Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
In the meantime, you can get the last version here. Just watch for the next update.

Your link seems to reference the post with the expired wetransfer link..? That's all I see.
Thanks to help from @leBluem , I got it to work like you described but there's one problem. It works fine in the race, but in replays it shows nothing. And I don't think that can be resolved. If I use a lap counter that shows the lap you are on, it will display in a replay. So which do you think would be better. Make it like real life and accept that it's blank in replays or make it a standard lap counter that will show in replays?

View attachment 1212956

Got to work on some alignment issues...

EDIT: Going to alter my question a bit. It will display laps left in a replay if you watch the replay immediately. If you exit the session and watch the replay later, then the display doesn't work. The lap counter way works all the time. Knowing that, now which way do you think would be best to use?
Maximum info while racing, replay is just some icing on the cake
Unfortunately, you always need a mesh for the rear light and a mesh for the reflector for refraction, as in real life, with the MK1 there is unfortunately only the trunk lid and no reflector, too bad and the mehes are not separate, which many modders forget.
@MrHunt will this work?

I'm assuming light refraction is only done for lod a, right?
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I don't understand why they deleted it in RD; don't they check before removing reported mods...?
Because it was MEDIIZA Designs work. I have the 2 files if you want me to post screenshots.

By the way, I would like to add that I never report mods, because I do not consider myself expert enough to distinguish who makes a legitimate mod and who is dedicated to copy, change slightly and paste it to claim credit...
The issue with that mentality is that we have seen mods stolen so that people can post malware. Not just that but it isn't hard there are red flags when no info is posted or when the file structure is the same as another mod.

Or when that account has no activity and this is their first-ever post. I mean also on some updates I've seen literal posts be copied word for word.
Has anyone having or had a problem with the last few updates of CSP that involves the game crashing when your car goes off track...even just 1 tire...and if so... is there a fix for this?
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Thanks to help from @leBluem , I got it to work like you described but there's one problem. It works fine in the race, but in replays it shows nothing. And I don't think that can be resolved. If I use a lap counter that shows the lap you are on, it will display in a replay. So which do you think would be better. Make it like real life and accept that it's blank in replays or make it a standard lap counter that will show in replays?

Got to work on some alignment issues...

EDIT: Going to alter my question a bit. It will display laps left in a replay if you watch the replay immediately. If you exit the session and watch the replay later, then the display doesn't work. The lap counter way works all the time. Knowing that, now which way do you think would be best to use?
Laps left, for me. I don't pay attention to that in the replay...
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Red Bull Ring Mod v2.0

Red Bull Ring Mod v2

Please make a backup copy of your ks_red_bull_ring folder to be safe because this replaces or adds files to the track folder. Also delete any track skins from my previous version. CSP is required to work properly. If you don't use CSP, the track skins will still work, but you will have to copy the files to the default folder in the skins directory.

Credit for the ext_config goes to the CSP guys who did the original config used as the base and @CrisT86 for the changes to the config to make it work better.
Track skins are a combination of my own edited textures with a few textures from a skin I already had (don't know the author) and @Peter Boese ac-color-corrections texture pack.
Additional kn5 files for the stock track done by me.
Two additional track cams done by me.
Special thanks to @CrisT86 for all the help with the config and @andrevr , @Peter Boese , and @xNAPx for testing things for me along the way. And @ales100i for the pictures of the area to help me get the season changes somewhat accurate.

All decisions on texture colors and brightness were made based on watching Youtube videos of the recent F1 race. To be honest, one set of trees should be brighter to be more accurate, but they looked out of place as brighter textures. If I hear enough complaints, i'll adjust the texture and make it available.

Can't stress this enough, please read the included Readme file so you can understand everything in the download. I tried to accommodate as many variables as I could so there are a couple of config options to fit your ppfilter, monitor settings, personal tastes, etc.

View attachment 1212404

Any and all improvement suggestions are welcome. I did the best I could, but i'm sure there are mistakes to be fixed.
Looking at this file, it appears you have disabled most of the Pyyer extensions with your config file.
Okay guys, this is it. As of today I will never release anything again. To the delight of touchy-feely, childish people who threaten to never release anything again, I have decided that wasting time on AC is no longer fun. It was nice to be an active part of the community, thanks to those who appreciated what I did.
Okay guys, this is it. As of today I will never release anything again. To the delight of touchy-feely, childish people who threaten to never release anything again, I have decided that wasting time on AC is no longer fun. It was nice to be an active part of the community, thanks to those who appreciated what I did.
You've heard this time and time again though. Somebody works on a track. They release it and within a day or two, you rework the whole thing and call it an "update" to the track. Did you ever even contact the modder who made the content in the first place?
This would be the definition of "stepping on toes". You and EASY would make a good couple. Surprised you didn't put a big APPROVED stamp on it.
You've heard this time and time again though. Somebody works on a track. They release it and within a day or two, you rework the whole thing and call it an "update" to the track. Did you ever even contact the modder who made the content in the first place?
This would be the definition of "stepping on toes". You and EASY would make a good couple. Surprised you didn't put a big APPROVED stamp on it.
You probably should keep EASY name away from mine. I NEVER EVER GRAB/STOLE/WHATEVER anything from anyone in my life. I NEVER EVER ASKED A CENT for my work.

