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Vauxhall Sport BTCC 1997 skins

View attachment 1221162
View attachment 1221163

Below are some links to my skins for the VRC Vorax Vauxhall Vectra for BTCC 1997 Vauxhall sport team of John Cleland & Derek Warwick. Both are set up with CSP & Non CSP version.

John Cleland - Download Link

Derek Warwick - Download Link
great work. and thank you for sharing.
1 request though, when naming the zip/rar files, can you take the extra few seconds to rename the file you upload, so it's not named content? Seems to be a trend lately, so when you download multiple files, download managers, and even the download folder the file is saved to, gets confusing when different files are all titled the same. Wouldn't be too hard to rename 1 file cleland.rar or warwick.rar.
great work. and thank you for sharing.
1 request though, when naming the zip/rar files, can you take the extra few seconds to rename the file you upload, so it's not named content? Seems to be a trend lately, so when you download multiple files, download managers, and even the download folder the file is saved to, gets confusing when different files are all titled the same. Wouldn't be too hard to rename 1 file cleland.rar or warwick.rar.
This has been a thing for years. I've lost count of the amount of skins I've binned because they've been named "skins.rar", and the folder structure hasn't been setup properly within the zip/rar file. As you say it takes mere seconds to rename a folder and have a folder template setup so people can extract files into their proper place without having a clue what mod they are for or where they are supposed to go
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How Do I go about turning up the volume of a car via CSP?
In the "ext_config.ini" in the folder "extension" of a car (create one, if it doesn't exist) you can add

GEAR_EXT = 1.0
GEAR_INT = 1.1
WIND = 1.0
DIRT = 1.0
HORN = 0.0

Just a little sneak peek of something I'm working on in SimHub to use on AC. Little bit of work to do on some things, but the base is there...
CM only...? One day all ok; programs opens, speakers sounds, the printer prints... The next day, without changing anything, all messed up... I think all the damn computer things are cursed... 😤
I sometimes feel like I need to permanently employ a chimp with an AI brain implant who can keep my system working as it should. The amount of random issues that happen on a near-daily basis is enough to drive me mad. But...

As long as Microsoft Windows is underpinning the whole thing, I'm never surprised that things constanly go wrong. It's just such an awful, spiteful, hideous operating system. And if you start with a bug-riddled operating system that was written over 3 decades ago, then just keep piling more crap on top of the original crap, there's only one thing that's likely to come out of the pipe at the other end.


Hmmm. Maybe I should probably be more careful with my public criticism? 'It' might hear me and plot a full-scale meltdown as revenge! :banghead:
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I sometimes feel like I need to permanently employ a chimp with an AI brain implant who can keep my system working as it should. The amount of random issues that happen on a near-daily basis is enough to drive me mad. But...

As long as Microsoft Windows is underpinning the whole thing, I'm never surprised that things constanly go wrong. It's just such an awful, spiteful, hideous operating system. And if you start with a bug-riddled operating system that was written over 3 decades ago, then just keep piling more crap on top of the original crap, there's only one thing that's likely to come out of the pipe at the other end.


Hmmm. Maybe I should probably be more careful with my public criticism? 'It' might hear me and plot a full-scale meltdown as revenge! :banghead:
strange... my system is super stable, and old.
i7-4770 (overclocked FSB @103.5)
GTX-980ti @4k native (overclocked to 1490 via custom bios)
8GB ram
Air cooled with stock fans.

bought used in early 2019 for 500eu and only used for gaming

no issues with CM or CSP
never installed mods via drag-n-drop

Microsoft Security Center, Firewall and AV completely disabled
Hibernation/Sleep disabled

odd about these horrible user experiences...
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strange... my system is super stable, and old.
GTX-980ti @4k native
8GB ram

bought used in early 2019 for 500eu and only used for gaming

no issues with CM or CSP
never installed mods via drag-n-drop

Microsoft Security Center, Firewall and AV completely disabled
Hibernation/Sleep disabled

odd about these horrible user experiences...
I moved to Windows 11 a while back. Not sure if that's worse than 10 with regards to stability? 11 does so many annoying things. Just as one example, when an auto-update happens, it often loses all my 5.1 sound settings and resets the audio control panels without me asking it to. Then other times it doesn't. It depends what mood it's in.

