AC Evo is out! 32 Euro
Now we can start to convert everything from new. :-)
well, i completely forgot about it. See you in 48 hours!
Edit : well, it's so much an early access that i will not play it that much tonight.
Graphically, it's... Not great. Not bad, but it lacks personnality, zverything looks like some kind of roblox. No bloom, a few settings (natural, cinematic, etc...)The grass fx is the same as what we have, but smaller😂. The cars feel like they were imported from another game and quickly sent into the game engine, it's very uncanny.
The FFB, despise lacking any optimisation, is already an absolute pleasure, although i'm gonna hate that very little surface feeling if they don't optimize it. A bit heavier in the sand but that's it.
The immersivity, as expected, is not great, with a pretty basic sense of speed and not much head movment, even with everything maxed out. I was expecting. Abit more on that.
Lastly for now, the AI seems to be as competent as our game😂😂😂. Managed to beat it on a car i didn't know (ford cosworth) on a track i barely played this year (brands hatch), but they just hit eachother, try to accelerate with a car in the way, or just enter corners 4-wide. As bad as usual, like, hell, come on.
Gonna test a few other things, the offline mode is not working and i have those weird artifacts on textures that make the game barely playable. Ah, also, the mirrors are rendered in a better quality than the game, but they only work at 12 frames per second.
It's an alpha!