Austra-Manx Motorsport Tuning, updated 12-09-09 with AMMT 2002!

  • Thread starter senamic
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Can I request a tune for the Ren 5 Turbo (avatar related). I'd like it on S3s, but don't care for the track/event it's tuned for, as long as it's a different approach to the (superb) RVV tune. Sorry, don't have time to find the link. Btw, when I get home in a few days eill finish the review of the Aston DB9, still have to figure out exactly ehat I thnk of it. Take your time with the Ren, I won't get to it for quite a while.

Also, careful with the triple-posting, you will get yelled at.
Will get on to the Renault. Also, tomorrow the ZZII(s) will go online, along with a gift as apologies for being late: an Elise of some description.

Happy Hunting!

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Downshifting on the approach to Lotus
OK then. First and formost, THIS IS A BEAST. The ZZ-II originally was a nice car, but we then took it from the manufacturer it all seemed a bit...:guilty:Sane:guilty:. So we aimed to turn it into a beast of a racer, and well, here it is.

Parts List

R3 Tyres (tuned for R3s, although our hotlap and speed tests ran on R5s)
Turbo Stage 4
Racing Suspension
Fully Customisable LSD
Wing from GT Auto
New wheels (will update with the wing and wheels used soon)

Now for the artform known as the tune...

Front=7 Rear=6

Spring Rate Front=14.0 Rear=15.5
Ride Height Front=60 Rear=65
Damper Bound Front=4 Rear=5
Damper Rebound Front=8 Rear=9
Camber Angle Front=3.0 Rear=1.5
Toe Angle Front=2 Rear=-1
Stabilisers Front=5 Rear=5

OK then default,auto, final, individual.

Initial Torque Front=10 Rear=6
LSD Acceleration Front=12 Rear=8
LSD Deceleration Front=10 Rear=5


Front=55 Rear=65

Driving Aids

The almighty stats:

0-60= 2.4
0-100= 4.5
0-100-0= 7.2
Max= 226MPH

And the lap... we loved this lap, as did The Stig.

We pulled away and the ZZII-R's acceleration was PHENOMENAL! We coulda sworn it was an FGT
The car was a bit understeery on the exit of Hill but contrary to what we expected, Hamilton was quite dull, we easily went through. The car is sooo easy to recover, and doesn't feel like it carries Stage 4 Turbo. More like Stage 2

About to turn into Lotus
We then cleared Imola and Exit, and the ZZII-R started to show its grunt. Boulevard looked fine, and we thought that it would be a simple lap. But there was one concern:

The Kaira "incident"
We got cocky at Grandstand, and left with too much speed. Kaira corner nearly claimed a Kaira car, but like we said it is such and easy car to recover. Our Stig noticed this problem and managed to keep the car on the track... well at least two wheels.

Hotlap complete!
We compared the time to our stock ZZ-II.
The stock ZZ-II did a time of:
46.385 seconds!
That is scary fast for a stock car! But what did we do?
We did it in:
:sly:Thirty! Nine point Two seconds:sly:, making the ZZII-R one of the fastest cars to go around our test track.
We could go on to say how great our tune is, how the quality of our engineers made a beast, but that would be wrong. The ZZ-II is, plain and simple, one of THE BEST cars ever in GT4. We couldn't have asked for a better base and, well, :tup:kudos:tup: go to TK for the basis of one of our favourite cars in this great world! Feel free to test! We suggest the Japanese GT championship (you don't get any A-Spec, but don't qualify and prepare for some fun races against JGTCs:sly:)
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AMMT Elise 190-LW- The 296 bhp NIGHTMARE

Parts List

Oil Change
Rigidity Refresh
Weight Reduction Stage 3
Port Poish
Engine Balancing
Racing Exhaust
ECU Control Chip
R3 Tyres
Turbo Stage 3
Racing Brakes
Brake Balance Controller
Racing Suspension
Fully Customisable Transmission
Triple Plated Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Fully Customisable LSD

The Wonderful tune...hehehe...

