Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hey guys, need a bit of help here.

I decided to move my AC install to an external SSD because the internal HDD on my gaming laptop is getting full. Steam's "Move Install" function doesn't work (possibly because I have too many mods, and they are LZX compressed). So my workaround is to install a fresh AC on the new SSD, and then copy the content folder over. Took me a whole day to move 2500+ cars and 570+ tracks, but it's done. I need to compress all the files again on the new SSD, but haven't done so yet.

I pointed Content Manager to the new install directory, and it recognises it. All the cars and tracks are there, and loading has been increased significantly. So far so good. But upon taking to the track, I'm only getting 20-30 FPS no matter the car/track. Haven't changed any graphics settings, I made sure vsync off and all the usual stuff. Acs.exe set to run at High Priority in Task Manager, run as Administrator, make sure to use GPU instead of Intel Graphics, make sure laptop is plugged in (on battery it can throttle performance). No luck. Even the benchmark mode is also getting 20 FPS.

Out of desperation I pointed CM to the old install on my HDD (haven't deleted yet just in case), and now even on the original install I'm only getting 20-30 FPS. So I don't think it's a problem with running the game off an external drive.

I'm out of ideas. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance 👍
Laptop, you said.
How's the SSD linkage ? what type, what port, is it a MB direct port or not ? Usually, the MB will not focused on an external support for CPU and GPU usage... It depends on the port. For exemple, on a common desktop, the SATA ports for SSD and HDD linkage have the CPU priority, you would need an external SATA port directly pointed to an internal one to get the same efficency. Without it, it will still work tho, just not efficiently.

It may be a hint on your trouble. May not, depend on the config and your MB.

EDIT : oh, and outside of hardware consideration, remember that antivirus and windows defenders systems HATE everything that is not "internal" based. it's like asking him to go through american security airport every morning to go to work...
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Hey guys, need a bit of help here.

I decided to move my AC install to an external SSD because the internal HDD on my gaming laptop is getting full. Steam's "Move Install" function doesn't work (possibly because I have too many mods, and they are LZX compressed). So my workaround is to install a fresh AC on the new SSD, and then copy the content folder over. Took me a whole day to move 2500+ cars and 570+ tracks, but it's done. I need to compress all the files again on the new SSD, but haven't done so yet.

I pointed Content Manager to the new install directory, and it recognises it. All the cars and tracks are there, and loading has been increased significantly. So far so good. But upon taking to the track, I'm only getting 20-30 FPS no matter the car/track. Haven't changed any graphics settings, I made sure vsync off and all the usual stuff. Acs.exe set to run at High Priority in Task Manager, run as Administrator, make sure to use GPU instead of Intel Graphics, make sure laptop is plugged in (on battery it can throttle performance). No luck. Even the benchmark mode is also getting 20 FPS.

Out of desperation I pointed CM to the old install on my HDD (haven't deleted yet just in case), and now even on the original install I'm only getting 20-30 FPS. So I don't think it's a problem with running the game off an external drive.

I'm out of ideas. Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance 👍
Try this.

Melbourne22 track extension is now available at RD 🙂

Based on v0.0.3 which can be found in the video description, this extension is a complete overhaul of the track with new AI, 30 pits people in stands, and really really too much to list !

Have fun guys !!!!! 😉
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Melbourne22 track extension is now available at RD 🙂

Based on v0.0.3 which can be found in the video description, this extension is a complete overhaul of the track with new AI, 30 pits people in stands, and really really too much to list !

Have fun guys !!!!! 😉

Thanks for saving my ass 😂😂 Impressive work as always
Lotus Exige Cup 430


Comverted from Project Cars 3 By Peter Crill ,3d help/work by @norms
-AO inside and out
-Full engine AO
-CSP Settings
-Physics work @graveltrap
-base setup and adjustable damping @graveltrap
-Basic Ligth Refraction

-General help ,3d help , settings help @norms
-Panoramic session Start config Daniel Nogal
-Beta testing and help @graveltrap,@takum1, @Masscot ,and others
-front ligts ligting and number plate anonymous guy
-Photos by @takum1

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Impressive mate ! But are you gonna finish the Miata Super20 anytime soon ? It's been in alpha for so long lol.
Or just tell us how to fix the broken side windows glass - as it's all grey or something lol.
New Track by CrisT86 & @pugsang (and others, see the credits)

Killarney International Raceway v1.1 (Cape Town, South Africa)
(rFactor/GTL conversion)

  • CSP required
  • 30 pit/start for the road layout
  • 20 pit/start for the oval layout
  • Used the old terrain and road meshes and rebuild/changed/replaced everything else
  • Quadremeshed road mesh
  • New farfield terrain optimized by @norms
  • SOL & PURE optimized
Changelog v1.0

