ATL AUSTRALIAN & NZ "Lotus 97T F1 Championship" Accepting entriesFinished 

  • Thread starter VENDALISM
For this F1 series I'm racing for team :


G'day Vendalism,
I also race with the Auslot guys and was advised by Slotrunner & Meggs1 about the Lotus series coming up.
Unfortunately due to travel involved with work I won't be able to make all the races but would still love to be involved
in the Series.
My PSN is BuckDamo63.

Many Thanks
Daemon (Alias Buck)
Looks like a good line up is forming. I recommend trying Vendals Lotus tune, with some changes to suit my driving style it made driving this beast more like driving a Barina!
G'day Vendalism,
I also race with the Auslot guys and was advised by Slotrunner & Meggs1 about the Lotus series coming up.
Unfortunately due to travel involved with work I won't be able to make all the races but would still love to be involved
in the Series.
My PSN is BuckDamo63.

Many Thanks
Daemon (Alias Buck)

Hey Buck,

You are more than welcome to race with us Buck. We may have to put you down as a reserve entry, if we get a full grid with full time drivers,but don't worry I will put your name down for you.

Cheers Vendal
Hi, I race regularly with the guys on AUSlOT,user id capella13b, and would like to run in this series.

Regards Graeme

G'day Graeme,

Welcome aboard :gtpflag:

Great to have another good driver from the AUSLOT crew. I will put your name down for you on our driver entrie list.

Let us know if you have any questions as we are more than happy to help?

I like your Wankel motor ....👍 bridge port ?

Cheers Vendal
Hey Buck,

You are more than welcome to race with us Buck. We may have to put you down as a reserve entry, if we get a full grid with full time drivers,but don't worry I will put your name down for you.

Cheers Vendal

G'Day Vendal,
Totally understand the situation mate, so no prob's there. Better to be a bench warmer than not to be one at all. This Monday coming (14th) I will be in Mackay so am a definite non starter for the first round. Will keep in touch and try to let you know well in advance of my work travels. My Mob No: is 0412 383 772.
Was up at Meggs1 place on the weekend (he's a fully fledged Novacastrian now) and tried the settings for the Lotus..................I won't use expletives on this forum, but jeez what a difference, totally different and as mentioned on the print out a great starting platform.
Talk to you soon.

Thanks again
Hey Buck,

Appreciate the update M8

It looks like we will have 2 more full time drivers joining the ATL F1 series so you are welcome to race when you can.

We will have a meet and greet with all participating drivers at the end of the week to see how our compatibility is with all participating drivers and address any drivers with lag issues.

We do this at the beginning of every series as it irons out main issues prior season start.
I will post the meet and greet date and time over the next couple of days.

Please make sure you send a friend request to all drivers on our F1 driver list.

Cheers Vendal :cheers:
Hey Buck,

Appreciate the update M8

It looks like we will have 2 more full time drivers joining the ATL F1 series so you are welcome to race when you can.

We will have a meet and greet with all participating drivers at the end of the week to see how our compatibility is with all participating drivers and address any drivers with lag issues.

We do this at the beginning of every series as it irons out main issues prior season start.
I will post the meet and greet date and time over the next couple of days.

Please make sure you send a friend request to all drivers on our F1 driver list.

Cheers Vendal :cheers:

G'Day Vendal,
It would be good to have a meet and greet over a BBQ with a few Frothies and meet everyone in the flesh...................(Maybe after the series).
Thanks for the heads up for sending everyone a friends request...............I'm on it.
Do the Auslot boyz know.............??
Also, just quietly, there's a few of the Auslot boys been practising the house

Thanks mate
Buck ...............:cheers:
G'Day Vendal,
It would be good to have a meet and greet over a BBQ with a few Frothies and meet everyone in the flesh...................(Maybe after the series).
Thanks for the heads up for sending everyone a friends request...............I'm on it.
Do the Auslot boyz know.............??
Also, just quietly, there's a few of the Auslot boys been practising the house

Thanks mate
Buck ...............:cheers:

Oh by the way mate can you update the Drivers list as some of the guys may not find me with ID "Buckdamon63"
as it's "BuckDamo63"

Thanks mate.............;)


Sorry for the delay of this post as my new wheel only arrived yesterday.



DATE : 12/7/14 Saturday Night 6pm EST

Room Host : Greasy07

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Ooo new wheel, what did you get? See everyone at 6!

After the g27 packed it in last week, I decided to purchase the Thrustmaster RS500.
I must say the g27 is not a bad wheel given it's retail price of $250.The only bad point about the RS wheel is the huge gap between the wheel and the paddle shifters, but that problem has been solved by purchasing the Thrustmaster GTE add on wheel that has a much better ergonomic design.
The T500 RS racing wheel and the relevant SDK (Software Development Kit) are issued to major PlayStation®3 game development studios to ensure full compatibility with forthcoming releases.
The T500 RS SDK enables PlayStation®3 game development teams to configure and manage Force Feedback effects.
The SDK includes the ability to adjust the wheel's angle of rotation from 40 to 1080°. Individual development teams are therefore able to adjust and define wheel rotation angles according to their own preferences.
The wheel automatically adjusts to choices made by development teams.
However, it is also possible to manually change the angle of rotation selected by default. To do so, simultaneously press (and release):

 “D-Pad Right” + “MODE button” to increase the angle of rotation by one step

“D-Pad Left” + “MODE button” to decrease the angle of rotation by one step

Changing the angle of rotation manually does not permanently save the change = you must repeat the procedure each time the game restarts.

