Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
Don't know if better but faster 🤭
No, I won't replace anything until seeing what kind of magic ACTK does.
shots fired GIF

Random, sort of. Some of you know my memory is getting pretty bad.

Anyway, I'm noticing that there are many absolutely beautiful tracks that are marred by one or two really ugly as$ tree(s). Makes me sad and is so horribly distracting/immersion breaking.

Can you guys remind me of the workflow to change out that tree with something of better quality.
Software and the process/workflow?

Back when I was making tracks I remember purchasing SimEd3d (I can't ever remember the actual name).... Would that be the 'software' to do this?

I can't remember. So frustrating (personal memory issue sad face ...)
Sometimes changing an ugly tree can be as simple as changing the assigned texture which can easily be done via a track skin. In my experience, this typically works better if the trees are Y-trees and not X-trees. When changing a texture, I always have issues with getting the tree trunks to line up right with X-trees and I end up with double trunks. For whatever reason, I don't have a big an issue with that on Y-trees.

As for changing the actual tree model, I can't help you with that. You'll need help from one of the track making experts and i'm not one of them.
Put a decent bit of work into Walt Disney World Speedway and its looking much better. I got the AI issues sorted out and fine tuned a little bit. I also separated out all of my objects properly and added proper shaders to them. I'm still waiting on permission and was only able to find his youtube channel to leave a comment on as his facebook and site have been deleted.


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Put a decent bit of work into Walt Disney World Speedway and its looking much better. I got the AI issues sorted out and fine tuned a little bit. I also separated out all of my objects properly and added proper shaders to them. I'm still waiting on permission and was only able to find his youtube channel to leave a comment on as his facebook and site have been deleted.
nice start...
about those shaders however looks way overblown. If you are using 3dsimed to convert, the default ambient and diffuse of 0.5/0.6 is way too bright for AC. I suggest trying to normalise to about 0.25/0.25
its online on ACTK Version 1.1
Idle conjecture. In service of "how could we solve the LODS sitch?"
He's SO quick with LODS. At odds with what folks here have said, namely that manual LODS are ALOT of work.

1. Might have a scripted, automated Blender workflow << my bet.
Opens the possibility that someone with Blender chops could replicate this and "open source" it.

2. Might have an employer with a SimplyGone license that he has access to. ("pro" 3D guy?)
Are there any definite tell-tales of the SG process that are visible in his LOD output?
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Idle conjecture. In service of "how could we solve the LODS sitch?"
He's SO quick with LODS. At odds with what folks here have said, manual LODS are ALOT of work.

1. Might have a scripted, automated Blender workflow << my bet.
Opens the possibility that someone with Blender chops could replicate this and "open source" it.

2. Might have an employer with a SimplyGone license that he has access to. ("pro" 3D guy?)
Are there any definite tell-tales of the SG process that are visible in his LOD output?
I suspect a 3rd option. He does practically nothing and post mostly the same car in her own site with a new link to redirect the downloads from GTPlanet to his favor.
PS not a joke, I really suspect it. And I don't think it's funny hahaha. No, really.
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Released : AMG Mercedes-Benz C-Class DTM 1995
3D Model Car:RRRE,KW Studios
Texture Update : F302 (rework)
Skins: RRRE,KW Studios
Sound: (Placeholder) Kunos Alfa 155 DTM
3d work: F302
hope u enjoy the Car
ps : send feedback ,bugs ,missing things
tested on CSP 0.2.3-preview1
PP filer AC Vision GT 1.0
have fun!
To install, move folders to "...\SteamApps\common\assettocorsa" or simply
drag'n'drop archive to Content Manager
knowing bugs: LOD´s ,2 Missing Liveries #22 and #24(not in Raceroom)
maybe ACTK make better LODS😆

View attachment 1365180

Wiper Animation LOD_B-LOD-D
Smashing it around Avus, Norisring and some other tracks all the last night. The FSR is disabled now. Thank you for great car. Adjusting the Legion Calibra at the moment to fit your C180. Does anybody have an idea which Alfa is the best choice to take?
Random, sort of. Some of you know my memory is getting pretty bad.

