Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Wow Yes!!! It's been years away haha. Yes probably since rf1
I try to mod a little bit Assetto corsa, since rF1, AMs, GTR2, GTL, but it's not easy.

BTW do someone know if Apeexxer release the mazda Lola Speedsource ? Thank, he did an awesome job on all his cars and it would be good to make a little family group with it.
Thank you

Sounds great! I'm doing stuff between AC and rFactor 2... It's my only two titles I really have in use...

Actually, I saw that the dead facebook link had quite an interesting link.. "sharemodscomthj3njkej7p3" was part of it...
Put a . and a / where suitable and bam -
This could be the dumbest question asked here, but hey, what the hell...
There are cars that come with a low height setup, so you have to tweak it in order to race.
How do I save those settings to become the default choice?

If you mean just to have your setup saved for a particular track, you just have to save that setup and load it for that particular track in that car each time I believe. I don't know if there's a feature that auto-loads a user defined default setup. (someone correct me if I'm wrong here)

If you mean a car mod ride height is too low in general and you always have to raise ride height before it is acceptable, in suspension.ini, look at the rod length for front and rear.
example: "ROD_LENGTH=0.020"
Sometimes there is a heave rod length too.
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for those interested in adding a GPS in acar, I got instruction from the master himself>
• open Custom Showroom and pick a screen mesh, hoping it would have a nice UV layout for a display (for example, M4 won’t work, at least for now) • view its txDiffuse texture: notice its resolution, point at which display starts and its size in pixels • add this to car’s config:
[INCLUDE: common/navigators.ini]
Meshes = Geo_Nav ; here, use the name of that mesh
Brightness = 0.5 ; adjust brightness later so it wouldn’t shine too much
@ = Navigator_Size, Resolution = "2048, 1024", Offset = "10, 11", Size = "459, 286", Scale = 2 ; replace resolution with texture resolution, offset with start of display on texture, in pixels, size with size of display on texture, in pixels, adjust scale later so it would look of proper size

Hi, Cote!
So, if the screen element is shared, it's not possible to implement, right?
EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out (it works)! it takes 10 mins of trial & error but you get it right. Thanks!


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This could be the dumbest question asked here, but hey, what the hell...
There are cars that come with a low height setup, so you have to tweak it in order to race.
How do I save those settings to become the default choice?

Pretty much have to load a saved setup each time you use a car/track.
Good idea though is to name that set up 'ai_default' that way each time you come back to that car/track combo the AI will use this setup.
BMW M3 GT2 2010 beta 0.97 by RPM

Kunos M3 GT2 modified physics :

- Detailled Arero
- New tyres
- No ABS
- Various details changes

Changes compared to 0.96 :
- Improved FFB
- Changes in aero
- Changes on tyres

Installation instructions in the zip.
And a Content Manager preset : a grid with only kunos cars (low CPU & GPU usage), click "save preset" and put it here.

To make real grids (look for one of the two GT2, GT or GTE car, on the right, not GT4 etc) : E92.html

Here you can found some links to do the grids : cars, circuits, etc...

Please say me everything that you do not seem realistic.
hello, this tragedy leads me to disaster and today will be my last day here. (unsure)

after finishing the Mosler mt900r, I was tired because I spent 12 hours (almost every day) on my computer converting cars. after that, my mind was lost because I need someone for helping my mods. I was thinking that a sim dream can help me finish my mods and released them for free, but I was forgot something that sim dream was RTM too. after making some announcements in my group.

that when everything is collapsed.

BEM ditch me. and some of my friends think I was a sim dream members or trying to scam or put a price tag on low-Quality cars, I was felt really depressed big one because I really care about them rather my friend in school. they blocked me, abandoned me and etc. I just felt really dumb. and this is was my biggest mistake ever, now they gonna spread the news I guess (unsure) about D.K modding team partnership whit sim dream, but that thing was ditched, because I remember that sim dream was a big scam (stupid me), now I just sit here waiting, confused, nothing to do. and etc, but I'm gonna make my last mod.

and the last mod (unsure) will be the dpi and the GTR.
I dunno if the virtua_lm is gonna make it.
but if you still support me. I'm gonna still making mods for free for the public.

thanks, regard

first we did not think that you were a sim dream member we just didn't like you partnering with simdream. No need to quit the CCGT mod was awesome! just ignore the scratch made elites as i like to call them. These people will bash you if its not a scratch built mod. Each time you make a mod your skills improve.
If, like me, you're putting the Navigator on every car that supports it, here's a good way to do it:
Start the game with the ini file open, then alt+tab until it shows on screen. You can now apply resolution /offset placement changes and watch the results on the fly.

Kenneth, mate, we got you. Please consider staying. Bad things have a way of losing importance over time.
May I suggest you create an amazing spotify list and go with the flow.


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- Do what makes you happy. Take a break if you want to. You don't owe anything to anyone. This is your life. We appreciate you.
- I remember you saying your age. You have great skills for being that young. You'll have plenty of opportunities to make great things.
- Feeling ditched must suck, but it'll get better. I'd take a break and spend time with my friends if I were you.!1Ak0wAyb!cM9ltBOUVDhStIqzx2_6sbHpSUrI8-aRI66h74WTT_U (new smaller link now! took 20mb off file size!)
T16 hillclimb V0.96 (+14 more hours into it) new tires/has flames now, big blue ones out of the side/ New engine (the accurate one i posted day ago so that means twin turbo! no longer NA) Display updates aswell
+more stuff but dont wanna fill the page with details. youve seen my previous lists of changes on other cars that go for 2 paragraphs so you get it. this car is no exception to big detail changes, but its a boring read so ill save you from it.

Heres a photo of the Aero (spent a few hours of time on it) but it shouldn't use a ton of CPU usage
Enjoy the car, still is only 0.96 of 1.0 so any feedback on it ide rly appreciate so we can get it to V1.0) v0.96 is my excuse for any issues i overlooked hahaha otherwise ide call it 1.0 now!1Ak0wAyb!cM9ltBOUVDhStIqzx2_6sbHpSUrI8-aRI66h74WTT_U (new smaller link now! took 20mb off file size!)
T16 hillclimb V0.96 (+14 more hours into it) new tires/has flames now, big blue ones out of the side/ New engine (the accurate one i posted day ago so that means twin turbo! no longer NA) Display updates aswell
+more stuff but dont wanna fill the page with details. youve seen my previous lists of changes on other cars that go for 2 paragraphs so you get it. this car is no exception to big detail changes, but its a boring read so ill save you from it.

Heres a photo of the Aero (spent a few hours of time on it) but it shouldn't use a ton of CPU usage
View attachment 873564
Enjoy the car, still is only 0.96 of 1.0 so any feedback on it ide rly appreciate so we can get it to V1.0) v0.96 is my excuse for any issues i overlooked hahaha otherwise ide call it 1.0 now

Awesome work, did you sort the gearing out? ;)

ok then, after thinking it again, I confirmed I delayed the retirement.

Good to hear but I remember you age too and 12 hrs a day on a computer is just not healthy and your wasting your best years. At the end of the day it's all meaningless and your work will be forgotten sooner than you think. Don't look back on this time and regret it. Go outside and enjoy life.

This is coming from an old guy with kids around your age.
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