Assetto Corsa PC Mods General DiscussionPC 

  • Thread starter daan
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Do any track modders here (or anyone else) know why, on a clear track under a clear blue sky, with no shadows from trees or flying objects etc falling across the car, the lighting inside the cockpit can dim at various places around certain tracks, as if you're driving under dappled faint shadows?
I thought it might be an issue with Pure faking cloud shadows (even in clear sun), but it doesn't do it at all on, for example, Kunos Laguna Seca, but it DOES do it at Brno. If you start a hot lap at Brno in clear sun, no clouds at all, the cockpit lighting starts dimming and brightening as you make your way up the hill, even before you get to the first corner. This then continues all around the track. Gamma and LCS, both are the same. But it seems to be track-specific and not a weather issue.
It's very weird. Something is causing it. Any ideas what?
I brought this up to Shin on one of his tracks and he immediately identified it as a bad Vao patch.Its just a matter of baking a new one.I use bakeryoptix.exe for cars but it does tracks as well.Has setting for many parts of the bake.(ini file) Only works on nVidia gpus I think.Seems pretty good to me and pretty fast.
I recently had issues with a Kunos car not looking right and I baked it a new patch and it looks fine now.

They never said that they will do a modding like in AC

Here is a good summary on the topic:

Its just a logical line they follow and there will never be content that available like in AC1.
You are correct sir...they did not.They insinuated and half truthed that yes,there will be modding hoping that would appease us and we would just accept that and buy right more questions asked.They knew if they told us the truth it would hurt sales.

Who gets to be an official modder?Which mods will be allowed?It smells like ALT DLC to me.My favorite cars and tracks will likely NEVER be in the game unless there is also open modding.I am disappoonted in Kunos more for leading us on than just admitting it will all be a form of approved DLC.
If I am wrong...I will apologize profusely...and buy the game. :)
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AC that we have now compared to AC "Evo"lution ??

Where are the old times when games were sold when they were Ready to be Played? (no Alphas & Betas, no patches)
I know it's pre-release!
Why not wait to release until it's ready??
Isn't this worse for the company & game reputation?
Where is the passion & pride to deliver a "perfect" game? The best ever made??
Modders (simple everyday people like us) are better than actual game developers?
Easy cash grab i guess!
Or maybe i'm an old fart complaining!...!
Both AC and ACC released early access too and they turned out pretty great
Le Mans 1967

Le Mans 1967 v1.05

This is my take on the le_grand_circuit_1967 track done by Terra21 and updated by WooChoo and Virtua_LM. All credit for the track goes to those guys. I simply added some CSP features and altered a few textures\meshes to give it a look I prefer. It is a standalone track so as not to mess with the original and will come up as Le Mans 1967 in your track list.


-- Seasonal changes.
-- Animated flags.
-- Animated CSP smoke in the fall and winter.
-- New pine trees texture. This one has some faults because the trunks don't quite line up with the uv mapping correctly. The original pine tree texture had slightly curved trunks. Mine doesn't so you can see some double trunks in spots if you are really looking for them.
-- The Green Grass track skins do just what they say. Makes the grass look greener. Nice for a spring race.
-- The Misc track skin doesn't need to be enabled. It's a skin created by Instevs36 that I got from Overtake that I use at times.
-- The two Original Trees skins are for people who do not use the CSP Track Adjustments option 'Trees A2C Dithering'. It will help to make one set of trees look filled out more. The three Trees skins are just slightly darker versions of the Original Trees skins. Once you find a set of trees you like, you can delete all the other Trees skins.
-- New ai and pitlane files from @TITI. The new pitlane file eliminates the ai slamming on the brakes going by pitlane when another ai car is moving slowly in the pits. It will still happen on rare occasions when two ai cars are side by side going past a slower car in the pits. The inside car will still hit the brakes hard.
-- Moved the start positions for the lm start layouts so that all the cars move at the start of the race. Thanks again to @TITI for telling me what was wrong. In order for this to work right, their start positions are not accurate to real life. If you use the track for online races, you might want to keep the old lm start timing files if you prefer a more accurate start position.
-- Some tweaks to the ext_config file settings. Various shader and track light adjustments.
-- Consolidated all the track kn5 files into one file and renamed the main kn5 file to allow for non-CSP users to use the track. I make no promises on how it will look for non-CSP users as the track is really designed for CSP.
-- Added optional VAOs and ext_config file from @TITI. His config file will make everything a lot brighter so you may prefer it if you find the track looks too dark with my config. For my personal ppfilter, his renders a little too bright for me.

