup menu (there was a problem trying to load a newly made setup);
  • Mumble voice chat audio orientation fixed;
  • Fixed interior reflections masking flickering in free camera with AMD GPUs;
  • Interior reflections masking no longer darkens interiors too much;
  • Crashes when CSP is trying to fix certain wiper animations fixed;
  • Crashes when making screenshots and such with some encrypted mods fixed;
  • Accumulation DOF works better with real mirrors, no longer breaks with ExtraFX motion blur (without accumulation motion blur);
  • AC stuck in setup check with cars with extended physics fixed;
  • Monitor mirrors: fixed headlights showing in red and blue colors, bleached look, incorrect brightness;
  • Problems occurring when trying to save and load selected PP-filter are fixed;
  • Option to draw track AO samples removed to stop people from activating it accidentally;
  • VAO patches for cars no longer affect windscreen brightness;
  • Switching VAO sets (with driver/without driver) fixed;
  • Fur material changing scale randomly fixed;
  • Fixed windscreen dirt deactivation not always working properly;
  • Half-resolution smoke now works with triple screen mode;
  • Shader stPerPixelNM_UVflow with alpha-test now casts shadows properly;
  • Low beams not working properly in replays fixed;
  • Windscreen meshes drawn over driver’s visor (with something like F6 camera) fixed;
  • Shaking chase cameras fixed;
  • Tessellation shaders (flags, bending pieces): fog, shadows and ExtraFX effects are fixed;
  • Randomized wind offset getting too large fixed;
  • Downshift protection crash happening with older mods without that beeping audio event fixed;
  • Shadowed wheels and VAO fade out if car tilts too much;
  • Collision depth is stored in replays now, for deforming walls to work correctly;
  • Fake Shadows generation for cars like McLaren-Mercedes MP4/13 fixed (now ignores seatbelts);
  • Cached car data growing too large with repeated entries fixed;
  • Car heightmap not working correctly with some cars (and resulting in, for example, sparks flying inside) fixed;
  • Per-pixel fog used in some shaders and resulting in black bugged out pixels fixed;
  • Replay clips saving is more stable now;
  • FPS limiter deactivation in new performance stats app fixed;
  • Replays failing to load extra CSP data for older replays fixed;
  • Pieces of grass and dirt not really working with car driving backwards fixed;
  • Broken shading (especially shadows) of some skinned meshes fixed;
  • Fake shadows from front wheels sometimes being rendered above everything else in first person view fixed;
  • Default button (numpad’s plus) for Extra D is fixed;
  • Loading car names from JSON is fixed;
  • JSONs are parsed correctly now even if they have comments;
  • Incorrect configuration for rotating car objects (in “extra_animations.ini”) or blurred objects (in “blurred_objects.ini”) would no longer crash the game;
  • Car wheels jittering back and forth in rare cases when moving slowly fixed;
  • Bluish reflections with SSLR fixed (SSLR still needs a lot more work though);
  • Extra-long speculars (additional SSLR feature) being overly bright and large are fixed;
  • Cars custom emissives sometimes failing to sync with light sources fixed (very sorry for breaking compatibility there, but that bug was breaking older mods);
  • Additional replay data stopping to work when replays were getting too large fixed;
  • Few fixes for headlights range switching with different camera modes;
  • ExtraFX TAA messing up LEDs fixed (with auto-fix active);
  • Messed up Python app names in Python profiler tool (and possibly other places) fixed;
  • Extended tyres raycasting (in custom physics, used for additional rays per tyre) fixed once more;
  • Custom tyres raycasting (in general settings, in custom physics engine section) occasionally breaking simulation into brown screen fixed;
  • AC crashing in track day mode on some tracks because of an issue with tyres fixed;
  • Also, AC would no longer crash if “camera_facing.ini” would refer to nodes rather than meshes;
  • Fixed first shadows split breaking in VR in some cases;
  • Photo mode app: making a motion mode shot no longer freezes AC for a few seconds fixed at the start;
  • Real Mirror no longer breaks after switching driver on and off a few times;
  • Default car setup “_ext_default” fixed, now loads all the parameters;
  • New driver tags: distortion in VR and triple fixed;
  • Advanced culling: skid marks appearing with a delay fixed, whole thing occasionally getting stuck is fixed as well;
  • INIpp parser issue with “'…$'” values fixed;
  • Various smaller fixes and stability improvements.
For new content and configs:
  • Custom car physics:
    • Link hidden setup items to dynamic controllers (for example, allows to create suspension with ride height depending on car speed);
