Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
The Karussell is not too wide and I'd like to know which curbs are wrong.



RL 0:11 > right kerb in GT is higher than RL, also the RL kerb concrete part start and ends differently

RL 0:15 > right kerb is higher and narrower in GT.

RL 0:20 > right kerb in RL the kerb ends going down, in GT ends going up.

RL 1:33 > left kerb in GT it's almost twice as tall and much narrower than the RL one.

RL 1:45 > this is missing in GT


RL: 2:04 > left kerb is too low in GT same at 2:09 and 2:46

RL: 2:57 > there are 2 little bumps in the track right where the bridge start and finish, not present in GT, i know this because of videos and Nords instructor pointing that out in pCARS forum.

RL: 3:12 > right kerb is too low in GT

RL: 4:46 > Karussell (next post)

RL: 5:35 > The kerbs at Wippermann both the first at the left and the second one at the right side are too tall in GT, the second one is almost at the track level IRL.

RL: 6:03 > RL kerb is higher



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In GT the inner asphalt part, which is slightly wider, and the way the karussell is made makes the karussell wider to the driver because you can go from the inner side to the exterior easily, IRL this is not as easy.

The picture below illustrates exactly what i'm talking about.


  • K.png
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Nordschleife is my favorite track!, IMO GT5-6 has the best version (not the most accurate though).

The FM5 Nords (and most of the tracks) is what i like to call a Laserscan lite, the layout, elevation, etc are very accurate, but it lacks the bumps and imperfections a proper Laserscan should have. Also must of the kerbs are not correct (Silverstone, Bathurst have this problem too in FM5), it seems Turn 10 Scans only the track itself.

GT5-6 Nords is the best in terms of art direction, but the actual track is not very accurate if we are talking about laserscanned tracks, if it was Laserscanned it was a bad one. If it wasn't laserscanned it's damn good. Several part of the track have elevation changes that are not there IRL and it lacks others, several Kerbs are also wrong (not as severe as FM5 kerbs which IMO ruin the track), the Karussell is too wide, etc. The track IMO it's based on the GT4 one, it has the problems and all.

GTR EVO one was fine for it time too old now, still fun too drive, has some errors like the Kerbs at Wippermann, etc. Not laserscanned and it shows.

FM4 is awful the worst of all:crazy:, worst than some mods.

Snoopy one, although i appreciate the effort he made, it's not very accurate, it was based on a track that wasn't very accurate to begin with. Much better than FM4 though.

The most accurate IMO it's the rFactor Pro one, but it's not available to the general public.:grumpy:

Although I respect your opinion, you're very wrong in many regards!
In terms of the Nordschleife in GT5/6, there are not problem with unaccurate curbs, the curbs have the best implementation of all curbs in any version in any game, the best example would be the last curb at the Stefan Bellof - S (right before the Schwalbenschwanz), the curb in real life is flat, and GT has the only Nordschleife that was a flat curb there and also the elevation changes are very good, although they're even too slight in some parts.

The GTR Evo track, after driving it a couple of weeks ago again, just shows that a) it's inaccurate and b) the Karussel is complete rubbish.
The same applies to the FM4 Nordschleife, which was still a version from FM2 I believe, so it was also fairly dated, but I think the biggest game changer in this game wasn't the Nordschleife itself, but the horrible physics.

It would be good to know, which version of the Nordschleife you're using. I believe in 1.1 he used a different track layout, the one he has used before wasn't accurate, that's true. But the new layout (I know I'm repeating myself over and over again) is accurate. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get your reference from? Videos? Other games? Have you ever driven one lap over the Nordschleife? If the last is the fact, then maybe you should drive a couple more times over it, because the elevation changes are spot on, albeit not perfect. But non of the in - game versions come anywhere close to the real - life version. And in general, and that is not meant as an insult to anyone here, I don't think that people, who've never driven or at least been at the track can in anyway judge the accuracy of the track (Nordschleife) in any game.

