Austra-Manx Motorsport Tuning, updated 12-09-09 with AMMT 2002!

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Mazda 323F MPS '93



Power: 331hp/7000U/min
Torque: 308.11 nm/5500U/min
Weight: 1091 kg

Parts list:

- Racing Exhaust
- Racing Brakes
- Brake Ballance Controller
- Turbo Kit Stage 2
- Port Polishing
- Engine Balancing
- Racing Chip
- FC Transmission
- Triple-plate Clutch
- Racing Flywheel
- FC Suspension
- S3 Tyres
- Weight Reduction Stage 3
- Rollcage
- Rigidity Refresh
- Oil Change
- New wheels (BBS 017)



Spring rate: 6.5 / 7.5
Ride Height: 120 / 120
Bound: 2 / 3
Rebound: 4 / 6
Camber: 0.0 / 0.0
Toe: 2 / -1
Stabilizers: 5 / 2


1st: 4.015
2nd: 2.825
3rd: 2.158
4th: 1.717
5th: 1.426
6th: 1.239
Final: 2.500
Auto: 13

Brake Ballance Controller:

Brakes: 5 / 9

Limited Slip Differential:

Initial: 10
Acceleration: 50
Deceleration: 5

Driving Aids:

ASM Oversteer: 0
ASM Understeer: 0
TCS: 0

The Mazda 323F: An understeery slow car which has never shown his full performance. But we at AMMT know that it has the potential to get a fast little car that is well balanced and direct. The car was fully tuned and has 331 hp now. It weights only 1091 kg and has over 308 nm to offer. The understeer is gone and the car is capable of doing laptimes under 8 minutes at Nürburgring. Our fastest lap was 7'57.551, which speaks for itself. The car has improved dramatically. It's not the tiny little car that has been beaten by the opponents anymore, no, now it's a high end little car which rips even opponents with much more hp under the hood. Have fun with your requested car, SaberFire ;)
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BMW M3 Lumma '06


Power: 460hp/7900U/min
Torque: 473.63 nm/4900U/min
Weight: 1570 kg

Parts list:

- Racing Exhaust
- Racing Brakes
- Brake Ballance Controller
- NA Tuning Stage 2
- Port Polishing
- Engine Balancing
- Racing Chip
- FC Transmission
- Triple-plate Clutch
- Racing Flywheel
- Carbon Driveshaft
- FC Suspension
- S3 Tyres
- Oil Change
- New wheels (DUNLOP 002)



Spring rate: 7.0 / 6.5
Ride Height: 95 / 115
Bound: 3 / 4
Rebound: 5 / 6
Camber: 1.5 / 1.5
Toe: -2 / 1
Stabilizers: 2 / 5


1st: 4.470
2nd: 2.990
3rd: 2.228
4th: 1.747
5th: 1.430
6th: 1.219
Final: 2.500
Auto: 19

Brake Ballance Controller:

Brakes: 5 / 7

Limited Slip Differential:

Initial: 10
Acceleration: 40
Deceleration: 10

Driving Aids:

ASM Oversteer: 0
ASM Understeer: 0
TCS: 0

This a special M3. It was tuned by AMMT who worked together with the tuning company Lumma. The car's amount of horsepower has improved: Now it has got 460 hp and offers over 473 nm. The weight of 1570 kg was kept stock, in order to be able to get the vehicle inspection sticker. The car was tuned on Nürburhring and our best lap time was 7'10.694. The stock M3 was a little bit understeery, but now it's gone. The car's more direct now and likes to operate at any RPMs 👍
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TVR Cerbera Speed Six F1R



Power: 585hp/6800U/min
Torque: 696.39 nm/5000U/min
Weight: 994 kg

Parts list:

- Racing Exhaust
- Racing Brakes
- Brake Ballance Controller
- NA Tuning Stage 3
- Port Polishing
- Engine Balancing
- Racing Chip
- FC Transmission
- Triple-plate Clutch
- Racing Flywheel
- Carbon Driveshaft
- FC Suspension
- R3 Tyres
- Weight Reduction Stage 3
- Rollcage
- Rigidity Increase
- Oil Change
- Wing (Normal BSw)
- New wheels (Speedline 028)



