Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Honestly no judgement, I speak for myself. I'm the creator of a "simple" reshade mod, F1 reality reshade (you may know). I know it's a simple mod, nothing complex, but still I spend hours and hours in editing every shader to perfection, trying different settings and ppfilter, editing them etc. Literally hours. I do that for pleasure, because I like it and share what I like with others, and also don't get credits most of the time and people on YouTube claiming reshade filters made by themselves but actually editing mine, but still, I don't care, cuz I do that because I like. I have another job. Would be fantastic getting money enough to live with Assetto Corsa rather than running IRL with something I berely like. But still, I do this because I like it, and like to share what I like. I do believe that you make an incredible mod that require a lot of knowledge and buying you a coffee I don't mind, as well as I don't mind if someone wants me to buy them a coffe if they make a mod I like. It may be that I am old fashion, but still I mod for pleasure, I mod for free
I hear you man. The thing is, I think most people have gotten to a place where they "expect" other people to pay for a mod, especially in AC, since they have seen how much Ilja is making through patreon. I don't blame people for wanting to get paid (including you) but as you said, you do it "for pleasure" and at the end of the day, that's what really matters. If you expect people to pay you, and almost no revenue comes in, you will be disappointed (applies to everything in life, where you have expectations). But remember this; Ilja started out making nothing as well, so maybe if you stick through it and you keep updating and improving, nice things might come!

Just as a reminder: I myself have a mod that have had some 4-5k downloads and I've made ~30 euros from it, which took me some 400hours to do (still not complete) but that is life. I did it because I wanted to and yes, it would have been great if more people donated, and I probably would have made more if I sold it for just 1 euro but at the end of the day, how many free and fantastic mods have we gotten from this community? All in all, keep doing what you do, improve, share it on more forums/sites and maybe great things will come :)
I've always loved hot hatches, and widebody hot hatches in particular - probably ever since seeing a Renault 5 Turbo bombing around London in the 1980s. It just looked so squat and purposeful.
I think I adapted this one a few years ago from a hillclimb car I found on Assettoland. Can't remember all that I did but I think removed some wings, added a 6th gear, a new driver and shifting animation and messed with some shaders. Can't remember if I adjusted the power, brakes or grip at all. More recent stuff was adjusting the gearstick position to fit the shifting animation, redoing the machined metal instrument dash, then all the good stuff in the recent changelogs with a lot of invaluable help from a few others here.
Still lots to improve. It would benefit from an offside wing mirror. The collider is from a bus. And loads of stuff we haven't even spotted yet. The physics won't bear close examination and would probably have Einstein spinning in his grave, but... who cares, right? It's fictional, and a big bag of bananas fun. It was always meant to be a bit of a laugh, and never supposed to be a serious car.
I also like hot hatches and especially this one
I took the liberty to have a look at data.acd.
I made some changes to eliminate these kinds of errors:

below is the list of modified files and the zipped data.acd file

aero.ini => Changed the version number and updated the content
ai.ini => Changed the version number and updated the content
brakes.ini => Update content
cameras.ini => Update content
car.ini => Change version number and update content
colliders.ini => Update content
drivetrain.ini => Add version number and update content
flame_presets.ini => Update content
flames.ini => Update content
lights.ini => Change version number
suspensions.ini => Change version number and update content


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If you still didn't see it on RD, the new gt7 hud mod is a revolution. Easily the best non car/track mod that came to AC in years, if not ever. Its simply amazing. It replaced all my widgets on the screen I've been using forever (helicorsa, sidekick, actv, tyres app,...). One stop for everything. Ant it looks amazing as well. Read through the changelog of all the updates to see all the features he's been adding. And all this in a couple of weeks. I'm blown away. Just got updated again today:

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I hear you man. The thing is, I think most people have gotten to a place where they "expect" other people to pay for a mod, especially in AC, since they have seen how much Ilja is making through patreon. I don't blame people for wanting to get paid (including you) but as you said, you do it "for pleasure" and at the end of the day, that's what really matters. If you expect people to pay you, and almost no revenue comes in, you will be disappointed (applies to everything in life, where you have expectations). But remember this; Ilja started out making nothing as well, so maybe if you stick through it and you keep updating and improving, nice things might come!

