Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Serious question to all the competent modders out there: Where do people get their engine/power numbers from?

I've been messing around with road cars and their power curves lately and a lot of them are way off, when using the built in power/torque calculator in CM.
I reduced a cars power from 905 bhp to 750 and the torque from 1063 nm to 800, and I still hit a top speed that was 25 km/h higher than the stated vmax (375 km/h instead of 350).
I know my setups might be more optimized (gearing and ridiculously high tyre pressures) and also that the aero/drag of the car might not be a 1:1 conversion, but still, something seems way off on several mods.
Anyone able to educate me on this? Do some people just put in random numbers or am I/CM/AC doing something wrong even though the performances seem closer to reality when I've adjusted?

Thank you in advance
Not sure I qualify as competent but I try to find good dyno data, like that from exhaust manufacturer Supersprint example.

I use a tool I found somewhere to enter the torque numbers and set the transmission loss and produce the power.lut, Example spreadsheet (open office) attached from something coming soon.

Manufacturer data is not always true, they can bend the numbers a little bit, but not by 100's of bhp...


    441.6 KB · Views: 19
Camping Arpadteto Rally Hungary - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX.



    2 MB · Views: 29
Does anyone know a way to redownload URD mods once the download expired?
Unfortunately I lost everything and am slowly reinstalling what I can after a looong break :-(

VRC and RSS for example make redownloading very easy.

Screenshot 2022-12-02 at 10.54.50.jpg
Bukkszentlaszlo Rally Hungary - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

This concludes the Hungarian Rally stages. I must say, most of them were a pleasant surprise.
That leaves only Spain to take a look at.
Thanks to all who drop a like to the postings.

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX.



    2.2 MB · Views: 23
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GP de Paris v1.01


Fictional street circuit in Paris, France.
Conversion from GTR2.

-CSP required
-32 pit/start
-AI, cam

Credits & Thanks;
Original Track by GLAPA Michel and GLAPA Sylvain
GTR2 Converted by TheSky
-Attempts to contact them have gone unanswered. Thank you for their work.

AC Converted by @shi (shin956)
logo.png and sections.ini by @Fanapryde
cobbles texture by Reboot Team Paris
marshall, some textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Breathe , @Masscot , @Fanapryde , @joshcaminskl

Download (mediafire)

Converted upon request by Patreon member joshcaminskl.

v1.01 changelog;
-Fixed a problem with RainFX not working. (Thanks for the report, @Bart Bowles .)
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Serious question to all the competent modders out there: Where do people get their engine/power numbers from?

I've been messing around with road cars and their power curves lately and a lot of them are way off, when using the built in power/torque calculator in CM.
I reduced a cars power from 905 bhp to 750 and the torque from 1063 nm to 800, and I still hit a top speed that was 25 km/h higher than the stated vmax (375 km/h instead of 350).
I know my setups might be more optimized (gearing and ridiculously high tyre pressures) and also that the aero/drag of the car might not be a 1:1 conversion, but still, something seems way off on several mods.
Anyone able to educate me on this? Do some people just put in random numbers or am I/CM/AC doing something wrong even though the performances seem closer to reality when I've adjusted?

Thank you in advance
Hello mate. Another important file that must be observed (I usually change it too), in the "DATA" folder when available, the "POWER.LUT" file.
Does anyone know a way to redownload URD mods once the download expired?
Unfortunately I lost everything and am slowly reinstalling what I can after a looong break :-(

VRC and RSS for example make redownloading very easy.

View attachment 1212460
As has been said above, get in touch with David..... he'll check purchase history his end and send you any download links you need. I've had to do this myself in the past IIRC.
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seems it was just a skin and AI, is that so wrong?
(or is it someone elses AI+skin?)
Well, then we have been very quick judging... although if they have deleted it from the RD, it will be for a reason.. In addition, in our defense we can add that whoever posted the mod did not add much information about it.

All very suspicious... 🤨

EDIT: Sorry, I think there has been a misunderstanding... You're talking about the mod of MEDIIZA Designs (all ok) and we're talking about the mod of a certain rocalfa (not ok), which is the one that has been eliminated... isn't?
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Hi gents,
have a look there, tons of data:
have a nice day, Mike

PS: to reduce speed you have to increase the dimensions of the wings in aero.ini
Not sure I qualify as competent but I try to find good dyno data, like that from exhaust manufacturer Supersprint example.

