Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
For all those who want to create a grid for le mans 2023 (found on instagram) :cheers:


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Oh noooooooooo!

Hi everyone, sorry it's been so long... Real life commitments have unfortunately taken precedence.
It's time I shared a decision that's taken me some time to make. I'm no longer making mods. This is partly because my free time has been hard to come by... Then when I've had some available time, I've had to waste it chasing DMCA takedown / removals because of 'people' illegally sharing my work (and Bens), or... Illegal ports of my work into other games... Not asking permission, not even giving due credit for my years of work, passing it off as their own.
So.... Unfortunately there will be no LA Canyons 1.4 update... The Colorado and Wyoming tracks I was considering are also cancelled / or at best on pause for another day.
I'd like to thank everyone for their fantastic support along my track making journey! Most of you have been amazing! If any modding work continues, I will have to email a select number of people personally and thank them with something.
As is usually the case, it's a shame 'The few have to spoil it for the many'
Cheers everyone! Take care,
A Warning to all enthusiasts of vintage motorsport!!!!

This time, I share something different: in addition to the traditional pack of JSONs, here is a new version of the 1967 F1 Custom Championship, with some modifications made by me. This is a redo of PrivateVaosOnly 1967 F1 Championship, with updated tracks, cars etc... I tried to stay as close to reality as possible, putting new updated mods (mainly tracks), in addition to complementing with other points that I thought would give more diversity and historicity to the grid. I choose 25% as race distance for most of the tracks (with exception being Spa and Nurburgring, which are close to 33%) - you can change this all other points at your own will, after all!



A full list of changes is inside the ReadMe file, which is EXTREMELY important to be read, as it contains all the instructions to make the championship work correctly. Thanks to all contributors are there aswell.
Any tips and suggestions are welcomed - I expect to release another version of this championship soon, with some extras. It will be another option for it.

Just wish u guys have fun with it!


Circuit Fay de Bretagne
View attachment 1108630

Circuit de Fontenay le Comte
View attachment 1108631

Anyone interested in making updates and improvements for these 2 new tracks ? These tracks were made by a French modder who no longer has time to work on it.
Please contact me privately
I have all the files to continue developing the tracks (RTB) sorry but I'm not modder ...

thanks for your help
Hello i'm very interested by Fontenay le comte
A comparative test with the Lotus 18 vs Ferrari D256/60 "fake" in Zandvoort 1960.
Real time in qualifying: Pole / S.Moss / Lotus 18 = 1m 33''2
13th / P.Hill / Ferrari D246/60 = 1m 36''4
In the simulation: Lotus 18 = 1m 33'' 652
Ferrari D246 = 1m 35'' 895

Mate where i can find the link to downlaod de Lotus 18?? I really need that car to complete my collection. Thank's in advance!
Hi guys,

I need your help for the identification of a logo on the Konrad #00 964 RSR from the 1994 Sebring 12H race.

View attachment 1261454
I would be glad if you could help.
The car also competed in the Daytona 24H, but without this sponsor.


It seams to be Transbrasil logo, an old Brazilian Airline that not exists anymore


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Kyalami 1976

Kyalami 1976 v0.99

As always, I take no credit for the track itself. All credit for the track goes to the guys at actrackrebootproject. All I did was add some CSP features and alter the look of the track to fit my eye better. It is a standalone track so it won't alter the original version.


Original Track: actrackrebootproject
Config: @CrisT86
1976-1977 Sponsors\Logos: @leopardpete Get well soon.
Seasonal Changes Advice: @andrevr
Help and Advice: The guys from @Breathe discord channel. Too many to name here, but they know who they are. Plus @leopardpete and @Fall Guy for the pics and video I used as reference.
CSP Additions: @racinjoe013

The track itself is unfinished so expect future updates. There are a couple of things i'm not happy with. The big one being the areas where the dirt edges meet the road or grass. They don't blend well and at times have a different level of brightness. No matter what I try I can't seem to make them look the way I want. Frustration has set in and I need to step away from the track for awhile, but I don't think it's enough of an issue to hold off on making the track public.