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Small update to version 1.06. Use the link in the quote to get the update. All credit for this update goes to @pitman . He made all of the changes.

If you don't want to overwrite any customizing you may have done to the track since I released it (i.e, track skins, config changes, ai, etc.), when you finish downloading the update, just extract the collision.kn5 file, rj_lemans_1967.kn5 file and the four vao patches to your existing track folder. Those are the only updated files.

-- Moved the pit wall on the left in Maison Blanche closer to the road edge as per images from the 1967 race.
-- Added collision physics to the walls in Maison Blanche.
Thanks to Rob McNail for fixing the no-pitlane-ai problem with Southport Gold Coast... V2 update available now!
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That '62 corvette looks great! Where did you get it from?
wow cool.... I cant even drive it. I have a GTX 1060 6gb and got 15/20 fps on low settings. I mean WTH! I get 70 fps on automobilista 2 with medium\high settings for petes sake. This optimizasion is terrible. I know my rig is old but damn, I can play mostly any game I throw at it on medium settings.
Minimum system requirements for the graphics card is a GTX 1070 so you are short of horsepower in the graphics card department, like I am with my GTX 1660ti. And yes AMS2 runs smooth as silk on my machine as well.
How long before all of the AC Evo Early Access cars and tracks get ported to AC then? I bet some people are already on the case.
I would have thought all those cars were already in AC, quality varying according to modders of course.
Has anyone found a fix for this seemingly random error message popping up since 0.2.7p1? (a delay in data stream from server)
I've made the grave error of noticing it while driving in track-day, and now I'm cursed with seeing it in my peripheral vision all the time :(


Well…now that you mentioned it, I can’t stop noticing it too. 🫣
Tracks listing update

Red Bold
: news and updates (tracks) from 17/01/2025 --> TBA
Red : news and updates (add-ons) from 17/01/2025 --> TBA

Yellow Bold : news and updates (tracks) from 20/12/2024 --> 16/01/2025
Yellow : news and updates (add-ons) from 20/12/2024 --> 16/01/2025

Note to modders: more and more links are no longer available. I'm sharing them on my sharemods, but it goes without saying that if you provide me with a new “official” link, I'll make the change to your link.

As always, thanks to all the modders who amaze us every day.

Thank you guys

ACTL v3.2 by Breathe

To make sure you don't miss any more updates, join my Patreon
Now that we're entertained with the launch of Asseto Corsa EVO, it would be useful if, when someone comments on the fps achieved with a certain graphics card, they also add whether it's in VR or monitor/s, and what resolution we're talking about... I think it's interesting to know so we can make comparisons.

I also tell you all that I don't really give a ****, since for now I'll remain faithful to my beloved and ailing original Assetto Corsa.

And now, my usual stupid joke:

The explanation...
...Depending on the ppfilter they can exponentially interfere with global ao, especially if the light.ambient.level and the daylight.multiplier are at high values...
...and my mind trying to understand it.

Homer mono.gif
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Now that we're entertained with the launch of Asseto Corsa EVO, it would be useful if, when someone comments on the fps achieved with a certain graphics card, they also add whether it's in VR or monitor/s, and what resolution we're talking about... I think it's interesting to know so we can make comparisons.

I also tell you that I don't really give a ****, since for now I'll remain faithful to my beloved and ailing original Assetto Corsa.

And now, my usual stupid joke:

The explanation...

...and my mind trying to understand it.

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VAO is like a tool where you build a map with an external programm. It uses a light which is strait above the map. And then it will process like a shadow map. So on this map all parts that are completely litten by the light gets a 1.0 and all parts which are not litten att all gets a 0.0.

So later in the game this map (VAO) is used to multiply the ambient light value for every pixel. And the higher the ambient light value is, the more the difference is of places with a high occlusion or a low occlusion.

And in Pure the daylight multipier is a direct multiplier of the ambient light value. So if both are high, the difference of the brightness of an area with a high VAO value is really high compared to an area with a low occlusion.
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Now that we're entertained with the launch of Asseto Corsa EVO, it would be useful if, when someone comments on the fps achieved with a certain graphics card, they also add whether it's in VR or monitor/s, and what resolution we're talking about... I think it's interesting to know so we can make comparisons.

I also tell you all that I don't really give a ****, since for now I'll remain faithful to my beloved and ailing original Assetto Corsa.

And now, my usual stupid joke:

The explanation...

...and my mind trying to understand it.