Spring rate: 6.5 / 6.0
Ride Height: 110 / 110
Bound: 4 / 5
Rebound: 6 / 7
Camber: 1.5 / 1.5
Toe: -2 / 1
Stabilizers: 2 / 3


1st: 3.420
2nd: 2.139
3rd: 1.572
4th: 1.213
5th: 1.006
Final: 2.500
Auto: 22

Brake Ballance Controller:

Brakes: 6 / 9

Limited Slip Differential:

Initial: 20
Acceleration: 50
Deceleration: 60


Amount: 30 / 30

Driving Aids:

ASM Oversteer: 0
ASM Understeer: 0
TCS: 0

This is the ultimative road legal monster which will rip any car. It was built years ago, but we've bought it from someone from England who wanted to buy a new TVR and sell this Cerbera Speed Six. We decided to buy it and tune it. So did we. The car has 585 hp, weights only 994 kg and offers almost 700 nm. All parts were replaced with the best ones available. The gearbox was replaced, too: Now the gearing fits perfectly to the engine, so that you can get the most out of the car. But what's speed without good brakes? - Yes. We've installed racing brakes to it and made the rear brakes stronger than the front ones, in order to get oversteer under braking. But also here is a special: The car needs 5 seconds to slow down from 300 km/h to 0 km/h. This is a new world record we've attained and we're very proud of. This car won't bite, don't worry. It'll just spin its rear tyres if you push it too hard, but the wheelspin is very controllable anyways 👍 It was tuned on Nürburgring and that's the place where you should drive it. It's excellent at any track, but at Nürburgring it's better than anything else. Our best lap time at Nürburgring was 6'09.587, but still this car has got a lot more potential and you should try to brake that time ;) Have fun!!!
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SaberFire's review of the: "BMW M5 Hurricane+ '09"

Yep, still rocking the 'Ring. Some say I don't spend enough time on other tracks, and that I should buy a holiday home here.
The first one, I'll admit to. I do spend inordinate amounts of time up here. But buy a holiday home? ...actually, after driving this car, I think I'll be inclined to settle down and start a family here.

Not satisfied with one fruit-loop of a saloon, I opted to test drive an M5. Except this, as it turned out, wasn't a normal M5. No, AMMT have somehow fit the M5 body shell onto a Eurofighter Typhoon.
Hence, the name. And boy, does it go like one!

After a pleasant if yet at times harrowing experience in the FPV, I was pretty sure that short of hiring an F1 car (I wish), I wasn't going to find a faster way around the ring. So when the M5 popped along promising a laptime of 6'05, I jumped at the chance.

So, strapped myself in, and pulled onto the track. First impressions? Huh, goes over 9000 RPM now? Nice engine response, car feels very grounded, quite neutral handling.

I continue this vein until I approach the Galgenkopf corner, and then decide to begin the run up to my hotlap by opening the throttle down the straight. Then, without warning, the universe quite simply exploded. And then came back again. Okay, that's a bit of exaggeration, but make no mistake. The sheer power avaliable is truly staggering. It took next to no time at all to get Tiergarten. Better yet, it was at over 200MPH that I realised how stable this car was at high speeds. There wasn't any of the omnious shaking usually associated with spinning and crashing into tree at a billion miles an hour that you usually get with a car so light and powerful.

The brakes performed really well too, slowing me down quicker than I expected them to. So long as you do not try turning the wheel, however, or you WILL spin and crash into a tree at a billion miles an hour.

So, I begin my hot lap at full pelt. Even though this car has had a weight reduction, it is still fairly heavy at just under 1 and a half tones, yet it hardly feels its weight. At times it drives as though it's on rails, and at speeds like this (FAST), it's truly remarkable.

The level of grip on offer is also very good. Short of trying to chuck it around a corner full throttle at 150mph, there aren't going to be many excursions to the Armco barriers in your 'Ring journey.

However, it isn't without faults. While my earlier review of the FPV glossed over a few faults, it wasn't because I'm a fanboy for big and brutal and anything with my name over it, but it just feels like the FPV and the M5 compete in two different classes. The FPV? That'll get the heart going and the blood pumping. The M5? It's a pure racing machine. There are thrills to be had, but with the FPV, you'll be happy slidding through corners at speed while in the M5, you'll be more interested in smashing track records and hunting the opposistion down.

