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  • Thread starter daan
Right trying to complete Le Mans 1970. Need the following. Anything missing I will make and share.

NUMBERS #39 #57 for the Ferrari 312p

Did anyone ever manage to grab these before the got removed?

I think someone asked before but I never saw a reply.


Porsche 907 # 61 skin

again was pulled from racedepartment



Matra MS650 #31 skin (actually meant to be a 660 but model doesnt exist.

Again pulled from RD

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UPDATE: Hello my ppl, ever since my return to skinning, people keep asking me about the European C5R pack and what's gonna be included. Honestly that's my bad for not keeping you guys up to date. I'll tell you, come down to my garage with me.


As you can see, the pack contains a few skins from europe (obviously). I'm not showing all of them though.This pack will consist of teams like GLPK Carsport, Selleslagh Racing, Excelsior etc. Ranging from the Belcar series to the FIA GT. I might make some FFSA GT skins, but don't quote me on that. So far my favorite is the FIA GT GLPK #6 from 2006, what about you guys? These skins can also be used on BE_Modding's corvettes for the canards. I set this pack to be about 13 skins, however that number could change in the future. Some ask "When are you releasing this pack?" Not sure yet, but rough estimate around late February to March.

Hope this cleared some things up.



This one is W.I.P PSI's corvette. All I need to do is put the sponsors on and THAT car will be finished.

Yes, it's possible... But Le Mans already exists in 3 or 4 versions (60's, 90's, nowadays, etc...). In Race Department you can find it.
I'm not sure about accuracy, but it's pretty good and very well made.

You can convert tracks for rFactor 1 and 2, GTL, etc...

Our friend Shin956 makes the conversion, check it out:
So i don’t think anybody can convert Rf2 LM on the basis its 1. Its paid dlc and 2.its licensed by the ACO and FIA. So i even if he converts it he gonna get mad Cease and desist!!
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Right trying to complete Le Mans 1970. Need the following. Anything missing I will make and share.

NUMBERS #37 #59 for the Ferrari 312p

Did anyone ever manage to grab these before the got removed?

I think someone asked before but I never saw a reply.


Porsche 907 # 61 skin

again was pulled from racedepartment



Matra MS650 #31 skin (actually meant to be a 660 but model doesnt exist.

Again pulled from RD

Maybe you can grab them and convert them from the WSC 1970 mod of rfactor. I'm sure simdream's car models were taken from there
Hi everyone,

I'm releasing Long Beach remastered

I have redone most of the shaders , added skidmarks, reflections and more,i have created the missing bridge and fencepoling, overhauled some off the trees and added the missing ones and some other minor changes.
I still don't know (and quiet frankly not really bothered)how to do lightning and rain etc. so if anyone is interested in doing it, i can upload the editor files.

I'm still running at an older CSP so depending on your setup and filter it might look awful and the original long beach wasn't really friendly to the system to begin with and i've only added more polygons, maps and textures to it, so it might struggle to get decent FPS (especially if you run in 4K)

I also dont know if it will work by simply dragging the file into content manager, probably better to just copypaste the folder into the tracks folder manually.

Big thanks to Terra21 and nrms for the original conversion and Reboot team and JohnR from which i borrowed some textures.

View attachment 1228740

View attachment 1228741

View attachment 1228739
For rainFX, put these lines into the ext_config.ini:

PUDDLES_MATERIALS = ?road?, ?concrete?, ?CONCRETE?, bldg_lb_seca_bldgbridgea1_04_diff, bricks_terrain, MANHOLES?, id26_014_RDLINE_Longbeach_015, WATER_COVERS, TRAFFIC_BOX, id31_StartGrid_RDLINE_Longbeach_001, RUMBLE?, wall4_bldg_lb_sec?, base_terr_lb_spiral_001_diff, terrain_lb_spiral_001tm_SUB0_SUB2 , ground, ROAD_Longbeach_deco, ROAD_Longbeach_concerte, ?Concrete?, SPEEDBUMPS_ALT, ?BumpSpeeds?, red_brick, ?Brick?, floor, id26_014_RDLINE_Longbeach_015, PATCH, ?DRAIN?, patches, BldgU3a_wall03, ?dif, wall2_bldg_lb_seca_bldga2a_02_diff, wall_01_bldg_lb_secu_bldgu4d_wall_01_diff, wall_03_bldg_lb_secu_bldgu4b_wall_03_diff, Wall_bldg_lb_secc_mallc1c_wall_diff, roof?, misc, bridge, wall5