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RTX3080, triples at 1440p. 110-120fps. I used the Nvidia and most in-game settings found here and got a massive boost (yes, advertised for VR. but worked for me).
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Very soon, all mods will get a final update.

F1 2007 : this mod state was absolutely SDD level, it will get an update to get close to 2008 quality level


F1 2008 - fixes

F60 ferrari : Fixes too

F1 2010 : New williams steering wheel, some shaders update, new skinpack and also you will be able to get the sharkfin version of both virgin and williams

F1 2011 : Updated cameras, updated chrome for mclaren. Updated helmet shaders

F1 2012 : Updated helmet shaders, fixing transparancy issue on the helmet glass material, fixing some 3D issue on the helmets. League physics added

F1 2013 : League physics added, some fixes and hopefully sort the engine left/right stereo not being balanced right

If there's something I missed, something you want to be sure it's fixed or added please tell me now
Installed ACE, couldn't even launch the bloody game for like an hour, saw that it requires to be online to play solo (funny how they never talked about that before!), asked for a refund.

They can shove their DRM up where the sun doesn't shine.
I does not require online to play solo. It requires online to have access to some cars!
Could anyone help me to create a pbr paint ext_config for this paint?View attachment 1418357

any update on this?
hi, sorry, I tried and didn't get far, because the hood doesn't have a seperate material , it's not possible to recreate this skin exactly ... (the cameleon paint will also stick on the hood and roof, where you want to have different materials - and my skills don't extend to adding extra materials , only painting /changing existing ones)
Hi. Where do you find this setting please for shadow resolution. Many thanks.
Settings - Assetto Corsa - Video
Any tips for manually reducing file sizes for car skins? Most of the RD releases for the Porsche (both the LMh and the GTD) are in an absurd 8K format that no one in the world needs - especially me, who runs the game at a peasant's 1440p.

This of course means that individual skins can be hundreds of megabytes, which is ludicrous. I did a size analysis of my content folder and there are quite a few folders with crazy high file sizes - but skins I've sorted and added drivers to, which I want to keep.

And yes, I do use Compactor to compress my entire content folder. The fact I'm still scrounging for space should tell you what kind of absurd car/track numbers I have regardless.

Thanks to anyone who may know.
I tend to throw in this batch file in the skins root folder of the car mod , and it will go over all subdirs in that folder (so each skin folder) and compress the dds if possible... it saves quite some extra space (but you may wanna backup and compare and see if you wanna trade in the loss of fidelity for the extra saved disk space).

Yikes, the vr performance is horrible. I have a 4090 and a 13900k cpu, and it seems like its struggling. Weird texture issues, crashes. Looks like I'll be shelving this one for a while until kunos gets it sorted out.
EVO first impression for me indeed is bad...
my specs: 32gb ddr4 3600, Ryzen-9 5950x, 4080s 16GB, Windows 10 Pro, Quest3 via Oculus Link
does someone here maybe know if i am allowed to link my mod post from here on overtake for the additional skinpack?

and also many thanks for ur feedback everypne, that makes us very happy. but we need some help to fix some stuff, have a nice weekend🤍
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And now, my usual stupid joke:

The explanation...

...and my mind trying to understand it.

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I must add, to the understanding of strictly myself, and because you certainly didn't ask for it, that there is a way to overcome most of the VAO issues and get a little more control on them (such as VAO saturation) by exploiting a glitch in the Pure matrix.

You can set the light.distant_ambient.distance to 0.005 and then use the light.distant_ambient level to overlight the close to middle depth scenery, including the VAO. This works especially well on old tracks (or really basic conversions) that didn't get much attention and are showing insane amounts of contrast on isolated 2D objects, leaving the cars parts, cockpits and closer roads with its correct amount of ambient occlusion. The distant.light.saturation now acts as a sunlight saturation selector for the VAO(works only with ambient lightV1).

On ambient lightV1 as well, the light ambient.level is now strictly associated with your cockpit, another hack to highlight dark cockpits in some situations. It is a little more complicated with ambient light V2 but i'm pretty sure you had enough non-sense for the day😆.

Once scripted to fit your artistic preferences it is pretty beautiful.