Just as a reminder: I myself have a mod that have had some 4-5k downloads and I've made ~30 euros from it, which took me some 400hours to do (still not complete) but that is life. I did it because I wanted to and yes, it would have been great if more people donated, and I probably would have made more if I sold it for just 1 euro but at the end of the day, how many free and fantastic mods have we gotten from this community? All in all, keep doing what you do, improve, share it on more forums/sites and maybe great things will come :)
I don't regret not getting paid for my mod, I do not share my mods with that purpose, I indeed set-up a "buy me a coffee" donation for my mod, After more than 7k download only 1 person acknowledged my work and made me a donation, I don't judge those who open patreons for any single stupid thing they make forcing you to donate basically, but on my part I leave this donation discretionary and not compulsory. I don't expect anything moneywise and that's fine. There is something I don't like though, those who don't credit me for what they show in their videos, or those who claim they made a reshade mod while they took mine and added/removed a couple effects to their liking and getting subscription dor literally nothing, this piss me off, and I understand that because I am the creator of the mod, they are not even smart, after I edited and created Sky sports live watermarks, a lot of YouTube sim racers post videos with my watermarks , how do I know that? Because before making those watermarks , nobody had them in their videos , am not stupid, or maybe I am, sharing my mod for free to people who don't deserve,but still I do that because I like, for myself and good people are out there that deserve it
I also like hot hatches and especially this one
I took the liberty to have a look at data.acd.
I made some changes to eliminate these kinds of errors:
View attachment 1213918

below is the list of modified files and the zipped data.acd file

aero.ini => Changed the version number and updated the content
ai.ini => Changed the version number and updated the content
brakes.ini => Update content
cameras.ini => Update content
car.ini => Change version number and update content
colliders.ini => Update content
drivetrain.ini => Add version number and update content
flame_presets.ini => Update content
flames.ini => Update content
lights.ini => Change version number
suspensions.ini => Change version number and update content
Thanks, I'll take a look. Might not get a chance until Friday.
@El Locho and @norms have been beavering away and the next update will have an offside mirror added, new colliders, proper cockpit AO, handbuilt LODs and maybe some other stuff if it's spotted.
Oh, and at least a couple of new skins too.
Well, it has already been said, "... some little things must be changed..." Possibly, this is one of them... 😅

EDIT: to add that the same issue happens with the Alfa Romeo 155 (a lot) and with the Audi A4 (slightly in this case).
I can live with that, it even happens with some Kunos cars.
Continuing the work slowly, and with other "adaptations" suggested by friends here and others who have made modifications to other cars, to try to make the "skins" a little better, but I still have a lot to learn, they don't get that exuberant shine of the mods "professional" and that look like real cars, but at least, as I always say, they are "walking" on the tracks.

Versions of the 1977 Brabham BT45B (Brazil Gp: Pace/Watson, South Africa Gp: Watson/Pace, Usa Long Beach: Watson/Stuck), can still be improved


  • __custom_showroom_1670385212.png
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cake is good to eat but sometimes you need to make it, from scratch or a box... or someone else needs to bake it

I eat the cake, sometimes I make it all by myself, sometimes a friend helps with the frosting...

Can we all just get back on topic and start baking, frosting (maybe Sprinkles™) and eating cake???

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I can live with that, it even happens with some Kunos cars.
Although well-made mods are always desirable, I can live too with those little glitches. In fact, I have some other lemon that hurts the eyes, but still enjoy simply because I really like how it drives...
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Its always the point at which level it is done. If its ok for a person to do a job 8 hours a day and another 6 hours doing the mod, sleeping and the next day the same. Every day the same procedure. Do this for months and you ask yourself, why i'm doing this? I mean its nice if the people say thank you and it makes you proud, but it kills your life. So the model to pay for a good content is also the way to support the creator, to give them the time to do the mod and pay the bills.
Not gonna extend much on that (or Rmi will burn the cake out of rage) but I have to say, I do agree with you on that point. Personally I don't really question the idea of something being free or not, financially supportive or not, like it is (almost always) the case when we talk about mods around here. We don't even want to start on that hot hot hot topic of Ilja's money (or I'm gonna get a burned cake in the face).
My point was more about the legal and moral relation modders have with their respective base games. AC and the team behind it seems very, very open on the subject, that is why we are here, copying, converting and creating content for it without any real form of consideration for the "integrity" of the original game, nor licensing of the content. And to the extend, money starts getting involved because people stop thinking about that moral, first with simple donations, then with whole studios dedicated to it (VRC, RSS, etc...), then with patreons asking more money than the game itself for a badly converted GT car, and bursting out all around town if it leaks (which is, ignorance yes, but greed essentially).