As such, the faults are harder to ignore. At low speeds, for instance, when the downforce is practically non-existent, you'll experience understeer around corners, forcing you to run wider than you'd expect. Wheelspin is a problem at low gearing, and when coming out of a corner, very careful throttle modulation is required, lest you want to revisit a billion miles and a tree.

But that's besides the point. They're problems that exist in all cars. It'd be quite petty to mark the car down on these faults. This car is a technical achievement in itself. The name "Hurricane" is well deserved. I wouldn't be surprised, for instance, to learn that in my test drive I in fact managed to tear the trees from the ground as I sped past them, the car slicing through the wind.

If you've got an M5 handy, and feel like seeing what The Green Hell looks like all blurry, you've got yourself a car!

Okay, I'm a bit late on posting this, but I've been a bit busy with college applications, future planning and Silent Hill 2 :sly:.

I'll try and get the 323F on the track tonight, if I have enough time on my hands. 👍
Thank you very much for the review, SaberFire. About the wheelspin at low speeds I can just say that I wanted to keep it, because the driver should concentrate more and this way you're able to drift it, too. On the other side, there's a lot of grip at high speeds, which is a must here, because you want to go at full throttle through the long corners. Other than that, the car is direct at any time and you should've had the feeling of always having control over it, because this is the main thing in a car like this. A pure race car build for breaking lap time records? - Right. That's what it was built for, whereas the FPV was also fast, but it was made to perform better, forgiving some (or many) mistakes from the driver. Your Corvette is ready to roll out, but I'll release it tomorrow. It's the fastest car I've built for Nürburgring until now and I'm really proud of being able to get a 6'01.577 in it. I just have to break into the 5' and I'll be happy, though. So make ready for a monster with a rough, loud sound, which is faster than any other road legal car :mischievous: 👍
@SaberFire: That's a really good review, mate. Keep up the good work.

@S-Line: Congratulations on the car, sorry I can't promise to review it.
I know I'm very late with posting the Corvette SaberFire requested, but I just hadn't the time. But: The car will be up in two days and furthermore, I'll release another FF car 👍 Aaand, just to let you guys know that I'm also going to release an over 940 hp 4WD monster in a few days 👍

Stay tuned with AMMT! :cheers:
Good news, everyone! AMMT now officially competes in the Tuner Challenge Version 5! :cheers: The car designed to run the competition on the middleweight category was a limited edition '10 version tuned especifically for the Motegi East Course of the AMMT Corvette ZR-1 (C1) released not long ago 👍
Chevrolet Corvette ZR1+ '09



Power: 740hp/6000U/min
Torque: 874.26 nm/4800U/min
Weight: 1197 kg

Parts list:

- Racing Exhaust
- Racing Brakes
- Brake Ballance Controller
- NA Tuning Stage 3
- Port Polishing
- Engine Balancing
- Racing Chip
- FC Transmission
- Triple-plate Clutch
- Racing Flywheel
- Carbon Driveshaft
- FC Suspension
- R3 Tyres
- Weight Reduction Stage 3
- Rollcage
- Oil Change
- Wing (Normal CSw)
- New wheels (Speedline 027)



Spring rate: 8.0 / 7.0
Ride Height: 95 / 90
Bound: 4 / 5
Rebound: 6 / 7
Camber: 1.5 / 1.5
Toe: -2 / 1
Stabilizers: 3 / 4


1st: 3.281
2nd: 2.126
3rd: 1.584
4th: 1.228
5th: 0.992
6th: 0.842
Final: 2.500
Auto: 22

Brake Ballance Controller:

Brakes: 5 / 8

Limited Slip Differential:

Initial: 10
Acceleration: 50
Deceleration: 20


Amount: 30 / 30

Driving Aids:

ASM Oversteer: 0
ASM Understeer: 0
TCS: 0

So here it is, the fastest Corvette ever. Built for racing events, it produces massive 740 hp. It weights only 1197 kg and it's acceleration is unbelievably fast. We put racing medium tyres on it, in order to have enough grip at any time and in order to reach the top speed faster. This car is the ultimative supercar reaper, so be ready to be pushed into your seat. Don't forget to wear your seatbelt, because by just looking at the big racing brakes that were installed we can easily say that you'll need it. Have fun with your requested car, SaberFire! :) By the way, our fastest laptime around Nürburgring was 6'05.035, which speaks for itself ;)
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Flash News
Currently working on two cars.
One is italian, and absolutely gorgeous.
The other one comes directly from America,
and is packed with everything a race car
should have.
Ooo, that Corvette is just begging me to compare it to the MFT C740R...have to try it, I might use it for GVS 300km.