SOAKING_MATERIALS = Firehydrant, SignBrake, SIGN?, bottom__Floor, Top_Floor?, BARR?, clean, LOGO?, ?Front, Forza_sIGN, ?front?, tamiya, Kingface, motorracing, ShoreB_Tent_B2_id1, RCEDAY_Ezup?, ?Tent_V_001?, RCEDAY_EZSide?, Red_tents, RCEDAY_Personal_Grandstand_003, metal, Tent_Octigon, SemiTent_Emissive, VEH?, VEH_NA_Camper_B_001_paint, ?cameracrane?, ?tvcamlift?, Insuarance_AAA, wall4, Umbrella_proper_001, ?Concession?, back

ROUGH_MATERIALS = VEG?, GRASS_MAIN, PalmTrunk, sand, ROAD_Longbeach__flower, HedgeTrans, SOIL_SQUARES, STONES

SMOOTH_MATERIALS = Firehydrant, SignBrake, SIGN?, bottom__Floor, Top_Floor?, ?sign?, BARR?, clean, ?LOGO?, ?decord?, ?SmOrgCone?, ?Front, Forza_sIGN, ?front?, tamiya, Kingface, motorracing, RCEDAY_Ezup?, ?Tent?, RCEDAY_EZSide?, ?tents?, RCEDAY_Personal_Grandstand_003, metal, VEH?, car_paint, VEH_NA_Camper_B_001_paint, paint_veh?, ?whitepowerbox?, carpaint, ?cameracrane?, ?tvcamlift?, Insuarance_AAA, wall4, Umbrella_proper_001, ?Concession?, back


; bldg_lb_seca_bldgbridgea1_003_lod0tm_SUB3
STREAM_EDGE_... =-86.18, 4.27, 109.81,-86.11, 4.27, 183.2
STREAM_EDGE_... =-96.52, 4.28, 109.78,-96.48, 4.27, 170.76
STREAM_EDGE_... =-96.48, 4.28, 109.73,-96.49, 5.01, 108.22
STREAM_EDGE_... =-96.49, 5.01, 108.22,-96.51, 5.01, 16.59
STREAM_EDGE_... =-86.15, 4.28, 109.75,-86.16, 5.01, 108.23
STREAM_EDGE_... =-86.16, 5.01, 108.23,-86.21, 5.01, 17.18

; Metal_bldg_lb_secc_bridgec2_metal_diff
STREAM_EDGE_... =-385.5, 4.86, 9.56,-373.93, 4.86, -12.11

; bldg_lb_secb_bridgeb1_002tm_SUB2
STREAM_EDGE_... =-424.36, 4.65, 84.96,-432.59, 4.65, 67.41
STREAM_EDGE_... =-426.47, 4.65, 86.1,-434.89, 4.65, 68.44

; Terr_LB_008_Bridges_Concrete
STREAM_EDGE_... =-646.99, 6.04, -29.12,-644.16, 6.04, -2.43
STREAM_EDGE_... =-644.16, 6.04, -2.43,-643.63, 5.95, 23.27
STREAM_EDGE_... =-643.63, 5.95, 23.27,-642.7, 6.04, 35.54
STREAM_EDGE_... =-642.7, 6.04, 35.54,-643.73, 6.04, 66.45

; bldg_lb_seca_bldgbridgea3_004_lod0tm_SUB0
STREAM_EDGE_... =-174.91, 3.93, 19.72,-151.71, 3.93, 26.55
STREAM_EDGE_... =-177.22, 3.93, 15.54,-147.44, 3.94, 24.31

; bldg_lb_seca_bldga4c_001_lod0tm_SUB0
STREAM_EDGE_... =-97.68, 3.95, -241.13,-97.73, 4.48, -212.85
STREAM_EDGE_... =-84.39, 3.8, -241.08,-84.44, 4.47, -213.1