I use a tool I found somewhere to enter the torque numbers and set the transmission loss and produce the power.lut, Example spreadsheet (open office) attached from something coming soon.

Manufacturer data is not always true, they can bend the numbers a little bit, but not by 100's of bhp...
Thank you guys, really appreciate it! :)

Hello mate. Another important file that must be observed (I usually change it too), in the "DATA" folder when available, the "POWER.LUT" file.
Yeah, usually the one I mess around with, but thanks regardless :)

Considering how much data seem to be available on most cars, how do people get it so wrong on a lot of mods? Anyone knows?
Thank you guys, really appreciate it! :)

Yeah, usually the one I mess around with, but thanks regardless :)

Considering how much data seem to be available on most cars, how do people get it so wrong on a lot of mods? Anyone knows?
You must have an idea right?
Sometimes laziness, sometimes simply wanting to get the model out there and see if it can be improved along the way.
Sometimes simply that it is a game and in the game environment regardless of exact data its still nothing anywhere near the real thing to the point of it feeling broken in a sim context, some perfect data mods feel awful.
I'd far rather have fun with a car that feels sort of like it should and is fun to drive than use a 1 on 1 data car that drives like garbage.
Considering how much data seem to be available on most cars, how do people get it so wrong on a lot of mods? Anyone knows?
Apathy? I got into PC sim racing fairly late, right when the modding platform of choice was beginning to shift from rFactor and GTR2/GT Legends to Assetto, and the combination of broader playerbase and more difficulty in modding seems to have encouraged a certain amount of screenshot-queen mods that are not only poorly optimized and questionably realistic but have cut-and-paste Kunos physics. League-friendly BoP mods are one thing, but as someone more into singleplayer racing and hotlapping (and in constant search of historically accurate and realistic depictions of race cars, especially mid-late 20th century classics), the whole ScamDream/countless drift variant/redundant endless Project Cars + ACC-rip side of modding has really muddied the waters when it comes to figuring out which mods out there actually meet my (apparently super-stringent?) standards. Funny how a game with a playerbase that considers Forza and Gran Turismo "simcades" for filthy casuals has cultivated a modding scene that cranks out cars significantly less credible than the ones depicted in those console-market titles.
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Since we're on this topic, I've been off-and-on fiddling with a Mitsubishi GTO mod I found for a while now.

I've got some good data for the torque curve, but could anybody suggest where I might be able to get more info about the turbo? Right now I just put the Kunos Mk4 Supra's turbo in there cuz... well, firstly it was the easiest thing to do and secondly because the two cars are vaguely the same overall power.

Beyond that, please could you suggest how to make the car a bit more fun to drive? Apart from typical 4WD understeer, it's basically impossible to mess up driving it. You can floor it in first with full steering lock and it won't spin, for instance.
Serious question to all the competent modders out there: Where do people get their engine/power numbers from?

I've been messing around with road cars and their power curves lately and a lot of them are way off, when using the built in power/torque calculator in CM.
I reduced a cars power from 905 bhp to 750 and the torque from 1063 nm to 800, and I still hit a top speed that was 25 km/h higher than the stated vmax (375 km/h instead of 350).
I know my setups might be more optimized (gearing and ridiculously high tyre pressures) and also that the aero/drag of the car might not be a 1:1 conversion, but still, something seems way off on several mods.
Anyone able to educate me on this? Do some people just put in random numbers or am I/CM/AC doing something wrong even though the performances seem closer to reality when I've adjusted?

Thank you in advance
The simple answer is most modders either haven't a clue what they're doing or don't care at all about getting data close to reality. The most common problems I've found (related purely to engines/aero):

  • No transmission loss taken into account
  • Engines just copied from a 'close enough' Kunos car
  • Power/Torque/Weight figures changed in the UI only and not adjusted in data (seriously some people don't realise they're not one and the same)
  • Power and torque figures entered without taking the turbo into account (which then gets added in on top)
  • Aerodynamics that don't have any entries for drag so the top speed is only limited by gearing, this is a very noticeable issue on modern cars which have 7 or 8 gears as these are for economy, not top speed, yet without any drag they allow some cars to reach several hundred mph given enough room.
  • Aerodynamics blindly copied from a random Kunos car (for some reason there's loads that have a ~97% similarity to the Zonda R)
  • Issues with gearing/drivetrain/aero/tyres/suspension/weight that don't allow a car to reach the manufacturer claimed performance stats so get compensated for by adding more power.