I know that i've completely lost you (my lawyer is basically showing the same face as yours right now, begging me to plead for insanity on some unrelated case), but i couldn't keep this secret for myself any longer.
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@Peter Boese I keep hearing that I should switch from Pure Gamma to Pure LCS because it's objectively 'better', and more efficient, and more 'correct'. So I'd really like to switch.
Things look pretty good to me in Gamma with your PureVR PPF, but if I switch to LCS using the same PPF then grass goes very pale and other things just look subjectively 'weird'.
I guess what I'm asking is: shouldn't the current PureVR PPF (and other 'Pure' PPFs that come bundled with Pure?) be relabelled as PureGammaXX and a new set of PureLCSXX PPFs be included?
Because in my experience the generic 'Pure' PPFs might work with Gamma, but don't necessarily work as well with LCS.
I know I could tweak the config myself but I've no great understanding of the parameters and no real interest in learning. I'd much rather trust the expert (ie you) to come up with something appropriate, based on your extensive knowledge and experience.
People keep recommending various paymod PPFs from snake-oil salesmen and shysters, but in my experience, in VR, they're mostly garbage.
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Jerez 1994 & 1997 v1.02


Circuito de Jerez with 1994 and 1997 layout.
Conversion from rFactor.

-CSP recommended
-2 layouts (Only change billboards)
-36 pit/start
-AI, cam

Credits & Thanks;
rFactor Track by F1-S-R (1994 Track Pack)
-Thank you for giving me permission

The billboard texture base is taken from F1 Challenge Track by dmarques (Original by Tantra, Updated by dmarques).

AC converted by @shi (shin956)
Pit building and other objects from Jerez 1988 by carrera.4
AI and sidelines by IMEAN
Sections file by @Fanapryde
cam by @Gregz0r
Crowds texture by @Kniker97
marshall, cone and some textures by kunos
Test and Feedback by @Breathe , @Fanapryde

v1.01 changelog;
Changed AI and sidelines by IMEAN. (Thanks)

v1.02 changelog;
Fixed flickering of the s/f bridge logo in the 1994 layout. (Thanks Mascot for the report.)
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... I know that i've completely lost you (my lawyer is basically showing the same face as yours right now, begging me to plead for insanity on some unrelated case), but i couldn't keep this secret for myself any longer.
You bet! 😆

Jokes aside, I had a vague idea of how this VAO thing works, but thanks to your and Peter's explanations I now have a broader view. You learn something new every day!

Thank you all for taking the time to explain these things to us.
@Peter Boese I keep hearing that I should switch from Pure Gamma to Pure LCS because it's objectively 'better', and more efficient, and more 'correct'. So I'd really like to switch.
Things look pretty good to me in Gamma with your PureVR PPF, but if I switch to LCS using the same PPF then grass goes very pale and other things just look subjectively 'weird'.
I guess what I'm asking is: shouldn't the current PureVR PPF (and other 'Pure' PPFs that come bundled with Pure?) be relabelled as PureGammaXX and a new set of PureLCSXX PPFs be included?
Because in my experience the generic 'Pure' PPFs might work with Gamma, but don't necessarily work as well with LCS.
I know I could tweak the config myself but I've no great understanding of the parameters and no real interest in learning. I'd much rather trust the expert (ie you) to come up with something appropriate, based on your extensive knowledge and experience.
People keep recommending various paymod PPFs from snake-oil salesmen and shysters, but in my experience, in VR, they're mostly garbage.
Actually in Pure LCS the normal "pure" ppfilter will manage Screen, HDR and VR automatically. So please try this first. You can manage your taste how it looks in the Pure PP app. In the Script tab you can adjust "photorealistic" and "soft look" to get the picture to your liking. Also you could try to use the "Natural mod" ppfilter which seems also great for VR.

Ac start crashing no matter what track or cars I use. Nvgpucomp64 issue. any help ?​

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update your nvidia drivers. It could also be a good thing to use the "Studio" drivers. But maybe first try the "Game ready" drivers.
@Peter Boese I keep hearing that I should switch from Pure Gamma to Pure LCS because it's objectively 'better', and more efficient, and more 'correct'. So I'd really like to switch.
Things look pretty good to me in Gamma with your PureVR PPF, but if I switch to LCS using the same PPF then grass goes very pale and other things just look subjectively 'weird'.
I'm still hooked to gamma as well, but if you tell us all the things you wanna change we can either guide you to the proper slider or even make a few pp configs to try for (you would click import and try them in a click).

For my vintage cars and tracks it doesn't work great for example, but for modern cars and recent tracks it is pretty neat. What's a combo you're playing on atm?
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Does anyone know how to lower the visual(at least) ride heights of the ACFL 1994 F1 cars? They're decent grid fillers, but they all look like they've jacked up way too high on their suspensions.
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