-- If you don't care for my choices of colors for the grass and trees and want to make or use your own track skin you must first disable the automatic texture change feature in the ext_config. Just delete the SCRIPTS / EXTRAS section all the way at the bottom.
-- There is a 1977 track skin that will change the podium and control tower sponsors to their 1977 versions.
-- If you want more crowds, there is a Crowd Stuff section near the bottom of the ext_config file. Set the first Mesh Adjustment entry to Active = 0. Just know that they are simple 2 sided crowd objects and will look odd from certain angles.
-- I made a new ai line to fit my limited driving abilites better. If you don't like it, just use whatever ai file you currently use on the original Kyalami 1967 track.

View attachment 1255486
Link updated to version 0.99. Only two small updates from the previous version.

-- Better ext_config file from @CrisT86 .
-- Slightly tweaked ai sidelines so that they don't run so wide in a couple of turns and run off track.
GPLmania season Part 4!

RELEASE of Rouen 60s fix, Brno 1965 fix, update of Mexico GP 1967 and two new championships of the GPLmania series.

This time we're going to the first seasons of F1 with 50s cars and having fun with the very first winged Formula One cars. GPLmania Part 4 brings you the Legends of the 50s and the Wings of Change '68 championships with races on famous tracks of that times.

The idea of GPLmania is to bring together the best historic cars and tracks made for AC in championships that are either inspired by real historic ones or just fun to drive. Part 4 contains all work of previous parts.

There will be 5 parts, with new championships and new track releases for each part.

All download links are given in the Read Me file in the package. Be aware some of the content is for paid only.

The link for Kyalami 1976 has been updated.

Overview of all GPLmania championships:

Preview championships.JPG

ROUEN 60s grass and shader update
A graphical update for Sergio Loro's Rouen-les-Essarts. Thanks for the permission Sergio! This patch brings you a better brightness of the shaders, a better color for the grass textures and new UI previews.

Get the track here, be aware this is a paid mod:

Comparison can hardly seen in pictures, it looks even better in game.

with patch:
rouen new.jpg

rouen ori.jpg

BRNO 1965 road mesh and AI fix

  • new AI with hints for first part in the village
  • ideal line and overlays for using the time attack mode
  • fixed that strange floating feeling of the road mesh

NOTE for the author: 3DSimed killed all rF-shader with the NM-maps. If you want to use this patch simply deactivate all road and pit keys in the original track .kn5 and then apply the patch without the track file in the patch.

Get the track here:



  • smoothed road mesh



Sergio Loro recently released more of his historic Formula Junior cars (paid):

if you recommend buying the G2, as being the overall best choice now for pcvr (assetto corsa) in particular,
I would beg to differ ... , I would say the Pico 4 is... While i do not own either (i'm on Q2 still) ,
the Pico 4 is more then 200 EUR cheaper (420euro ) and gives a much better image quality then the G2, going by what i see in this through the lens video (Assetto Corsa part)
Is that true though? I mean I watched a video about the quest 2 as I bought it on release and the picture quality was considerably worse than the Rift S I was coming off of. Apparently it comes down to the fact that you are asking the usb connection to send data from and to the headset as well as maintain a decent picture quality. You don't run into that with the Rift or Reverb as they got a usb cable for data and a display port cable for visual data. It's bizarre as the actual lens of the Q2 are higher res than the Rift S, but it just doesn't have the same picture quality... Hence I'm guessing you'll run into that issue with the Pico 4 too. From watching countless hours of YouTube videos I'd still say the Reverb is a better shout...
Is that true though? I mean I watched a video about the quest 2 as I bought it on release and the picture quality was considerably worse than the Rift S I was coming off of. Apparently it comes down to the fact that you are asking the usb connection to send data from and to the headset as well as maintain a decent picture quality. You don't run into that with the Rift or Reverb as they got a usb cable for data and a display port cable for visual data. It's bizarre as the actual lens of the Q2 are higher res than the Rift S, but it just doesn't have the same picture quality... Hence I'm guessing you'll run into that issue with the Pico 4 too. From watching countless hours of YouTube videos I'd still say the Reverb is a better shout...
I went for the Pico Neo Link 3. It has DP and the picture quality is excellent. Coupled with a cheap external 12v power supply it can run all day without the battery life being an issue. Great value too.
Is that true though? I mean I watched a video about the quest 2 as I bought it on release and the picture quality was considerably worse than the Rift S I was coming off of. Apparently it comes down to the fact that you are asking the usb connection to send data from and to the headset as well as maintain a decent picture quality. You don't run into that with the Rift or Reverb as they got a usb cable for data and a display port cable for visual data. It's bizarre as the actual lens of the Q2 are higher res than the Rift S, but it just doesn't have the same picture quality... Hence I'm guessing you'll run into that issue with the Pico 4 too. From watching countless hours of YouTube videos I'd still say the Reverb is a better shout...
hi Aaron, you are right! And I have since that post also changed my mind and looking to buy indeed a headset with a displayport connection to improve on my Q2.
I am still doubting between G2 and the Neo 3 Link, or waiting altogether to see what will come out in the next months, maybe an affordable oled headset with a displayport (Bigscreen seems perfect, but 1000 dollars is a bit too much for my taste... hopefully there will be an alternative for around 600 in the near future.).
But I posted about this in the VR thread. If you or anyone wanna reply, pls do so over there.
ISAM Motor Center (Circuito Istituto Sperimentale Auto e Motori) v1.0


