Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
You must be joking...

That´s totally untrue. I never released a car as mine, because the only place where I released "my" mods was in a private Discord channel and always letting clear that my changes were on the physics side, not the modelling. Basically, because the mods where placed in that Discord and I used them to implement the physics.

Sorry. I´m out ;)

It was pointed to me by a user a long time ago, if I'll find that message I'll show you. And if what you say is true, I'm glad to say that I'm sorry but I still think that crediting is an important thing :lol:
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Have another 'way to go'... There really are some so-and-so's in this community. Thanks for ruining it for everyone that actually just want to enjoy some great cars. Sorry that people behave the way they do. It was fun while it lasted.
no one is ruining anything by what we are saying. I wish people would stop getting their panties in a twist when they are asked to do something that is common decency.
So you made some physics for a mod you thought you could improve, nice one but before releasing it to the fanfare from everyone at least send a friendly message stating what you are doing and finding out the original modders name,. I don't get why this is such a hard thing for some people to grasp. And then everyone gets the arse when that person says - oh i got pulled up on something so I'm out.
Fine goodbye, go to Discord where apparently it's even worse than here!!
First of all, I'm sorry @Jandrovi .
Indeed you didn't just copy, you take our release and change some values and release as yours.
Extremely fast, exactly the same days as us.
This is Fiat Coupé suspensions.ini, this was the one that user pointed to me.
Our release, physics totally from scratch 13/04/2020 (left) and your release on the same date (right)


I've hightlighted what you edit because I think that this shows why you should credit somebody.
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@Jandrovi & @AC Modder could you please continue your discussion on PM, or open a new thread, as you are turning this thread into your own little drama, except if you think we should rename this thread, the Jandrovi & AC modder thread.
Thank you in advance for fixing this very important matter somewhere else. Much appreciated.:cheers:

Sorry, you're right. My pursuit for "truth" took me too far. :D
On a more positive note in regard to how far modding has come in AC, I grabbed this screenshot last night, with the real-time refractions of the cars in every damn raindrop!


It's a work of Art now....can't believe the way it looks... no other title comes close to the natural real life look IMO...

Or at least with other titles you can't change the look. For example i go for muted natural look, others go for more jazzy effects...other titles just get what you get..

(i don't even use SOL)

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not wrong LOD settings, just too short. I believe you can adjust them with this:

MATERIALS= (or meshes, depending on whats more practical)
LOD_OUT= (a number, in meters; 100, 300, 750, play with it)
should I make them higher or lower? if i can I don't went to use LOD at all if i'm saying correctly...
Do you get better performance on other race sims?
Yeah its the first time i can race ACC in VR. the 1070 just was not good enough

I've also noticed, that I've lost some FPS with my Rift CV1 since CSP 0.1.69. In CSP 0.1.70 "two major performance issues were fixed", but Ilja also wrote, that a new method of shadows filtering, that is now active by default, may still cost some performance and he will look into it in the future.

I'll check it out.
I don't get this. You have like minded people who are after the same thing yet you can't stop 🤬 arguing.

EDIT: Oh and, "daan you can delete this" is a stupid thing to say. I shouldn't have to delete anything. We have threads here that get zero moderation, yet we have to do something in this thread every 🤬 day.
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How is everyones VR performance nowadays? I can't seem to get a stable 90fps anymore whatever i do.
The only way I can get a stable 90fps is by turning off the shadows entirely. 2080 ti and 8700K with Oddysey Plus before and now with G2 reverb. The game does not look too bad with the shadows disabled, but the truth is that I prefer to activate them and run at 45 fps with reprojection. Another option is to disable the post-processing, but this brings a serious problem: the lights of the cars are not visible.
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When I setup a championship I setup and edit AC career files.
You can set these up to use the correct date/year, time, weather and wind etc. The way to do this is setup a quick race for every round of your season in CM. A 5 lap race will do. Set your actual date such as 18/6/2010 if that is the time/date you want to capture. Set your temp, wind, weather etc.
Also ensure the track has correct Geo settings as you need this for CM to set the right seasonal adjustments. Run your quick race or even just start it and exit.
Go to your PC Documents folder and then the Assetto Corsa folder. Look for the Log folder and open log.txt.
All the information is there for you to copy and paste into your event.ini file. You will have to scroll down a bit to get to the "race" section.
Once you have all this info into each event.ini file then when you run your season or career through CM it will automatically load all your settings.

It seems to work.
Thank you very much.

Hi ! ;)

Yes, HE's a "beast", one of the most talented skinners and a true one interested in historical paintings.

I remember asked him in PM (with a huge modesty and respect about all the works He shared for us) about a "Camel" which was in a previous version not done by him not really accurate, It done it with a great pleasure and an outstanding kindness. ;)

Cheers ! :cheers:
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Hi ! ;)

Yes, HE's a "beast", one of the most talented skinners and a true one interested in historical paintings.

I remember asked him in PM (with a huge modesty and respect about all the works shared to us) about a "Camel" which was in a previous version not done by him not really accurate, It done it with a great pleasure and an outstanding kindness. ;)

Cheers ! :cheers:

I just sent him a pm, let's see ^^ Thank you!
Wanted to ask something today i switched from 720p to 1080p yup just now lol.
Anyways it looks like the FPS dropped a bit i'm fine at running the game somewhere around 30-60 FPS like i did with 720P
are there any settings that i can turn off while keeping the game to look as good?
I'm running this on a RX560 4gb and a Ryzen 3 2200G 3.40 GHz not sure what settings to use.
View attachment 984232
turn your reflections and shadows down and maybe 2 faces per frame
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Is there a way to create an H-Pattern version of the Race Sim Studio GT Pack cars that had manual, non-sequential transmissions (Shifting animation and some data tweaking)? I think that it would add even more driving pleasure to the RSS GT Pack. Cars such as the Vortex, Tornado, and Ferrucio 55. Using the S1 version in AC of each car that featured an H pattern would be a nice addition to the GT Pack.
Is there a way to create an H-Pattern version of the Race Sim Studio GT Pack cars that had manual, non-sequential transmissions (Shifting animation and some data tweaking)? I think that it would add even more driving pleasure to the RSS GT Pack. Cars such as the Vortex, Tornado, and Ferrucio 55. Using the S1 version in AC of each car that featured an H pattern would be a nice addition to the GT Pack.
I don't know the complete details, but by changing the values of the transmission file once it's unpacked it is possible. Just keep in mind that the driver animations are only meant for the original gearbox in the car, so you might need to change some animation files too.
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