Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
I got everything balanced the way I like it, but have a question for someone familiar with the real Red Bull Ring. Could you look at the pic below and tell me what needs adjusted. Should everything be darker? I.E. the road, grass and/or trees? Is the grass too green? I have a version with slightly browner grass. Any general suggestions you could make. I looked at some Google photos but the colors are all over the map in the photos I looked at with regards to how the track looks in real life.

Was also considering adding animated flags, but at the moment they wouldn't be the long flags like the stock track uses. Can't seem to get the animation right when I ty to make a long flag. The flag wants to break apart when waving.


EDIT: What do you know. I got it. Animated flags for RBR coming soon hopefully. Just have to learn how to do material mapping properly so it's not a split logo.

acs 2022-11-17 23-01-13.png
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@Fanapryde (or anyone)

I followed the instruction from a youtube video to enable the mirrors app and this text appears when I click on it.
Any ideas? I don't understand what it means. I found a file called in smart mirror in that location mentioned in the text but I don't know if I'm supposed to do anything with it.

Hey ! It's a "similar" mod because the model from the same game, from Real Racing 3 (Yeah I know it's a Mobile game lmao)
Just became familiar with RR3 - had no idea of it (no time literally), and found those exact liveries there - coincidental discovery...


I finally finished my fictional Skin for the Vantage V8 GTE
As i said before this is my first Skin for AC, Hope you like it :)
Download here: ShareMods

Very good 1st time livery - keep going & thanks for sharing...


Also doing some additional fictional grid-filler-liveries, here's a WIP pic...
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I got everything balanced the way I like it, but have a question for someone familiar with the real Red Bull Ring. Could you look at the pic below and tell me what needs adjusted. Should everything be darker? I.E. the road, grass and/or trees? Is the grass too green? I have a version with slightly browner grass. Any general suggestions you could make. I looked at some Google photos but the colors are all over the map in the photos I looked at with regards to how the track looks in real life.

Was also considering adding animated flags, but at the moment they wouldn't be the long flags like the stock track uses. Can't seem to get the animation right when I ty to make a long flag. The flag wants to break apart when waving.

View attachment 1208898

EDIT: What do you know. I got it. Animated flags for RBR coming soon hopefully. Just have to learn how to do material mapping properly so it's not a split logo.

View attachment 1208914
maybe the trees should be darker ?
hi, here my 2 cents:
I regularly get "race cancelled" , and for me it's when steam hasn't loaded up yet...
So I hope it's something as silly as this checkbox gotten unticked, and your steam is simply not on ...
View attachment 1208802

If not that, then try switching Steam starter. and see if that fixes it..
Other then this I wouldn't know what tips to give you atm.

Good luck and hope you get to driving again soon.

Thank you for your answer but unfortunately it does not work!

I just updated my video card but that didn't have any impact either...

I really don't understand and am stuck with this problem...
That happens to me from time to time, and in my case it is related to the Steam account. When I open Content Manager I get a message to choose if I continue in offline mode (I always play that way) and if I don't confirm that message, the races are always cancelled.

Sometimes the connection with Steam fails due to those esoteric weird things that computing has, who knows, and reopening the session everything works again without problems.

Let's see if your problem is the same and it can help you...


View attachment 1208808

(What a coincidence that we were replying to the same message at the same time... 😬).

Thank you for your answer but unfortunately it does not work!

I just updated my video card but that didn't have any impact either...

I really don't understand and am stuck with this problem...
I really don't understand and am stuck with this problem...
I had this 'issue' too a couple of months ago. Needed to restart a few times for a track to load. Never found what caused it, but after a while the 'issue' disappeared magically to never return (I hope)...
I had this 'issue' too a couple of months ago. Needed to restart a few times for a track to load. Never found what caused it, but after a while the 'issue' disappeared magically to never return (I hope)...
Thank you for your answer because I was wondering if I should uninstall everything then reinstall everything (knowing that uninstalling Content Manager does not seem obvious...)
@Fanapryde (or anyone)

I followed the instruction from a youtube video to enable the mirrors app and this text appears when I click on it.
Any ideas? I don't understand what it means. I found a file called in smart mirror in that location mentioned in the text but I don't know if I'm supposed to do anything with it.
No idea tbh. Never seen that window appear. Click the little mirror logo in the task bar, the adjustment window appears and you just need to adjust each mirror.
Did you check this video ? It's as simple as that.

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Indianapolis 2001 v1.02


Conversion from GTR2.

-CSP required
-36 pit/start
-AI, cam

Credits & Thanks;
Original Track from GP4
rFactor Converted by TTTTT
GTL Converted by derDumeklemmer
GTR2 Converted by RacerM
-Thank you for giving me permission (RacerM)

AC Converted by @shi (shin956)
.lua and font by @gunnar333
AI by @Viola_seven
logo.png by @Fanapryde
Added the parallax lights (config) by @ Tyrone
cameraman, background and some textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Breathe

Download (mediafire)

Converted upon request by Patreon member Luke Durrant.