Did you ever thinked about that with different pc screens, different hardware, different settings the result of the original modder can be different? UPDATE for me is a word, i coul have called yournakeddogonthefloor_trackname_by_crist86 it would be sound the same.

Maybe after 18 years old people can be less touchy and avoid threatening to stop releasing stuff for this, but this is, you're free to think whatever you want, i don't care about your point of view. Just NEVER EVER compare me to people who grab others stuff and ask donation. NEVER.
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@MrHunt will this work?

View attachment 1212984
I'm assuming light refraction is only done for lod a, right?
Oh yes, this seems to be right, wonderfull work!

I've just started to work, unfortunately I forgot to mention that the texture for the rear lights need a normal map to show the effect of refraction, smooth glass doesn't help much there, but it's also possible in a pinch, I'll still do that quickly in the kseditor and off we go.

p.s. really great that you @El Locho gave each texture its own mesh underneath, so you can refractory everything, including blinkers :-)

The thing is, i could do this to all old mods for ac but the cars must have suited splitted meshes, certain shaders and so on and so on, it is complicated.

Currently i have 1600 car mods and I bookmark the ones that I can use for refraction, currently I have checked about 1000 cars and I have been able to do the csp refraction for about 500 so far, no idea if I will ever publish them or not, because the kn5 have been changed for many, there are also copyrights etc.
What I somehow can't do at all are refractions on cars that have folding headlights.

here some examples for everyone interested
560 SEC
Alpine A442
Dodge Challenger
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Looking at this file, it appears you have disabled most of the Pyyer extensions with your config file.
Actually, I did not. I added all of his extensions and my changes into one ext_config. It was the only way I could get what I did to play nice with his stuff. I tried to compare things to make sure all of his extensions worked like they did and I didn't see anything missing, but I might have overlooked something. Have a look through the ext_config file for one of his F1 layouts, you will see all of his stuff at the top followed by all of my stuff at the bottom.

As I said in my readme file (which i'm certain very few people bothered to read), if you find a problem with his extensions, just rename the ext_config_original file in his layout extension folders to ext_config and you will have his extension back the way it was minus a few of my changes.
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You probably should keep EASY name away from mine. I NEVER EVER GRAB/STOLE/WHATEVER anything from anyone in my life. I NEVER EVER ASKED A CENT for my work.

Did you ever thinked about that with different pc screens, different hardware, different settings the result of the original modder can be different? UPDATE for me is a word, i coul have called yournakeddogonthefloor_trackname_by_crist86 it would be sound the same.

Maybe after 18 years old people can be less touchy and avoid threatening to stop releasing stuff for this, but this is, you're free to think whatever you want, i don't care about your point of view. Just NEVER EVER compare me to people who grab others stuff and ask donation. NEVER.
You say it's not fun for you? How fun is it for the person that put all the work into making the track and then you redo everything they've done to your "vision". Why aren't you contacting these people beforehand? I'm not the only only one whose brought this up and you know it. I'm not saying you do bad work, you don't. You do good work. I just think there could be more tact in the way you go about it is all. I can't imagine what it would feel like to work for months on a track project just for 2 days later have someone disable the whole config extension and call it an "update".
(The EASY thing was a joke, I retract that awful comparison to gutter sludge)
What would you guys consider essential mods to have for a newcomer?
All of them! No seriously, it all depends on what your are into but the Hall of Famers are: Content Manager (CM), Custom Shaders Patch (CSP) and SOL. After that the possibilities are endless, can help out more in PM if needed
You say it's not fun for you? How fun is it for the person that put all the work into making the track and then you redo everything they've done to your "vision". Why aren't you contacting these people beforehand? I'm not the only only one whose brought this up and you know it. I'm not saying you do bad work, you don't. You do good work. I just think there could be more tact in the way you go about it is all. I can't imagine what it would feel like to work for months on a track project just for 2 days later have someone disable the whole config extension and call it an "update".
(The EASY thing was a joke, I retract that awful comparison to gutter sludge)
Man, as said multiple times, i have really limited time to dedicate to AC. Asking for the ok, or give the modders the update without releasing it, it would have been the best solution for sure, but, as happened many times, some modders (due to the fact most of the time they are busy, they miss the DM and they are only reply days-weeks or even months later asking sorry for it). Waiting in this way would result in no update for months, which could be respectfull for the modders, but would makes useless the time i spend on my stuff.

As said, i always credited the original modder, my "vision-update-improvements-callitwhateveryouwant" is not a way to insult the modders, in fact is the exact opposite, i just want to let people enjoy like i do driving on quality mods did by very talented modders.

