Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
New Cadwell Park just surfaced on RD. Worth a try!



Also here, the author uses some really weird screenshots to promote it, so better just give it a try, the ingame look may differ (see my screenshot above)!

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EDIT: I have a lucky hand for fixing cars today. I also could fix the missing monitor shader for the Ferrari 296 GT3 by ChemFlummi.
Is this fix current to version ChemFlummi 1.7 or is this for older versions ?
are you talking about the UI_track.JSON file in the UI folder. :confused:
ok I just checked CM you have to go to content, track and then the starting grid number is there, with other informations. Or if you're in drive menu you can click "manage track" (the tools icon inside the picture)
I've always said my mods are not for everyone. If the track looked on my end the way it does on your end then I wouldn't have to waste my time on making changes. Unfortunately, most tracks look nuclear for me with the CSP configs. That's why I always have to make changes. Honestly, when I see a pic like yours, I can never understand why everything is so nuclear for me. I can adjust my gamma and exposure settings to make the trees and grass darker, but that also impacts the ambient light and then day time looks too dark ambient wise. I just find it easier to make a track mod and then share it in case anyone else has the same problem I have.
It might be worth reminding people that you use Reshade, as that might explain why some people get vastly different standard results to you and why your adjustments might not suit their settings.
Hi everyone,
but what happened to RaceDepartment? did it become paid? :-(
See I am not the only one who did not know.

If you had an account on RD use that to login or do a password reset and you should be able to use OverTake / RaceDepartment.
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It might be worth reminding people that you use Reshade, as that might explain why some people get vastly different standard results to you and why your adjustments might not suit their settings.
True, but what I use reshade for wouldn't make that big of a difference. I don't use reshade to adjust colors or lighting. I use it for things like AA, bloom, etc.
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New Cadwell Park just surfaced on RD. Worth a try!

View attachment 1339591

View attachment 1339593

Also here, the author uses some really weird screenshots to promote it, so better just give it a try, the ingame look may differ (see my screenshot above)!

View attachment 1339592
Agreed, it's an excellent version. He really should consider changing the pictures in his release announcement though. I'm afraid they will turn some people off and make them not try the track and that would be a shame. In game it looks tremendous.
Agreed, it's an excellent version. He really should consider changing the pictures in his release announcement though. I'm afraid they will turn some people off and make them not try the track and that would be a shame. In game it looks tremendous.
I have a few reasons to not try it out, but the preview pictures are not one of them:
1. the quality of his previous tracks
2. his attitude when someone points out the errors
3. I already have an excellent Cadwell Park, why would I need this?
Hey guys, I'm running out of space and I'm thinking about doing the Content Manager compression thing. Any reason I would not want to do that? Is it still easy to just go into a track folder and modify, for example, the ui_track.json, modify a skin texture, etc. Or after I compress will it be difficult to make changes. What issues might I run into? Who has done this?

Perfect, thanks man.
hi Teddie , and everyone
don't use the CM compress, use Compactor instead (you can see details here on why I recommend this)
Do it. No downside besides you'll have to do it more often afterwards (every few months on my end). Which is normal, cause you'll have more content on a disk that the disk can handle uncompressed. You understand how it works? It compresses everything, but when you again use something (track, car) it uncompressed that part. So in theory when you use every car and every track, everything is uncompressed again.

It takes a couple of hours though. So do it when you don't plan on using the computer.

But do it, it can save up to 50% of space.
hmmm, as far as I understood files do not get decompressed on disk when they are merely used. They are decompressed in memory to be used by the game, but they stay compressed on the disk I would imagine. Unless ofcourse they are changed/altered and thus rewritten to disk.
Only files that get written back to disk are then uncompressed on disk (eg. when you make a new preview in CM, CM makes a new preview.png file and the old one is overwritten. CM does not know it was compressed to begin with.)
So a regular new run of Compactor needs to re-compress the 'new' and changed files only.
If you were to not install new cars or make any changes to your cars , you could drive them all and your complete car directory would still all stay compressed on the disk afaik.

