Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Following the release of the new BT62 today, I'm wondering if the shadow issue was ever fixed with the older (race) version.
The one on Assettoland still has the issue.
@racealot did you ever finish this update to Motul Kazan?

I really like the layout of this track but almost deleted it without checking as I'd given it one star... but that's because half of the environment is missing.
If you have a complete track with your new updates, would you mind uploading the whole thing please?
@racealot did you ever finish this update to Motul Kazan?

I really like the layout of this track but almost deleted it without checking as I'd given it one star... but that's because half of the environment is missing.
If you have a complete track with your new updates, would you mind uploading the whole thing please?

I have an updated version of this. Not sure exactly where I downloaded it from. I think Chris T updated it.
If you know what the download was called then I can re-up, I store everything I download on a backup disc just in case and I almost certainly have this.
it was an imsa gtx pack or something. Had the mustang, Camaro greenwood vette and the dekon monza. files should be for the dekon: legion_chevy_dekon_monza_Style1 and the greenwoods should have like: legion_greenwood_corvette_sebring and stuff like that. Camaro's should be tch_chevrolet_camaro_style1
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My current Road map for release dates.... Hopefully i don't change any of these. For the Countach i will redo the interior AO since i now know how to do it properly and try to do refraction again since i messed it up again. And the F1 LM will get a complete remaster. Eh some of the images look worse because of my bad cropping lol.

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This road that goes above the mountains will be about 8-10 km and will have at most 12% of straights, everything else is very tight curves and hairpins, the surface is mixed of old asphalt and dirt road, it is very narrow and you only have one side with 'wall' on the other side you fall from more than 300 meters high 🙃
The Milwaukee Mile.
Oval and Road course..

If anyone interested.. Cheers.

AI by KevinK2 and macko68. Thanks.

Thank you so much for this. I was recently looking for this but was disappointed in just finding a fictional version. I found one fairly minor issue. The sun rise and sun set is on opposite sides. It's just like the track needs to be rotated 180 degrees, as it rises more south east and sets south west here in Milwaukee. Is that an easy fix?
CM seems to be crashing more than ever for me. Using the latest version and getting the blue window of death a lot more than usual as well as races being cancelled, particularly post race in championship mode. Using the latest version and latest patreon CSP. I understand that many here have reverted back to an older version due to these and other issues? Any recommendations on which version might be best would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks guys!
Following the release of the new BT62 today, I'm wondering if the shadow issue was ever fixed with the older (race) version.
The one on Assettoland still has the issue.
The BT62R is a new mod, and also a different car, the bt62 is the race version and the bt62r is the street legale version.
Personally I did not notice any shadow problem
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The BT62R is a new mod, and also a different car, the bt62 is the race version and the bt62r is the street legale version.
Personally I did not notice any shadow problem
Sorry, bit of a misunderstanding, I think.

I think it is @Shokeus who made the older version. There was a street version (BT62r) and a race version (BT62) available at the time. The street version was fine, but the race version had an issue with its ground shadow.

Your new mod is obviously the better street version of the car now. But Shokeus' race version of the car was great, and I really enjoyed driving it. Unfortunately the ground shadow became too distracting for me during replays and I got rid in the end.
Hence my question as to whether it had been fixed. It was more directed at Shokeus. The version on Assettoland still has the shadow issue, but I was wondering if a fixed version had been linked elsewhere.
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Hello everyone! Is any solution available out there for DRF BMW DTM 2019 mirror bug?
model replacment to the rescue... see file attached.

On to something different: I asked the admins on Racedepartment to consider adding a dedicated category for CSP configs to the AC downloads section. People are currently posting configs to various categories (cars, tracks and misc). Having one central category to monitor (as a user) or upload to (as a contributor) sounds like a good thing to me, especially with the versioning, rating and commenting features RD offers.

Adding configs to the official GH via pull request just isn't as agile with PRs taking weeks to be accepted. Once the config is finally added to the repo it will affect all Content Manager users, which is a pro but also a con in my book since configs might also have a negative effect on performance, realism, etc.


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model replacment to the rescue...

On to something different: I asked the admins on Racedepartment to consider adding a dedicated category for CSP configs to the AC downloads section. People are currently posting configs to various categories (cars, tracks and misc). Having one central category to monitor (as a user) or upload to (as a contributor) sounds like a good thing to me, especially with the versioning, rating and commenting features RD offers.

Adding configs to the official GH via pull request just isn't as agile with PRs taking weeks to be accepted. Once the config is finally added to the repo it will affect all Content Manager users, which is a pro but also a con in my book since configs might also have a negative effect on performance, realism, etc.
It's a good idea, but I think the RD categories are a lost cause by this point. Track skins in the Tracks category, the Skins category and the Misc category, car set ups in the Cars category and the Misc category... I make a point of browsing all categories once a day in case there is something I've missed that isn't where it should be.
It's a good idea, but I think the RD categories are a lost cause by this point. Track skins in the Tracks category, the Skins category and the Misc category, car set ups in the Cars category and the Misc category... I make a point of browsing all categories once a day in case there is something I've missed that isn't where it should be.
Or just tick downloads assetto corsa. Then they are all in one list…:)
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is there any way to convert Monaco Cote d'Azur from RF2? The quality to the current Monacos in AC is unmatchable, and I thought that with 3DSimED the work could be faster. Is the track extractable with that program, or is there another way?
Let me know what you think of the small additions of wings - I had to add wings to add setup for downforce as it pushed too hard into the corners with the weight at the back and no downforce in the front. The Auto Union C had a top speed of over 210MPH and could wheelspin at 100mph still. This add updated wings, wheels, suspension, tyres and brakes - and of course sound!!

View attachment 983354
can someone tell if this car is available somewhere? it looks damn hot!
Sorry, bit of a misunderstanding, I think.

I think it is @Shokeus who made the older version. There was a street version (BT62r) and a race version (BT62) available at the time. The street version was fine, but the race version had an issue with its ground shadow.

Your new mod is obviously the better street version of the car now. But Shokeus' race version of the car was great, and I really enjoyed driving it. Unfortunately the ground shadow became too distracting for me during replays and I got rid in the end.
Hence my question as to whether it had been fixed. It was more directed at Shokeus. The version on Assettoland still has the shadow issue, but I was wondering if a fixed version had been linked elsewhere.
The 'old' street versions was fictive the real street version was unveiled after
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