 “D-Pad Left” + “MODE button” to decrease the angle of rotation by one step
5 possible settings

LED status
Flashes 1 time
Flashes 2 times
Flashes 3 times
Flashes 4 times
Flashes 5 times
Flashes 1 time
Setup makes a huge difference in this car. HUGE. At one point I was about 3 seconds behind Vendal on laptime, a few changes later and I do a lap faster. Thats a 3 second difference in laptime from setup alone. More than I have ever seen for any car.
Lol lobby server crashed

Well I hated that car at first, but it grew on me and the wheel settings were a great help. Looking forward to a good season with everyone :)
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Good turn out by most drivers last night.:gtpflag:

I would like to thank Greasy07 & nasanu for hosting :cheers:

We tested most circuits with out any issues.We have decided to remove the Monaco circuit ;) and replace it with the Daytona Road Course as it's more suited to the Lotus and will make for better racing.

On Race night the qualifying period will be set as a 20 minute to race start countdown.This will allow drivers who get DC to be able to return to qualifying.

:bowdown:During the qualifying period if you come off the circuit at any time and you have a car behind you,YOU MUST GIVE WAY.:bowdown:

Please remember at no point during the race are you allowed to text/write as this is a huge distraction to all drivers racing.

Voice settings will be disabled during the race.

Below is the optimal transmission settings for the Lotus. I highly recommend you implement it if you are still using the default transmission as well as using the lotus tune posted on page one of this thread.

For the transmission :

The best solution i´ve found till now is:
fg(final gear) maxx full right
top speed minium

1- 0%. 3,230

2-0%. 2,217

3-33%. 1,784

4-66%. 1,463

5-100% 1,214

then use final gear to reach top speed depending of your aero settings and circuit.

Some info for G27 users:

Undocumented settings from G27, one of them removes deadzone from center, is this "we know it already" stuff and no need for topic at all?


[1+2] + O = ~670°
[1+2] + S = ~450°
[1+2] + X = 900° Resets to default
[1+2] + T = ~240°

1 and 2 buttons goes down almost same time, I have used order 1-2 and then selection without any specific delay, then releasing selection key and also 1 and 2 buttons.
*After many tests can say at just hold 1+2 down and then select TSOX-mode which you want to use.
Have done it everywhere, on track, on menus, so doesn't matter where, only doing it after wheel calibration, 'coz calibration resets these modes.
If you keep small tension on wheel when switching to 0deadzone mode you feel small *klak* and movement of wheel.
After successful mode change you feel it when turning wheel toward lock, there will be a FFB-engine powered lock what you feel on chosen radius.
G25 confirmed also to work same as G27Works also on DFGT (1=start 2=select) (some works, some not..weird)

:bowdown:Remember that the above settings do not save,so you must set them each time you start GT6.

Cheers Vendal
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Thanks boys good turn out last night to see what more we need to sort the beast out just got off and after reset of car settings and some minor adjustments was doin mid 133s last night 140s and all over the place got out of way most of the time there was a few drop out restarts but most got back in or waited for the next one bring on Monday cheers Phil.b

- 14/07/2014 Monday Night 8pm EST.

TRACK: Nurburgring GP/F LAPS: 36

2 Mandatory Pit Stops

Room Host :GREASY07

Backup Host :nasanu




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send a friend request to each of the drivers on the Drivers list.
As this is crucial for room stability and player compatibility
From where do you have this information? I mean..are you sure that adding everyone else as a friend can improve the room's stability? room stability = network compatibility for me. Does it means the same for you as well? If so, I really would like to know your sources about this information cause I really don't understand how you can have a better network compatibility whith somoeone that you add as a friend.

From where do you have this information? I mean..are you sure that adding everyone else as a friend can improve the
room's stability? room stability = network compatibility for me. Does it means the same for you as well? If so, I really would like to know your sources about this information cause I really don't understand how you can have a better network compatibility whith somoeone that you add as a friend.

Dear Litchi,

Information was sourced from this Guy, so if you have any more questions please talk to him as he has all the answers to your questions.

His email address is masterofgt@frog.frog.frog



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After the g27 packed it in last week, I decided to purchase the Thrustmaster RS500.
I must say the g27 is not a bad wheel given it's retail price of $250.The only bad point about the RS wheel is the huge gap between the wheel and the paddle shifters, but that problem has been solved by purchasing the Thrustmaster GTE add on wheel that has a much better ergonomic design.View attachment 184625

Hey Vendal, seeing as you've upraded your wheel . . . do you want to sell the "spring" that you had for the pedals mate?