I personally do not care for the legal part. The law is what it is, it's made to adapt to society, and guiding it in the same time. It's a theory of a win-win situation : I provide you security and integrity, you respect me to provide it to others, and it is always questionable on any subject. It's not the place for that. From the exemples I gave : "Lost Alpha" was (and still is) free because it would have been taken down otherwise. Same goes for any major mod of any games. "Black Mesa", the re-creation of Half Life, was full-free in his 8-10 beta years, and became a 20$ game on Steam on release. Why ? Because Valve saw the opportunity and bought it, to be able to sell it themselves. If not, they would have taken it down, probably. Not because they don't like it, but because it challenge the legal value of their original licence. The list could go on and on and on, but the real reason why mods are free, in the beginning, IS because they are not (exactly) legal. It's up to everyone to evaluate if they think it is fair, or not. And that's the main difference I saw with the sim racing world, compared to more "traditionnal" games. And that is why, in the beginning of this subject, RD choose the "old school path" of defending content creation and licensing, like any classic mod-sharing/legal-defending platforms (looking at you, Nexus), whereas here lays a more "alternative" way of thinking.

Anyway, back to business !

@RMi_wood have you already converted something from a Unity source ?
If yes, I would love to know how you did... (mp if so?)
I've just made a new AI line for a track and the lap was smooth I can see the line is smooth and everything but when the AI drive it they're eratic and crash at some points of the lap. Some of the track it's absoloutely fine others they just plain drive off track turning hard 90 degrees into the wall any fixes?
New Releases, all from F302 from Facebook:


View attachment 1213855



Gabriele Tarquini 1994 für Alfa Romeo 155 BTCC
View attachment 1213856

DATA For Flame replacement



Renault Laguna BTCC

View attachment 1213857

Renault Laguna BTCC
Where those the only 3 they did
Well, it has already been said, "... some little things must be changed..." Possibly, this is one of them... 😅
If I'm being honest, the wonky suspension geometry surpasses what I would consider "little things". Same for the Alfa being RWD. Granted, when it comes to creating mods for AC I'm like a fish on dry land but speaking as somebody who is happy if he's able to get in 2-3 hours of sim racing per week, mods like these simply aren't worth my time to be brutally honest and I think it's fair to consider them "low-effort".
According to this site:, turbo pressure is 0.68 bar
Edit: to lower understeer effect, increase these two parameters in suspension. ini:
scroll down to find:

or decrease them in
Hello there,

Thank you for your reply! :) Does this mean that in engine.ini, I should set 'MAX_BOOST' to 0.68? I note that the Mk4 Supra's turbo value is 0.85, which if that's just a value in bar would roughly line up to its real-life stock value of about 12psi.

Here's another question: I'm getting a lot of FFB clipping. What would I have to look at to make this less of an issue, without changing FFB settings in-game?

Also here's another question for the folks: where in Content Manager is the option to load unpacked data (where present) instead of data.acd? Googling tells me this is an option, but I've been unable to locate it.

Sorry for all the dumb questions. I don't know much of anything about physics modding... and perhaps even less about actual cars. XD

One more thing. Since I've done nothing but take, how about I give something back? I came across this rather lovely Maruti-Suzuki 800 mod recently, which is way more fun than it has any right to be:
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Hello there,

Thank you for your reply! :) Does this mean that in engine.ini, I should set 'MAX_BOOST' to 0.68? I note that the Mk4 Supra's turbo value is 0.85, which if that's just a value in bar would roughly line up to its real-life stock value of about 12psi.

Here's another question: I'm getting a lot of FFB clipping. What would I have to look at to make this less of an issue, without changing FFB settings in-game?

Also here's another question for the folks: where in Content Manager is the option to load unpacked data (where present) instead of data.acd? Googling tells me this is an option, but I've been unable to locate it.