And even if I would be wrong in assuming that , it is even better to use Compactor, as it will take less time and save more space then CM compress. :)

EDIT : as a test I compressed my carfolder, leaving 0 files uncompressed. Then I drove at least 10 different car mods on several tracks , and did an analyze afterwards with Compactor, giving me this result:


So this tells me that not all files that were used got decompressed (only the ones that got altered, like ini files when positioning mirrors etc. )
otherwise I would have several hundreds of Megabytes compressible after having driven 10+ mods
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I have a few reasons to not try it out, but the preview pictures are not one of them:
1. the quality of his previous tracks
2. his attitude when someone points out the errors
3. I already have an excellent Cadwell Park, why would I need this?
I can't comment on that because I have no experience interacting with him. I just know that it's a nice version of the track. Whether it's better or worse than the previous version is up to the end user.
You're right about that and I agree. But sometimes I miss being able to start a title without thinking about the thousand factors that could create various types of problems. Obviously being moddable infinitely broadens the horizons of a title, AC1 is more alive than ever after about 10 years. Well, maybe sometimes there's a lack of peace of mind for me, that's all.
The can of worms is more than open and flooding, who know what's next.
Fixing? Breaking? Randomly implementing things? More free betatesting?

To me that peace of mind has a long, long name:
"Be a decent man, stop development, announce a long season of fixes, let the scripting be to only way to add small things to AC, move to something else, it's been a good ride, you don't need our money, goodbye."

Has anybody been able to achieve valid results with L.B.'s Infineon's AI?
I'm getting tons of crashes on most cars...
hi Teddie , and everyone
don't use the CM compress, use Compactor instead (you can see details here on why I recommend this)

hmmm, as far as I understood files do not get decompressed on disk when they are merely used. They are decompressed in memory to be used by the game, but they stay compressed on the disk I would imagine. Unless ofcourse they are changed/altered and thus rewritten to disk.
Only files that get written back to disk are then uncompressed on disk (eg. when you make a new preview in CM, CM makes a new preview.png file and the old one is overwritten. CM does not know it was compressed to begin with.)
So a regular new run of Compactor needs to re-compress the 'new' and changed files only.
If you were to not install new cars or make any changes to your cars , you could drive them all and your complete car directory would still all stay compressed on the disk afaik.

And even if I would be wrong in assuming that , it is even better to use Compactor, as it will take less time and save more space then CM compress. :)
I also definitely recommend using Compactor to compress rather than CM, the size difference was massive for me
It should work with the latest version.
What exactly do I need checking ? I'm on v1.4 and I couldn't find anything looking different before /after ?
Installed v1.7 now and I see nothing different vs v1.4 (with or without update) either... maybe I should buy some glasses...😎
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About the clouds, no, the Sol clouds are not compatible with Pure. Pure also have a 3d clouds option. You can set this in Pure Config clouds tab. But the decision was to focus on skydomes, because those saving the most fps for other things in AC now. And imo they look much better than those billboard clouds.
There’s no doubt the skydomes are a better solution for 98% of users but I still love the 3D clouds, especially in VR with the depth of them. I haven’t been able to recreate it but one time I was cruising up the brilliant Pikes Peak by @Lernatix listening to music, and driving into, through, and above the clouds was one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced in AC!

So ultimately thank you for giving us the option and continuing to make this game more amazing!
What exactly do I need checking ? I'm on v1.4 and I couldn't find anything looking different before /after ?
Installed v1.7 now and I see nothing different vs v1.4 (with or without update) either... maybe I should buy some glasses...😎
It only changes the shader setting of the monitor in the car + better support for automatic shifting.
About the clouds, no, the Sol clouds are not compatible with Pure. Pure also have a 3d clouds option. You can set this in Pure Config clouds tab. But the decision was to focus on skydomes, because those saving the most fps for other things in AC now. And imo they look much better than those billboard clouds.
I would have to respectfully disagree and hope that some time down the road you will revisit the 3D clouds to try an improve their look so that they resemble the quality of the 3D clouds in Sol. I just can't get past how fake the skydome clouds look in a 3D environment. Don't get me wrong, they look great. They are very crisp and clear, but that is the problem. They look too much like an image in the sky rather than actual clouds in the sky.

The best way I can describe it is the way someone making a video puts an image behind them so that it looks like they are doing the video from a beach and not from their office. You can always tell it's fake because the two 'worlds' don't blend together right. That's how I view the skydome clouds.

