Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hello guys

Any easy way to fix the rearview mirror? As you might be able to tell it's pointing in a weird direction and zoomed in.

Not sure if you are using CSP ? (Btw: what's whit the colors in your pic ?)
There's a mirror app that lets you adjust all mirrors.
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Weird one i was using the free trial 3dsimed and just purchased the full one and now there is no drop down for exporting as kn or fbx?
I have contacted Dave but thought I'd ask on here if anyone had come across this before and if its an easy fix.
Is this the best Viper GT3 out there? It seems like decent quality and pretty balanced with the other GT3s out the gate, but I was disappointed to see the wipers didn't work nor did the rain hit the windshield at all
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CSP wipers and internal windows for CIracesonline's Dodge Viper SRT GT3:

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I allow myself to ask for your help because I am facing a problem that I do not know how to solve (my knowledge is limited)

My Content Manager works normally until I try to launch a trial or a race: the game loads normally and I systematically get a "race cancelled" error message :confused:

I've had this error message in the past and all I had to do was delete a track or a car that I had just downloaded for the game to work normally, but this time the problem is permanent.

Before asking for your help, I tried to select only Kunos cars and tracks, I checked the integrity of the game via Steam, I reverted to CSP 0.1.79 (I am a Patreon member) but the problem is still there.

I thank you in advance for the time that you will devote to help me because I am really lost.
hi, here my 2 cents:
I regularly get "race cancelled" , and for me it's when steam hasn't loaded up yet...
So I hope it's something as silly as this checkbox gotten unticked, and your steam is simply not on ...

If not that, then try switching Steam starter. and see if that fixes it..
Other then this I wouldn't know what tips to give you atm.

Good luck and hope you get to driving again soon.
... My Content Manager works normally until I try to launch a trial or a race: the game loads normally and I systematically get a "race cancelled" error message...
That happens to me from time to time, and in my case it is related to the Steam account. When I open Content Manager I get a message to choose if I continue in offline mode (I always play that way) and if I don't confirm that message, the races are always cancelled.

Sometimes the connection with Steam fails due to those esoteric weird things that computing has, who knows, and reopening the session everything works again without problems.

Let's see if your problem is the same and it can help you...



(What a coincidence that we were replying to the same message at the same time... 😬).
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New BMW M4 GT3 2022 V2 by URD

Look carefully in your emails, it's free for owners of V1
You can keep the 2 versions because they don't have the same name in the game
Now we need new skins on RD ;)

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DRLs not running in my case. Anybody with the same problem?


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Assuming it's about the DRS, there's no animation (wing_ksanim) for the wing. But that animation is lacking in the previous version too.
Talking about day running lights, mate... ;) I also have a problem with brake lights...


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Talking about day running lights, mate... ;) I also have a problem with brake lights...
Aha, my bad... So far I haven't been outside the car yet :D
Checked now: DRL's seem to be working allright

Don't know for sure if the smaller light on the left is supposed to be part of them too, doubt that...

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Aston Martin V8 Vantage GTE 2017

The sexiest GTE ever !

Full AO
Data based on real car

Have fun !
salut @TabsGaming42, I just started animating the wiper when I realized that the car has no internal windows and no wiper rubber. Let me know if you're planning to add those in a future update, then I could finish the wiper config.
...and you can see through the cockpit from the inside and into the cockpit from the outside (below the windshield).
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...and you can see through the cockpit from the inside and into the cockpit from the outside (below the windshield)...
Bug pretty common sometimes, like with this Nissan Z400 Z35, for instance...

Nissan 400Z Z35.jpg

This small glitch is very annoying when playing in first person; I can't even imagine how irritating it must be in VR...
Bug pretty common sometimes, like with this Nissan Z400 Z35, for instance...

View attachment 1208821

This small glitch is very annoying when playing in first person; I can't even imagine how irritating it must be in VR...

