AT or MT

  • Thread starter Wankah
Does anyone out there use the automatic transmission or are all of you diehard MT users? I guess manual is the way to go because that's what all of the drivetrain upgrades seem to be geared towards. I've raced quite a few races in an automatic and found that it wasn't too bad at all. Sometimes I'm just too bloody lazy to downshift when I approach a corner.

i use AT love it all i do is keep my thumb covering the gas and brake. i mostly always hold down the gas and hit the break its almost like downshifting.
I use a Manual every time i race.  When I first started out i used the auto till i got used to the game and sterring now I use the manual.  It is more fun gives you more control and can be a little faster.
I thought i was better with AT but i learned MT is the way to go.It`s nice with high power cars cause when you get tire spin you can upshift.I don`t think i would have ever passed the last liscense test without MT.I tried a bunch of times in AT and when i changed i got it the first try.
Its so hard to do the manual trans and steer, keep up with the revs, etc.  
Ive always used the at and very rarely use the mt at all.  
As far as downshifting in the at, just tap the brake and  itll go one gear down and then continue to give gas.  This comes in handy in many of my races.  Plus, I like to listen to the revs of the engine to tell me where Im at in the gears.  
AT rules.  
having to shift
I like using the manual the best. I don't like the auto cause if I go around a corner, and slow down too much, it usually downshifts to first, and starts to spin the tires real bad. In a manual if I slow down too much I just keep it in second, and it accelerates faster because on no wheel spin.

If you're using an auto, and wanna downshift, try tapping the reverse button for a second without letting off the gas. This is what I do if I use an auto, and I'm going to slow for the current gear I'm in.
Josh is totally right on that! I have to say personally prefer the MT due to the fact that you can usually downshift early and steer with your rear wheels in some cars a lot easier.
You shift from 5th to 4th in a car like the Viper after you pass the second sector, starting the first, at Rome Night and take it at around 120.  Car slides a bit from the downshift. Daytona for the Genesis had an expert course. I was good at it, or at least fun to watch. I think my best was between 1:33-1:36. AA manual.

Sometimes a higher gear will let you turn in more, I think this is because the torgue is lower at the lower rpms you would be out. Less resistance maybe? I don't really know.
Well, that's for GT2 sorry.

Oh, I know I am not the fastest, so when is my Rome Night time going to be beat?

(Edited by Talentless at 2:00 pm on July 28, 2001)
MT kicks!  I was doing the Licence things, and It was soo much easier on MT cu when u went around tuns, like someone said u dont have to down shift to first.  I usually keep it in 3rd the whole time.  For the B licence tests.  Yeah I think I'm turniogn tino s MT kinda guy.  
Well, you guys are a lot better at doing many things at once than myself.  I've tried MT a lot, but I usually loose so much time banging into walls (because I was distracted by the gears), that it's just not worth it.  :frown: