Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Ahh yes! In geometry and geography terms this looks much more representative.


Very rough (private) conversion I did a while ago, at least you don't fall through the ground whaha. Maybe someone more experienced can update it?? And a set of your great camera's would be awesome.

And PS; atm a lot of stuff is not working!
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I wish someone talented could make a good 1987-1990 version. The one that exists from the 1988 mod, is… terrible, which is unfortunate as most of the tracks from that selection are ok.
Don't forget a period correct Sepang track. Adding the 1999 sponsors to the current track isn't quite the same as billboards and such have changed...
Last year I got download crazy with mods and tonight I deleted all non Kunos cars, and kept my VRC, RSS, and URD cars. The only thing is that I love late 80's to early/mid 90's touring cars and I wanted to know who has the best besides the VRC pack. I think I have narrowed it down but I'd like some more educated opinions from this community. Tommy78, PM3DM, CyrilCherry, or someone else? I like finished interiors and I remember having issues with somebody's interiors but I can't remember who because I had such a bloated list of cars to try to parse through and I got sick of the bloat and went scorched earth on 100's of gigs of cars. Let me know your opinions please
If you have thousands of cars you don't have any. I to went download crazy. I was downloading, not driving. I was not having as much fun as I used to. I kept a bunch of cars, but mainly drive about 15. Now I spend time driving, having a blast, not watching the spinning circle of downloading.

View attachment 1419700

Very rough (private) conversion I did a while ago, at least you don't fall through the ground whaha. Maybe someone more experienced can update it?? And a set of your great camera's would be awesome.
Is there an ai_line? I’d need that to create a set of cams for it.
Montreal 1994 - 1995 v1.0


Circuit Gilles Villeneuve with 1994 - 1995 layout.
Conversion from F1 Challenge.

-CSP recommended
-2 layouts (Only change billboards)
-38 pit/start
-AI, cam

NOTE; If you are using Sol and the track screen is dark, rename ext_config_for_sol.ini to ext_config.ini in the extension folder.

Credits & Thanks;
F1 Challenge Track by dmarques
(Based on the default F1C circuit with major upgrades to buildings and surroundings)

Terms Of Use; (F1C)
Enjoy this mod to the fullest, that's all. If you want to convert or use this
as a base to create other cars, you're welcome in doing so as long as the
appropriate credit is given to the respective authors of the files you are
using. You can find all authors in this file

AC converted by @shi (shin956)
Pit tent from F1-S-R's 1994 Track Pack
AI and sidelines by IMEAN
logo.png and Sections file by @Fanapryde
Crowds texture by @Kniker97
cone and some textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Breathe

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View attachment 1419700

Very rough (private) conversion I did a while ago, at least you don't fall through the ground whaha. Maybe someone more experienced can update it?? And a set of your great camera's would be awesome.

And PS; atm a lot of stuff is not working!
Could be a superb project for @shi perhaps?
It would be a pleasure for me to do the cams. :D
Could be a superb project for @shi perhaps?
It would be a pleasure for me to do the cams. :D
It would be fantastic if you did some close up to track action cams for VR for the new Silverstone. Cheers.

That's my hope too, for RSS to do a complete 2024+ revamp with all the current changes included.
Pyyer's extension is admirable, but some of the modelling is a little basic and the hotel link bridge isn't particularly accurate. His extension also suffers with his trademark texture flickering which for me always makes them unusable unless I take time to fix them myself.
Yes the texture flickering drives you mad. I have it a lot on SX Le Mans on the barriers and fences ect. Do you know how to stop or minimise it. It’s always when the sun is shining in daylight. Thanks.
Last year I got download crazy with mods and tonight I deleted all non Kunos cars, and kept my VRC, RSS, and URD cars. The only thing is that I love late 80's to early/mid 90's touring cars and I wanted to know who has the best besides the VRC pack. I think I have narrowed it down but I'd like some more educated opinions from this community. Tommy78, PM3DM, CyrilCherry, or someone else? I like finished interiors and I remember having issues with somebody's interiors but I can't remember who because I had such a bloated list of cars to try to parse through and I got sick of the bloat and went scorched earth on 100's of gigs of cars. Let me know your opinions please
A guy on Reddit recommended the PM3DM ones to me yesterday especially the Nissan. The interior is great which is important in VR and I had a great race with them today albeit I do need to add some ballast to myself and they have the usual crap AC start and first 2 corners. He also recommends the VRC pack to expand the field.
Valencia Street Circuit (valencia)
There is a Z-fight before the first box on the pit lane.
add at the end of valencia\extension\ext_config.ini


if you have PYYER EXT open
Goto [DEFAULTS] section

and add to the end of MESHES_TO_HIDE the string ", 02PITLANE"
It should be something like:

