Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Dome S102.5 very nice I've always loved Dome cars , do yo u happen to have the TS030 from the year? Either in WEC spec or Lemans spec?
You we're saying? We got it indeed as 1 car with the LM and WEC spec. using extension.

F1 Reality reshade suite release 7.8 to match Miami GP Broadcast, Updated Broadcast TV POD and Photorealistic. Perfect match with the new Pyyer track

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Hi guys, i'll write here, but if it is out of topic i'll move to another thread; here is an update on the car that are missing in AC, i was thinking to add some burnout cars next, but if you have any suggestion i'm more than open to hear you, i have also made a separate paper with real life cars that are not in racing games, if you kno any tell me i will add.
P.S: Do you think i sould add tracks also?

Tons of these cars are either available in AC or have counterparts that do the job.
I converted the GrandSport from Realtime Racing to GTR2 many years ago (with actual permissions). I had wanted to bring it to AC but the poly/mesh is really not well suited for AC.
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Just released Miami F1 update 2.0! 😀

Biggest update I've ever done so far!

Here is the full list:
- Grip reduced from 1.04 to 1.00
- new anti cut red kerbs
- new apex marker at T15
- Completely redesigned kerbs
- Pit entry & exit lines

- Redesigned highway section from T14 to T16

- Hotlap start relocated

- DRS zones relocated
- Fence DRS markers replaced ground markers

Brake markers
- Fence Brake markers replaced all ground markers

- animations for bridges 06 & 11

Asphalt & terrain
- darker asphalt zones at T7 & T17
- offtrack color adjustment

- New RedBull billboards
- New AutoNation billboards
- New mindmaze billboards
- New acceleron billboards
- pit entry sponsors : DHL replaced BWT
- new fence billboards
- Bridge 03 sponsor update
- Fence dark cover along the straight between T16 & T17

- T1 Ground Sponsor :
- T3 Ground Sponsor : Rolex
- T7 Ground Sponsor : PZero
- T11 Ground Sponsors : Emirates & Hard Rock
- relocated Miami grounds
- new giant Rolex zone inside T17/R18
- reverted pit lane ground sponsors

- Redesigned grandstands 20% higher

- New Paddock Club billboards

- optimized builings kn5 (reduced FPS drop)

Enjoy! (Gonna rest now! 😅 )

@Pyyer, great job and amazing update! Just a little request: could you - or anyone in the forum - darken trees? Expectially palms, (but also other trees) look too light/cartoonish/unnatural.
Sorry I only included the cam #6 (because some scenes in #4 and #5 have been masked by grandstands height changes)
Will of course include them if you update them... (really sorry for the extra work 🙏 )

FPS drop seemed to be related to buildings in the main kn5 (Thanks a lot to @qp01 for his useful infos!)
Update 2.0 may have fix that. Waiting for your feedback 😉

@Masscot Didn't notice artefacts on trees. Have you got more infos on the concerned texture file?
Did someone have these artefacts too?
No worries Pyyer, cams have been revised and updated...
They should be good until (if & when) further changes occur.


    4.9 KB · Views: 115
I converted the GrandSport from Realtime Racing to GTR2 many years ago (with actual permissions). I had wanted to bring it to AC but the poly/mesh is really not well suited for AC.
That's a shame. I know some of the AC Legends models Bazza did are "up-ports" from GT Legends (like the Porsche 906) and they look good enough to me, though I'm a bit more physics >>>> graphics when it comes to importance for car mods.
@Pyyer, great job and amazing update! Just a little request: could you - or anyone in the forum - darken trees? Expectially palms, (but also other trees) look too light/cartoonish/unnatural.
You could add this code to the ext_config. This will make the trees a little darker. Of course you can change the values to your taste. Increasing the values will make the trees lighter and decreasing the values will make them darker.
This is the way I know.

MATERIALS= treemix4
PROP_... = ksAmbient, 0.10
PROP_... = ksDiffuse, 0.15

MATERIALS= treemix2
PROP_... = ksAmbient, 0.15
PROP_... = ksDiffuse, 0.15

MATERIALS= treemix3
PROP_... = ksAmbient, 0.15
PROP_... = ksDiffuse, 0.15
Hi to all, speaking to some guys on discord about AC and I helped them with an issue and one suggested to should join here and see if it's new to anyone.