Front=5 Rear=6


Spring Rate Front=11.0 Rear=12.5
Ride Height Front=66 Rear=70
Damper Bound Front=4 Rear=5
Damper Rebound Front=7 Rear=8
Camber Angle Front=3.2 Rear=1.5
Toe Angle Front=1 Rear=-1
Stabilisers Front=5 Rear=4
This can get slidey, even on R5s, but once you focus, previous lap times will look pathetic ;)

OK then default,auto, final, individual.
This makes the Elise top out at...175.18 MPH! We got as close as we could.


Initial Torque=5
LSD Acceleration=14
LSD Deceleration=10

Driving Aids
In a word: NO
These gave us these stats:



OK then. This tune was all over the place, expect a lot of oversteer at the mid rev range. Once you learn how to drive this though, she can be a beauty. I took her to Tsukuba and on my first try with the completed tune scored a 54.488 second lap on the R3s. She is a nice car, but expect a better, winged variant from us in coming weeks.....

And the Motorland laps. Well, the stock car did a 48.7 second lap with an oil change to help it. Our tuned variant scored a 41.609. Not bad for a quick tune.

Happy Hunting!

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Nissan FairladyZ-R
Base car Nissan Fairlady Z Version ST (Z33) Option Wheel 2002

Don't have time to mince words right now, here it is:

Parts List
Racing Exhaust
ECU Control Chip
R3 Tyres (or your choice of R grade tyres)
Racing Brakes
Brake Balance Controller
Original Suspension (from tuning village)
Fully Customisable Transmission
Triple Platedd Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Carbon Driveshaft
Fully Customisable LSD
Weight Reduction Stage 3
Oil Change
New wheels (option)

Now the settings:


Front:5 Rear:6


Spring Rate= Front: 14.5 Rear:15.2
Ride Height= Front: 66 Rear:70
Dampers= Front: 7 Rear: 7
Camber Angle= Front:3.1 Rear:1.5
Toe Angle= Front: 0 Rear: 1
Stabilisers= Front: 4 Rear:5


Initial Torque: 10
LSD Acceleration: 25
LSD Deceleration: 15


Front: 22 Rear:30

Default, then auto, final, and then gears

Auto: 14
Final: 3.120
1: 2.804
2: 1.970
3: 1.450
4: 1.135
5: 0.918
6: 0.770

Driving aids


OK then, there we are. It carries some good speed, just treat this Fairlady right and she will live up to her name.

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Brief review of the Aston Martin Enduro

We’ve been looking for an endurance tune recently for the GVS 300 lately, so decided to give this a lash, knowing that we were bringing a gun to a knife fight. I was therefore shocked to see about 80 A-spec offered for this 600hp+ monster on R2s. After establishing we could wipe the floor with the opposition we turned to tyre life. This car runs remarkably well on cold tyres, but does not get the same level of benefit as the AI on warm tyres.

The next step was to figure out how far the tyres could go; whether we could run 12-13 laps per set of tyres and run a four-stop race. Unfortunately, the power and acceleration of the car brought out the Blues Brother in me and I couldn’t help but drive like a drooling maniac, managing to turn the front tyres (esp front left) a lovely burn-orange colour while the rears were still happily yellow.

A few bad points: the gear ratios are still not working on my Aston, nowhere near it in fact; the car sometimes reacts violently to hitting the rumble strip and at a high speed this is a big problem; and potential snap oversteer if you’re trying to correct a problem (again, esp at high speed).

However, this car certainly deserves more testing for this event. For our next session I plan to reduce the hp and perhaps consider an R1/R2 front rear setup, although this was too understeery on the current setup. I’m hoping this will give us a comfortable win for 100pts+. Was this car tuned for a particular race or for Motorland in general?

Anyway, thanks for a great car, and I’ll keep you updated via PM on our progress with testing.
I am getting to dislike this gearing issue.... I will review it yet AGAIN! Sorry, not angry at you guys. Thanks for the review PF! As I have said via PM, ALL AMMT CARS UP TO THE RELEASE OF THE LOTUS ELISE 190 WILL BE REVIEWED BY AMMT AND REVISED TO PRODUCE MORE ADVANCED TUNES. THE SALEEN, BMW AND ASTON WERE INTERIM TUNES TO GET THE SHOP RUNNING. Thanks again for the review. And your Renault is coming along nicely. Can you PM me what you want changed? I sent you the settings a few days ago.