Anyway, I'm noticing that there are many absolutely beautiful tracks that are marred by one or two really ugly as$ tree(s). Makes me sad and is so horribly distracting/immersion breaking.

Can you guys remind me of the workflow to change out that tree with something of better quality.
Software and the process/workflow?

Back when I was making tracks I remember purchasing SimEd3d (I can't ever remember the actual name).... Would that be the 'software' to do this?

I can't remember. So frustrating (personal memory issue sad face ...)
Think the easiest method would be to delete the comic book trees near the track or move them further away. But that’s also counting for the ribbon of 2D crowds near the track or those C-3PO starwars shaped 3D men in the startline/pits.
I know this weekend is all about the "LeMans" but I updated the Autodrom Most to version 1.3 (2024)

Changelog v. 1.3:
  • reworked run-off zones, textures and added some new meshes to match 2024 state of the track (textures and feedback by vPilotDan)
  • reworked pit entry zone and bariers to match actual 2024 track state
  • fixed some typos in surfaces.ini
  • added better looking crowd textures
  • updated loading screen screenshots
Big thanks to vPilotDan for his work on the textures and for his feedback during the development of the update. Big thanks to Weron, the Expres Auto Racing Team race engineer for his drone videos and onboards which helped a lot with the update.

Download here or from CUP system when available...

More info about the update at my Patreon...
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An old adage states that if you cannot defeat your enemy, you must join him.

Supposedly the objective of our friend is to get clicks at the expense of the effort (and apparently without asking permission) of others, right? Well, to help spread his job, something as "easy" could be done as having someone from this forum (preferably the affected modder) "borrow" their LODS to include them in their new mod and post it here with the notice "improved with the selfless help of ....."(include on the dotted line some of his multiple identities), so that no one would be "obligued" to click on the page of the unmentionable...

I leave the idea there... 🙄
An old adage states that if you cannot defeat your enemy, you must join him.

Supposedly the objective of our friend is to get clicks at the expense of the effort (and apparently without asking permission) of others, right? Well, to help spread his job, something as "easy" could be done as having someone from this forum (preferably the affected modder) "borrow" their LODS to include them in their new mod and post it here with the notice "improved with the selfless help of ....."(include on the dotted line some of his multiple identities), so that no one would be "obligued" to click on the page of the unmentionable...

I leave the idea there... 🙄
Pay with the same coin is what it's called.

The only difference is ACTK's target is that big amount of people not registered in GTPlanet, so he "facilitates" our content "improved" outdoors.

I think the best and fair way so far to do his thing would be to collab with creators and share the same link to avoid making doubles of each mod that usually are in improvement process.
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I've already asked him how he makes LODs, he uses blender to delete objects and an external program that specializes in creating LODs but he won't tell me the name, but the difference is enormous.

LOD c original 39918 faces
View attachment 1365292

LOD c ACTK 18004 faces
View attachment 1365293

far fewer faces, yet far better
there's plugin for blender that creates LODs with 1-click. Then probably you can export it with another plugin that export files in kn5. I'm not an expert in 3D nor i ever made LODs for cars, but it just worth a try if anyone is interested in it since Simplygon-is-gone
Pay with the same coin is what it's called.

The only difference is ACTK's target is that big amount of people not registered in GTPlanet, so he "facilitates" our content "improved" outdoors.