CL, that sounds interesting too, we'll see if I can find the time to review them...
Same thing here, I had to put the autoset on 10 to get the gears like it said in the tune. I think the gear ratios are different in PAL and NTSC.
Nurb 24h, then?:sly:

Yeah, try this :lol: 👍

How do I get the gear raitios in the ZR1? I tried everything.:nervous: Thanks in advance.

Umm, I've reset the gearbox and tried the gear ratios as listed above and everything works. But maybe the reason why it doesn't work for you is following:

Same thing here, I had to put the autoset on 10 to get the gears like it said in the tune. I think the gear ratios are different in PAL and NTSC.

So, if you have NTSC, put the Autoset on 10 👍 (I've PAL)

Damn, that Corvette just LOOKS fast. Even standing still, it looks faster than most of the cars in my garage.
I can't promise anything, but I WILL get a review out for that. Along with the 323F. I've just been so bogged down though, so I can't guarantee it'll be soon. Rest assured, though, I'm looking forward to it! 👍

Damn, that Corvette just LOOKS fast. Even standing still, it looks faster than most of the cars in my garage.
I can't promise anything, but I WILL get a review out for that. Along with the 323F. I've just been so bogged down though, so I can't guarantee it'll be soon. Rest assured, though, I'm looking forward to it! 👍

It is fast. Very fast. And on a side note: I'm not going to release the 4WD car, because it needs some fine-tuning and there's still a little bit of a tendency to understeer (Thanks to 944 hp :lol:). But, there's good news, too: I'm going to release two english cars from the same car brand which destroy any supercar easily in a few days (hopefully before I leave this forum for three weeks!). 👍
Pagani Zonda LR Aniversario '09


Power: 687HP/5700rpm
Torque: 922.77NM/4050rpm
Weight: 1212kg

Parts list:

- Semi-Racing Exhaust
- NA Tuning Stage 1
- Engine Balancing
- Port Polishing
- Weight Reduction Stage 3
- Racing Brakes
- Brake Ballance Controller
- FC Suspension
- FC Transmission
- Triple-plate Clutch
- Racing Flywheel
- S3 Tires
- Oil Change
- New wheels (YOKOHAMA 003)



Spring rate: 10.5 / 12.0
Ride Height: 85 / 95
Bound: 3 / 7
Rebound: 5 / 7
Camber: 2.5 / 1.5
Toe: -1 / 0
Stabilizers: 3/ 4


1st: 3.400
2nd: 2.200
3rd: 1.640
4th: 1.290
5th: 1.040
6th: 0.860
7th: -----
Final: 2.800
Auto: 13

Brake Ballance Controller:

Brakes: 5 / 8

Limited Slip Differential:

Initial: 25
Acceleration: 55
Deceleration: 25


Amount: 0 / 0

Driving Aids:

ASM Oversteer: 0
ASM Understeer: 0
TCS: 0

The Pagani Zonda LR Aniversario '09 (LR = Ligero Rápido: Light and Fast. Aniversario: Anniversary) debuted on March of 2009, in Pagani's Modena headquarters in Italy, Europe. A commemoration car of the first Pagani Zonda, which debuted on March of 1999, exactly 10 years ago, this one presents as many innovations as its predecesor. The car has been stripped of 34 kilograms of interior, along with 4 kilograms which have been eliminated by replacing the existing wheels with lighter ones. The red circle surrounding the current YOKOHAMA's wheels are just a nice, sporty addition to the car. Putting out an astonishing amount of over 680 horsepower, and 922NM of traction, and weighting just 1212 kilograms, this car is ensured to make for a great contender against the most modern and powerful supercars of the world. The brakes have been replaced, and made stronger, along with a fine tuned suspension made exclusively for flat tracks, and a fully customized transmission, tall enough to allow for some speed to be catched while slip-streaming. All of this was thought for this car to be more like a racecar than an actual road car. Acceleration is phenomenal, wheelspin occurs only in first and barely in second gear, allowing for times of 10.770 and lower on the quarter mile. What's more, contrary to what most people may be thinking with just reading these numbers, the car has actually sporty handling to match it's unbelievable power, allowing it to finish the Nürburgring in 6'42.800 minutes flat, and the famous Grand Valley Speedway on 1'48.459 minutes. The Nürburgring time, however, is quite forgiving, given the fact our test driver didn't wanted to die whilst driving a supercar with such stiff suspension settings and a very low ride height, at thrilling speeds.