    • Link clutch damage to exceedingly high torque;
    • Create extra links for any suspension, linking together hubs or attaching hubs to body with fixed or distance joints;
    • New inputs for dynamic physics controllers: DAMAGE_ENGINE, DAMAGE_GEARBOX (0 for original, 1 for fully damaged);
  • Custom track physics:
    • Soft walls fixed, with new MAX_DEPTH option to limit softness for collisions that are too deep (docs are coming);
    • Cars spawned aligned to track surface (optional, enabled by default with custom track physics);
    • Custom track tyres raycasting with a CSP DLL plugin (for example, use height map instead of triangles for track geometry);
    • Integrity check for various track files (for example, could be a simple way to make sure important KN5s are not changed online);
    • Options to allow Lua scripts to manipulate physics objects (don’t use it for competitive tracks, but might be a neat addition for something custom);
  • Cars configs:
    • TyresFX:
      1. New DIRT_OFFSET_K parameter, similar to DAMAGE_OFFSET_K;
      2. Option to set custom meshes for different tyres;
    • [MESH_SPLIT_...]:
      1. Set split name or material directly, or use existing material;
      2. New mode COPY_FLIPPED to fix missing interior windows;
      3. New INSERT_TO option to specify new parent for new meshes;
    • Extra car switches (those extra A/B/C/D functions):
      1. New extra E and extra F switches are added;
      2. Switches now can have a name set in config to show in car description during loading;
      3. Optionally, switch can operate in hold mode (active while button is pressed);
      4. Optionally, switch can require stationary car to activate (like a speed key for Bugatti Veyron, for example), or neutral gear, or pressed brake pedal;
    • If you’re using wing animations to show and hide extra bits, now you can configure it so “hidden” geometry would actually be hidden, saving draw calls:
      1. Car lights now can be bound to wing states, referencing wing ID and using LUT for brightness multiplier;
      2. For simple cases with two states where hidden bit is either scaled down or moved far away, CSP should be able to guess things automatically;
      3. Tool to quickly generate such animations with corresponding config is available on CSP wiki;
    • Override car data files related to visuals, such as “lods.ini” or “lights.ini”, by creating new files in “extension/data_override” folder;
    • Colorful shadowing: overall look improved, new parameters;
    • Car tyres now can be semi-transparent and use alpha from txNormal for transparency, could be used for extra layers with stickers fading away;
    • New car instrument inputs: KERS, TYRE_VIRTUAL_KM, FLAG_TYPE;
    • Adjustable wings now can affect several nodes at once (easier to get LODs to work);
    • Configs can add extra comments about car features on loading screen;
    • New ColoredBlackSpecular parameter for car paint shader improving look of multi-colored skins, enables automatically with fourth version;
    • Parameter [REFLECTIONS_FX] INTERIOR_NODES=… for cars without properly set COCKPIT_HR now works better, affecting more CSP features;
    • New common/displays.ini helping to easily create new quads for digital displays in cars;
    • Brakes input for cars fixed, now uses [BASIC] BRAKES_THRESHOLD as default threshold;
    • Car config parameter [DATA] DISABLE_DIGITALINSTRUMENTSINI=1 to disable original digital instruments;
    • Dynamic car textures now can get a single thing (navigator, scriptable display, etc.) to draw into different slots of different textures (so now it’s possible, for example, to draw in both “txDiffuse” and “txEmissive” with a single script);
  • Tracks configs:
    • New track inputs:
      1. CAR_DAMAGE_N for amount of damage of Nth car;
      2. CAR_DAMAGE for maximum amount of damage of all cars (could be tied to roof lights of ambulances?);
      3. ONLINE_RACE switching to 1 for online races;
      4. TIME_SMOOTH: time of day in seconds without rounding;
    • Deformable track walls for deep collisions (with soft colliders), for tyre walls and such;
    • Parameter [BOUNCED_LIGHT] AMBIENT_MULT=0.2 for reducing ambient effect on bounced light now that new VAO patches for tracks have light bounces;
    • Set soil color for tracks along with dirt and grass color;
    • Option to set soil, dirt and grass colors for different types of surfaces;
    • In condition expressions, writing “condition:” prefix when referencing a different condition is no longer needed;
    • In places where previously track parameters could either be a number or reference a condition, now expressions are fully supported as well;
    • CONDITION for track lights and material adjustments now can use expressions too (although, without color support for now);
    • Track configs now can set flame emitters;