; bldg_lb_secu_bldgu3d_002tm_SUB1
STREAM_EDGE_... =78.6, 2.1, -244.13,78.62, 2.09, -234.63
STREAM_EDGE_... =78.62, 2.09, -234.63,77.72, 2.09, -234.58
STREAM_EDGE_... =77.72, 2.09, -234.58,77.71, 2.09, -216.83
STREAM_EDGE_... =77.71, 2.09, -216.83,78.73, 2.09, -216.79
STREAM_EDGE_... =78.73, 2.09, -216.79,78.76, 2.09, -206.05
STREAM_EDGE_... =88.75, 2.09, -236.38,88.77, 2.09, -216.78
STREAM_EDGE_... =88.77, 2.09, -216.78,87.65, 2.09, -216.76
STREAM_EDGE_... =87.65, 2.09, -216.76,87.65, 2.09, -214.86
STREAM_EDGE_... =87.64, 2.09, -207.74,87.6, 2.09, -205.9
STREAM_EDGE_... =99.44, 5.07, -236.41,99.44, 5.07, -235.31
STREAM_EDGE_... =99.44, 5.07, -235.31,98.48, 5.07, -235.29
STREAM_EDGE_... =98.48, 5.07, -235.29,98.47, 5.07, -216.68
STREAM_EDGE_... =98.47, 5.07, -216.68,99.43, 5.07, -216.68
STREAM_EDGE_... =99.43, 5.07, -216.68,99.44, 5.09, -214.93
STREAM_EDGE_... =99.45, 5.16, -207.71,99.45, 5.17, -206.18

; bldg_lb_secu_bldgu3c_002tm_SUB1
STREAM_EDGE_... =140.9, 5.07, -236.33,140.92, 5.07, -235.29
STREAM_EDGE_... =140.92, 5.07, -235.29,141.88, 5.07, -235.29
STREAM_EDGE_... =141.88, 5.07, -235.29,141.87, 5.07, -216.67
STREAM_EDGE_... =141.87, 5.07, -216.67,140.92, 5.07, -216.65
STREAM_EDGE_... =140.92, 5.07, -216.65,140.92, 5.09, -214.82
STREAM_EDGE_... =140.91, 5.15, -207.76,140.91, 5.17, -205.99
STREAM_EDGE_... =152.78, 2.09, -205.81,152.77, 2.09, -207.85
STREAM_EDGE_... =152.78, 2.09, -214.81,152.8, 2.09, -216.62
STREAM_EDGE_... =152.8, 2.09, -216.62,151.68, 2.09, -216.63
STREAM_EDGE_... =151.68, 2.09, -216.63,151.56, 2.09, -236.34
STREAM_EDGE_... =151.56, 2.09, -243.58,151.57, 2.09, -245.59
STREAM_EDGE_... =161.73, 2.09, -205.89,161.75, 2.09, -216.56
STREAM_EDGE_... =161.75, 2.09, -216.56,162.82, 2.09, -216.58
STREAM_EDGE_... =162.82, 2.09, -216.58,162.82, 2.09, -234.33
STREAM_EDGE_... =162.82, 2.09, -234.33,161.73, 2.09, -234.34
STREAM_EDGE_... =161.73, 2.09, -234.34,161.74, 2.1, -244.88

; bldg_lb_seca_bldgbridgea5_002tm_SUB1
STREAM_EDGE_... =485.96, 5.37, -100.63,464.85, 5.35, -102.62
STREAM_EDGE_... =484.24, 5.35, -97.34,465.55, 5.34, -99.17

; bldg_lb_seca_bldgbridgea4_lod0tm_SUB0
STREAM_EDGE_... =537.2, 5.46, 28.22,517.79, 5.38, 0.798
STREAM_EDGE_... =535.3, 5.47, 29.54,515.89, 5.35, 2.16

; bldg_lb_seca_bldgbridgea2_002_lod0tm_SUB0
STREAM_EDGE_... =408.82, 4.95, 122.42,387, 4.95, 92.25
STREAM_EDGE_... =404.77, 4.95, 125.34,382.96, 4.95, 95.25