Agreed, I get no flow in the Snoopy version. The elevation is a problem for me too. Coming from GT, I still was not able to do a clean lap on Snoopys version. And sometimes I am not sure where I am at the moment and get in "panic" because then I don´t remember the next coming corners. But again, anyway, great work from Snoopy.

Yeah, I had the same troubles, not only with the track, but with the game itself. It takes some getting used to.
But "not knowing the corner" is just the beauty of blind corner :cheers:

PD was a very very long time on the NS and they made pictures and videos of every meter. And they even have scanned the "picturs", texts on the ground. Its just crazy.
GT's NS is the closest to the reality in any racing game.

In the snoopy version i feel like on a completly other track on some corners. But it is still a good track how i said before, especially for a mod. But many corner combinations are just wrong and they take the whole feeling out of the track.

Dunno :boggled: But good for you if you like it :cheers:

I think, why the track in GT is also this good, are the texts. It adds immersion!
And I would like to know which corner combinations are wrong? :eek:
And I think, that you just proofed, that you only take you're references out of videos and video games, KingPing, but that's okay.

1) The track in GT4 wasn't laser - scanned, and was just modeled after photographs, judging the angle at which a curb sits for example is very hard unless you have a 3D image. Not to mention that the Nordschleife was probably (judging from the release date of GT4) probably modeled and photographed somewhere are 2002 - 2004, which brings me to my next point.

2) The concrete grid at the Adenauer Forst was done around 2008 I believe. Yes, they could've implemented it into GT5 and GT6, but then just the track was laser - scanned to get all the bumps correct again. The track is always changing.
Same goes for the concrete grid at the Karrussel, until the early 2000 the grass part was tarmac, and around 2007 or 2008 they've added the grid so grass could grow again. Again, another sign, that they're most likely still using everything from the GT4 days, and just have updated the track layout.

3. In general I think the inaccuracies have to do with the origin of it and the limited amount of power of the PS2 and I think that for GT7 (if they decided to remodel it completely), we would a see a much more accurate version of the Nordschleife, with the track itself and the outside.
Although I respect your opinion, you're very wrong in many regards!
In terms of the Nordschleife in GT5/6, there are not problem with unaccurate curbs, the curbs have the best implementation of all curbs in any version in any game, the best example would be the last curb at the Stefan Bellof - S (right before the Schwalbenschwanz), the curb in real life is flat, and GT has the only Nordschleife that was a flat curb there and also the elevation changes are very good, although they're even too slight in some parts.

How can there be no problems with curbs? what about wippermann?

I want to clarify something:

IF GT5/6 Nordschleife is NOT Laserscanned or is based on an old LS from the GT4 era then IMO the track is VERY accurate, top notch. IMO the best right now in a game, better even than the LS FM5 version.

IF someone says GT5/6 Nordschleife is perfect and has no problems whatsoever because it was LS, i don't agree, IMO the track is not very accurate COMPARED to what a proper LS track should be.

The GTR Evo track, after driving it a couple of weeks ago again, just shows that a) it's inaccurate and b) the Karussel is complete rubbish.

Totally agree, the little Karussell is also wrong and many things more.

The same applies to the FM4 Nordschleife, which was still a version from FM2 I believe, so it was also fairly dated, but I think the biggest game changer in this game wasn't the Nordschleife itself, but the horrible physics.

True and true.

It would be good to know, which version of the Nordschleife you're using. I believe in 1.1 he used a different track layout, the one he has used before wasn't accurate, that's true. But the new layout (I know I'm repeating myself over and over again) is accurate. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get your reference from? Videos? Other games? Have you ever driven one lap over the Nordschleife? If the last is the fact, then maybe you should drive a couple more times over it, because the elevation changes are spot on, albeit not perfect. But non of the in - game versions come anywhere close to the real - life version.