So issue would be this, AI cars pit after couple of laps.
Really annoying.
I had one of a guy called legions NASCAR type mods and cars returned to pits after few laps.
What i found out was that in the car.ini file there is a section like this:


Important part is the big in bold. The mod in queestion had only one '0' so 0.0167
I simply worked out that by adding a 0 to make 0.00167, AI cars now didn't pit after few laps.

Effectively you could make it 0.001 and problem would go away, main point is legions were too high, I assume by error.

Next issue was in AI racing ever had a mod that has various gear ratios in set up but AI always use one that makes your car gear too short?
So you up your car but AI stays the same and max out down straights too soon make racing near pointless?
There are some long winded 'fixes' but mine I think is easiest.

So simply go to data file in the car folder. m
Go to final.rto
make it a text file by doing this final.txt
Then copy the lines in there, save to windows notepad or whatever.
Then turn it back to final.rto.
Go into drivetrain.ini, in there paste the text at the top, then simply take your wanted ratio and add it to the final ratio
under GEARS.

Example (notice the bold as you could add any of those final gears ad AI will use those)




COUNT=4 ; forward gears number
GEAR_R=-3.818 ; rear gear ratio

FINAL=3.77 ; final gear ratio

Hope this very simple way of doing it makes sense as far better than ai_default which is a pain.

If this has been covered before then sorry for the long post!
Glad i was pointed over here anyway, looks like a brilliant place for AC fans like me, although i'm only 1 year into it, but loving every minute.
First draft of a little Portland International update. Changed the grassfx, added some seasonal changes and swapped out a few tree and grass textures. Let me know if the grass is too saturated. At some spots on the track it does look too saturated and other spots it seems fine.

Portland International

View attachment 1147339

All suggestions for improvement are welcome...
Link updated with new version. Thanks to ZombieBoy1978 for the suggestion on how eliminate the black grass. Hopefully this looks better. I tried it two ways so you can try both skins to see which you prefer. One I did by removing most of the color from the map texture that was causing the black grass (still might see some left over black grass if you look hard enough). The other I did by using a completely new map texture file and one new grass texture file. It's a little greener and probably needs a little tweaking. I could make a case for both ways so i'll let the user decide which they prefer.

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@Pyyer : you have probably missed my PM ?
No worries Pyyer, cams have been revised and updated...
They should be good until (if & when) further changes occur.

Yep... missed it sorry @Fanapryde !
Those and cameras 4, 5, 6 from @racealot are included in update 2.1

v2.0 of Pyvers miami is great.

AI seem to crash into one wall a bit but its so good to be able to lap with current racing...


For AI issues, you can try to remove files "fast_lane_payloads.bin", "pit_lane_payloads.bin" and "" from folder "ai". That seems to cause some issues as I have moved walls closer in the T7 / T11 straight between version 1.0 and 2.0 and recreate a new AI

Wondering if someone can help ? I am looking for the track 67sach by TaistoTurri. Someone shared a link about a year ago for it, but the link is dead. Hoping someone has the file still kicking around ? Thank you.
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Hi to all, speaking to some guys on discord about AC and I helped them with an issue and one suggested to should join here and see if it's new to anyone.

So issue would be this, AI cars pit after couple of laps.
Really annoying.
I had one of a guy called legions NASCAR type mods and cars returned to pits after few laps.
What i found out was that in the car.ini file there is a section like this:


Important part is the big in bold. The mod in queestion had only one '0' so 0.0167
I simply worked out that by adding a 0 to make 0.00167, AI cars now didn't pit after few laps.

Effectively you could make it 0.001 and problem would go away, main point is legions were too high, I assume by error.

Next issue was in AI racing ever had a mod that has various gear ratios in set up but AI always use one that makes your car gear too short?
So you up your car but AI stays the same and max out down straights too soon make racing near pointless?
There are some long winded 'fixes' but mine I think is easiest.