; bldg_lb_seca_bldgtenta1tm_SUB0
STREAM_EDGE_... =440.68, 6.17, 49.76,386.26, 6.08, 88.29

; bldg_lb_seca_bldgtenta2_lod0tm_SUB0
STREAM_EDGE_... =379.82, 6.35, 93.26,359.95, 6.31, 107.06

; metal_sign_lb_toyotascreen_diff
STREAM_EDGE_... =354.36, 5.93, 104.87,338.84, 5.93, 111.14
STREAM_EDGE_... =338.05, 5.93, 109.04,353.53, 5.93, 102.79

; bldg_lb_seca_bldgtenta1tm01_SUB0
STREAM_EDGE_... =339.83, 5.06, 116.41,286.42, 5.07, 156.34

; bldg_lb_seca_bldgtenta1tm02_SUB0
STREAM_EDGE_... =272.38, 3.85, 162.37,209.64, 3.92, 184.65
Maybe you can grab them and convert them from the WSC 1970 mod of rfactor. I'm sure simdream's car models were taken from there
And WSC models come fro CSGT mod from F1 challenge that mostly come from SCGT before F1 challenge :lol::lol:

Simdream rounded the model by adding a ridiculous amount ofpolygons, with all that neww 3d they could have done something incredible by adding detail but they just smoothed the model.
THe mapping is problably totally different than original model
Hi everyone,

I'm releasing Long Beach remastered

I have redone most of the shaders , added skidmarks, reflections and more,i have created the missing bridge and fencepoling, overhauled some off the trees and added the missing ones and some other minor changes.
I still don't know (and quiet frankly not really bothered)how to do lightning and rain etc. so if anyone is interested in doing it, i can upload the editor files.

I'm still running at an older CSP so depending on your setup and filter it might look awful and the original long beach wasn't really friendly to the system to begin with and i've only added more polygons, maps and textures to it, so it might struggle to get decent FPS (especially if you run in 4K)

I also dont know if it will work by simply dragging the file into content manager, probably better to just copypaste the folder into the tracks folder manually.

Big thanks to Terra21 and nrms for the original conversion and Reboot team and JohnR from which i borrowed some textures.

View attachment 1228740

View attachment 1228741

View attachment 1228739
Thank you so much for this!! The "Coaster" bridge, the skidmarks, the updated fountain water, and the excellent landscaping! I've gone to this race many times, and your version really feels like being there. Thank you again.
While skinning the Toyota Racing series cars from the 2021 NZ Grand Prix, I thought I'd try to learn how to create driver suits.
Think this came up not too bad for a first go. (Real pic added for comparison)
The Helmet and gloves were already done for the V8 Supercars, the creator gave permission to use those. They will be included with the car when I get around to finishing the mod. 8 more 2021 skins left to do. All the 2020 skins are done mostly from the rF2 mod, the missing skins added and helmets have been loaned, but no permission to include them.
SVGNZGP suit.jpg
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So i don’t think anybody can convert Rf2 LM on the basis its 1. Its paid dlc and 2.its licensed by the ACO and FIA. So i even if he converts it he gonna get mad Cease and desist!!
I understand! We already have so many Le Mans for AC, I think it's pretty good, very well made.
I've been racing for hours in AC in Le Mans with LMP1 and classic prototypes. Fun is what matters.
Piranema Winter Test Track v1.1

View attachment 1228889
Fictional circuit in Brazil.
Conversion from Grand Prix 4.

-CSP recommended
-32 pit/start
-AI, cam

Credits & Thanks;
Original Track by Gildoorf Rozencrantz, Ruboy, PrBlanco, Ricardo Lampert
-Thank you for gave me permission (Gildoorf)

AC Converted by @shi (shin956)
.lua and font by @gunnar333
ext_config by @slider666
logo.png by @Fanapryde
some objects and textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Fanapryde , @slider666 , @Breathe , @Mike08, @twobegreen, @Masscot

v1.01 changelog;

-Added new church building.
(Thanks for the report by @twobegreen .)
-Smoothed edges of road surface and kerb.
-Fixed floating buildings.
(Thanks for the report by @Masscot .)
-The AI line was broken, so it was re-created.
-Other minor fixes.

v1.1 changelog;
-Extended pit lane entrance. (Thanks to Meatfraiche for the report.)
-Some textures were upscaled with AI.
-Fixed tree wall mapping.
-Changed background.
3D mountains from Chuck_CG's Landscape pack.
-Added Summer Mountain Skin.
-Updated preview.