Happy Hunting!

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My driver dropped around last night, and he got the same thing at GVS driving in a less violent manner with NA2 and R2/R2. The front tyres give out first, espec the front left. I think we were offered 123 Aspec on the first lineup, so if we can get the tyre wear sorted it should be an easy win

EDIT: I think my mate beat the AI by four seconds on his best lap. This would make a five stop strategy quite workable
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Vauxhall TigraS AMMTurbo

Ok then, here we are:

Parts List

N3 Tyres
Sports Exhaust
Stage 1 Turbo
Semi Racing Suspension
Close Gearing Transmission
Twin Plated Clutch
1-Way LSD



Spring Rate= Front: 3.6 Rear: 3.3
Ride Height= Front: 128 Rear: 130
Damper= Front:6 Rear:6
Camber Angle= Front: 1.3 Rear: 0.5

What? Not much? Not enough settings? Its Vauxhall. They cut costs. They use shoddy workmanship. They-
The Following Statement has Been Removed By General Motors Lawyers
I love GM! And they assure us that a more intense, faster, leaner version will be coming in the future. Enjoy!


Now they are fooled, I will tell you why it has little hardware. It is truly a road tune. It is a student's car at a student's price. If you want performance, look elsewhere. If you want cheap thrills, come on down. Take a test drive!

Happy Hunting!

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OK then, a car for the yuppies! A while ago, one of my learned friends requested that I make a Renault 5 Turbo to run on S3s, not too fast, but respectable. So, for my 100th post, I give you the AMMT 5 TurboR. This will be neatened, the car tweaked further, but we felt that the settings were adequate for release to the public. THIS CAR WILL BE REVISED AND UPDATED! Here we go:


S3 tyres
Turbo Stage 1
Sports Intercooler
Racing Brakes
Racing Susp.
FC Transmission
Triple Clutch
Racing Flywheel

Usual order for the gears

Springs:f 9.0 r 11.1
Ride Height:f 86 r 94
Damp Bound:f 5 r 6
Damper Rebound:f 7 r 8
Camber:f 2.0 r 1.0
Toe:f 0 r 1
Stabilisers:f 5 r 3


This car will have updates, the first being a revision of the suspension, the next being the addition of an LSD! Feel free to try (and review)...

Happy Hunting!

<This Post will contain the AMMT/Amuse S2000 GT1 Supercar once construction is finalised>

AMMT Management
690 BHP/ 6000rpm
600.8 4800rpm
1088 kg


A publicity shoot at Mont Blanc. Remember, this BTR is NOT a rally car. Don't expect off road speed!

Parts List

Port Polish
Engine Balancing
Racing Exhaust
ECU Control Chip
Stage 4 Turbo Upgrade
Racing Brakes
Brake Balance Controller
Racing Suspension
Fully Customisable Transmission
Triple-Plate Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Fully Customisable LSD
Weight Reduction Stage 3
R Tyres (at least 2,3 and 4 recommended)
New Wheels (Option)


Front: 3 Rear: 2

Front:25 Rear:30


Okay, R3s, 2s, and 1s will provide wheelspin if you are not careful. Put a harder compound on the back, and expect the car to eat them. R4s or 3s are lovely, all of our tests were conducted on R4s. It is slightly better for wear than we expected, but there is of torque going down on them, so treat the tyres with respect. And pit once the tyres are orange, It will be hard enough to drive this beast on orange tyres, let alone red!


Spring Rate- Front: 10.5 Rear: 11.9
Ride Height- Front: 79 Rear: 79
Damper Bound- Front: 4 Rear: 5
Damper Rebound- Front: 6 Rear: 7
Camber- Front: 2.2 Rear: 1.1
Toe- Front: 0 Rear: 1
Stabiliser- Front:5 Rear: 4


Initial Torque- 5
LSD Acceleration- 26
LSD Deceleration- 55

Ballast Weight

Ballast- 50
Front/Rear Balance- -50

Default, then auto, then final, then individual gears


Driving Aids
None. End of that!

