Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Hey @safi hellie

What are the 5 tracks you have? And are there any rl tracks that don't yet exist in the sim world?
Westworld a defunct track in cornwall
scunthorpe grass track oval

I'm sure you can find them in wreckfest and obviously rfactor as that's were they came from. Most modded wreckfest tracks are also rfactor ports.

I guess the 'fun' part is having it in AC, certainly regards the cars its night and day compared to how they look in rfactor.
I have a problem with the Sx_Lemans (version 2.1) track. Whenever I try to start it from Content manager, it gives me the loading screen, and when it's finished loading the screen turns black and I need to ctrl+alt+del. This happens for any layout, including the 'performance' one. I have CPU optimizations in CSP all set to default, and I don't have trouble with tracks like Targa Florio, which also has animation (the train).

Anybody got any pointers?
All layouts ?
Do you have stflow installed.
Legion has released quite a few rally x cars recently, i notice they are all extended physics, I have avoided extended physics due to the message saying i may have to do a steam integrity check if i use it.

Firstly has anyone had any issues and i mean like steam integrity type issues using it?
Also does it affect other cars at all which don't use it?

And has anyone tried the legion rally x stuff and is it worth risking it to try them?

Another Gem that needs cleaners...

Another thing
This car has 4 rearview mirrors, 2 more on the front window, it would be great if you can remove it..
Anyone qualify?

It cost

McLaren F1 (1994)

Jandrovi Physics
CSP extension for McLaren F1 (1994)
  • CSP wipers
  • Internal windows
  • existing animations bound to extra buttons A, B & C

Extension download:

Known issue: internal door windows are not parented to the door nulls which means the internal windows will not move with the doors - positioning and rotating the windows to match the door null orientation is a pita. Just don't open the doors while it's raining...

Mod download: (Youtube link)


@Wlynsan Removing the interior mirrors would require separating the mesh in the model, so it's not just a matter of hiding them via CSP config.
install this shader:
Then give the track a try.
You will need this shader in order for several newer tracks to work. They will not without it.
Thanks, but I'm assuming it's already been installed for me by some of those tracks that need it. Cuz I have a lot of the big popular new ones. But maybe I should just get it manually in case some tracks don't bring it with them.

Anyway, the game started crashing while loading other tracks as well, so some stuff might have gotten corrupted somewhere. I did a full reinstal, and I now install everything manually by copy/pasting and keeping backup of everything that gets overwritten. So far the 108 car Nordschleife mod, a track that also crashed the game earlier, works fine.

So it might have not been the Le Mans track per se that was broken. Haven't dared installing it yet though, as it was when loading that one for the first time that the crashing started. Will see how it goes.
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I am currently working on the next BPR 1994 skin. This time it is for the Porsche 968 Turbo RS from Shokeus. When I control my progress via CM, I always have the impression, that the windows are far too transparent. Sometimes you get the impression that there are no windows. I would be happy if somebody could teach me what I need to do to have better looking windows.


I hope somebody can help me.

Thanx Daniel
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CSP extension for McLaren F1 (1994)
  • CSP wipers
  • Internal windows
  • existing animations bound to extra buttons A, B & C

Extension download:

Known issue: internal door windows are not parented to the door nulls which means the internal windows will not move with the doors - positioning and rotating the windows to match the door null orientation is a pita. Just don't open the doors while it's raining...

Mod download: (Youtube link)

View attachment 1183928

@Wlynsan Removing the interior mirrors would require separating the mesh in the model, so it's not just a matter of hiding them via CSP config.
View attachment 1183813
Great Job !
Is it possible to make Aibrake fonctionnal ?
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Legion has released quite a few rally x cars recently, i notice they are all extended physics, I have avoided extended physics due to the message saying i may have to do a steam integrity check if i use it.

Firstly has anyone had any issues and i mean like steam integrity type issues using it?
Also does it affect other cars at all which don't use it?
no and depends.
you can independently apply ext-phys to any car and CM will remember your choice
afaik if a car has ext-phys it is enabled automagically
Legion has released quite a few rally x cars recently, i notice they are all extended physics, I have avoided extended physics due to the message saying i may have to do a steam integrity check if i use it.

Firstly has anyone had any issues and i mean like steam integrity type issues using it?
Also does it affect other cars at all which don't use it?

And has anyone tried the legion rally x stuff and is it worth risking it to try them?

no and depends.
you can independently apply ext-phys to any car and CM will remember your choice
afaik if a car has ext-phys it is enabled automagically
Hate to disagree with RMi_wood , but I personally find them quite nice to toss around (for example on the Monaco Faux rallycross track)... The Citroen and Audi got 5 stars from me and a Fav+, the Porsche not so much as mirrors are all but useless.
For me the extended physics box was ticked, and I used the car (so far I see no issues).
But then unticking it makes me feel absolutely no difference whatsoever tbh.
Velo's recently posted BMW 2800 CS (found here) is also one of my new favorite mods, with great handling, sound and immersion imho.
For VR users, alter driver3D.ini and make this change :
should be

It would be a good candidate for this group to pour some extra TLC into ... for one it has no working wipers, and the smoke does not come from exhaust but 30cm or so higher...
Hate to disagree with RMi_wood , but I personally find them quite nice to toss around (for example on the Monaco Faux rallycross track)... The Citroen and Audi got 5 stars from me and a Fav+, the Porsche not so much as mirrors are all but useless.
For me the extended physics box was ticked, and I used the car (so far I see no issues).
But then unticking it makes me feel absolutely no difference whatsoever tbh.
Not sure RMi wood was saying anything about the cars, more that he was talking about the extended physics setting as a whole.
Interesting that you say it makes no difference to feel whether its on or off though.
Legion has released quite a few rally x cars recently, i notice they are all extended physics, I have avoided extended physics due to the message saying i may have to do a steam integrity check if i use it.