Piranema Winter Test Track v1.1
The link is in the quote.

v1.1 changelog;
-Extended pit lane entrance. (Thanks to Meatfraiche for the report.)
-Some textures were upscaled with AI.
-Fixed tree wall mapping.
-Changed background.
3D mountains from Chuck_CG's Landscape pack.
-Added Summer Mountain Skin.

-Updated preview.
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UPDATE: Hello my ppl, ever since my return to skinning, people keep asking me about the European C5R pack and what's gonna be included. Honestly that's my bad for not keeping you guys up to date. I'll tell you, come down to my garage with me.

View attachment 1228809

As you can see, the pack contains a few skins from europe (obviously). I'm not showing all of them though.This pack will consist of teams like GLPK Carsport, Selleslagh Racing, Excelsior etc. Ranging from the Belcar series to the FIA GT. I might make some FFSA GT skins, but don't quote me on that. So far my favorite is the FIA GT GLPK #6 from 2006, what about you guys? These skins can also be used on BE_Modding's corvettes for the canards. I set this pack to be about 13 skins, however that number could change in the future. Some ask "When are you releasing this pack?" Not sure yet, but rough estimate around late February to March.

Hope this cleared some things up.

View attachment 1228815
View attachment 1228817View attachment 1228816

This one is W.I.P PSI's corvette. All I need to do is put the sponsors on and THAT car will be finished.

View attachment 1228835View attachment 1228834
How to get multiple cars in that showroom?
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While skinning the Toyota Racing series cars from the 2021 NZ Grand Prix, I thought I'd try to learn how to create driver suits.
Think this came up not too bad for a first go. (Real pic added for comparison)
The Helmet and gloves were already done for the V8 Supercars, the creator gave permission to use those. They will be included with the car when I get around to finishing the mod. 8 more 2021 skins left to do. All the 2020 skins are done mostly from the rF2 mod, the missing skins added and helmets have been loaned, but no permission to include them.
View attachment 1228876View attachment 1228877
Looks great, but I'd suggest not having light-coloured shoes as these always really stand out in VR and can look unrealistically distracting.
You might also want to apply this quick leg/shoe shading, which can also help with immersion.
Looks great, but I'd suggest not having light-coloured shoes as these always really stand out in VR and can look unrealistically distracting.
You might also want to apply this quick leg/shoe shading, which can also help with immersion.
thanks. I did the light shoe because that's what he wears.


Yeah, the suit is great, but that pilot has a bad case of poor blood circulation in his lower extremities, judging by his swollen feet...
Blame Kunos for that lol
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Hi everyone,

I'm releasing Long Beach remastered

I have redone most of the shaders , added skidmarks, reflections and more,i have created the missing bridge and fencepoling, overhauled some off the trees and added the missing ones and some other minor changes.
I still don't know (and quiet frankly not really bothered)how to do lightning and rain etc. so if anyone is interested in doing it, i can upload the editor files.

I'm still running at an older CSP so depending on your setup and filter it might look awful and the original long beach wasn't really friendly to the system to begin with and i've only added more polygons, maps and textures to it, so it might struggle to get decent FPS (especially if you run in 4K)

I also dont know if it will work by simply dragging the file into content manager, probably better to just copypaste the folder into the tracks folder manually.

Big thanks to Terra21 and nrms for the original conversion and Reboot team and JohnR from which i borrowed some textures.

View attachment 1228740

View attachment 1228741

View attachment 1228739
@FAL9000 it looks great but @ludwig6666 did an excellent reworked version 2 weeks ago with new asphalt and 3d trees and other things that here are will be great if you could collaborate to put all things together to have a "definitive" version!

ps. here the version mentioned :)

First, thanks to all that participated in previous release of Long Beach (t21 nrms).
It's far from perfect but I think it's a small step forward.

