Assoluto Racing - iOS / Android (Out now on iOS and Android!)

  • Thread starter jujunosuke
Out now on iOS and Android!

Prepare your download guys!! :cheers:
And rate 5 stars to help the game to start! :D

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Just installed this on my phone, seems pretty good. 👍 Maybe you can post on r/AndroidApps to help increase exposure.
You mean to tell me that the game I fell addicted with for the past few hours is made by someone who happens to be a GTP member? Wish I knew earlier.... :gtpflag:

As for the game, 5 stars. One of the best Android racing games i've ever played. :bowdown: 👍



Guess you could say I was having too much fun. :lol:
Of course, the day it releases for Android is the day my device decides to go on vacation.

Why, WHY!?
Just had a quick go, and it's absolutely amazing. A bit drifty at places, but it's still a top-notch game with its distinct style. It's basically Gran Turismo on smartphones (compared to Real Racing's more Forza-like gameplay), and I love it. 👍
Hi everyone, i am super happy to hear the great feedback from you guys.
I am so overwhelmed by the beginning of this release.

We have so much messages on Facebook that we can't even reply to everyone...

So glad you like it mate.

@TwinTurbo LM
Good idea for the post, i will try.

Glad you like the game! Mate its just the beginning, so much more content to come. we will try to push that quick.

Thanks for your sweet comment mate that is great.
You should definitely be the official Italian translator :)
What do you think? You would be in the Credits.

@NP <--- This awesome dude made the German version.
Car Suggestions
Ford Focus (ST or RS or both) 2015
Honda Prelude Type S MUGEN 1998
Subaru Impreza STi 2010
Volkswagen Golf R32 2008

I know that's asking for too much, but in time.
It's a great game and easily the best racing game, I've ever played on my phone.
It is also the first game, I've bought that double credit premium thingy for.

The driving feels pretty good and while I thought, that I will never get used to the steering, it actually happend pretty quick. I use the virtual steering wheel slider, as I don't have the balls to steer with my entire phone, while sitting in the metro. :D

I LOVE, that I can crossplay this game between my ipad and my andoid device, so thanks for that!

I wish you guys all the best for the future of this lovingly crafted game.

One suggestion: I would rethink the rating of the Mitsubishi Eclipse and maybe other cars. I only own three of them at the moment, but the Eclipse can't hold its ground in the c-b class, especially compared to the Evo X. The R34 GTR on the other hand sits in the f-d class. I did not buy it, but i bet, it is going to kill the Eclipse.

One question: How do I sell a car?
I think if you are in the main menu and have multiple cars in the garage, click the class letter on the top right and it should show you the selling price.
Car Suggestions
Ford Focus (ST or RS or both) 2015
Honda Prelude Type S MUGEN 1998
Subaru Impreza STi 2010
Volkswagen Golf R32 2008

I know that's asking for too much, but in time.

Ford would be dope!
As for the Honda, we could do something.

We need some Subi and bring rally series :)
It's a great game and easily the best racing game, I've ever played on my phone.
It is also the first game, I've bought that double credit premium thingy for.

The driving feels pretty good and while I thought, that I will never get used to the steering, it actually happend pretty quick. I use the virtual steering wheel slider, as I don't have the balls to steer with my entire phone, while sitting in the metro. :D

I LOVE, that I can crossplay this game between my ipad and my andoid device, so thanks for that!

I wish you guys all the best for the future of this lovingly crafted game.

One suggestion: I would rethink the rating of the Mitsubishi Eclipse and maybe other cars. I only own three of them at the moment, but the Eclipse can't hold its ground in the c-b class, especially compared to the Evo X. The R34 GTR on the other hand sits in the f-d class. I did not buy it, but i bet, it is going to kill the Eclipse.

One question: How do I sell a car?

Thank you so much for your support.
I am glad that you like the game.

You can't go wrong with the Credits multiplier, its a super nice value.

Hopefully, more to come soon!
Will you be adding support for controllers? I'm loving the game so far but me personally have never been a fan of these mobile game control schemes lol. This game def has the potential to be the biggest racing franchise in mobile gaming, and I hope it will take that crown. I've been following this thread for a few months now and couldn't wait to have a gt like game on the go. I didn't get any work done in the office yesterday lol.
I am loving this game! The 2X Multiplier is really helping, and starting to shave off some seconds on my laps :)

Not in the Top 10, but getting there.
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Will you be adding support for controllers? I'm loving the game so far but me personally have never been a fan of these mobile game control schemes lol. This game def has the potential to be the biggest racing franchise in mobile gaming, and I hope it will take that crown. I've been following this thread for a few months now and couldn't wait to have a gt like game on the go. I didn't get any work done in the office yesterday lol.

Thanks you so much!
Yes, controller will be supported soon because i just received my Bluetooth controller yesterday.

But i don't have any exact date for that tho. I will let you know :)
I am loving this game! The 2X Multiplier is really helping, and starting to shave off some seconds on my laps :)

Not in the Top 10, but getting there.

Thanks for your support Gt!

I am redesigning the Ranking because i didn't liked to have it on the reward screen.
For the next update, it will be moved just after the end of a race.

Additionally, a new ranking menu will appear, and you could check the top 100 of every cars on every track.

It looks like this.

Capture d’écran 2016-07-03 à 12.02.12.png
So I've played the game for the last few days and I gotta say I really enjoy it, this is actually my first mobile racing game and from what I've seen you've hit the ball outta the park. I would love to see where this leads.
I'll have to try the game later but I'm liking the way you do things and it does look very good! I saw that you needed translators so, if you'd like, I could help you translate it to spanish if GTvsForza can't do it for any reason :)
Thank you everyone for your support.

A new Update is available on Android. (1.0.10)
Will soon be available for iOS.

- Added Accelerometer sensitivity option
- Updated physics
- Redesigned Ranking UI
- Fixed Portuguese language

Probably a new AWD car will be added soon ^^

Forgot to ask.
If we could license 4 cars from BMW, which are the best we could get?
Can't wait for your ideas guys.
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