Overall, a car made especifically for the flattest tracks, which can still prove an exciting drive on the twistest ones. 👍

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Austra-Manx Motorsport Tuning Shelby Mustang 2009 '09


Power: 622HP/6250rpm
Torque: 823.69NM/4250rpm
Weight: 1351kg

Parts list:

- Sports Exhaust
- Racing Chip
- NA Tuning Stage 3
- Engine Balancing
- Post Polishing
- Weight Reduction Stage 3
- Racing Brakes
- Brake Ballance Controller
- FC Suspension
- FC Transmission
- Triple-plate Clutch
- Racing Flywheel
- Carbon Driveshaft
- R3 Tires
- Oil Change
- New wheels (SL0221)



Spring rate: 8.0 / 10.0
Ride Height: 110 / 110
Bound: 3 / 7
Rebound: 5 / 8
Camber: 1.5 / 2.0
Toe: 0 / -1
Stabilizers: 2 / 3


1st: 2.918
2nd: 1.996
3rd: 1.530
4th: 1.220
5th: 1.010
6th: 0.854
7th: -----
Final: 2.700
Auto: 13

Brake Ballance Controller:

Brakes: 3 / 6

Limited Slip Differential:

Initial: 15
Acceleration: 30
Deceleration: 20


Amount: 0 / 0

Driving Aids:

ASM Oversteer: 0
ASM Understeer: 0
TCS: 0

Probably one of the fiercest Mustangs out there, the only difference between this and those is that this one isn't a pony anymore. It's a full grown stallion ready to overtake the rest of the field. With 622 horsepower, it would be more than normal for this car to wheelspin. We decided to equip it with a set of racing tires so we could keep wheelspin to a minimum, allowing it to brake faster, and corner likewise. Suspension is mildly stiff, but with a relatively high ride height, this car doesn't have too much trouble tackling the Nürburgring, blasting it in 6'25.321 minutes. The weight has been kept to a minimum. The previous heavy and fat pony is now a agile and light stallion, increasing every property possible in a car, and also helping with horseshoe wear. For a more retro look, the Mustang 2009 has been equipped with the Shelby Mustang GT350R's rims. Retro looking indeed!

Tuned by Shelby, and Austra-Manx Motorsport Tuning, the chances of the Mustang 2009 failing to meet your expectations are low or, at best, inexistent.
In 2009, Aston Martin recieved a request from a dealer in Hong Kong. Pagani in Hong Kong had requested an exclusive model, the Cinque, for us by 5 of its customers. This Cinque would surely embarrass Aston drivers in Hong Kong. This dealer wanted something to take down the Cinque. Aston roped in AMMT, who have long been business partners to the British marque, to take their DB9 Coupe and make a brutal track day car to meet their requirements.
AMMT lightened the car by 291 kilograms, no small feat, and power output was increased to produce a whopping 671 BHP. AMMT fitted the car with Speedline 036 wheels, the wheels given to many of their upper echelon racing models. Finally, an enormous rear wing was added to stick this beast on the tarmac, and the car was issued the title SCR, for Street Circuit Racing.