View attachment 1222996

In this "reworked" version:

-3d trees - thanks to El Locho for the models!, M08 (autopolis) and TCFSHCRW :-)
-Some lights
-Some new textures (asphalt)

What would be nice to add:
-Finish and optimize lights
-missing white structure at T1 (I don't know why is not present in the original track)

View attachment 1222995

note1: To decrease the number of trees it is just to delete some lines inside "t21_long_beach_nrms\extension\trees\trees_track.txt"
note2: I kept all of the original files... just in case...

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Maybe one day i switch to a newer csp with 3d trees :lol:Until then, i can upload the fbx file's with the shader ini's and texture map to make it easier for someone else to put everything together
They're two different cars, you can see the differences in even the linked pics

You could have just downloaded both and seen lol
I Just download, thx
Okay, thanks for the answer, but, according to the data.ini of the 2 cars, the final ratio is far from reality. From what google says, the CS has 7 gears, and the 240i has a 6-speed manual and an 8-speed automatic..
Hello mates, I wanted some help to find out which version of Mercedes GT3 (which fits in the Copy 3 skin). Copy 1 is the 2020 Mercedes AMG GT3 EVO, copy 2 ( By Kunos ), and copy 3 ( is the one I'm trying to figure out, as it has a lot of skins from 2020 , 2021 , and I didn't realize when I downloaded it years ago that the (rear bumper, it doesn't "adjust" with the "skin file" "Mercedes by Kunos", the rest is perfect.
Is there any other Mercedes GT3 (which uses these skin version). adjust. Thank you in advance.


  • Paint.png
    184 KB · Views: 24
Could be fixed on some parts, like tents, grass, trees and tree walls. Maybe also with new vao-patch...
View attachment 1228199
View attachment 1228205

Maybe some other parts could be optimized too, but that was just a quick config fix. ;)
I´m sure @racinjoe013 will change textures anyway, so I´ll better wait for it, before sharing this config... ;)
Thanks for sharing this conversion @RMi_wood ... :)
Sorry, it took a bit longer, but I hadn't much time lately. So it is also only a quick fix, but fixes imo some formely shown issues from lately posted Zolder 2009 v1.21 track from @RMi_wood .
Backup old files, if you want to reverse it. Then extract attached zip file into AC root folder.
Hope you enjoy it. :)


    1.7 MB · Views: 70
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Lotus Exige 240 Cup 2006 Release!!!

Hi Peter

Your work is excellent! I have a couple of your cars, and really enjoy them.

Can you let me know what you're planning on converting soon, and a link to all your work?

Hello mates, I wanted some help to find out which version of Mercedes GT3 (which fits in the Copy 3 skin). Copy 1 is the 2020 Mercedes AMG GT3 EVO, copy 2 ( By Kunos ), and copy 3 ( is the one I'm trying to figure out, as it has a lot of skins from 2020 , 2021 , and I didn't realize when I downloaded it years ago that the (rear bumper, it doesn't "adjust" with the "skin file" "Mercedes by Kunos", the rest is perfect.
Is there any other Mercedes GT3 (which uses these skin version). adjust. Thank you in advance.
You are thinking of AGU modding extension version which adds additional parts to the base kunos car to make it a 2020 spec car.
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Just started making a track and I'm getting multiple issues firstly as you can see in the 1st picture If i use local units scale in Blender when exporting I get 2 pillars spawning really far away from the car I'm guessing it's something to do with the pit crew as they don't appear anywhere. Then if I use FBX units scale like you're supposed to (second picture) none of the scales make sense everything is like a quarter of the size it should be and I don't get the weird pillars (or pit crew). Then you can see in Blender kind of what the true scale should be. Any help with this?
I'm guessing you have this sorted by now but if not you will need to use your first pics option so the world is scaled correctly then reset the scale on your spawn points dummies. Unfortunately I don't know how to do this in Blender but I'm sure the info is out there. GLHF.
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