The Stats

0-60: 3.2 seconds
0-100: 5.6 seconds
0-100-0: 8.8 seconds
Maximum Speed: A shade under 210 MPH

Just because it isn't an off roader doesn't mean that we can't get some slides out of this monster!

Here it is, AMMT's Super-racer. This thing is a beast, it is only recommended for experienced drivers. Expect Snap oversteer under Braking, and in the first and second gear.

We have got some advice to driving it though. Go into corners slower than you think you have to, Brake before the corner and glide to the apex, before putting the foot down to release the 690BHP and 600.8 And thus the heavens open up.

This car is quick, real quick. Just remember, Brake, Release, Turn in, Pass Apex, Accelerate.
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Nice, I remember making a BTR race car. The thing was unstoppable at tight technical tracks like Hong Kong, but at high speed tracks was a little scarier like you've described.👍
Thanks Paulie, Good to know that someone still reads the scribblings eminating from this little garage. Sorry about the cars that are not up, I am checking sttings over and over again to avoid another DB9 Fiasco.

Nice tuning garage you've here, senamic.. But I noticed a little mistake: On the first shot in the first post, there stands "Precision Cars for Grand Turismo 4" -> Gran would be right ;) It would be nice if you'd change this 👍
Thanks S-Line. I was changing the picture anyway! Feel free to test one of our cars! We need the publicity!

Thanks S-Line, thinks are quite sleepy here at AMMT. I know part of it is that a lot of tunes have not been posted yet and the whole DB9 debacle is still being a thorn in our side... But it is still soooo quiet! Shouldn't be too bad, will be putting all of these promised cars up soon, plus we have more tunes on the way. Remember people, we are still looking for partners, and are open to negotiations on the naming of the company.

Time for a Review of the AMMT BTR 1986

First of all, some specs.. In stock form, the car has got 385 hp, but now it has got 690 hp, which is really much for a 1088 kg car.. 1088 kg? - Yes, Weight Reduction Stage 3 (Note: 50 kg balast are used here!) was done here, in order to get faster laptimes.. But did AMMT succeed? Read the following and you'll know ;)

First of all the acceleration.. It's just.. umm.. enormous.. I mean the car pushes you really hard into your seat when accelerating, at any time.. There's wheelspin in 1st gear, but you can easily solve this "problem" with throttle control.. Also you don't need the 1st gear at any time, because you can floor it in second and the car offers enough torque to come out of corners fast :) Alright.. Now to the brakes.. And let me say one thing: GREAT! Well, you can't brake late.. well, you can, but you'll get understeer and that's never good having in this car.. The balance in this car is overall good, thanks to the 50 kg ballast set at -50 👍 ..

Positive aspects:

- Acceleration
- Brakes
- Ballance

Negative aspects:

- Wheelspin (Note: The wheelspin is easily controllable, so that it doesn't count as a negative aspect!)


Well done, partner.. I hope this garage'll get more publicity and that people will review cars, because you deserve it ;) :cheers:
Hey Senamic...
I got a new version of GT4 after the old one stopped working.. so i thought i'd test run it. I had a renaut 5 lurking around with 12 miles on the clock, so i thought i would do it up, ammt style.
I am quite in to tuning in GT4, i have my own tuning garage as you may or may not know... so i was reasonaby surprised by what this little puppy of a car could do...

I have to admit that the car feels a bit hairy at times, but if you know how to do it, you can really guide the car through...
as you said, the car isn't as fast as it could possibly be, and i think a few changes to the camber, and ride height could possibly help, but the car feels adequately fun, and fast to drive.
I had lots of fun driving it around the Nurburgring, so really well done on this tune...

try ride height FR 90...RR 96
and camber FR 1.5 and RR 1.0
Thank you for the review, amartya 👍 senamic isn't online right now, but I am and I think he would very appreciate your review and your hints/ tips as I do :) Keep up the reviews coming, please, because we're at the beginning and because of that we need publicity ;) Thank you very much :cheers:
Hey S-Line, since you're now PART of a garage being part of AMMT, wouldn't it be silly if you're advertising for the competition??? (ie. your sig with MFT! :P)