For straight line performance I'd recommend this track with perfect conditions and no wind. Get your basic data as Mike173 mentioned, from but beware that some of the data isn't totally accurate so go to a few different sources to compare if it's a car you really care about. Then for the aero, I start by copying the aero.ini and all the wing_****_CD.lut files from the most similar Kunos car, then adjust the size/positions in the CM showroom (plus add or subtract wings as needed). Test on the test track and open the aero app while you're making your top speed run, then make adjustments to the CD_GAIN and CL_GAIN figures in each wing of the aero.ini until you're happy with the downforce and the drag stops the car at the correct top speed (in cars not limited by gearing).
Guys thank you all very much for the quick help 👍
I will get in touch with David.
It’s so nice that the late 90s Le Mans grids get more and more fleshed out now!
@safi hellie @Stupornaut Thanks guys :) Yes, obviously I had some idea but I still find it strange... Maybe it's just my OCD but for me, close to reality performance is more important than something that "feels good". I like to compare cars actual performance and technically, the real life car might actually feel terrible.

The simple answer is most modders either haven't a clue what they're doing or don't care at all about getting data close to reality. The most common problems I've found (related purely to engines/aero):

  • No transmission loss taken into account
  • Engines just copied from a 'close enough' Kunos car
  • Power/Torque/Weight figures changed in the UI only and not adjusted in data (seriously some people don't realise they're not one and the same)
  • Power and torque figures entered without taking the turbo into account (which then gets added in on top)
  • Aerodynamics that don't have any entries for drag so the top speed is only limited by gearing, this is a very noticeable issue on modern cars which have 7 or 8 gears as these are for economy, not top speed, yet without any drag they allow some cars to reach several hundred mph given enough room.
  • Aerodynamics blindly copied from a random Kunos car (for some reason there's loads that have a ~97% similarity to the Zonda R)
  • Issues with gearing/drivetrain/aero/tyres/suspension/weight that don't allow a car to reach the manufacturer claimed performance stats so get compensated for by adding more power.

For straight line performance I'd recommend this track with perfect conditions and no wind. Get your basic data as Mike173 mentioned, from but beware that some of the data isn't totally accurate so go to a few different sources to compare if it's a car you really care about. Then for the aero, I start by copying the aero.ini and all the wing_****_CD.lut files from the most similar Kunos car, then adjust the size/positions in the CM showroom (plus add or subtract wings as needed). Test on the test track and open the aero app while you're making your top speed run, then make adjustments to the CD_GAIN and CL_GAIN figures in each wing of the aero.ini until you're happy with the downforce and the drag stops the car at the correct top speed (in cars not limited by gearing).
Thank you so much for the detailed reply! Yeah I usually go to several sources, trying to find as much as I can, but most of the time it's manufacturer/wiki based. Sometimes I've managed to find dyno charts but this will definitely aid me even further. Also, never really checked out aero but always thought it might be worth looking into, thank you for the suggestions on how to tackle it :)

Since we're on this topic, I've been off-and-on fiddling with a Mitsubishi GTO mod I found for a while now.

I've got some good data for the torque curve, but could anybody suggest where I might be able to get more info about the turbo? Right now I just put the Kunos Mk4 Supra's turbo in there cuz... well, firstly it was the easiest thing to do and secondly because the two cars are vaguely the same overall power.

Beyond that, please could you suggest how to make the car a bit more fun to drive? Apart from typical 4WD understeer, it's basically impossible to mess up driving it. You can floor it in first with full steering lock and it won't spin, for instance.
According to this site:, turbo pressure is 0.68 bar
Edit: to lower understeer effect, increase these two parameters in suspension. ini:
scroll down to find:

or decrease them in
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Is there a way to change this? I encountered that kind of problem before with some part like cockpit in F1 cars that didn't cover completely the cockpit, thus leaving some part where we can see the chassis except the chassis looked totally transparent when looking from the inside. And it happens again here with the windshield which exist when looking at the front, but completely disappear when you try to look from the back.