Or... if it starts downloading an auto-update while I'm racing, it sometimes seems to corrupt some AC or CSP .ini files just for fun. Then, when I end a session and go to start a new one, all of a sudden CM/CSP/AC freezes on me.

I also hate the fact that it can't seem to remember such simple things as where I last positioned finder/explorer windows. In 2023, that should be illegal! 🤨
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1. do not auto-install updates (disable this 'feature')
2. schedule checking for updates outside your normal active days/hours

Perhaps do some Googling for how to optimize your system.
You can't disable auto updates in 11. You can only pause them for up to a week. As I only use my PC for sim racing, I don't leave it on any other time, so all in all, I find it's just easier to let Microsoft have its way.

EDIT: I know you're a PC-man, so you're probably just shaking your head at me. 😖🤪

It seems there are ways to disable it via the 'Local Group Policy Editor', but I'm not sure I'll bother. I'll just go back to my nice Mac Studio instead and put up with the occasional Windows-induced headaches which only happen when I use my sim setup and have to endure the evil that is Windows. 🥹
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Has anyone had any issues with CSP lately? If I run it at recommended level, no matter the car or track, I can't launch anything - "Unexpected Error" message pops up.
As soon as I run it at 1.74 - 1.79, everything boots, but about half a lap through (varies depending on track, and also each session its a different spot, but around half a lap through), my whole PC just shuts off....

Tried my best to uninstall and re-install CSP content, but keep getting the same issue...
Has anyone had any issues with CSP lately? If I run it at recommended level, no matter the car or track, I can't launch anything - "Unexpected Error" message pops up.
As soon as I run it at 1.74 - 1.79, everything boots, but about half a lap through (varies depending on track, and also each session its a different spot, but around half a lap through), my whole PC just shuts off....

Tried my best to uninstall and re-install CSP content, but keep getting the same issue...
Try reseating your graphics card. It's possible that as it warms up when you start driving, it's not making proper contact with the motherboard any more and then causing your PC to crash.
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Try reseating your graphics card. It's possible that as it warms up when you start driving, it's not making proper contact with the motherboard any more and then causing your PC to crash.
Interesting.. I might give that a go, I have to find where it is, have never looked in my PC before ha.

If that's the case, do you think it would do this on other games? Just as a test

I've had the game running 15 lap races (with me not driving - I just sit on the grid and let everyone go past - did this with a 26 car grid) and it didn't reset, but. that's probably because the graphics is only me sitting in one spot, I guess..
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If you run some other graphic-intensive games, you may find the same issue occurs. The temperature your GPU rises to is totally dependant on the load it's handling (vs. how good your cooling fans work), as well as the ambient temperature when you're running it. Sim racing pushes the cards pretty hard.

I've had this very issue in summer myself. When the PC is continually going hot, cool, hot, cool, hot, cool... things plugged into the motherboard can move around from thermal expansion and contraction, then eventually you get an intermittent connection which can shut the PC down.

If you're unsure how to reseat the card, you can find some helpful videos on youtube:

If you run some other graphic-intensive games, you may find the same issue occurs. The temperature your GPU rises to is totally dependant on the load it's handling (vs. how good your cooling fans work), as well as the ambient temperature when you're running it. Sim racing pushes the cards pretty hard.

I've had this very issue in summer myself. When the PC is continually going hot, cool, hot, cool, hot, cool... things plugged into the motherboard can move around from thermal expansion and contraction, then eventually you get an intermittent connection which can shut the PC down.

If you're unsure how to reseat the card, you can find some helpful videos on youtube:

Well, it is summer here, so that makes a sense...
Interesting.. I might give that a go, I have to find where it is, have never looked in my PC before ha.

