Just a first quick´n´dirty extended config to fix and tweak some things. I still do not know for sure why is needed this "new" conversion besides Reboot/
@norms version and the one from PascalWB on RD, but I was curious how it looks like and it tbh. it wasn´t really what I expected or hoped for...

Who cares...

Thx anyway. You´re getting better ...

I only used Gimp and a text editor. So, japp still a lot to improve, but now it got some imo better lights at night, a lot of fixed one sided textures, better glass, overall a bit darker, different wind strength let the flags wave different, weird transparencies (for example the crowd on stands at s/f) ...
Performance should be worse then before, as a lot meshes got double sided, got shadows ... but as it´s a config: use it or leave it, or just take what you want, need from the config.