Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
On my side the link is working fine man, don't know what's your problem withe link ;)

The problem, it points to the old version 🧐
Now it should work, still don't know why, even removed the old link and paste the new one, it has keept the old one (and more strange, why my url opens the right one and not the wrong one), btw now it should work as said.
now it's purrfect 🐱 I'd blame the summer heat for this odd behavior 😉
New Track by CrisT86 & @pugsang

Levels Raceway - Timaru (New Zealand)

Thank you for the update of this track. Though I am not sure about the camping tents in the pits.
Gazebos are often used for teams to work on the cars, but I've never seen camping inside the pit area.

I mentioned to Pugsang about the concrete in front of the scruitineering shed in the pits where the car would fall through, thanks for fixing that.
This might be a stupid question, but is there any way to remove/exclude the sausage kerbs at Monza, if I want to make 2001-ish skin for the track?
Thank you for the update of this track. Though I am not sure about the camping tents in the pits.
Gazebos are often used for teams to work on the cars, but I've never seen camping inside the pit area.

I mentioned to Pugsang about the concrete in front of the scruitineering shed in the pits where the car would fall through, thanks for fixing that.
I have never been there, but I found several pictures like this (all during motorcycle events though):


New test version for VIR that i'd like feedback on. Couple of things i'd be interested in hearing about.

-- I desaturated the grass textures a bit and added a tiny bit of blue to the midtones. Did I go too far?
-- Skin 1 is the more lush green grass, although there is still a decent amount of burnt out areas. Skin 2 is the start of trying get more of a mix of green and brown grass. Lots of areas I still want to add to, but I need to hear if what i've done so far looks decent. Last thing I want is to do the whole track and then find out it looks terrible.
-- Is the grass too bright or not bright enough. This one you can play around with yourself and let me know a number combo you think looks good. At the very bottom of the ext_config is a section that looks like what's below. Fool around with the numbers until you get something you think looks better and tell me what it is so I can test it. Go in small increments at a time to test, like .01 or .02 changes. Lower values make things darker for those who don't know how it works.

PROP_0 = ksAmbient, 0.68
PROP_1 = ksDiffuse, 0.67

VIR track skin\ext_config V4a test

Thanks as always for any help...
-Not my Mod-

RELEASE | BMW M3 E92 "WETTM3" Replica | 1.3
I know y'all seen this post so many times BUT,


  • Brand New Exclusive Soundmod By GabeIS300! Featuring Lift Off Pops & Rasp! (Commissioned By TGN!)
  • RainFX + Window Wipers
  • Accurate Gauge Cluster w/RPM Shift Lights (First In AC to our Knowledge!)
  • Rain Physics!
  • 1:1 Gear Ratios
  • Detailed Engine Bay (w/Carbon Details)
  • Hood Animation (Extra B)
  • Fog Lights Rear (Extra A)
  • Ambient Occlusion (Int/Ext)
  • VRAY Headlights (Shoutout To Hijacked)
  • Countless Custom Carbon Details Around the Exterior!
  • Content Manager Paintshop (14 Options!)
  • Titanium Exhaust
  • LCI Taillights
  • CSP Paints By Beer Can (



Mod Specifications,
  • 6-Speed Manual Transmission
  • Custom LED-DTM Inspired Headlights w/Carbon Details
  • BBS F-IRs
  • Brake Kit + Yellow Pads
  • Carbon Diffusor
  • Carbon Ducktail
  • Carbon Splitter
  • Carbon Sideskirts
  • Carbon Grills
  • Carbon I Guess
  • "WettM3" Custom Titanium Exhaust
  • Flat-Bottomed Steering Wheel
  • Aftermarket Intake

Does anyone have a fix for AI not leaving the pits in qualifying at Tokyo R246 (ddm_gt6_r246)? I tried the updated kindly posted by @unpierrot back in Nov 2021 but it doesn't seem to resolve the issue for me. Any advice would be welcome.

If anyone is having the same problem with AI not leaving the pits in Tokyo R246, I created a new (attached). Seems to work really well now.

Remove the ".txt" and copy to 'content\tracks\ddm_gt6_r246\ai'. Backup yours first in case you don't like this one. Delete the pit_lane_payloads.bin file and it will be automatically re-created. I dunno about the files. I deleted those too and they were re-created automatically.