    • New common/particles_track.ini with some presets for track particles (bonfire, stove, flare);
    • Track config parameter [DYNAMIC_OBJECTS] DISABLE_ONLINE_SYNC=1 to disable syncing of dynamic objects online and get them to start from initial position for each new connected client;
    • Tracks now can use custom model for static reflections or set shader replacements to act upon a default one (good for hiding trees on tracks like Monaco);
    • Track configs can apply shader replacements to pit stop geometry;
    • Track displays: use conditions for numerical parameters;
    • Track config animated clock: minutes fixed, now moves at :00 rather than at :30, also an option for seconds to move smoothly;
  • For both cars and tracks:
    • Now it’s possible to use videos for textures (with scriptable displays);
    • Extra mask pass (used for colored glass) shading improved, doesn’t look as messy with darker textures, with new parameters;
    • Issue with parameters MOVE_MESH_BEHIND and MOVE_MESH_IN_FRONT_OF unable to reorder elements within same parent is fixed;
    • Macro CustomEmissive_UseDiffuseAlpha fixed, now can use alpha from txDiffuse;
    • When copying coordinates from Objects Inspector, hold Shift for additional precision;
    • Problem with changes to semi-transparent shadows not applying live is fixed.
For new apps and scripts:
  • Python apps:
    • Live reload for Python apps with Python apps profiler (two modes: button for reload and automated reload when any “.py” file has changed);
    • New functions for time control: ac.ext_getWeatherTimeMult(), ac.ext_setWeatherTimeMult(value);
    • New functions for advanced rendering: render to texture, use custom pixel shaders, access virtual mirror texture for custom virtual mirrors;
    • Function to check if VR is active or not;
    • Result of ac.newTexture() is cached now, feel free to re-create those textures each frame (although it would still be faster to save value locally);
    • New functions for flipping Real Mirrors live: ac.ext_mirrorGetFlip(), ac.ext_mirrorSetFlip();
    • Load TTF fonts from app folder or any other folder, use more flags for text styles (requires custom text rendering);
  • Lua scripts:
    • Full API documentation with seamless Visual Studio Code integration (check “extension/internal/lua-sdk/readme.txt” for instructions on how to set it up);
    • Now powered by OpenResty fork of LuaJIT: faster, more functional, compiled with Lua 5.2 compatibility flag;
    • Lua Debug App: built-in profiler, latest ac.log()/print() entries;
    • Many new values available in structures describing simulation state (check documentation);
    • A lot of new functions in standard library:
      1. Create classes with class(): high performance, optional objects pooling for extra GC-friendly code;
      2. Use new functions in table and string module for making things simpler;
      3. For serializing things, stringify() function can turn Lua tables to strings and strings to tables fast;
      4. Set timers with setTimeout, setInterval and clear… counterparts (similar to JavaScript);
      5. Use new web module to make web requests;
      6. Extended io module: all sorts of functions to deal with files with any encoding;
      7. Extended os module: use file dialogs, asynchronously run child processes and more;
      8. Exchange data between running scripts fast using shared memory structure;
      9. Exchange messages online with event-like system using hidden chat messages for communication;
      10. Manipulate scene, load new KN5s, change material properties, draw into any texture live using ui module (available for track, car, server scripts or Lua apps/tools);
      11. Affect physics: create new physics objects using KN5s as colliders, move cars and more (available only for tracks which explicitly allow it with custom track physics);
      12. Cast rays against visual geometry or physics meshes;
      13. Create dynamic lights and manipulate them real-time;
      14. Load extra FMOD sound banks and create new audio events, move them around and set their parameters live;
      15. Load and store typed values with (could be used to access string values based on keys or, for faster access, create localized holders);
      16. ac.load(key) returns nil if no value with such key was stored before;
      17. A lot of new functions to access more details about simulation state like type names, driver names and nationalities, etc.;
      18. API to take control of the camera, with support for smooth transitions;
      19. Lua scripts being unable to find referenced files nearby fixed;
      20. And more: check documentation for additional information;
  • Create new apps using Lua:
    • Documented API exceeding API of Python apps (for example, Lua apps can write to AC console, but also can run their own commands and listen to user input to AC console);