Changelog v1.1

  • New Trees
  • New Tarmac textures
  • New flags
  • Pit garage doors are now open according to participants
  • Various adjustments and optimizations

Credits & Thanks

  • @respawned for his scratch build Race07 track
  • Der Dumeklemmer for GTL / rfactor conversions
  • @Lilsky for the permission to use buildings from his Watkins Glen and Calabogie tracks
  • @chickenDuck for the assets from his South Africa rfactor2 tracks
  • Prototype for the assets from Kyalami 2016 track
  • Thanks to Reboot team for the permission to use their tree models and textures
  • The SRA discord community and their moderators for providing aerial photos, videos & feedback about the track appearance and feeling.
  • ACU for the s/f bridge model
  • @Masscot @twobegreen @Fanapryde @Breathe @macko68 for testing and optimizing stuff and @shi for the permission to use his flags on this track
  • @gunnar333 for his vertical flags model
  • @RMi_wood for the magician Workshop lessons

Thanks and see you @TonyRust

We hope we have not forgot anyone, if so, accept our apologies and let us know, so we will add you in a future update if there it will be :)

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UPDATED to v1.1
Melbourne22 track extension is now available at RD 🙂

Based on v0.0.3 which can be found in the video description, this extension is a complete overhaul of the track with new AI, 30 pits people in stands, and really really too much to list !

Have fun guys !!!!! 😉

Brilliant brilliant work!
Melbourne22 track extension is now available at RD 🙂

Based on v0.0.3 which can be found in the video description, this extension is a complete overhaul of the track with new AI, 30 pits people in stands, and really really too much to list !

Have fun guys !!!!! 😉

Just fantastic! Thank you.
Relased the amazing Arrows A18 from ASR Formula

View attachment 1135176
I think I can sense a pattern here form ASR, especially with the 97 F1 season cars, so I think it would be awesome if they can model the Mastercard Lola f1 car into AC.👌

I like it!

Firstly question: which 1997 mod did you use apart from the ASR to get the grid?
I think I can sense a pattern here form ASR, especially with the 97 F1 season cars, so I think it would be awesome if they can model the Mastercard Lola f1 car into AC.👌

View attachment 1135393
and second: this will be hilarious and also cool if we get the Mastcard Lola.

edit: and for @CrisT86 you can drive it in a way.
Because the 2017 Formula Hybrid has the mastercard lola
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Firstly question: which 1997 mod did you use apart from the ASR to get the grid?

and second: this will be hilarious and also cool if we get the Mastcard Lola.

edit: and for @CrisT86 you can drive it in a way.
Because the 2017 Formula Hybrid has the mastercard lola
Yep, but i mean the REAL Lola TRUCK :D
Sorry but I'm unable to replicate the problem. All tracks or just a specific track? My install of it seems to be fine from the pits.
strange. For me seems on every track. I tested Albi 67, Algarve, Hockenheim short....
I made a 3 seconds video
Firstly question: which 1997 mod did you use apart from the ASR to get the grid?

and second: this will be hilarious and also cool if we get the Mastcard Lola.

edit: and for @CrisT86 you can drive it in a way.
Because the 2017 Formula Hybrid has the mastercard lola
It’s the VRC 1997 Ferrari with a 1997 skin pack, from RD.
In such readiness for this weekend's upcoming IMSA Long Beach Grand Prix! Enjoy!

Great overtake at the round about!
Btw what version of long beach you're using?

The easiest way because i've done it before is this. It will preserve all of your settings, tracks, cars, etc. so you don't have to download everything again. You need to make copies of 2 or 3 folders from your old drive. The folders in bold, not the whole directory paths.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\assettocorsa
C:\Users\'username'\Documents\Assetto Corsa
C:\Users\'username'\AppData\Local\AcTools Content Manager (if you use Content Manager)

Get your new PC setup just the way you want it. Load drivers for your wheel, video card, etc. Download and install the base game from Steam. Launch the game once to get it fully installed I think. Can't remember because it's been awhile since I had to do this. It won't effect the next steps if you do launch it once so you might as well try it.

Now go to the folders I listed above on your new drive and change their names to assettocorsa1, Assetto Corsa1 and AcTools Content Manager1 (safe keeping in case something goes wrong and you want to start over. Won't have to download the game again). You may not have two of these since you didn't launch the game. Now copy the 2 or 3 backup folders you made from your old drive to the equivalent locations on the new drive where you renamed the folders. All done. Game should look and function just like on your old PC. All mods, settings, etc. Once you are sure of that, you can delete the renamed folders or keep them as backups. That's what I do so I can always revert back to the base game if need be.