I tried many thing without success, does anyone knows why this happen? And a fix for that? Thanks

The simple answer is most modders either haven't a clue what they're doing or don't care at all about getting data close to reality. The most common problems I've found (related purely to engines/aero):

  • No transmission loss taken into account
  • Engines just copied from a 'close enough' Kunos car
  • Power/Torque/Weight figures changed in the UI only and not adjusted in data (seriously some people don't realise they're not one and the same)
  • Power and torque figures entered without taking the turbo into account (which then gets added in on top)
  • Aerodynamics that don't have any entries for drag so the top speed is only limited by gearing, this is a very noticeable issue on modern cars which have 7 or 8 gears as these are for economy, not top speed, yet without any drag they allow some cars to reach several hundred mph given enough room.
  • Aerodynamics blindly copied from a random Kunos car (for some reason there's loads that have a ~97% similarity to the Zonda R)
  • Issues with gearing/drivetrain/aero/tyres/suspension/weight that don't allow a car to reach the manufacturer claimed performance stats so get compensated for by adding more power.

For straight line performance I'd recommend this track with perfect conditions and no wind. Get your basic data as Mike173 mentioned, from but beware that some of the data isn't totally accurate so go to a few different sources to compare if it's a car you really care about. Then for the aero, I start by copying the aero.ini and all the wing_****_CD.lut files from the most similar Kunos car, then adjust the size/positions in the CM showroom (plus add or subtract wings as needed). Test on the test track and open the aero app while you're making your top speed run, then make adjustments to the CD_GAIN and CL_GAIN figures in each wing of the aero.ini until you're happy with the downforce and the drag stops the car at the correct top speed (in cars not limited by gearing).
For data, I usually like to use instrumented tests, especially those from Motortrend and car and driver.

For lap times for production cars: is my go-to site.
For data, I usually like to use instrumented tests, especially those from Motortrend and car and driver.

For lap times for production cars: is my go-to site.
Don’t forget too that a lot of people either forget or don’t care that the values in power.lut are actually the torque values in Nm at the wheels. People forget and then put in HP per a dyno sheet and then all of a sudden the car is massively overpowered!

Personally I don’t like benchmarking cars against professional lap times for making a mod. Peugeot905 is an exception but I tend to find most modders that do this make cars that are way too fast, as we all like to think we’re the next Michael Schumacher but we’re definitely not. When I can lap a car with “realistic physics” around Laguna Seca faster than Randy Pobst then we all know something is wrong! 😂
Hello, I´m trying to apply movement to the antennas car through [WOBBLY_BIT_0] command...but it doesn´t works, how I can do it?? Thank you in advance.
Is there a way to change this? I encountered that kind of problem before with some part like cockpit in F1 cars that didn't cover completely the cockpit, thus leaving some part where we can see the chassis except the chassis looked totally transparent when looking from the inside. And it happens again here with the windshield which exist when looking at the front, but completely disappear when you try to look from the back.

I tried many thing without success, does anyone knows why this happen? And a fix for that? Thanks

View attachment 1212570
you need two window meshes:
1) external window with ksPerPixelReflection shader and the normals pointing to the outside
2) internal window with ksWindshield shader and the normals pointing to the inside
Hi everyone, I hope you can help me find a circuit, I can't find it, that is, I don't remember what it's called. I remember that the circuit is inside what seems to be a military base in the desert or something and goes through it even going under a large hangar. It is not an airport and as I said it is inside the base. It's not a very long track but it's a lot of fun with very delicate areas where it's easy to lose control of the car. Anyway, I think that with these few clues you can help me and give me a name or the link of this circuit. Thanks to all this great community for everything.
Hi everyone, I hope you can help me find a circuit, I can't find it, that is, I don't remember what it's called. I remember that the circuit is inside what seems to be a military base in the desert or something and goes through it even going under a large hangar. It is not an airport and as I said it is inside the base. It's not a very long track but it's a lot of fun with very delicate areas where it's easy to lose control of the car. Anyway, I think that with these few clues you can help me and give me a name or the link of this circuit. Thanks to all this great community for everything.
Devils Backbone (Forza 7) v1.10

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