1.1, it just don't feel right to me. (or maybe there is another 1.1 that i'm unaware of, i'll check again)

And in general, and that is not meant as an insult to anyone here

Not at all. I have never driven the Nordschleife.
The curbs in GT5 have always seemed the best overall. Some FM5 curbs look a little bit off but I only watched a video once, don't have the game and some areas don't seem tight enough from one corner to the next

I don't think we should waste time talking about FM3/FM4 Nurburgring.
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Transfagarasan is really nice love it so far. Is it possible to disable the automatic respawn feature? I don't know this track and because of that i missed a corner and landed into the trees :D Than the game automatically puts me back to the pits : (
Just gave the E36 M3 a go, overall I think it's fairly decent, but the suspension setting is very weird and the performance seems a little off.
Can anybody here recommend a video or how-to in regards to adding these mods to the game? I just started in the PC arena and want to get familiar with using mods but also am afraid that I might mess something up without proper advice, thanks.
Can anybody here recommend a video or how-to in regards to adding these mods to the game? I just started in the PC arena and want to get familiar with using mods but also am afraid that I might mess something up without proper advice, thanks.

Its very easy, go to your main AC folder (mine is here but yours maybe different - G:\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa) either way from steam apps it should be the same. Then open the "content" folder where you will find cars and tracks. Just copy and paste your mods into the relevant folder and your done : )

Add me on steam if you need a hand just ask boothegoopc. Which reminds me AC is half price till Monday on steam.

Good luck and have fun.
Exactly as Alex said, just wanted to add that most mod folder are zipped, so you need to unzip them before pasting them in the car or track folder, you probably knew that but just in case someone did not realized.
Yes, thanks for the tip. I added Snoopy's Ring and another. Really easy actually, I'm glad I asked lol! Its crazy how people do this, do they design these from scratch or are there templates, same with the cars? I haven't added any of the cars. BTW which site do you guys use for these?
Yes, thanks for the tip. I added Snoopy's Ring and another. Really easy actually, I'm glad I asked lol! Its crazy how people do this, do they design these from scratch or are there templates, same with the cars? I haven't added any of the cars. BTW which site do you guys use for these?

Go to AC official forums, there you can see how most tracks and cars are made. Most of them are made from scratch.

I highly recommend you to try the Cobra and the Corvette c6r, there are many more though.

I usually go to this sites for the MODs:
For me personally the track itself is the most important, i don't care much about how it looks beside the track.
I have driven hundreds of hours on the Nordschleife in GT and in some other games. And i was on the real NS for 7 or 8 times. I have to say that the NS in GT was the most accurate NS in any Racing Game. Some corners in the snoopy version are too wide. Or the elevation is wrong. For a mod it is very good , but pls guys stop compairing it with GT's NS.
Drive on the Real NS , after that
Drive on GT, after that
Drive on AC Snoopy version

You will see what i mean ; )

I have drive the NS in real life.

I still feel the same. GTs is not bad, but I think Snoopys is better. Just an opinion though.
Has any one here been modding sounds at all? I've successfully converted various cars to my liking, but there's one thing missing from my Supras.

I've got all the sounds I want now including some nice blow off valve sounds, but I can't get the turbo whistle to work, it's not there at all. There are cars and mods in the game with some audible turbo whistle so there must be some way of getting it to work with my Supras. I suppose I could be cheap and replace the wind sound but I'd rather not. Any body have a clue how to go about this? I do have a turbo sound file in my SFX folder already, it's the only file which doesn't seem to activate.
Searched there earlier and couldn't find anything related, didn't really fancy starting a thread there for such a small question with probably a simple answer, especially as it would be my first post :embarrassed:. I'm going to try and add in the turbo sound file as if it were an engine note, blend it in to a certain rpm range and see how that goes.


Alright, I got it working with two methods. First I tried adding the turbo on it's own in the engine + engineINT files, but no result. Secondly, I tried adding it as an additional transmission whine sound and it worked, with the bonus of the hissing getting louder up the rev range, but this locked out the transmission whine - so it can only load a single file in that section.

Thirdly, I removed it from the transmission section and into the engine sample section, then told it to operate within certain RPM range. That worked too and I have the transmission whine with it, the only issue now is that the turbo whistle is rather quiet, but at least it's there now.
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