    135.3 KB · Views: 26
Posted the final(?) version of my Cadwell Park and Cadwell Park 2022 track skins at RD for anyone interested. Can't find anything I think needs improving or that I know how to improve. Based on how it looks on my system, I think it's the best work i've done so far and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. Thanks to all who helped me with advice and suggestions. Enjoy...

Cadwell Park track skin
Last edited:
New test version for VIR that i'd like feedback on. Couple of things i'd be interested in hearing about.

-- I desaturated the grass textures a bit and added a tiny bit of blue to the midtones. Did I go too far?
-- Skin 1 is the more lush green grass, although there is still a decent amount of burnt out areas. Skin 2 is the start of trying get more of a mix of green and brown grass. Lots of areas I still want to add to, but I need to hear if what i've done so far looks decent. Last thing I want is to do the whole track and then find out it looks terrible.
-- Is the grass too bright or not bright enough. This one you can play around with yourself and let me know a number combo you think looks good. At the very bottom of the ext_config is a section that looks like what's below. Fool around with the numbers until you get something you think looks better and tell me what it is so I can test it. Go in small increments at a time to test, like .01 or .02 changes. Lower values make things darker for those who don't know how it works.

PROP_0 = ksAmbient, 0.68
PROP_1 = ksDiffuse, 0.67

VIR track skin\ext_config V4a test

Thanks as always for any help...
A huge improvement. The only criticism I have is that the BBGRASSNEW1 texture is far too bright and needs to be blended to the terrain texture (easily overlooked when using GrassFX, but the skin is incomplete without it).
Posted the final(?) version of my Cadwell Park and Cadwell Park 2022 track skins at RD for anyone interested. Can't find anything I think needs improving or that I know how to improve. Based on how it looks on my system, I think it's the best work i've done so far and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out. Thanks to all who helped me with advice and suggestions. Enjoy...

Cadwell Park track skin
hi Joe, just a heads up , but the download is not installable via CM drag & drop ...

Don't see why at first glance though...
hi Joe, just a heads up , but the download is not installable via CM drag & drop ...
View attachment 1183339

Don't see why at first glance though...
There are two tracks in the DL, cadwell_park and cadwell_park_2022. Maybe there's one not present in your installed tracks, which may cause a hickup in the CM install ?

indeed, I didn't have the 2022 one installed yet... but just installed it (thanks to Breathe's wonderfull track list easy to find it! :cheers:)
Still the skins rar from Joe doesn't let itself be installed by CM Drag&drop... (even after restart of CM)
indeed, I didn't have the 2022 one installed yet... but just installed it (thanks to Breathe's wonderfull track list easy to find it! :cheers:)
Still the skins rar from Joe doesn't let itself be installed by CM Drag&drop... (even after restart of CM)
Ah, OK. I never use the CM install, always manual. So I didn't encounter the issue. It was just a thought.
Feels like a good time to relay the tale of Cadwell Park.
The house which is near the start line was a farm house and the farmer's two sons asked for some land to ride their motorbikes around, we are talking decades ago here.
They both raced the bikes around and made a rough track line from constant use.
As the years rolled on they invited others to join until it would of been a racing venue.
And as more years rolled the 'track' was tarmacked and is what it is today.
Incredible and whenever i see the old farm house, now empty, it always makes me imagine how it all started, a farmer watching his sons rag two motorbikes about.
(its not unique for the UK most tracks have a similar history, but what is unique is the farm house happily still left in place.)
Last edited:
A huge improvement. The only criticism I have is that the BBGRASSNEW1 texture is far too bright and needs to be blended to the terrain texture (easily overlooked when using GrassFX, but the skin is incomplete without it).
Thanks for the heads up. That's the file for the fake 3d grass that I have turned off in the config, which probably explains why I never saw it. I'll get it fixed up later today.

hi Joe, just a heads up , but the download is not installable via CM drag & drop ...
View attachment 1183339

Don't see why at first glance though...
Thanks for the heads up, but I would have no idea why it wouldn't work. I never use CM to install anything. I do know the folder structure is correct. Maybe I should start using .zip format instead.
Thanks for the heads up. That's the file for the fake 3d grass that I have turned off in the config, which probably explains why I never saw it. I'll get it fixed up later today.
It sounds odd, but I always test my skins in vanilla AC, just to make sure nothing gets missed. It stops a few negative reviews over on Race Department.
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