So simply go to data file in the car folder. m
Go to final.rto
make it a text file by doing this final.txt
Then copy the lines in there, save to windows notepad or whatever.
Then turn it back to final.rto.
Go into drivetrain.ini, in there paste the text at the top, then simply take your wanted ratio and add it to the final ratio
under GEARS.

Example (notice the bold as you could add any of those final gears ad AI will use those)




COUNT=4 ; forward gears number
GEAR_R=-3.818 ; rear gear ratio

FINAL=3.77 ; final gear ratio

Hope this very simple way of doing it makes sense as far better than ai_default which is a pain.

If this has been covered before then sorry for the long post!
Glad i was pointed over here anyway, looks like a brilliant place for AC fans like me, although i'm only 1 year into it, but loving every minute.
Welcome to GTP
View attachment 1147533
Is there any way to make Seasonal Adjustments work on the RT version of Fuji or if not any chance of a autumn/winter skin?
If no one takes it on, I can probably whip something together pretty quickly. Don't know if I can make it look like the picture, but I can try.

EDIT: Had a quick look (because I have no life). To get that dark brown look like in your picture, it's probably going to have to be done with a combination of a skin you would have to enable when you drive in the fall and the track config. I got the brownish look with track config tweaks, but too darken it through the track config would mean it would make the summer grass, trees, etc. darker as well. So to truly match the picture, there would have to be some texture tweaks involved so as not to mess with the summer look.

acs 2022-05-08 01-33-39.jpg
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I'm trying to mod ian tan's 330 P4 to convert into AC.

50~60% Works is done.
This Modelling is wonderfull.
I feel that i'am building real car, It has indivisual components of the car. So interesting!

I just check the Main Shape whether is good or not.
I think It is so sexy and Perfect for me......

But this car will be the heaviest polygon counts car in AC.
It already counts 1 MILLIONs Poly now....

FPS is good so far.

My PC Specs is like below. 5600x(PBO2 - 4850mhz) 2080ti Thank you.


Latest version of the Renault 5 Turbo Europacup Add-on pack (1.3)
  • Fixed floating/flying front wheels eternal wheelies
  • New LODs
4 or 5 more things could be done to bring this car to lo-fi carfection, but it would require a 3D app which I do not have.

- Renault 5 Turbo Europacup based AI for Bugatti Circuit (the "bugatti" named folder one)

Links in the video description.
Car not included, but you'll find a link to it in the .rar archive.
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Link updated with new version. Thanks to ZombieBoy1978 for the suggestion on how eliminate the black grass. Hopefully this looks better. I tried it two ways so you can try both skins to see which you prefer. One I did by removing most of the color from the map texture that was causing the black grass (still might see some left over black grass if you look hard enough). The other I did by using a completely new map texture file and one new grass texture file. It's a little greener and probably needs a little tweaking. I could make a case for both ways so i'll let the user decide which they prefer.

Great job.

If you want it, here is the 3D grass dds blended to your textures.

FPS drop seemed to be related to buildings in the main kn5 (Thanks a lot to @qp01 for his useful infos!)
Update 2.0 may have fix that. Waiting for your feedback 😉
Fantastic job with the optimising!
I was getting around 47fps average while hotlapping in VR, now it's 88fps in the same conditions - so probably native 90fps for the most part with a couple of drops where ASW kicks in.
HUGE difference. Thanks!

edit: one thing I noticed just now, the white tented fabric canopies (on the right hand side as you go around turn one) are all floating - there's no support structure.
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Hey y'all, I hate to be the where mod guy but, video is not mine, and i've been scanning the internet for this mod and have yet to find it, so if y'all could point me in the direction that would be preferred. Mod is Special Stage Route X for Assetto Corsa, all so i can stupidly bonkers offline Ai races with multiclass. Thanks in advanced if y'all are able to help!
Hey y'all, I hate to be the where mod guy but, video is not mine, and i've been scanning the internet for this mod and have yet to find it, so if y'all could point me in the direction that would be preferred. Mod is Special Stage Route X for Assetto Corsa, all so i can stupidly bonkers offline Ai races with multiclass. Thanks in advanced if y'all are able to help!

Link to the BMW is in the description:
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