Italian test track.
See the rFactor readme for details.
Conversion from rFactor.

-CSP recommended
-30 pit/start
-3 layouts
-AI, cam

Credits & Thanks;
rFactor Original Track by LcR
-Thank you for giving me permission

AC Converted by @shi (shin956)
logo.png and sections file by @Fanapryde
marshall and some textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Fanapryde , @Breathe , @Masscot

Download (mediafire)

Converted upon request by Patreon member Aldo Coletta.
Hi all, it may seem a noob question, in reality I am not a noob but I never care about that topic before, but now I began to play the replay of a race and to record it (for youtube)
So my question is that now I need to have some kind of leaderbord overlay (like as with F9) be on screen during the replay, to show at least my position (or all drivers) and the number of lap in which we are during the race/replay (and maybe the lap time)
But the standard AC apps do not show the position of my driver/car during the replay ...
I imagine there is an easy/fast answer to that but at the moment I do not know ... any tips ?
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Release: Long Beach 58 Pits & Laguna Seca 50 Pits Track Layouts

Extra layouts for Long Beach and Laguna Seca. So you can now have big grids here.

Will be doing more American tracks that need it in coming weeks.

I've bundled the Long Beach track too as it seems many did not have it. This is the best version on Assetto as F/N did all the shader fixes and added better water etc. The Fountain was also sorted out.

Kunos did the track for Laguna Seca FYI.


Screenshot_rss_gt_shadow_v8_fln_long beach_29-4-123-1-31-6.jpg



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Some weeks ago a mate of mine at@RD made special request AI lines for me, which i am allowed to share here

Presenting greatly improved AI lines + little bit extra for the good old AVUS-DTM track. Due to the track characteristics the AI is still far from beeing perfect (probably impossible to make a perfect one for this track) but at higher opponent levels is much more competetive and behaving more realistic now. Finally the tracks becomes useable in single player.


Some weeks ago a mate of mine at@RD made special request AI lines for me, which i am allowed to share here

Presenting greatly improved AI lines + little bit extra for the good old AVUS-DTM track. Due to the track characteristics the AI is still far from beeing perfect (probably impossible to make a perfect one for this track) but at higher opponent levels is much more competetive and behaving more realistic now. Finally the tracks becomes useable in single player.

Thank You

I've already created an AI for myself. It's really very difficult to get the cars through the chicane without crashing.
I hope the hole Track gets a few more Updates. The Track could also use a few additional TV cams.
ISAM Motor Center (Circuito Istituto Sperimentale Auto e Motori) v1.0

View attachment 1261723
Italian test track.
See the rFactor readme for details.
Conversion from rFactor.

-CSP recommended
-30 pit/start
-3 layouts
-AI, cam

Credits & Thanks;
rFactor Original Track by LcR
-Thank you for giving me permission

AC Converted by @shi (shin956)
logo.png and sections file by @Fanapryde
marshall and some textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Fanapryde , @Breathe , @Masscot

Download (mediafire)

Converted upon request by Patreon member Aldo Coletta.

A dream comes true. With Vallelunga and ISAM both my local tracks are in AC now.
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