Just thought I'd put it in the air there for you. ;)

Congrats anyway dude. 👍

Now that leaves me and drifting24/7 as the only big solo tuners left on GT4. :eek:
Hey S-Line, since you're now PART of a garage being part of AMMT, wouldn't it be silly if you're advertising for the competition??? (ie. your sig with MFT! :P)

Just thought I'd put it in the air there for you. ;)

Congrats anyway dude. 👍

Now that leaves me and drifting24/7 as the only big solo tuners left on GT4. :eek:

What a big coincidence, right there! I was planning on opening my own tuning garage, even though it means a big compromise, and time (which I'm precisely lacking right now). Being a solo tuner garage has its advantages, though: you can tune whatever car you like, to your own specs, and don't have to worry about someone else ruining your tuner garage's name :P

About the sig, Nenad, he is kind of right :lol: You should at least put your tuning garage above MadFinnTuners, to denote some superiority, or whatever you want to call it :P Good luck, guys! You are going to need it. ;)
I was planning on opening my own tuning garage, even though it means a big compromise, and time (which I'm precisely lacking right now).

When you're a tuner, there's no compromises for your pursuit of GT perfection. :cool: Time is another issue though, no one can have enough of that.

Being a solo tuner garage has its advantages, though: you can tune whatever car you like, to your own specs, and don't have to worry about someone else ruining your tuner garage's name :P
If you have people you can trust (like Leo & Greycap @ MFT, or RJ, Vince & Roj @ RRV do) then you never have to worry about your garage's image being ruined because you have good people backing you up. I'm selfish though, that's why I'm on my own. :D
Good luck guys, as the solo's are drying up fast! I just let people in to give them a break in the scene. I had afew people open there own shops or go on to work at one of the big cheeses shops.
Time for a Review of the AMMT BTR 1986

First of all, some specs.. In stock form, the car has got 385 hp, but now it has got 690 hp, which is really much for a 1088 kg car.. 1088 kg? - Yes, Weight Reduction Stage 3 (Note: 50 kg balast are used here!) was done here, in order to get faster laptimes.. But did AMMT succeed? Read the following and you'll know ;)

First of all the acceleration.. It's just.. umm.. enormous.. I mean the car pushes you really hard into your seat when accelerating, at any time.. There's wheelspin in 1st gear, but you can easily solve this "problem" with throttle control.. Also you don't need the 1st gear at any time, because you can floor it in second and the car offers enough torque to come out of corners fast :) Alright.. Now to the brakes.. And let me say one thing: GREAT! Well, you can't brake late.. well, you can, but you'll get understeer and that's never good having in this car.. The balance in this car is overall good, thanks to the 50 kg ballast set at -50 👍 ..

Positive aspects:

- Acceleration
- Brakes
- Ballance

Negative aspects:

- Wheelspin (Note: The wheelspin is easily controllable, so that it doesn't count as a negative aspect!)


Well done, partner.. I hope this garage'll get more publicity and that people will review cars, because you deserve it ;) :cheers:

Thanks S-Line, I was always nervous with the BTR, but it appears that someone figured out my method of getting speed from it! Thank you for the review, I will take your advice into account. Keep up the great work!

Hey Senamic...
I got a new version of GT4 after the old one stopped working.. so i thought i'd test run it. I had a renaut 5 lurking around with 12 miles on the clock, so i thought i would do it up, ammt style.
I am quite in to tuning in GT4, i have my own tuning garage as you may or may not know... so i was reasonaby surprised by what this little puppy of a car could do...

I have to admit that the car feels a bit hairy at times, but if you know how to do it, you can really guide the car through...
as you said, the car isn't as fast as it could possibly be, and i think a few changes to the camber, and ride height could possibly help, but the car feels adequately fun, and fast to drive.
I had lots of fun driving it around the Nurburgring, so really well done on this tune...

try ride height FR 90...RR 96
and camber FR 1.5 and RR 1.0

Thank you Amartya, cracking review. The Renault is a work in progress, and your advice will be tested by us to see if we prefer the results. We had built the Renaul 5 to be representative of the old hot Renaults, and the original 5 (which of course is this cars base), the old Clio Sports et al. were fun, scary cars. Like I said, and you noted in your review, speed was not our sole goal here. Enjoyment was our aim. Glad you got a laugh or two shooting it around the ring. Feel free to PM me with a request for a tune!

