Good turn out by most drivers last night.
I would like to thank Greasy07 & nasanu for hosting
We tested most circuits with out any issues.We have decided to remove the Monaco circuit

and replace it with the Daytona Road Course as it's more suited to the Lotus and will make for better racing.
On Race night the qualifying period will be set as a 20 minute to race start countdown.This will allow drivers who get DC to be able to return to qualifying.
During the qualifying period if you come off the circuit at any time and you have a car behind you,YOU MUST GIVE WAY.
Please remember at no point during the race are you allowed to text/write as this is a huge distraction to all drivers racing.
Voice settings will be disabled during the race.
Below is the optimal transmission settings for the Lotus. I highly recommend you implement it if you are still using the default transmission as well as using the lotus tune posted on page one of this thread.
For the transmission :
The best solution i´ve found till now is:
fg(final gear) maxx full right
top speed minium
1- 0%. 3,230
2-0%. 2,217
3-33%. 1,784
4-66%. 1,463
5-100% 1,214
then use final gear to reach top speed depending of your aero settings and circuit.
Some info for G27 users:
Undocumented settings from G27, one of them removes deadzone from center, is this "we know it already" stuff and no need for topic at all?
[1+2] + O = ~670°
[1+2] + S = ~450°
[1+2] + X = 900° Resets to default
[1+2] + T = ~240°
1 and 2 buttons goes down almost same time, I have used order 1-2 and then selection without any specific delay, then releasing selection key and also 1 and 2 buttons.
*After many tests can say at just hold 1+2 down and then select TSOX-mode which you want to use.
Have done it everywhere, on track, on menus, so doesn't matter where, only doing it after wheel calibration, 'coz calibration resets these modes.
If you keep small tension on wheel when switching to 0deadzone mode you feel small *klak* and movement of wheel.
After successful mode change you feel it when turning wheel toward lock, there will be a FFB-engine powered lock what you feel on chosen radius.
G25 confirmed also to work same as G27Works also on DFGT (1=start 2=select) (some works, some not..weird)

Remember that the above settings do not save,so you must set them each time you start GT6.
Cheers Vendal