Hope that makes sense. It's a pretty easy process and saved my butt a number of times. On a side note, you might consider backing up those three folders on a periodic basis so if the game ever gets screwed up, you always have a backup with most of your stuff in place. I do this about once a month to a backup drive and it's kept me from having to downloaded all my mod tracks and cars over again.
Thank you but I don't have to buy a new pc. I just have to upgrade it by adding one more 1tb SSD. Do I have to follow all these steps as well?
View attachment 1135175

Ho fatto del mio meglio. Questa dovrebbe essere la migliore conversione di qualità fino a quando Pyyer non rilascerà la sua estensione. Niente di eccezionale risolto, solo alcune lievi modifiche visive. Tutto ciò che non è stato risolto è perché non l'ho visto o non sono riuscito a risolverlo. Con il problema dei punti di spawn, ho provato ad aggiungerli in un kn5 diverso e ad aggiungerli alla traccia tramite models.ini, ma non funziona per nessun motivo non lo so. Spero davvero che l'estensione Pyyer lo risolva. Oltre al Grass FX, ci sono anche le 4 zone DRS e i grandi cordoli rossi (ho cercato di renderli il più precisi possibile).

Ho creato un hotfix per modificare il valore del grip*

Ricorda solo che non sono il proprietario di questa traccia, ho appena convertito una versione modificata con layout da 22'. La pista appartiene a ACU o RaceRfactor (idk, in realtà immagino quelli da cui l'hanno strappata 😅)
nice work on red kerbs! is it possible include it into in the amazing @Pyyer extension?
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I think I can sense a pattern here form ASR, especially with the 97 F1 season cars, so I think it would be awesome if they can model the Mastercard Lola f1 car into AC.👌

View attachment 1135393
You can use VRC Ferrari 310B 1997 skinpack!


3D Arrows A18 model from ASR is terrible, expecially the nose. I hope for the final release.
This is real Arrows A18.

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Pineda v1.2

conversion from GTR2/GTL.
Fictional circuit in Spain.


-CSP recommended
-34 pit/start
-AI, cam

Credits & Thanks;
Created for rFactor by entrevias. Thanks for creating this track and making it freeware.
Converted GTR2 by RacerM and Thank you for gave me permission
Converted GTL by der Dumeklemmer

AC Converted by @shi (shin956)
AI by Rainmaker (Up to v1.16)
AI, sidelines and ai_hints.ini by IMEAN
cam and ext_config by @CrisT86
.lua and font base by @gunnar333
Additional Pits Layout by @MeltFire
logo.png by @Fanapryde
cameraman, tree texture by kunos
Test, Feedback by @Breathe , @RMi_wood , @twobegreen

The readme for rF, GTR2, GTL and AC can be found in the _readme folder.

v1.15 changelog;
Change Castrol billboard.
Added some normal map.
Tweaked shader.
Adjusted the brightness of the light.
Spectators are now supported in camera_facting.ini.
Replaced the cameraman with one from kunos.
Reduced the saturation of the curbs.
Added normal maps for islands and hills.
Expanded sea area and adjusted shaders.
Adjusted the UI.
The blue areas were erased with treewall textures.

v1.16 changelog;
Tree was placed at the edge of Treewall. ( @Fanapryde Thanks for the report.)

v1.2 changelog;
Changed AI, sidelines and ai_hints.ini by IMEAN. (Thanks)
Changed crowd textures by Kniker97. (Thanks)
Updated some billboard logo textures.
Updated ext_config.ini.
Updated VAO-patch.
Replaced marshalls.
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I just got Semetin from simtraxx and a new 16k ground texture for it on RD
My problem is that at start the car spawns in the air quite high above the track which obviously brakes the car when impact landing :))
Is there an easy solution for this ? THX
I just got Semetin from simtraxx and a new 16k ground texture for it on RD
My problem is that at start the car spawns in the air quite high above the track which obviously brakes the car when impact landing :))
Is there an easy solution for this ? THX
Throwing it out there for people to test. Feedback is always welcome. It's better I think, but not sure it's quite there yet. Need some other eyes to tell me what i'm missing. The config has small tweaks to the grassfx and some seasonal adjustment work. Winter is too intense right now. Fall is ok. I'll deal with those when the skin is done. Lastly, if the grass is too bright for you, delete all of the Hocklmask files from the skin folder. That will darken it up. Pure doesn't play well with my mask adjustment. Sol looks fine.

SL Hockenheim Test 1

acs 2022-04-09 09-36-12.jpg
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strange. For me seems on every track. I tested Albi 67, Algarve, Hockenheim short....
I made a 3 seconds video
Strange, I don't have two of those tracks but I tried it on Hockenheim with no problem. Are you using the original data files for the mod or are you using Old Rebels updated data files? I'm using my original data files and haven't tried his yet. Try using his to see if there's any change. You can find his on Race Department.
Sharing a mod? Host it on GTPlanet Downloads. Free, public hosting for files up to 10GB in size.