TRACK_FILE = acu_valencia.kn5, valencia.kn5, valencia__extras.kn5
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If you have thousands of cars you don't have any. I to went download crazy. I was downloading, not driving. I was not having as much fun as I used to. I kept a bunch of cars, but mainly drive about 15. Now I spend time driving, having a blast, not watching the spinning circle of downloading.
I'm doing this now, getting rid of so many mods, sort of in anticipation of AC EVO and also because I use AC a lot less than i used to, i sort of reached a peak with it and I blame that mainly on modding stuff myself i just burnt out a bit, so much time spent in the data files messing about the joy started to be sucked out.... but at over 4000hrs, its amazing it tok this long.
So plan is bin off as many cars as possible a part from ones i've made and kunos ones.

Got round to doing the retro De Anglis Simpson helmet the other day for those that saw those posts....

A guy on Reddit recommended the PM3DM ones to me yesterday especially the Nissan. The interior is great which is important in VR and I had a great race with them today albeit I do need to add some ballast to myself and they have the usual crap AC start and first 2 corners. He also recommends the VRC pack to expand the field.

May i jump in and offer you another solution for your AI races : you can tweak create AI cars using Assetto car tuner

This way you keep your real driving style and pace, but you decide how fast the AI can go.
On a basic setting, i just manually edit the power.lut, adding 8 to 12% in the mid-range, and only 3-4% to high RPMs.
You can then edit a few tyre features such as overheating ratio and other stuffs, you can also edit the drivetrain to give your opponent a more efficient gear ratio, and then edit the ai.ini a bit to make them more aggresively driving.

Also, editing the setup.ini allows you to let the AI use full turbo settings or go above damage RPM, bringing some nice motor explosions offline when the AI goes too hard. I love the randomness of it.

It's a funny way to improve your driving offline, and if you're driving clean some slight battles actually happen.

Let me know if you want me to edit one or 2 cars of this to give you an example.
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It would be fantastic if you did some close up to track action cams for VR for the new Silverstone. Cheers.

Yes the texture flickering drives you mad. I have it a lot on SX Le Mans on the barriers and fences ect. Do you know how to stop or minimise it. It’s always when the sun is shining in daylight. Thanks.
My main thing is trying to recreate the TV broadcast cameras from certain Grand Prix back in the day.
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Porsche 924 LM/GTP/GTU - v1.11

  • 3 variants with chassis# matched specifications where applicable
  • LM: dyno tuned, gearbox, top speed and performance accurate acording to historic specs as run at LeMans 1980-1981 (345bhp)
  • GTP: same as above but based on the 1981-1982 customer cars for IMSA GTP Gr4 (375bhp)
  • GTU: based on semi-fictional GTU/GTO Gr5 style specs (572bhp)

- Physics for engines/drivetrain/gearbox were researched from FIA Homologation records and actual dyno run traces

  • skin sets all use custom tyre textures and wheel sets as well as different light treatments and other misc bits via configs
  • small errors may exist, gap in interior door is known, however uncorrectable at this time, sorry for any inconvenience
  • template included

- CSP is required


:: DOWNLOAD v1.0 ::

changelog v1.11
  • VAO and config from @leBluem
  • driver_80 reverted to driver in 3d_driver.ini and skin.ini files adjusted ( thanks @Masscot )
  • remaining tyre blurs fixed (hopefully)
  • UI version updated
:: DOWNLOAD v1.11 ::

Porsche 924 LM/GTP/GTU - v1.11


changelog v1.11
  • VAO and config from @leBluem
  • driver_80 reverted to driver in 3d_driver.ini and skin.ini files adjusted ( thanks @Masscot )
  • remaining tyre blurs fixed (hopefully)
  • autoshift for GTU adjusted ( thanks @Fanapryde )
  • other loose ends fixed
  • UI version updated

:: DOWNLOAD v1.11 ::
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I'm doing this now, getting rid of so many mods, sort of in anticipation of AC EVO and also because I use AC a lot less than i used to, i sort of reached a peak with it and I blame that mainly on modding stuff myself i just burnt out a bit, so much time spent in the data files messing about the joy started to be sucked out.... but at over 4000hrs, its amazing it tok this long.
So plan is bin off as many cars as possible a part from ones i've made and kunos ones.