Sorry for all the dumb questions. I don't know much of anything about physics modding... and perhaps even less about actual cars. XD
The easiest way tpo understand is to download this worksheet, and play with the numbers

Look at the turbo engine tab, pressure is in bar, but there is PSI convertor in the worksheet, use gamma to change the shape of the boost curve, and rpm for when max boost is achieved.
have you already converted something from a Unity source ?
If yes, I would love to know how you did... (mp if so?)
yes I have converted many Unity sources to AC using publicly available tools
I've just made a new AI line for a track and the lap was smooth I can see the line is smooth and everything but when the AI drive it they're eratic and crash at some points of the lap. Some of the track it's absoloutely fine others they just plain drive off track turning hard 90 degrees into the wall any fixes?
you need to create new sidelines
Hello there,

Thank you for your reply! :) Does this mean that in engine.ini, I should set 'MAX_BOOST' to 0.68? I note that the Mk4 Supra's turbo value is 0.85, which if that's just a value in bar would roughly line up to its real-life stock value of about 12psi.

Here's another question: I'm getting a lot of FFB clipping. What would I have to look at to make this less of an issue, without changing FFB settings in-game?

Also here's another question for the folks: where in Content Manager is the option to load unpacked data (where present) instead of data.acd? Googling tells me this is an option, but I've been unable to locate it.

Sorry for all the dumb questions. I don't know much of anything about physics modding... and perhaps even less about actual cars. XD

One more thing. Since I've done nothing but take, how about I give something back? I came across this rather lovely Maruti-Suzuki 800 mod recently, which is way more fun than it has any right to be:
To unpack the data.acd in CM you need to activate the developer mode. You do this by clicking several times on the version number.
Hello there,

Thank you for your reply! :) Does this mean that in engine.ini, I should set 'MAX_BOOST' to 0.68? I note that the Mk4 Supra's turbo value is 0.85, which if that's just a value in bar would roughly line up to its real-life stock value of about 12psi.
I think MB is in bar, so yeah if that's the maximum pressure. In this case WASTEGATE also needs to be set to the same value as that's the maximum allowed BP
Here's another question: I'm getting a lot of FFB clipping. What would I have to look at to make this less of an issue, without changing FFB settings in-game?
You can adjust wheel settings as a whole (in content manager) under Settings --> Assetto Corsa --> Controls --> FFB.

Can also play with CSP FFB features

If it's on a per car basis, can adjust the following values under car.ini
assuming the steer ratio on the car is correct in the first place
Also here's another question for the folks: where in Content Manager is the option to load unpacked data (where present) instead of data.acd? Googling tells me this is an option, but I've been unable to locate it.
You have to enable it first under Settings --> Content Manager --> Drive --> "Allow to use custom car's data" and then under the drive tab on the left hand side the checkbox will be there
Thanks, I'll take a look. Might not get a chance until Friday.
@El Locho and @norms have been beavering away and the next update will have an offside mirror added, new colliders, proper cockpit AO, handbuilt LODs and maybe some other stuff if it's spotted.
Oh, and at least a couple of new skins too.
Thanks so much for taking a look.

I want to add a shaking exhaust in CSP with :

MESHES = vw_golf_mk1_kit04_chassis_loda_SUB0
POINT_0 = 0.0,0.170,-1.791

but, if I understand correctly, it is not separated

and everything is shaken :).

is it possible to change this in a future update
If someone has some time, could you give this little ext_config\track skin a whirl on Mugello and let me know what you think. I'm pretty certain you're going to tell me the trees and grass are too dark because my ppfilter is brighter than most. I'm more interested in if everything fits together. I'll deal with the brightness later. It's an attempt to change the image to eliminate that horrible looking multicolored grass in the off track areas. Only works on the stock track at the moment, not the Pyyer extension version.

Thanks for any help\feedback...

Mugello mod test
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If someone has some time, could you give this little ext_config\track skin a whirl on Mugello and let me know what you think. I'm pretty certain you're going to tell me the trees and grass are too dark because my ppfilter is brighter than most. I'm more interested in if everything fits together. I'll deal with the brightness later. It's an attempt to change the image to eliminate that horrible looking multicolored grass in the off track areas. Only works on the stock track at the moment, not the Pyyer extension version.

Thanks for any help\feedback...

Mugello mod test
Could you please make it work with Pyyer´s extension, I would like to test it but only with the 2020 layout he provided.
I can, but you'll have to give me some time. I was hoping to get it right on the stock track first before I had to take the time to add my changes to Pyyer's stuff. That takes a little effort to make sure I don't screw up his mod.
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