If someone think that the original track don't need an "update", they can simply skip my work (which always include the backup files for revert the update).

No one force anyone to use my stuff. Just that. Nothing else.

EDIT: I skipped part of your message.
Some track, once released have ake lights in fake places, things i don't like (RBR extension, before the update of @racinjoe013 have spot lights around the ambulance like god have put his finger on the roof of it which for me is terrible because clearly fake).

On some other tracks, due to the PPFilter i use at night i have overexposed lights, underexposed stuff and so on, it's my fault? Maybe yes, maybe no, we all know that CSP have problem, but till now i never ever heard anyone who have downloaded my stuff say that my work have ruined something.

I don't want to say that the modders have to say thanks to me, never ever, i always have to say thanks to them which allow all of us to enjoy their creations, but they also can imagine that if someone release an update, MAYBE, is because something is not working on their side as supposed. Even big compnies like EA and so on have issue with their major releases, it's impossible that a mod for a 10years old game result perfect on every pc in this world. I never ever asked money or thanks from anyone, i've just enjoyed and shared my content in order to help anyone who maybe had my same issue, nothing else.

EDIT2: This is the perfect example of the DM problem (i've blurred some parts for the privacy of the modders which is not linked in any way with this discussion) As you saw from the date of the screens, it took over 5 months from one message to others with links expired and so on... (CROWD WITH was intended as COMMUNITY before the autocorrector changes it in CROWD WITH ahahahah)


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You say it's not fun for you? How fun is it for the person that put all the work into making the track and then you redo everything they've done to your "vision". Why aren't you contacting these people beforehand? I'm not the only only one whose brought this up and you know it. I'm not saying you do bad work, you don't. You do good work. I just think there could be more tact in the way you go about it is all. I can't imagine what it would feel like to work for months on a track project just for 2 days later have someone disable the whole config extension and call it an "update".
(The EASY thing was a joke, I retract that awful comparison to gutter sludge)
But he's only doing what racingjoe is doing and all i see is loads of likes for that. Why suddenly have an internet pile on on Cris?
People can bang on about EASY all they want now, but he was flavour of the month here for ages, any criticism of his ways was shot down.
He's not changed Mallory park, or called it his, he's done some config changes, no different to spending your days doing 50 different tree and grass shades for tracks.
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But he's only doing what racingjoe is doing and all i see is loads of likes for that. Why suddenly have an internet pile on on Cris?
People can bang on about EASY all they want now, but he was flavour of the month here for ages, any criticism of his ways was shot down.
He's not changed Mallory park, or called it his, he's done some config changes, no different to spending your days doing 50 different tree and grass shades for tracks.
Thanks man for understood my point of view.
What would you guys consider essential mods to have for a newcomer?
Depends on what you like doesn't it. For some a F1 mod is essential, but F1 is dull and driving sim version is even more dull to me.
To a drifter a drift mod might be essential.... to me it'll be a waste of time.
If you are new to AC then i suggest you get used to the sub game of trying out mods, i did that for years, just spent hours trying out each new mod.
Some people have turned AC into Forza horizon or NFS. Loads of mods to cater to that, and AC has an abundence of, to me, stupid stuff, bat mobiles, KITT, crocs on wheels and Hyundai's.
Not to jump in the middle of this debate, but here's my feelings on any track\car mods I do or download from others. There out there, use them or don't. I personally do them because I like things to look a certain way. I share them because maybe someone else will like them. I don't think it's in any way some kind of insult to the original creator. In fact, I think it's a compliment. These things can take weeks to get right. If i'm taking that much time to do something, then I must like the original work to begin with to spend that much time on it.

As long as the modder gives proper credit to where it came from or to the original author, I don't see the problem.
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Not to jump in the middle of this debate, but here's my feelings on any track\car mods I do or download from others. There out there, use them or don't. I personally do them because I like things to look a certain way. I share them because maybe someone else will like them. I don't think it's in any way some kind of insult to the original creator. In fact, I think it's a compliment. These things can take weeks to get right and if i'm taking that much time to do something, then I must like the original work to begin with.

As long as the modder gives proper credit to where it came from or to the original author, I don't see the problem.
Thats my point too. The difference from my work to yours is that by avoiding skins (which, even as graphic designer as i am, requires a lot of time), make a config and cams is way way easier and faster, but in the end, the final intention is to say thanks to the original modder, not downgrade or offend them. Just that.
Your works always welcome mate, can't count the number of laps I did on your reworked SA tracks and the likes.
Thanks man much appreciated, even it seems that not everyone agree with you

BUT, but, numbers say it differently

That's why i always enjoyed do what i do, nothing else. Oh, and btw, i almost never ever checked the numbers, which are not important for me

Anyway i will stop here, i don't want to fill the thread with useless screens and stuff, there's no reason to keep talking about it.
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