I think the best and fair way so far to do his thing would be to collab with creators and share the same link to avoid making doubles of each mod that usually are in improvement process.
Maybe it would be enough to contact him, I ask him quite regularly for modifications and he does them without any problem, so rather than considering him as an enemy he would do the LODs if a modder asks him?
One more update to a Reboot Team track for today - Zolder v. 1.3, with quite an extensive changelog. I hope that z-fighting people were compaining about was mostly fixed :)

  • modified some meshes to reduce z-fighting
  • modified some camera FOV settings in some camera sets to reduce z-fighting
  • changed marbles visuals to make them look better
  • fixed asphalt UV mapping in some places
  • reworked fences along the track (added fence detail meshes, reworked texture)
  • tweaks to windmills (added blinking lights, changed timing to desync them)
  • reworked starting lights to proper vanilla compatible version
  • added racing flags functionality to some lights along the track
  • fixed some meshes which were one sided and supposed to be two sided
  • changed visuals of power cables
  • fixed long grass in place above the tunnel
  • changed some values of grass to make it look better
  • added proper physical mesh to the mod
  • redefined surface properties of some surfaces
  • fixed global sponsor texture assignment to some objects
  • fixed barrier color and UV mapping in pit zone
  • fixed broken UV mapping on some advertisement objects
  • added digital clock to the start/finish gantry
  • added colidable cones to some places along the track
  • fixed "telegraph lines" on trees and treewalls
  • added new solar panel textures
  • updated loading screen screenshots

Download here or from CUP system when available...

More info about the update at my Patreon...
I think this is a better driver scale/posture/shifting animation.
Feet now on the pedals, hands better grip on the wheel, hand much closer to the shifter with a more natural shifting animation.
Remove the .txt extension and put in the animations folder, overwriting.
Swap this timing and preload into data/driver3d.ini (unpack the data first).
Preload increased massively to effectively disable it, as early preload can look odd with sequential shifts.

thx to you
Already ask this at the Overtake but no reply, maybe here a guy can help me. The carburetor backfire from the bugatti 32 tank is not working anymore, how to fix this or is this another secret adjustment in CM to enable this great effect.

Could be that you need a older version of CSP? roll back 1 or 2 versions earlier
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it's been out a while to be fair it was out before Le Mans around April time
Ah ok, definitely missed it then 😅

Question: Were did you get that rear wing for the Peugeot? It's not in the options of my car. I have v1.2.
It comes with a skin, available on RD/, so it's a visual thing only.

I'm hoping that URD will eventually update their model and the physics so that wing does play its part.
Maybe it would be enough to contact him, I ask him quite regularly for modifications and he does them without any problem, so rather than considering him as an enemy he would do the LODs if a modder asks him?
There again, how many times do we have to explain to you that it isn't the modder's prerogative to contact the guy modifying their **** but the other way around ? Jesus man you'll never get it

In this case there are errors in the original LODs. In AC it is better to reduce the number of objects first, trying to adequately dose the number of polygons. In this case in LODs C and D there are more objects than necessary when the car is far away in our view, so they should be reduced. Our French friend, however, has only sweetened the pill: for example 11 objects and 8010 polygons in LOD D are still excessive. When you load this LOD the car is so far away that we doesn't even understand what it is. Of course, it is true that this may not have much of an impact on performance, but optimization requires being meticulous. Some things may not be noticed in a practice, but in a nice full grid they are.

However, this doesn't mean that he can do whatever he wants. The community is not a jungle, and no one here hates anyone. This is something now considered strange: morality. If someone entrusts him with something, that's fine, but he's the one who has to ask the author (and I'm sure no one would say no in this case). The fact that "he can't because he has been banned" well, we all know he's watching us. And frankly @JK1977 , after all the work he does, I don't think he deserves a "CRAP LODS".

Talking about ripped mods: better not to investigate what development houses do with mods.
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Released : AMG Mercedes-Benz C-Class DTM 1995
Thank youuu Like the 3 Mercedes a lot

But i couldnt find this one under the brand Mercedes-Benz
think this is the problem, changed the brand to what the 2005 ui_car.json has and it appears now also under Mercedes-Benz
2nd screenshot shows a message I got when i wanted to start a Weekend with the 95DTM car as selected car to drive
I’m already on the recommended 1.79 version,
oh then I dont know sorry


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