    • IMGUI for quick, simple and extendable interface creation;
    • Ability to create full screen HUDs with custom virtual mirrors, damage and fuel warning indicators;
    • Live icons to show things like notification counters;
    • Draw debug shapes in a special callback function;
  • Create new Object Inspector tools (same as apps, but doesn’t take space in taskbar, should be a better choice for tools);
  • WeatherFX:
    • New ac.setSkyV2SunSaturation(number) to adjust sun saturation;
    • New ac.setTrackConditionInput(key, value) function which also allows to override AMBIENT input;
    • Functions to adjust VAO and extra AO samples parameters;
    • New sky-covering clouds using panorama textures as an alternative way to render clouds;
    • Option to load textures asynchronously, new function to unload textures;
    • New cloud parameters normalYExponent and topFogBoost, cloud material parameter normalFacingExponent (all documented now);
    • Function to estimate scene brightness from cubemap, for custom auto-exposure implementations;
    • Function to set brightness for virtual emissive geometry (like ideal racing line, VR HUD or name tags);
    • Function to set emissive multiplier for adaptive screens;
    • Implementation script now can do some work in parallel, reducing load on main core;
  • Scriptable car displays:
    • Script could be in a separate file (SCRIPT=script.lua, same as LUTs), now with auto-reload support;
    • Use TTF fonts to draw text, TTF fonts can be taken from a car folder, no need to install them to “content/fonts”;
    • Load media files (can be local or remote videos or audio), use them in functions like display.image() or ui.drawImage() to show them on screens;
    • Access mirror texture to create displays with rear view camera and overlays;
    • Define new cameras (similar to rear view mirror) with optional post-processing and access them in script, for this like parking camera activating with reverse gear;
    • React to clicks or mouse hovering on other meshes (optionally limiting area to certain UV coordinates or in-car position), so they could act like buttons;
    • Change car state: switch headlights, high beams and extra toggles;
    • Control some of car inputs: alter ABS, TC, brake bias, turbo wastegate, engine brake, etc. (could be used to create a dashboard similar to one of BMWs with extra car settings);
    • New display.horizontalBar() function for simple drawing of a progress bar made out of segments;
    • API to manipulate scene, audio and lights, many other functions described earlier (although with limited IO and OS access);
    • Function to skip current frame if there is nothing to update, for best performance;
    • Drawing text using AC fonts has been fixed (before that, all symbols were stretched to be monospace);
    • Access values from config section that created the display: great for creating script once and reusing it in various cars;
    • A lot of new UI-related functions to create all sorts of shapes;
    • Scriptable display now created and run for cars other than player’s, with parameters to get them to work for unfocused cars as well (use it if you have something like an exterior display);
    • New FONT_SCALE parameter for regular ui.text() functions;
  • Car scripts:
    • Act like scriptable displays, but without displays: use them if you need to move objects, change material properties, etc.;
    • Can be used to update textures as well, might be a preferable approach if you need to edit textures very rarely (for example, update driver name on a digital screen);
  • Scriptable displays for tracks:
    • Similar to car displays, although without interactive meshes (not that it’s impossible to add them using different APIs if needed);
    • Access track conditions;
    • Use physics-affecting functions (only if custom track physics allows display scripts to do so);
    • Limit updates so they would occur only if camera is nearby;
  • Track scripts:
    • If you want to control whole track, moving some things smoothly, updating some textures rarely, that might be a better option;
    • You can update textures live by accessing scene functions, no overhead comparing to scriptable displays, but you can do it only when it’s needed, so it might be faster;
    • Use physics-affecting functions (only if custom track physics allows track scripts to do so);
    • Everything else is the same as scriptable displays;
  • Server scripts:
    • Run on client-side;
    • Act like track scripts, have the same level of access, but can be loaded from a remote location;
    • Unlike track scripts, also can draw additional HUD elements, like some messages;
    • Use physics-affecting functions (only if custom track physics allows online scripts to do so);
    • Can be used to add some extra logic to things like freeroam servers.