Firstly has anyone had any issues and i mean like steam integrity type issues using it?
Also does it affect other cars at all which don't use it?

And has anyone tried the legion rally x stuff and is it worth risking it to try them?
Worst I've had yet is the car not moving, but when you deactivate the extended physics its all good.
Hate to disagree with RMi_wood , but I personally find them quite nice to toss around (for example on the Monaco Faux rallycross track)... The Citroen and Audi got 5 stars from me and a Fav+, the Porsche not so much as mirrors are all but useless.
For me the extended physics box was ticked, and I used the car (so far I see no issues).
But then unticking it makes me feel absolutely no difference whatsoever tbh.
Try a wet track without extended physics and with it

Woah, I have this Michel Vaillant comic and didn't expect someone going to make the Leader car from that exact issue. Kudos for the modder

Anyway, I just realized that Leader car has big side air-intake. It makes the car looks awkward if viewed from the side lol
Svolte Di Popoli Hillclimb - rain and grass and vao and so on...

Track can be found here:

  • You should be able to copy the files straight into you assetto corsa folder as long as you have the track installed. It will ask to override - backup your track if you want to keep the original files.

  • If the new grass still won't show check your assetto corsa folder: extension/textures/grass_fx. You should have a "" file in there, otherwise no grassFX.


  • Svolte Di
    4.3 MB · Views: 30

I am currently working on the next BPR 1994 skin. This time it is for the Porsche 968 Turbo RS from Shokeus. When I control my progress via CM, I always have the impression, that the windows are far too transparent. Sometimes you get the impression that there are no windows. I would be happy if somebody could teach me what I need to do to have better looking windows.

View attachment 1183964
I hope somebody can help me.

Thanx Daniel
In CM showroom, right-click the glass to select it.
In the edit pallette, click the 3 vertical dots that appear next to the name of the glass Material. You'll get a little properties window.
Click the "Change values" button at the bottom to open an editing window.

Lots of shaders stuff to edit there, and I'm no expert on what each property does exactly, but I've had success with this kind of issue by adjusting fresnelC, and fresnelMaxLevel. Of course, doing this on a car with windows which are just as you like, will give a set of values to try. Example:

Blend mode: Alpha blend
Alpha test: False
Depth mode: Normal

Shader properties:
• ksAmbient: 0.25
• ksDiffuse: 0.25
• ksSpecular: 2
• ksSpecularEXP: 650
• ksEmissive: 0
• ksAlphaRef: 0
• fresnelC: 0.1
• fresnelEXP: 3
• isAdditive: 0
• fresnelMaxLevel: 0.3

Hope this helps.
H/T to @MrB00 for teaching me this.
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I am currently working on the next BPR 1994 skin. This time it is for the Porsche 968 Turbo RS from Shokeus. When I control my progress via CM, I always have the impression, that the windows are far too transparent. Sometimes you get the impression that there are no windows. I would be happy if somebody could teach me what I need to do to have better looking windows.

View attachment 1183964
I hope somebody can help me.

Thanx Daniel
I'm away from my gaming pc atm, so I can't make screenshots, but this is what I usually do:
1. Open any kunos car in CM showroom.
2. Click/select the windshield
3. On the upper right menu click the three dots beside "glass" or something like that
4. Save the shader
5. Open the car with invisible glass, select the windshield - click the three dots, then replace the "glass" shader with the one you saved before.
I'll make the screenshots later today if someone hasn't made it yet. Can't wait for the skin!
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If anyone else is interested I had a request for a Chile skin for the 'Guerilla Mods' Toyota S-FR
Original Skins here;
__custom_showroom_1613860496 (Large).jpg
It also goes with this fictional championship
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Yes I can understand niko 👍 I have the Ford Focus RS MK2 - S1 - cup - super cup by Beto FR

View attachment 1077001

Sorry by the old quote, but anyone knows how animate de front wipers with the CSP Wiper Tool in this particular car?

It's a shame because the mod is amazing, as all the Focus Pack by Beto FR.

I have done working wipers by this method in various mods, but the front wipers on this one is IMPOSSIBLE.
The funny thing is the rear wiper works flawlessly.
Even more sad is the fact that in debug mode works fine, but in the moment i save the .ini this stops work.
The rear wipers alone in the .ini works, but if i add the fronts information nothing work at all.

Please help! I'm going nuts, jeje!
Sorry by my bad english.
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