Hey S-Line, since you're now PART of a garage being part of AMMT, wouldn't it be silly if you're advertising for the competition??? (ie. your sig with MFT! :P)

Just thought I'd put it in the air there for you. ;)

Congrats anyway dude. 👍

Now that leaves me and drifting24/7 as the only big solo tuners left on GT4. :eek:

You were the only big solo tuners anyway Mafs, I've never been big! Look at my line-up, 8 complete cars! Ah well, we should be able to pump more cars out now!

Happy Hunting!


Ford SuperKa


Power: 193 BHP/ 5000rpm
Torque: 180.10 2500rpm
Weight: 907kg

Parts list:

- Sports Exhaust
- Brake Ballance Controller
- Turbo Kit Stage 2
- Post Polishing
- Racing Chip
- Twin-plate Clutch
- Racing Flywheel
- 1 Way LSD
- Semi Racing Suspension
- S3 Tyres
- Weight Reduction Stage 2
- Stiffness Upgrade (optional, Cr. 30,000)
- Oil Change

Cost: Cr.69,170 (Note: This is without stiffness upgrade!)



Spring Rate: 3.0 / 2.7
Ride Height: 112 / 120
Damper: 5 / 6
Camber: 1.0 / 0.5

Brake Ballance Controller:

Brakes: 4 / 5

Sure, on a circuit you want a Ford GT, but there are a few things in your way. Firstly, cost. At nearly Cr. 150,000 it ain't cheap. Second, practicality. The boot is useless, the car is so low that it is an act of self-humiliation just to get in and out, and the car is soooo wide! Try driving through a town and then say that the width is okay! Finally, in the city the car has so much wasted potential. Who needs 500 BHP if you cant use it?

Thats where the SuperKa comes in. On the outside, it is the good ol' Ford Ka, and with a boot, normal seats, and some other creature comforts, it visually the same as your average Ka. As such, you will not have to emply a snowplow to clear the crowds when you want to pop over to the shops. However, the Ka has no Suons insulation anymore, and gone too are a few of the regular features. The bonnet is now carbon fibre, for example. The engine's power is now up to 193 BHP, thanks to a powerful little turbo bolted to the inline 4 engine. Couple this with a sports exhaust and you have one hell of a noise. Take that, rice burners!

We at AMMT have the luxury of affording a GT to compare with our SuperKa. We went to Citta di Arria, and the showdown commenced. We weren't simply looking for speed. We were also looking for fun, and driveability around this town. First, the GT.

Now lets get this straight, the GT is just gorgeous to look at, but the looks were not all that was on my mind when I hopped in. This is a wide car. It costs Cr.150,000. These are narrow streets.Damn, this is nerve-racking. I set off.

The GT felt like a great car, and having driven them on tracks on several occassions, I knew its potential. But it was horrible to drive through the town. I was afraid for every second, and although I eventually set a fast lap of 1 minute 38 seconds, I got out as white as a sheet.

The GT is a beautiful car, but it was no fun in the town's twisty, narrow streets. It just took too much effort.

Now, the SuperKa. I got in, and as we had the option pack with the added rollcage, I smiled as I sat in the cabin. It was a funky car. 190BHP going to the front wheels, for goodness sake! I began my drive.

The SuperKa maxes out at around 140MPH, but it felt fast doing 40. It was such a fun car, and it felt sooo fast. I was never afraid, as its Diff did its job well, and while there was wheelspin in the first two gears, that just added to the fun!

I loved every moment that I spent in this car, and was severely disappointed when I found out that my fastest lap was a 1 minute 52 second flyer. But lets think. The SuperKa is half the price. It is far more practical. And it is such a joy to drive. I looked at the GT. I looked at the SuperKa. And that night, I drove home in the SuperKa.

Happy Hunting!

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Thanks. There happens to be a tune hidden somewhere in it, you know! Glad you enjoyed the write up though.
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