But this is just one man's opinion. Please don't take offense. I'm still in awe of what you do and couldn't drive AC without it.
hi Teddie , and everyone
don't use the CM compress, use Compactor instead (you can see details here on why I recommend this)

hmmm, as far as I understood files do not get decompressed on disk when they are merely used. They are decompressed in memory to be used by the game, but they stay compressed on the disk I would imagine. Unless ofcourse they are changed/altered and thus rewritten to disk.
Only files that get written back to disk are then uncompressed on disk (eg. when you make a new preview in CM, CM makes a new preview.png file and the old one is overwritten. CM does not know it was compressed to begin with.)
So a regular new run of Compactor needs to re-compress the 'new' and changed files only.
If you were to not install new cars or make any changes to your cars , you could drive them all and your complete car directory would still all stay compressed on the disk afaik.

And even if I would be wrong in assuming that , it is even better to use Compactor, as it will take less time and save more space then CM compress. :)

EDIT : as a test I compressed my carfolder, leaving 0 files uncompressed. Then I drove at least 10 different car mods on several tracks , and did an analyze afterwards with Compactor, giving me this result:

View attachment 1339681

So this tells me that not all files that were used got decompressed (only the ones that got altered, like ini files when positioning mirrors etc. )
otherwise I would have several hundreds of Megabytes compressible after having driven 10+ mods
Ok. I didn't know. I always just get back to full disk after a few months. If I install new things or not. So I assumed.
hi Teddie , and everyone
don't use the CM compress, use Compactor instead (you can see details here on why I recommend this)

hmmm, as far as I understood files do not get decompressed on disk when they are merely used. They are decompressed in memory to be used by the game, but they stay compressed on the disk I would imagine. Unless ofcourse they are changed/altered and thus rewritten to disk.
Only files that get written back to disk are then uncompressed on disk (eg. when you make a new preview in CM, CM makes a new preview.png file and the old one is overwritten. CM does not know it was compressed to begin with.)
So a regular new run of Compactor needs to re-compress the 'new' and changed files only.
If you were to not install new cars or make any changes to your cars , you could drive them all and your complete car directory would still all stay compressed on the disk afaik.

And even if I would be wrong in assuming that , it is even better to use Compactor, as it will take less time and save more space then CM compress. :)

EDIT : as a test I compressed my carfolder, leaving 0 files uncompressed. Then I drove at least 10 different car mods on several tracks , and did an analyze afterwards with Compactor, giving me this result:

View attachment 1339681

So this tells me that not all files that were used got decompressed (only the ones that got altered, like ini files when positioning mirrors etc. )
otherwise I would have several hundreds of Megabytes compressible after having driven 10+ mods
jac0, very freakin' cool, man. I'm currently compressing my cars folder. I'm wondering how my backups will go. So at the moment, when I do a nightly backup of my assetto folder, it's about 3.75 Terabyte. With it compressed at half the size, I'm wondering if it will stay compressed when I do my nightly backup. Or will it uncompress it on the target backup drive. I'm hoping it will stay compressed in the backup because I'm running out of space on the backup drive as well. We'll see.
I'm currently working on an editor to customize the shader for the tracks. By default it modulates the effect via altitude and randomness. But in the final version there will be an editor in Pure Conifg to edit and manage this effect ingame and

Actually all stayed the same on Overtake. Just another name on the surface.

About the clouds, no, the Sol clouds are not compatible with Pure. Pure also have a 3d clouds option. You can set this in Pure Config clouds tab. But the decision was to focus on skydomes, because those saving the most fps for other things in AC now. And imo they look much better than those billboard clouds.
Actually, I had a few races last night and sometimes the new skydomes are absolutely beautiful. No complaints in the end. Your new skydome implementation might also be why I don't get random hitches like I did with Sol. @Peter Boese , one thing I wouldn't mind seeing in a future version is hover-over tooltips on the planner screen that has the weather type cards/buttons. Not really a big deal, because I will eventually learn what each one is. Just something I was thinking about last night.
are you talking about the UI_track.JSON file in the UI folder. :confused:
Not that easy. Yes, one of the steps is to modify the JSON, but before that you have to edit the track to assign new pit boxes and add more starting grid places with 3Dsimed
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