Got round to doing the retro De Anglis Simpson helmet the other day for those that saw those posts....

View attachment 1419754View attachment 1419755
Care 2 share the driver file?
Valencia Street Circuit (valencia)
There is a Z-fight before the first box on the pit lane.
add at the end of valencia\extension\ext_config.ini


if you have PYYER EXT open
Goto [DEFAULTS] section

and add to the end of MESHES_TO_HIDE the string ", 02PITLANE"
It should be something like:

TRACK_FILE = acu_valencia.kn5, valencia.kn5, valencia__extras.kn5
I finally got rid of the most annoying Z-Fighting in the whole game for me, the flickering of the trees on the hill behind Breitscheid, which you can see because of the great distance when you drive down the hill towards “Fuchsröhre” after the “Postbrücke”.

The following entry to the ext_config.ini of “ks_nordschleife” now fades in the trees later, so that you only see the satellite image when you drive towards “Fuchsröhre”, which also looks much better. The second block hides some flickering trees on the right side at the end of the “Döttinger Höhe”.

; fixes tree flickering
LOD_IN = 0
LOD_OUT = 500

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A guy on Reddit recommended the PM3DM ones to me yesterday especially the Nissan. The interior is great which is important in VR and I had a great race with them today albeit I do need to add some ballast to myself and they have the usual crap AC start and first 2 corners. He also recommends the VRC pack to expand the field.

The BMW 320i STW-BTCC by PM3DM does not have a good interior as far as I'm aware unless someone added to it???
My main thing is trying to recreate the TV broadcast cameras from certain Grand Prix back in the day.
That’s great but in VR they don’t show up the same as on a monitor. The cams need to be closer to get the same as a monitor. I have tried to change fov but doesn’t work unless you know how to do it. Cheers.
Yes the texture flickering drives you mad. I have it a lot on SX Le Mans on the barriers and fences ect. Do you know how to stop or minimise it. It’s always when the sun is shining in daylight. Thanks.
With Pyyer extensions the flickering is usually z-fighting because he sometimes just plonks new meshes on top of exiting ones, so you can try hiding the underlying mesh:

;useful for hiding stuff

For shimmering armco barriers, this can sometimes work:

DESCRIPTION=possibly reduce moire banding on armco barriers, depends on texture complexity
PROP_...=ksAmbient, 0.7
PROP_...=ksDiffuse, 0.0

Get mesh or material names in Object Inspector.
It's all a bit experimental/hit & miss, but sometimes the results are worth the effort.
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The BMW 320i STW-BTCC by PM3DM does not have a good interior as far as I'm aware unless someone added to it???
There is an updated version of the PM3DM car with better interior, you should use. I think it was made by FSR. The skins for the old car all work on the new version after some resizing and renaming.
Some time ago I've updated this version for me. I added all skins (40!) I could find for the car, made LODs, added a shift, brake and gas animation and added some stuff to the ext_config.ini and ui_car.json.

Update to version 1.01:
Just a little update to the lights. The lowbeam and highbeam lights are now working correctly. I also adjusted the brightness of the LED panel in the cockpit. It's now brighter in daytime and darker at night. The RPM leds now work from 5800 to 7800 and blink at 8000.
The preset static tire pressure is now 25 PSI for all tires, so only small adjustments are needed for an ideal tire pressure.

I also tried to make a BOP for the VRC Super Tourers I use. The Nissan, Volvo and BMW (updated version) are by PM3DM, the Audi A4 Quattro is the car made by Cyril Cherry (v1.3) and the Alfa Romeo 156 STW is the version made by "Modders Squadra Corse/Davin".

BOP VRC Super Tourers.jpg
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