Can anyone explain why this is and how to fix it?

Sharp shadows (red) follow the car about 1m in front, while very blur (blue) display for everything else
View attachment 1100668
it's super annoying (clip planes seem to not affect this)
catching up on the thread now, I've asked about this several times, hope you get an answer. I've juist been living with it.
NEW TRACK [UPDATE] by CrisT86 & @pugsang

Adelaide 2021 v1.1

v0.0 by Tewie

- Original track by Tewie (huge thanks for allow us to update it to 2021)

v1.0 by CrisT86 & Pugsang
  • New pit building
  • New 3d stuff around the track (briges, Helicopters, ambulance etc)
  • New buildings
  • TV screens
  • New city wall around the track
  • Fixed UV mappings and sponsor billboards. Old skins might work partially
  • Track skin from 2020 skin modified to match last years race the best possible way
  • Lights all around the track
  • New Ferris wheel
  • Soft collision deformable tyre walls
  • Aerials and ai from @KevinK2
  • New EXT_CONFIG featuring GrassFX, LightFX, RainFX, Seasons
  • New VAO
  • New TV Cams

v1.1 by CrisT86 & Pugsang
  • Fixed track shadows not working
  • Optimized kn5 files
  • Adjusted some shaders and textures
  • Added grandstand at the end of the back straight
  • Added some more lights at the S/F straight
  • Changed the tree walls around the track
  • Fixed the outer terrain in some spots to avoid holes causing glares in VR mode
  • New ai, side lines and an additional set of cameras by @KevinK2
  • Fixed pitlane not working properly on v1.0 (wrong meshes name which not activate the pitlane limiter)
  • Added some bumps and road grain

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Well, I'm mad. I've tried several tries to load this and it didn't load. I reinstalled it twice, once on Content Manager and another manually into the track folder. I checked to make sure it was in the track folder and it was. I have CSP installed, it was one of the first things I installed back when I got this new computer. It was working this morning and now it just doesn't want to work.


EDIT: Google has been no help. Every forum page I clicked on would mention a solution that I already tried. I switched the error, I have the folder where it needs to be, I really don't know what else it can be.
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Well, I'm mad. I've tried several tries to load this and it didn't load. I reinstalled it twice, once on Content Manager and another manually into the track folder. I checked to make sure it was in the track folder and it was. I have CSP installed, it was one of the first things I installed back when I got this new computer. It was working this morning and now it just doesn't want to work.

View attachment 1101133

EDIT: Google has been no help. Every forum page I clicked on would mention a solution that I already tried. I switched the error, I have the folder where it needs to be, I really don't know what else it can be.
Does the main kn5 file have the same name as the folder?
Does the main kn5 file have the same name as the folder?

EDIT: Frick, I figured out what happened. I had CSP, but I needed a newer version installed. I only didn't think to check this, because I swore I had it at version 1.72 the last I checked. Somewhere along the line of installing some other cars today, it for some reason went back to an earlier version.
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