If that's the case, do you think it would do this on other games? Just as a test

I've had the game running 15 lap races (with me not driving - I just sit on the grid and let everyone go past - did this with a 26 car grid) and it didn't reset, but. that's probably because the graphics is only me sitting in one spot, I guess..
You can use the hardware monitor of the "MSI Afterburner" tool, to control the temperature and usage of GPU and CPU. It works for all graphics cards, not only MSI cards. I use it to optimize my graphics settings for AC and control how demanding a track or car mod is on my system.
Hi all,
I try to install the VRC Super Tourers without success, I install as usual but there is still an error in the CM which file should we install the normal or the csp? I do not understand anything !!!!! I have tried everything and nothing works...
VRC can't make times even more complicated? :lol:


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Hi all,
I try to install the VRC Super Tourers without success, I install as usual but there is still an error in the CM which file should we install the normal or the csp? I do not understand anything !!!!!
VRC can't make times even more complicated? :lol:

View attachment 1221236
simple.. just copy the content folder from the cars into the AC root folder.. no CM install.

you need both standart and csp versions for the CSP version of the car to work

Screenshot 2023-01-07 113849.jpg
simple.. just copy the content folder from the cars into the AC root folder.. no CM install.

you need both standart and csp versions for the CSP version of the car to work

View attachment 1221238
yes I installed normal car folder and (csp) car folder but same problem ... "vrc_erc_1999_fortix_csp" folder never appears in game's cars folder, why VRC change the system ???? I drop this ****** mod !!!!!!!!!!!!! I never copy a file directly into my base game so goodbye VRC .... 👋👋👋
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you may have a problem when you copy
it works for me, you must have the two versions to work like @Diegonapoli10 said
by the way, I don't understand what's the differences between these two versions ?

tu dois avoir un souci quand tu copies, ca marche très bien mais il faut installer les deux versions (elles partagent les kn5)
d'ailleurs je n'ai toujours pas compris qu'elles sont les différences entre les deux versions

bonne journée
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Speaking of performance did anyone experienced a performance drop by installing the latest CSP preview 1.80.115? Even though my gpu and cpu are not fully utilized frames don't over 100fps while before I had 120fps solid
Hello! Anyone know if it will ever be possible with AI as grid-fillers online? would be needed for those of us who like long-distance racing with historic cars i think
you may have a problem when you copy
it works for me, you must have the two versions to work like @Diegonapoli10 said
by the way, I don't understand what's the differences between these two versions ?

tu dois avoir un souci quand tu copies, ca marche très bien mais il faut installer les deux versions (elles partagent les kn5)
d'ailleurs je n'ai toujours pas compris qu'elles sont les différences entre les deux versions

bonne journée
VRC = pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliquer ..... pourquoi changer la façon d'installer je ne comprend pas l'intérêt ? de supprimer l'installation via le Content Manager ... bref pas grave je n'utiliserai pas ce mod j'ai bien assez de TC 90's
VRC = why make it simple when you can make it complicated..... why change the way of installing I don't understand the interest? to delete the installation via the Content Manager ... in short no big deal I will not use this mod I have enough TC 90's
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Hi! I'm running a triple monitor setup and I'm getting these distotions when looking around with right mouse button pressed. Is there anything I can do t o correct it?


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VRC = pourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliquer ..... pourquoi changer la façon d'installer je ne comprend pas l'intérêt ? de supprimer l'installation via le Content Manager ... bref pas grave je n'utiliserai pas ce mod j'ai bien assez de TC 90's
VRC = why make it simple when you can make it complicated..... why change the way of installing I don't understand the interest? to delete the installation via the Content Manager ... in short no big deal I will not use this mod I have enough TC 90's
If you bought it, if should be fair to be able to use it, right ?
It's not suppose to be complicated. Keep in mind that CM does exactly the same thing as you if you drag and drop the files manually into their respective folders, just in it's own way (which can lead sometimes to trouble, like with Sergio Loro's tracks and the AI, AFAIK he still doesn't get why). It's actually "safer" to do it manually. The basic install should always remains "put the content folders in the AC base folder". In case of trouble, delete every changes made and try again manually.
If you need help, don't hesitate to PM (in french, bien sur)
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