It's not a bug/glitch, it's bad modding; meshes/materials are not set double-sided. It's easy to fix with 3DSimEd or with a config-file, but after fixing about 500 cars it gets boring.
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New BMW M4 GT3 2022 V2 by URD

Look carefully in your emails, it's free for owners of V1
You can keep the 2 versions because they don't have the same name in the game
Now we need new skins on RD ;)

View attachment 1208594
Anyone else having issues with this car? I'm on CSP .78 and it's crashing on loading. Tried .79 and disabling CSP and it still won't run. All other cars are fine :boggled:
Just bumping my post from yesterday. Still looking for a solution to this and wondering if it's a textures problem relating to me still being on Windows 7 (yeah I know).
RSS and VRC F1 2022 Custom Championships

Edit: 17/11/2022 - Tracks updated with the Pyyer extensions and some extras

Hi - Its been reported on several occasions that there seems to be some issues with the VRC mod AI (Weird crashes at start and corners) -

My Solution was as follows:
Have you turned on Extended Physics?
Remove the unpacked data folder if there is one.

Lastly try it with the Non-CSP data.acd file - Remember to rename the original data.acd to something like 'CSP_data.acd' before replacing

This may help:

In case you experience any issues, don't hesitate contacting VRC at:

Original Track - vhe_interlagos
Original conversion: VheEth
Extensions - Pyyer
Crowd SFX - Cozy61

Crowd SFX works best in F3 camera replay mode

To turn off any of the crowd SFX and/or Live displays open the ext_config.ini file (in extension folder of track) using notepad or similar and change the ACTIVE = 1 to ACTIVE = 0

Tracks in GDrive:
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This may be a stretch, but here we go. I started getting into SCCA racing a few years ago. I became an acquaintance to a team that just recently got an Elan DP02 in the shop. This was the old IMSA Lites car that raced until 2016. I haven't seen a model for this in literally anything, so I would doubt it would have made it into AC. When it raced in period, it was a spec car. But now in SCCA some teams have created some new body kits for it. See second pic. I'd prefer the original spec as that is the team car, but the second one does look pretty cool and is damn fast.



Another popular SCCA car is the Swift 016A. This was the Atlantics car from 2006. There is an older rF1 model, but just wondering if anybody has seen any thing a bit more quality.

It's not a bug/glitch, it's bad modding; meshes/materials are not set double-sided. It's easy to fix with 3DSimEd or with a config-file, but after fixing about 500 cars it gets boring.
Well, I've already said it once: for me all this modding is dark occult science, I don't understand about these things. What I do know is that mods are often a lot of work, and I think it's understandable that these little glitches happen from time to time; even the best writer has to erase some words at times...

I can understand being demanding in a paid mod, but I will not be the one who criticizes those who offer their effort for free, even if their mods have minimal (at least for me...) errors. And if I make a comment about a bug, I do it in a constructive spirit, in case the creator of the mod hasn't noticed and wants to fix it.

As always, this is a personal opinion, perfectly open to criticism, of course...
Well, I've already said it once: for me all this modding is dark occult science, I don't understand about these things. What I do know is that mods are often a lot of work, and I think it's understandable that these little glitches happen from time to time; even the best writer has to erase some words at times...

I can understand being demanding in a paid mod, but I will not be the one who criticizes those who offer their effort for free, even if their mods have minimal (at least for me...) errors. And if I make a comment about a bug, I do it in a constructive spirit, in case the creator of the mod hasn't noticed and wants to fix it.

As always, this is a personal opinion, perfectly open to criticism, of course...
Agreed 100%, its even worse now as people complain about cars not having wipers in a game which doesn't even implement rain in any good shape aside from for mirror reflected photo's.
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Im in need of help. As hard as I try, I cant work out how to replace wheels in a mod on a specific skin, not to all cars.. When I try I get nothing but failures.
I tried changing wheels on an E30 BMW M3 mod, but have given up on that idea after nothing but failure.
Now I have skinned 2 70's Camaros in the ACL Trans Am mod. By default the cars use minilite style wheels, but in the 68 Camaro, they use a cragar style, which for the cars I have done is more correct. For the life of me, I cant work out how to go about it. Nothing I tried on the BMW worked, and it caused more frustration than anything else
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