It is a pretty expensive build, using the following parts:

Racing Exhaust
ECU Chip
N/A Stage 3
Racing Brakes
Brake Balance Controller
Racing Suspension
Fully Customisable Transmission
Triple-Plate Clutch
Racing Flywheel
Carbon Prop Shaft
Stage 3 Weight Reduction
Port Polish
Engine Balancing
Fully Customisable LSD
Oil Change
R4 Tyres
New Wheels (Optional)
Once in the AMMT garages, the DB9-SCR underwent serious changes to it's default setup. Here are the new settings:

Downforce: 25/29

Initial: 10
Acceleration: 25
Deceleration: 20

Spring Rate: 12.8/11.2
Ride Height: 86/89
Damper Bound: 4/6
Damper Rebound: 6/8
Camber: 3.1/1.2
Toe: 0/0
Stabiliser: 5/4

A: 14
F: 3.330
1: 3.184
2: 2.155
3: 1.544
4: 1.195
5: 0.943
6: 0.820

Balance: 3/5

Weight 0
Front/Rear: 0

Driving Aids

ASM Understeer: 0
ASM Oversteer: 0
Traction Control: 0
This car is not to be taken lightly, and utterly dominates most street circuits. Compare these figures:

Stock DB9
BHP: 449
Weight: 1710
WPR: 3.752

BHP: 671
Weight: 1419
WPR: 2.087

Expect some wheelspin in 1st, and even 2nd if cornering, but this is easily managed. To date the DB9-SCR has been timed at one track day, at the Infineon Raceway- Sports Car Course, where it topped the days timesheets with a 1:28.371 lap. The car also starred at the Hong Kong racing weekend where it was launched, and clocked a lap of 1:17.712 during its display. AMMT claim the following statistics:
0-60: 3.3 seconds
0-100: 6.3 seconds
0-100-0: 9.2 seconds
V-Max: 207.27 MPH
This car was built to race, and race to win. AMMT presents the Aston Martin DB9-SCR
*Cobra R Snip* Suspension is mildly stiff, but with a relatively high ride height, this car doesn't have too much trouble tackling the Nürburgring

Funny then that it is softer than a 100% stock Cobra R ;)

Which would be approximately 15.2 front and 13.4 rear kg/mm spring rates.
News Flash

Four tunes will be up soon. They include a Toyota, two setups of one Pontiac (which may cause issues with some people), and a suprise.

News Flash

Two Jaguars, one Suzuki and one Honda are finished and ready to be posted. Because of moving to another city I'm not able to fire up my PS2, so the cars will be posted in two weeks. Another fifth car (A special) will follow then.​
AMMT DB9-SCR review

Ok then, first off, youve set yourself a challenge here to better an already brilliant car. I test at Fuji 90's and norshleife.

To start with I went out to fuji and belted up, knowing that the race tyres would be a must with so much power. First impression was WOW!!!, I imideatly loved the cars feel and handling. It was very crisp and planted, but left me working a bit, so it already had shown that it had a personality, something that I love to see. I drive around getting consistent 1:25-28's. One issue i pick up on here is that the downforce must be eating the tyres, they were buring up very quickly and after a while left the car nearly undrivable.

Now over a few continents to the Nordshleife. I am hopeless here, which means that the car has to do the driving... I was pushing the car as much as i dared, It became very unsettled when cornering flat at 140mph+ Also, while at the ring i picked up on another little thing that could be improved, the brakes, they didnt feel as conected to the car as lets say the suspension did, I mean, they slowed me down fine, but they just felt very vacant. I posted an appauling lap of 6:56:423. This car I know can do alot better.

So, overall, an amazing car. I would have liked it more with a tad less power and less downforce to make it have the feel of a GT3 DBR9. But that is only on personal preferance.

Anyway, the scoring.

Handling : 10/10 - this is by far the best part of this tune, it is planted, but still gives you a more than exciting ride.

Braking : 6/10 - Now, it may be down to my driving, but the absence of the braking is very unerving and consistently slows the car down in a hotlap.

Performance : 10/10 - Really, flawless is the best word for the performance, the gearbox and engine work amazingly together and the car always goes as quickly as you want it to.

Personality : 9/10 - For a car so well balanced and planted, this car has me sold, It is always reminding you that its a db9 with some wheel spin or a tad of oversteer, lovely.

Tune Quality : 10/10 - By driving this car, you know that alot of time and effort has been put into making an amazing high speed aston, well done to AMMT for this amazing tune.

Well, that leaves the score at a more than respectable 45/50. This car is wonderfull, and a great time to drives, well done AMMT for producing such a brilliant tune.


AMMT DB9-SCR review

Thank you for the honest review Oscar! I fyou want to have a car tuned, feel free to PM me the details.

In other news: My USB lives:dunce::dunce::dunce:!!! I will be taking photos for the next few tunes, then I can put them up!
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