v1.01 changelog;
-Fixed problem with no wall on turn 11. (Thanks deadpoolishguy for the report)

v1.02 changelog;
-Reduced size of water storage tank. (Thanks @Gregz0r for the report)
-Updated Bridgestone logo on the ground.
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maybe the trees should be darker ?
I can do that. On a side note, I wasted an entire evening trying to get animated flags to work and I just discovered this morning that @Pyyer had already done it on his F1 mods. I could have saved myself 4 hours worth of work if I hadn't been working with the stock track all this time. Oh well, was a good learning experience I guess if I ever need to make animated flags for another track.
I can do that. On a side note, I wasted an entire evening trying to get animated flags to work and I just discovered this morning that @Pyyer had already done it on his F1 mods. I could have saved myself 4 hours worth of work if I hadn't been working with the stock track all this time. Oh well, was a good learning experience I guess if I ever need to make animated flags for another track.
Yupp, just wanted to say that. Next time a track needs those you'll be ready :)
Yupp, just wanted to say that. Next time a track needs those you'll be ready :)
BTW, unless I have an outdated version, I just found out that the animated flags on the F1 2021 mod don't work like they do on the F1 2022 mod. I compared the flag.kn5 files for both and they are completely different file sizes. So I copied the flags.kn5 from the 2022 extension folder to the 2021 extension folder and now they work right.

Just throwing that out there in case anyone else notices the same problem.

released by URD

Oreca 07 LMP2
Interested to hear anyone's opinions on this one. I like URD's stuff a lot but I have four different 07s already. Also it says Pure is not supported on the shop page, does that mean the mod won't work at all if I'm running Pure?
Interested to hear anyone's opinions on this one. I like URD's stuff a lot but I have four different 07s already. Also it says Pure is not supported on the shop page, does that mean the mod won't work at all if I'm running Pure?
my biggest concern is skins, the 07 is around since 2017, and I doubt we'll get all the skins we have for the other versions for this one despite it maybe having the best physics, most realistic appearance or so
Turckheim Trois Epis Hillclimb France - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX.


  • turckheim hillclimb
    2.3 MB · Views: 19
"The one thing URD have really nailed is the driving position, to me that is worth it."

So... Something that you can change within AC then.

Truly revolutionary
Maybe I need to clarify, they got the relation of the wheel to the dash and cockpit in a way that I can adjust the camera to see both the wheel and the track without running a weird angle. Every other Oreca I have driven in a sim feels like you have the wheel between your legs if you want to see over the dash...
This may be a stretch, but here we go. I started getting into SCCA racing a few years ago. I became an acquaintance to a team that just recently got an Elan DP02 in the shop. This was the old IMSA Lites car that raced until 2016. I haven't seen a model for this in literally anything, so I would doubt it would have made it into AC. When it raced in period, it was a spec car. But now in SCCA some teams have created some new body kits for it. See second pic. I'd prefer the original spec as that is the team car, but the second one does look pretty cool and is damn fast.



Another popular SCCA car is the Swift 016A. This was the Atlantics car from 2006. There is an older rF1 model, but just wondering if anybody has seen any thing a bit more quality.

I didn't seen any other model of the swift 016A. I only saw in rF1.

But the Elan DP08 is similar, and that is in the Forza Motorsport 5:
And in the rF2:
Indianapolis 2001 v1.0
Conversion from GTR2.

-CSP required
-36 pit/start
-AI, cam

Credits & Thanks;
Original Track from GP4
rFactor Converted by TTTTT
GTL Converted by derDumeklemmer
GTR2 Converted by RacerM
-Thank you for giving me permission (RacerM)

AC Converted by @shi (shin956)
.lua and font by @gunnar333
AI by @Viola_seven
logo.png by @Fanapryde
Added the parallax lights (config) by @ Tyrone
cameraman, background and some textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Breathe

Download (mediafire)

Converted upon request by Patreon member Luke Durrant.
Not my favourite USA F1 circuit but important to complete seasons.
My memories?
Montoya vs Ralf vs...Patrick Head 2002 and Hamilton vs Alonso 2007!
So...THANK YOU very much for this conversion!


No idea tbh. Never seen that window appear. Click the little mirror logo in the task bar, the adjustment window appears and you just need to adjust each mirror.
Did you check this video ? It's as simple as that.

Yeah, that's exactly the video I watched. My CM looks a bit different I guess cause it's the latest version but I activated the stuff in settings, launched a session and clicked on the mirror app but instead of the adjustment window I got that text msg.
No worries, thank you anyway
Yeah, that's exactly the video I watched. My CM looks a bit different I guess cause it's the latest version but I activated the stuff in settings, launched a session and clicked on the mirror app but instead of the adjustment window I got that text msg.
No worries, thank you anyway
I had the problem recently on the Ruf Yellowbird. The file was there because I had already adjusted the mirrors long ago. The ini file probably got corrupted somehow. Try deleting the file (and the parent folder to be sure) and let car mirrors configurator recreate it when you try to adjust the mirrors.
Bit of a problem here. Hoping someone with some knowledge might have a suggestion. I'd like to include @Pyyer animated flags with my little RBR update for anyone using the stock track, but there is an issue. If I include his flag stuff as part of my ext_config, when you chose to drive with one of the F1 layouts, it reads the flag stuff from my config and actually puts two flags on every pole.

I've been wracking my brain around a way to prevent this and the only thing I can come up with is that I have to make my updates as a separate layout. Problem with this is, the shader adjustments I made in my ext_config for the odd texture lighting won't carry over to the F1 mods.

If you can make heads or tails of this explanation, would anyone know a way to make this work?
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